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Everything posted by KaizenSoze

  1. I have three level 50 stalkers IM/Ninja, Elec/SD, and BS/SD. They are much more fun than scappers, but nowhere near as durable as my VEATs. I find stalkers, like all pure melee, very repetitive. That's why I can't stick with them.
  2. I changed the power order to be more newbie friendly. Yes, I hate "tank and spank", gets boring quickly. As for single target damage, this NW build scratches the stalker itch pretty well. Without the downsides of stalkers. Slash is such a monster. Nothing like two shotting 54 lts, Illusionists, or taking half health off a boss.
  3. I admit power order is a bit odd. Comes from redoing the build many times and straight swapping powers instead of starting from scratch. I might move stuff and re-post the build. As for the lack of AOE it's fine. I did a level 40 red side SF with Mu available. I can stealth, EF, BL, then spin again. Now, there is a recharge gap before EF or BL are back, so it's claw, claw, then AOE. I have figured out that I am very sensitive to the attack rhythm. Even if another attack chain is "better", if the rhythm bothers me, then I won't stick with the build. That's what happened to the Widow build with proc'ed out dart burst and psychic scream. Lining up the cones with slightly different cast times and arcs was janky. Also, cones lose functionality once you're in melee. Hop and pop doesn't work for me. So, for the last three weeks I have played almost more on the beta server than live trying to find a build with good rhythm. After that SF, I did a Yin, so no Mu, only Spin. Did I miss Mu, yes, a little. The team had lots of control, so I didn't want to flip back to my Fort build. So, it's team friendly scrapper mode. The high run speed on this build is so much fun. Melee is easier than usual because things cannot get away. I can run down anything, Mu zappers, council wolves, etc... Or I can run the hell away very fast. The final battle in the Yin TF went sideways, so I spent several minutes kiting two groups with 3-4 super stunners in and out of the reactor to stay alive. I could run out pick off 1-2 mobs, run back into the reactor room much faster than any of the fliers could pursue. For a 20-30 second breather.
  4. I know it's Carnies, but considering they have been around since issue 1. It's a shame they never got a TF, SF, or even an ITF. Carnival of Darkness are one of my favorite villain groups, but I wouldn't want a TF composed of just them. There are some many different types of carnies and lore now. I'm sure a couple of story arc like what's on the beta server could be created.
  5. Finally, pulled the trigger and respec'ed my alternative build. Meet the Mu Widow. Pros: Extensive use of the Mu Mastery pool, hence the name. Took advantage of the easy to perma Mind Link to proc attacks. Swipe can hit close 400 without Follow up or Gaussian Build Up. Follow can hit close 300 without Follow up or Gaussian Build Up. Electrifying fences proc's well for 172, plus -12.5 resists. Ball Lightning proc's well for 190, plus -12.5 resists. I know the -resists don't stack, but I like to make sure each mob is debuffed. Almost soft capped to everything. One small purple or team buffs will cap you. Very high run speed with Mental Training and set bonuses. Really saves your bacon when things go sideways. Cons: Only spin for AOE below level 30 if exp'ed down Does chew through end when using single and AOE attacks continuous, but that's what Ageless is for. Or maybe Cardiac. Eviscerate just doesn't work for me. I just suck and melee cones. Note: Provoke is for when I run teams with lots a lowbies. I have done a 180 on TT:Offensive, the accuracy is great for proc builds. And the toHit resists allow me to hit much better against -tohit mobs like Carnies.
  6. Yep, redraw is an issue for all VEATs. Talked about extensively in this thread.
  7. A silly suggestion, you should add a badge called "You swiped left" for the AV Tinder in DFB. Let's say you have to defeat him in under a minute.
  8. Now, I can see the status and resistance buffs on my defender from EMP arrow.
  9. I don't know what you're talking about. Please, enlighten me. Ah, you me this: Fear Incarnate
  10. So, yet again I keep tinkering on the beta server. This one is for @Tidge, since they are the one that suggested the Presence pool. Strong emphasis on AOE fear. Giving this build strong damage mitigation. I didn't take Unrelenting for two reasons. I am not good at remembering to use long recharge powers. Two, I didn't have slots to make the recharge worth it. Crowd control gets the terror ATO set to add more AOE fear. I finally got the power analyzer out, the ATO -dmg is -13.5% if anyone was wondering. Surveillance does not get procs on purpose. I want to prep my stealth strike target w/o notifying it. Intimidate is good for range pulling. The build works well against 4x8 Arachnos and Carnies with the usual caveats. Sometimes RND is just going get you. Mace of Terror build:
  11. You're probably right, but I would still check because people have hand edited the costume files. There might be a trick.
