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Everything posted by KaizenSoze

  1. Title pretty much states it. Which combo works best? Vigilance vs Scourge Force Field Generator 20+ vs 15% def Proc potential vs damage cap Stuff I have not thought of.
  2. I finally got around to making one of these. Still low level but working well so far. What kind of farm completion times are people getting? Say the comic con meteor map?
  3. I have a dark blast/tactical arrow concept blaster. I had a costume idea first, then powers second. This is my first blaster using tactical arrow. My problem is that I have an embarrassment of riches in control. I can stack 6 mags of immobilizes or 9 mags of holds Two mag 3 immobilizes. Three mag 3 holds, two of them aoe. Slow patch What are your thoughts on what powers are useful? I have no choice on the immobilizes. But the holds are up for debate. Abyssal Gaze has a 3 sec cast time, but does high damage. Ice arrow is quick but low damage. ESD arrow has a long recharge and suppresses your end for a bit. As for slows, glue arrow feels like a better caltrops in terms of ease of use. How often do blasters actually use their control powers in PvE?
  4. I am fighting my instincts for building other ATs. I usually build for defense, then damage. I tweaked quite a bit due to your excellent feedback. Range def now dropped to 32%, but I manage to keep S/L soft capped. Haste is now 153.75%. I still have three FF: recharge slotted attacks. The main difference is slotting more LoTG recharge by swapping hibernate and hoarfrost for stealth and invisibility. Chain is still slotted for immobilize, not sure if I can lose the 10% recharge from the ATO set.
  5. I tried a few builds. This one interests me the most at the moment. Character is only level 9 now. Electric control/Earth Assault Pros: 44.1% S/L def 39% Ranged def Proc'ed out multiple attacks Lots of damage mitigation, ele controls, mud pots, two ice rains. Things should be sleeping, confused, running, slowed, falling down Good ST damage and decent AOE Good end management. I am going to need it. Cons: Only 105% global recharge, but I have three attacks slotted with FF: Recharge. Not sure if that's going to be enough for perma, but I will find out. Questions: What is the general consensus on where to put the ATO sets?
  6. Have you looked in the Badge forum at the spreadsheet?
  7. I am thinking about trying out Dominators again. I won't go into why my first couple of attempts didn't go well. I do not want to poison the well. I have played Homecoming COX quite a bit and I have learned a few things about what I like and do not like. I am looking for a build with these features: A small attack rotation, controls/melee. I can handle clicking those few buttons a lot, but I find managing too many powers tiring. Not as young as I use to be. 4-5 powers, plus 1-3 occasional long recharge power Incarnates are not included in the count Can solo +2 or +3 easily, at least after perma-dom Ex-emps reasonable well. Not a very late bloomer. Is not a horrible end hog. I know perma-dom fixes a lot of end issues, but I like to ex-emp. Thank you for your advice.
  8. Musculature. Agility will hurt your proc rate, because it effects your recharge enhancements. Quicker power recharge, lower proc rate. Ageless is a global recharge.
  9. I leveled an ice/ice into the 20s. One problem I found was that Chilling Embrace will block re-hide if any live mob is still effected. I am not sure how Chilling Embrace works with the ATO hide proc. I didn't get that far. The proc might override Chilling Embrace or not. You might want to check that.
  10. I should have asked this earlier. Forget about all the number crunching. What makes this build fun for you? For me, it's the great AOE damage and defensive variety. The single target damage is icy on the cake.
  11. IHMO: Resist are good. I think you should soft cap ranged defs with hide suppressed. Mids is showing 42%. You can get this by swapping out one of your defense sets for Red Fortune. You have no kd/kb protection till hover at 49. Ex-emping down could be painful. Are you having endurance issues? end mod proc is stamina can help
  12. One thing to consider is if you like the attacks sounds and animations. I found that I dislike both powersets because of the sounds. At higher levels there are a lot of robots, which are psi resistant. They are usually smash weak, so staff might be better.
  13. I guess the EA psi hole wasn't a problem?
  14. I am not familiar with those primaries, so I do not have any comments. As for secondaries, Ninja starts pretty strong. You get all your positional defense powers by 4 Caltrops is great for keep mobs busy Downsides is that you get your status defense at 16 and it's a click
  15. The mission map will not work inside the cave. Paragon wiki does have a map. If prefer to go counter-clockwise.
  16. Dominators. I did research them before I tried one. But the whole should I melee or range attack just drove me nuts. Especially, since doms get are 105% melee and 95% ranged damage. Also, the weakness before perma-dom. Plus, the hacky bind scripts to keep hasten and perma-dom up.
  17. Working on this build, she's level 39 now. Looking for any suggestions. Since, I got really good feedback on my ice/ninja thread. Pros: Against All Odds, damage bonus. All the usual benefits of the less resisted cold damage. Nasty AOE chain BU->SC->FA->Frost->AS->FA. It's not elec/sd, but it's an excellent balance of ST and AOE. Soft capped with hide suppressed for melee and ranged, but not AOE. See below. Lots of recharge possible with Force Feedback in Shield Charge. Cons: AOE is not soft capped with hide suppressed. An even bigger end hog than my ice/ninja. I cannot run all my toggles unless I am sure the fight will be short. Much squishier than ice/ninja. Lacks a self heal, lower base defense values, and less damage mitigation. It does have better resists. Comments: I really miss the ice patch/caltrops combo. It provided a great deal of damage mitigation. Damage is obviously going to be better than ice/ninja, but only after I get the end and def issues under control. AAO is not providing enough -dam given other factors to avoid the squishy-ness. I wasn't expecting it. It's really not the strength of that power. Since, I have read too many Redlynne threads. 🙂 I am going to over explain how I think the AOE chain should work: Current plan:
  18. I included everyone's great feedback in the guide.
  19. This! So many of the games I have tried are primarily mouse driven. Path of Exile was causing me shoulder pain because it's so mouse driven. Side note, I was enjoying Neverwinter online, until I tried to make a third char and they said I had to purchase a slot. Screw that!
  20. As Sovera said it's on any global attack. I have gotten it off throwing caltrops, when the ATO is slotted in ice sword.
  21. I was wondering about that. I had not had time to try it.
  22. I was reading in the Brute forum about fire farming builds. And a user named, Profit, makes this comment: arch/nin blaster > spines/fire/fire. I was bored and curious, so I tried to make one on the beta server. No idea how it should be build. Suggestions?
  23. Alas, I got to 35 and power boost does not work on FFG. Mids is wrong.
  24. I was playing around in Mids with a traps/sonic defender at I noticed that power boost effects the force field generator. Is the an artifact of Mids or does the effect stick on the FFG after power boost ends? Because that makes a huge difference if it does. An FFG with three level 25 def IOs is ~22% def to all. Power boosted, it is 33% def. That makes soft capping all defense extremely easy. If no one knows I'll try it out on the beta server in the next few days.
  25. I agree that losing the end heal in Ninja is annoying. Still, I will nit pick a bit. Hide is of course awesome, but just as important is the ability to almost crit at will. No other AT can have a crit chain like BU->FA->AS->FT with the regularity of a stalker.
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