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Everything posted by Laucianna

  1. For a set of 5 Hamidon runs within 50 minutes (Around average amounts) you get around 54m Influence which equals 1,080,000.00 per minute For your first Labyrinth run of the day it gets you 27m influence and takes about 20 minutes, which equals 1,350,000.00 per minute Any Labyrinth run after for that day is worth around 13.5m influence so you only make around 675,000.00 per minute (About double a MSR) Which to me is more then generous judging by the difficulty and league size needed to run ❤️
  2. Added that to the possible outcomes of a Gladiator ❤️
  3. I 100% get the idea you are going for here, but to me personally it is simple enough for the League leader to give out these instructions ❤️ Yes there is a bit of confusion since leaders are still getting to grips with it, but in time it will become incredibly simple to lead as it consists of 2 main phases and an optional one: Phase 1 - Gain level shifts through either scouting or killing EBs Phase 2 - Find the Minotaur and kill him Phase 3 (Optional) - Discover the seven motes for the costume and hunt Gladiators
  4. Added them to the guide ❤️ Thank you again hun!
  5. Well done to the winners of the "Western" Friday Fashion Contest with a prize pool of over 1 Billion Influence! Make sure to come see us on FRIDAY at 19:00 EDT at Homecoming - Excelsior for a chance to win! This Fridays Fashion Contest theme will be "Angelic"! It will be in Echo Plaza on Homecoming - Excelsior Join our Discord to suggest a theme for next week and vote on which suggested theme is picked! https://discord.gg/zsXQUzy698 1st: Confederate Ghost 2nd: Weird West 3rd: Wolf Mother Honorarys: Railroad Engineer & Railroad Locomotive Tabitha Tabernackle California Rush Pistoleer Dallas
  6. I believe the meta is between sets and procs no? I don't think balancing the game around IOs is the right way forward as it will just equate to a stat bonus which for me at least isn't fun to fight against, what is fun is unique mechanics to enemy types that are unique to them, like Sappers, Carnie illusionists, Crey protectors for instance. The game at the end of the day is a superhero fantasy game, and from what I have seen a lot of people enjoy it for the more casual play where every power combo can be used, if we make the game more challenging in all aspects of the game it changes the feeling of it. It's why I like the Advanced mode content as a form of challenge within the game to test yourself ❤️
  7. As someone who runs both, Labyrinth is far easier to run mainly due to two factors for me, Lores and scaling difficulty with league size, I am certain a bunch of any ATs with lores can take on Labyrinth, hell if an instanced version comes out I will be trying a Kheldian one. But there is no way you can get away with that for a Hamidon raid 😄 I've said my opinions earlier but to me LoF is a fun new piece of content with a unique way of playing, good rewards, tons of lore, and easy to fill for, which to me makes it a great piece of additional content even if it is not some peoples cup of tea ❤️
  8. Are you okay if I include this in the main post with credit to you hun? ❤️ As they are top tier to use!
  9. I can only give my experience in running these events, they may not be true for you and your experience but I want to give my feedback on this: The rewards are inferior to other events that can be done in-game. It's rewards for running it once a day is greater then a Hamidon raid, running it more then once a day lowers that profit to being just above a MSR, which to me is a perfect position ❤️ Once the minotaur respawns, level shifts are reset and everybody is booted out of the LoF. I agree this is annoying but for me it doesn't ruin the event just adds a bit of annoyance to it 🙂 The motes/badges/gladiators are highly distracting to a league. A good way to go about it from my PoV is to assure the league that you will have time once the Minotaur is defeated to collect the motes for the badge, for the Gladiators Mino fights are the best way to get them so remind them that getting to mino quicker means more Gladiators per min for them. For pick-up leagues, there are simply too many moving parts to run a league. Is there? Even for kill leagues you have two roles, murder and scouting, same as MSR has murder and pulling, or Hami has murder and tanking (A lot of them want that murder part don't they 😄 ) The tools provided of actually organizing the Leagues are lackluster. I think that is more of a general game issue then a LoF, as leagues are messy to deal with