  12. Well, I didn't know about the epic costume slot vs regular. You might want to ask in the Art and Multimedia or Guides forums. There is a lot of information and helpful people in both.
  13. My thinking at this point is Mu for Widows and Soul for Fortunatas. NWs need something that works in melee and their two native AOEs are cones. Mu has two targeted which is perfect because mobs are going clumped around you. Fortunatas could use a ranged single target attack that is not psi or lethal. They have plenty of native AOE. Gloom fits perfectly. Interesting discovery playing around with Mu Lighting slotting. The difference in damage between 5 slotting Power Transfer with the Apoc proc as the six and 6 slotting Apoc is less that 10 points of damage. ML slotted with PT gives a 30% chance to get 10+ endurance back each attack on a recharge of ~3 seconds depending on the build. Of course, the set bonus matter a lot, but I thought someone might find that useful. Note, Mids and in game power description differ quite a bit. The 30% end return is only show in game description. Mids implies it's every hit.
  14. I am tinkering as usual with my Night Widow build aka the Mu Widow. I am curious which pool people prefer for their Widow or Fortunatas of any flavor and why. Soul: Gloom: which has a great DPA. I find the dot part annoying, because I don't know if the dot will finish or do I need to attack again Soul Tentacles: seems to be an very proc'able cone, but it's still a cone Dark Obliteration: a good AOE proc'able or straight AOE Darkest night: I am guessing few folks take it Melee pet has anyone taken it? Mu Mu Lightning: second best ranged single target pool power it terms of damage. It can return endurance to the user 30% of the time Electrifying Fences: very proc'able immobilize AOE, the range is a bit short Ball Lightning: very proc'able AOE or straight AOE Static Discharge: decent ranged proc'able cone, but it's still a cone Ranged pet
  15. You must be running Elude to get those numbers! Cardiac is also another good choice for end heavy builds. It's usually your attacks that are draining you. Night Widows are buzz saws. Cardiac helps with that.
  16. You can get an invisible extra costume slot. I discovered this when I was writing my guide. https://archive.paragonwiki.com/wiki/Costumes#Soldiers_of_Arachnos
  17. No idea if the original developers envisioned players mixing the powers as much as players do. Maybe their thinking was, if you went crab, you took all crab attacks. Why else would have have a crab venom and frag nade replacement? Not sure what they were thinking with banes...
  18. My guess is that pets are supposed to make up the difference.
  19. I am guessing, that's because you can accidentally TP right into a spawn.
  20. I am not against buffing stamina to make earlier levels easier for everyone. Your ideal is interesting. 🙂 Here's how I feel the state of Arachnos are: Everyone needs no redraw and a better inherit. Crab soldier and Fortunatas are in a good place, except for that crab backpack. Well, giving basic controls to VEAT pets would be huge plus for crabberminds. Night Widows are on the bubble, maybe a slight increase to AOE damage. Or my high recharge time Psychic Wail swap for Psychic Scream idea. Huntsmen would be nicely improved with no redraw w/o any power changes. Or at least swapping their single target melee for ranged. Their single target ranged damage is meh IMO. Pure mace banes need help. They are out melee'ed by Night Widows, out AOE'ed and debuffed by Huntsmen and Crabs, and have nothing like the bag of tricks that a Fortunata has. And trying to mix soldier and mace attacks is redraw hell.
  21. Yes, all ATs have end problems sometimes into the mid or late game. It's just that Arachnos's inherit is increased regen and recovery. And it not does seem up to be the task. If like if blaster's inherit only gave a tiny bonus to damage. Or scrapper's crits were only 25%. Those ATs would be screaming.
  22. As a non-gaming programmer, I understand. Since, you're using the tram-monorail code. You're limited by that code. Would be nice for a future patch. Thank you as always.
  23. Emps can solo just fine. As they say, you have to build for it.
  24. This has probably been suggested a dozen times before in the thread. LRTP needs to not fire until a destination has been picked. Right now, clicking on the button fires the power and starts the ten minute cool down. This would take care of user mistakes. Example: Running a mission arc Click LRTP Realize you forgot to do something in your current zone Cancel LRTP Talk to contact, but now you have to wait ten minutes to use LRTP I know there are other travel options, but this would be a nice to have.
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