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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. I am a bit of an introvert myself. When overwhelmed I tend to just drain the blood of whoever is crowding me. This has a few effects: 1) obtain blood. The blood is the life 2) often gives insight into who the person is, why they are like they. This can lead to a sympathetic indulgence towards them 3) they shut up
  2. Put on your own life jacket first. Maybe you can politely discuss what is going on. But it does not matter. Protect your health. If you offend someone by quitting without saying something then 1) they are way too easily offended. 2) it does not matter because your health comes first. There are tons of mature people in this community. Sure, we dislike it when someone ghosts from a TF. But we GET IT. Life, and unlife, has major and minor events that get in the way. If you are severely incapacitated by a medical event because you “toughed it out” who will post these threads to entertain me? How about that? Did you stop one second to think of me? No! So take care of yourself. Snarky’s orders.
  3. I never knew this! I go thru hoops with purples or aoe stuns lol my last run through i joined a pug. While they were mostly lost they were of great spirits and we got the 100 boss badge in one run
  4. If only i could customize rez to do this!!!
  5. I am just trying to look like a vampire from a black and white movie set most of the time. But yeah, most people that play...
  6. I would RATHER have a multi boxer on my team than half the people that show up. Have you read some of my PUG stories? Okay, most go way better than the ones I call out, but still... Let me walk you through my logic. If a gamer wants to multi box they have enough invested in the game to try something like that. That increases the chances they have an idea what to do. If a gamer can successfully pull this off they have passed a test, low bar, but still. This further increases the likelihood they have an idea what to do. Or can follow instructions. You have a Tank and a bot tank following you blasting 1 AoE. Not optimal, but on a 4/8 ITF not a bad idea. Soaks up a LOT of agro. Now I just kill the surgeons and wait for the melt. But this "leader" did not believe the players response "no bots" then did not want "two identical tanks" bots or not. F-ing moron.
  7. In no shock to anyone I paint all my colors black, or that muted sickly green yellow common to undead effects. I would love to get the "Domination" power for Dominators colored to look like something besides a Unicorn fart, but I think i am screwed there. But getting an energy blaster to mute everything because of your needs? never going to happen
  8. I have seen 8 tankers clear a speed ITF in under 14 minutes. Tankers regularly farm +4/x8 and no one seems to have a problem joining their farms... That leader was an idiot. As was stated by others you were lucky to avoid spending the time with them.
  9. Is this text wall generated by one of those new chat bots?
  10. My 2 inf. AoE sleep. This is the equivalent of Jackie Chan using a crate to stop a moving car. It gives just enough time to get out of the way. In a team environment those people are woken right back up over 90% time. But it slows down the incoming attacks. The Fear… now that is sweet. The Hold is of course great, but not up often enough. The Confuse…. That is a money maker when you learn to use it right
  11. On a lark I went Mind/Dark Dom for my current main. I have to admit mind control is really strong.
  12. Then there are incarnate inspirations which are damned expensive and help leagues get difficult incarnate trial badges…
  13. 1) you have debt because you died. If you do not want debt then git gud 2) badges
  14. you know there is a maximum proc amount...
  15. as i understand it (and this is all rumor and guesswork) when they merged categories of items (all common salvage, all enhancer ABC attuned or not, etc) they made basically a giant spreadsheet warehouse. New stuff went in, and searches of prices or buys would have to take this extra step. To ensure things went according to plan there is a "manager" a hyper efficient little hamster named Godor. Unfortunately, Godor suffers from depression, drinks a lot, and is honestly just horrid at his job. But bless our Devs, they do not want to throw Godor out into the cold. So... that is how we ended up with the current market state.
  16. oh yes, english is directly a morphed child of german. one of the reasons i enjoy studying it. but the old tongue german has a lot of stuff english speakers found inefficient. i have to learn all that. modern german speakers will use english or world terms for new technologies and situations. German just does not lend itself to new words, unless you want to mash up 7 words into one "sort of close" description of the thing.
  17. I am an American studying German for about an hour a day the last six months. There are many similarities and you can definitely see the relationship. There are also a lot of “false friends” (words that look similar with different meanings). Take shoes. Schuhe in german. Gloves are handschuhe lol. unfortunately german articles change a LOT depending on gender of nouns and different sentence cases (accusative nominative dative…) and as mentioned previously the grammar is just wildly different. German has a habit of splitting a verb in half ( compound words everywhere) and putting one part near the beginning of the sentence and the other half at the end. Since english has fewer compound verb forms this seems alien to me. But it is only because i am learning the verbs “all built up” and when they disassembled my mind melts. The Germans have a saying about their own language “German language, hard language”. Then you get to the grammar. I have high hopes. It is very systematic. I just do not yet understand the system lol. I do see glimmers of hope
  18. too late, i am a few months into my babbel experience on German. i have a grammar book arriving Freitag! i plan to study this a year or two. hopefully get good enough to watch movies in German is my main goal, and read books.
  19. o yes, i know lol. my first few months in German is trying (not succeded yet) in getting comfortable with the genders AND how that changes all the words in the various cases, accusative dative, nominative etc etc. They are consistent once you learn them, but a snakes nest to learn. Then...as you memorize each German noun...memorize its gender so you can use it correctly. sigh. Plus the sentence structure was derived by Yoda. Sure of it I am!
  20. Yeah, English is a fun language. Although so hard to learn due to the fluidity and the varying languages it has blended. I am currently studying German (homage to my Nosferatu icon lol) and it is a very hard language. The rules are incredibly systematic.... But there are sooo many lol. Language is hard right after you learn hello and goodbye.
  21. oh, i thought they were talking about wizards tip that opens strike force. yeah, halloween things only happen on...halloween.
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