  10. Best of luck hun and if you ever have questions make sure to reach out ❤️ But most of all enjoy!
  11. For what it is worth, I forgive you. And for the people I hurt in keeping the secret, I am sorry
  12. I had a quick look at it hun and tried to keep it as close to the original as possible ❤️ Main things I changed were: The slotting of Light Form and Dwarf, as if Light Form is perma Dwarf resist grants nothing. Added Hasten as that is a top tier power! 😄 Changed the slots from your human heal to the Dwarf heal as it is twice as good as the human version. Added a bit of slow resist in your 2 Dwarf attacks to hopefully help with mobs trying to slow you down! Third Star - Lauci.mbd
  13. I still fully think this is a wonderful idea ❤️ Allowing a clear comparison without it being a competition! Also @Glacier Peak makes a point that it might be better under the AT section? Maybe a mod can move it 😄
  14. Well done to the winners of the "Olympics" Friday Fashion Contest with a prize pool of over 300 Million Influence! Make sure to come see us on FRIDAY at 19:00 EDT at Homecoming - Excelsior for a chance to win! This Fridays Fashion Contest theme will be "Western"! It will be in Echo Plaza on Homecoming - Excelsior Join our Discord to suggest a theme for next week and vote on which suggested theme is picked! https://discord.gg/zsXQUzy698 1st: Olympic Spirit 2nd: Olympic Cyclist 3rd: Universe Is Honorarys: Worlds Oldest B-Boy Olympic Movement Rush Rocket Blizzie Mogul Olym Discus
  15. I would be fully for having 1 and 2 available as it will help with people aiming for the badges ❤️ 3 is a good fun suggestion too, I would also like to see how many Minotaurs you've beaten etc 😄
  16. I for one am fully for a more minimal FX option when it comes to Kheldians, not a complete deletion of the look of the forms but a way for you to still see your costume when in those forms and one of the best examples from Comic Books I can think of is Vixen, where it shows the form for a few moments as a more spectral version of it over your character. I know @Greycat is extremely passionate about maintaining the lore of the Kheldians which is great, but if there is room to both adapt the lore and make a lot of people I do not see the issue. For instance if they added into something along the lines of: "Whilst majority of Kheldians fully transform into their previous hosts to utilize those skills, there are some among them who briefly call upon the strength of previous hosts before containing that strength within their current hosts body." That doesn't destroy the lore, it adds to it by giving the player the choice of how much of their previous hosts do they wish to embrace still, especially coming from a Warshade player who might feel shame upon looking at the previous hosts they had as a Nictus. TLDR: This doesn't have to be a one or the other situation, you can find a middle ground to appease the majority ❤️
  17. I do wish Peacebringers were more Tank/Melee/Support and Warsahdes more Tank/Melee/Control rather then both being Tank/Melee/Ranged so it would be cool to have them be able to fill those roles better as a nova ❤️ But personally I like to class all the Aether costumes as previous hosts so you can have things like Rikti form, DE form, HVAS form etc 😄
  18. Added a mention about the kills counting towards badges ❤️ The Core attunement TP and different Minos are already included 😄
  19. Well done to the winners of the "Black & Gold" Friday Fashion Contest with a prize pool of over 1 Billion Influence! Make sure to come see us on FRIDAY at 19:00 EDT at Homecoming - Excelsior for a chance to win! This Fridays Fashion Contest theme will be "Olympics"! It will be in Echo Plaza on Homecoming - Excelsior Join our Discord to suggest a theme for next week and vote on which suggested theme is picked! https://discord.gg/3deQdRudtZ 1st: King of Shadows & Their throne 2nd: High Priestess Nyx 3rd: Constellation Honorarys: Stainless Soulforge GOLDRUSH Golden Oni Unknowing Popbot
  20. Thank you for that! Updated it now ❤️
  21. I'll be there everytime!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
  22. Gave the fog it's name and updated the Minos typo 😄 Also included the teleportation powers of the Fog ❤️
  23. There are a lot of unique characters you can use in game, a lot of mine I get from https://fsymbols.com/emoticons/ and test which ones work in game by copying and pasting them in local before placing them into my binds or pop menus ❤️ (✿◠‿◠) is by far my fav!
  24. Updated it with a better pop menu, including both methods on how to run it, the secrets, badge guides, and also the lore of the Labyrinth from what I have deciphered ❤️
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