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Everything posted by KaizenSoze

  1. If you want to test toxic, Arachnos has more toxic attacks if you get spiders, then BP. Plus, the Toxic Tarantulas bosses got a buff to their toxic attacks due the attack type changes.
  2. You'll be in fine in non-hardmode play, which is the vast majority. Just set the solo difficultly to what you can handle. Remember you can always turn off bosses. I almost always level my characters on SOs till 50. And for a while afterwards.
  3. Look for Veteran Experience rewards.
  4. I feel the most important thing is to test the changes. Don't just read the patch notes and try and figure it out in your head. As a software developer I value test results over abstract ideas about how things should have or how they must be, because that's how the player sees it their head. Use the beta server copy feature and test! The dev did respond to feedback, see the AE vet exp changes.
  5. Banes have the same issue. I doubt they can fix it in combat teleport. Pretty sure it has to be fixed in the power set.
  6. Try what I just posted. I think the cookies default to live data, which makes sense.
  7. Probably due to cookies. Go here first: https://cod.uberguy.net/html/index.html In the upper right corner you'll see something like this: homecoming-20220329_4798 Click on the text and select "Switch to Alpha data". I think that will allow you see the new sets when you click on controller or dominator.
  8. You might be able to find some of the answers here: https://cod.uberguy.net/html/powerset.html?pset=dominator_control.symphony_control&at=dominator
  9. No, they have different missions. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Maharaj https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Ephram_Sha
  10. As pointed out to me, defense apps from P2W, will help a lot. Yes, afk farmers might need to adjust.
  11. Outside of the AE changes. Here's how I see it. Aggro changes make smart pulling a wee bit more needed. Unless you're playing a super sturdy AT. Attack type changes means you'll be taking more damage, not huge amount, but more. Combine the two, soloing at 4x8 got a bit harder depending on what you are running. If you're use to playing with squishy builds that required smart pulling you'll be fine. If you were relying on s/l softcap and the 17 aggro cap to leap into rooms with multiple 4x8 spawns. You're life is going to get noticeably harder, but not the doomsday levels they are talking about in the attack type thread.
  12. Yes, line of sight pulling (LOS) is going to be needed more now solo. Minus perception powers also help with pulling. I already repec'ed Smoke Nade back onto my Night Widow and added Fold Space.
  13. I do not know a lot about the limitations of the alignment system. Dark Astoria is a co-op zone like RWZ. So, there might be different rules for alignment. As I don't believe you have to a particular alignment to run contact missions in RWZ. I could be wrong. I'll have to test it. Coping missions to both contacts would be a good work around, but I was hoping for more variety. Of course, Cimerora will also have repeatable incarnate level missions. Maybe bounce between zones every hour or so, once I get tired of running the same missions over and over.
  14. Due to the upcoming AE changes I am expecting an uptick in "radio/repeatable" mission groups. I enjoy running Dark Astoria radio missions, but I think there are two improvements needed. Vigilantes and Rogues should be able to talk to both contacts. Currently, they are locked into one, it would make those alignments a bit more useful. The reason to allow them to talk to both contacts. There aren't enough missions per contact, only eight missions. So, make Vigilante and Rogue alignment more useful. Add more missions to both contacts. Thread I created awhile ago more context.
  15. To be clear, you want to keep support marginalized. So, you can curb stomp mobs due to s/l defense massively over performing. Haha. I said a little bit more needed, not required. Again total overreaction to the changes.
  16. I love a good stat nerd fight! *pulls out popcorn and a calculator*
  17. I agree with this suggestion. It's actually thematic as Widows deal psi and toxic damage. A little toxic extra resists due to their training would be nice.
  18. As usual I am going to ask. Have you tested it? One person with having issue with their corruptor, but the blasters that have tested are not reporting a huge change. And you ask why, I will not speak for the developers, but why should two defense type smash and lethal invalidate the need for six other types of defense. Not even including the three positional defenses. I have faith that the player base will easily adapt to the changes.
  19. I was the one that posted that link. I created a AE mission on Brainstorm called Frozen Hell if you want to test against the Winter Horde. It's very quick and dirty, so don't expect much except being able to fight Snowbeasts. Now, the Winter horde only appears during the Winter Event. So, it is not a enemy group will be running into regularly. So, if you get chewed up by them, it's specific to that one group. In general most enemy groups are the same, except for a few powers. The Winter Horde appears to be an exception, not the rule.
  20. You're right, someone going is find a rarely fought group that is quite a bit nastier. On that note! Thank you for mentioning the Winter event. I looked up the Winter Event mobs. Yes, that needs to be tested, because it looks like all the mobs from minion to boss get an boost from this change. Lots of ice attacks are now cold/positional, changed from smash/lethal/cold/positional. City of data: https://cod.uberguy.net./html/category.html?pcat=event If you click on the "Cryptic" or "Homecoming" link in the upper right corner you can switch between live and beta versions of the powers.
  21. Might I also suggest my personal favorite Elec/Ice/Mu Blaster. Using Cardic Radial it's a monster drainer with an 30' slow toggle and another slow cone with 60 second duration.
  22. I know I sound like a broken record. Have you gone onto Brainstorm and tested it? Folks who have tested it are not reporting a massive change. When this change first appeared, I was worried. So, I tested it very heavily and found it not to big a deal.
  23. I am guessing two powers *might* be more used often. Powers that debuff perception, like smoke grenade. And fold space to group as you said. More squishy solo players might need to pull more carefully.
  24. I knew where Fort Trident was before the patch. But I had to look at the HC wiki to find the Crucible. You would think it would be in Mercy, but...
  25. Green dot. Far east side of Cap du Diable. There was talk about moving it.
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