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Everything posted by Demobot

  1. Holy crap. That was definitely the best episode of the season so far, maybe of the whole dang show. This season has been a little uneven up to this point, but this more than made up for any criticisms I've had.
  2. I turned into a monkey during a Yin TF last week. Gave the Freakshow a taste of monkey gas they will not soon forget. Personally I think De-evolution is hilarious, and I wouldn't change it. It happens rarely enough to make you forget that it's a real possibility. 60 seconds isn't that long, though it feels like an eternity if it happens in combat.
  3. I've had this happen. Try jumping when you're in the red box. It's like the actual exit is offset vertically from the visual indicator.
  4. Issue 8 was released toward the end of 2006, and introduced the revamped Faultline zone with its own story. The story introduced is one of my favorites, and I've played through it many times, both on the live servers and on Homecoming. But until just this week I hadn't realized something that in hindsight was blindingly obvious. [Spoilers for an 18 year old story arc ahead!] The event that destroyed Overbrook was caused by the villain PsiCurse altering time with the PsychoChronoMetron to turn Faultline from a hero into a villain. PsiCurse didn't know that Faultline was a mutant and assumed he used earthquake machines. As a result, this creates a feedback loop that results in the death of Faultline and the destruction of Overbrook. I just assumed that PsiCurse died too. But he didn't! You even fight him alongside Arbiter Sands! It's Kurse! His name didn't even change that much! Please, please, please, someone out there tell me I'm not the only one who didn't realize this. Feel free to point and laugh otherwise.
  5. Bio is probably my favorite armor set, but it isn't ideal for fighting a single strong enemy. It does its best work against larger groups of weaker enemies. I wouldn't use Efficient Adaptation during a fight. Scrappers really benefit from Offensive Adaptation because they get a higher damage buff while Hardened Carapace is active than other ATs (31.25% vs 25% for Stalkers, Brutes, and Tankers). This plus the added toxic damage means you should pretty much be using it by default during combat. Fighting an EB like Cortex is probably the worst case scenario for Bio Armor, so yeah, you're not doing anything wrong.
  6. Go to Viridian City and talk to the old man who teaches you how to catch Pokémon. Then use Fly to go to Cinnabar Island. Use Surf and go up and down the west coast of the island (right on the edge) until you encounter MissingNo. Fight it or run away from it (but DO NOT catch it), and then you should have 128 GMs in the sixth item slot in your bag.
  7. I haven't played much of the other Dragon Age games, but I have played the Mass Effect trilogy multiple times. I'll be keeping a close eye on this one, not because I have much interest in playing it, but because there's a new Mass Effect game on the horizon. I'm hoping this game succeeds. After Andromeda and Anthem, BioWare needs a win.
  8. Sucks to be booted from a TF, but their team, their rules.
  9. My main character and namesake, Demobot, (Fire/Energy Blaster) in his first costume circa 2004, and his most recent costume.
  10. The Faultline arcs (Jim Temblor, Penelope Yin, Doc Delilah, and Agent G, level 15-25) are personal favorites.
  11. I have a Spines/Bio/Mu Brute that's level 50, fully kitted out, and one of my favorite characters. Bio Armor is a fantastic set, and I wouldn't skip any powers in it. Definitely read each power description carefully to understand which power does what with each Adaptation. You'll probably wind up using Offensive Adaptation the most, but Defensive and Efficient have their uses. Spines brings a lot of AoE to the table but suffers from longer animations and a lack of good ST attacks. However, once you're running two damage auras enemies will just start melting. Elite Bosses will be a pain while leveling up, though.
  12. "...yum..."
  13. I've got a Storm/Storm Corrupter I've been leaving idle since I saw the buffs coming to Storm Blast. I'm looking forward to tossing some more lighting around.
  14. My rule of thumb for marketeering generally is that if you list an item and it sells instantly, you listed it too low. The only reasonable exception I can think of is if you're just starting out and have literally no inf whatsoever. Otherwise you're better off listing higher and waiting. As a wise person once said, the market is a mechanism for transferring wealth from the impatient to the patient. Maybe some people think they're being altruistic by dumping stuff for 1 inf, but lowball bids tend to be placed by people who are going to resell those items at a higher price later on.
  15. I've seen it happen with Eochai's pumpkins during Halloween events. At one point a pumpkin grew to contain all of Atlas Park and then disappeared.
  16. That was weird, but at least I learned how to cancel flights at various airlines.
  17. Leveling pacts were disabled back in Issue 21. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Leveling_Pact
  18. I just rolled an EM/EA Stalker today, and of the two ATO procs Stalker's Guile has been the biggest game-changer so far (level 15). Two-shotting bosses with back to back AS and Bonesmasher crits is incredibly satisfying. I cannot wait for Total Focus and Energy Transfer.
  19. Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
  20. Never thought I'd see the day. Thank you guys so much for keeping the game alive!
  21. This was due to an exploit. I lost about 48 billion because of it, but I did get the Bug Hunter badge.
  22. I got in just under the wire and made my first ever donation. Thanks for keeping the game alive!
  23. I'm kinda curious if there are any changes that could be made to seeded salvage without raising the barrier of entry for the invention system. I understand the reasons why seeded salvage was added, but it has the side effect of making common and uncommon salvage drops mostly worthless. Granted, it may just be my nostalgia for the old market seeping through, as I have fond memories of rolling up new characters and building up a fortune from scratch, often relying on that first Luck Charm as seed money. I know there are quicker and easier ways to get inf on new characters (and I could easily mail them a few million out of the billions I already have), but I kinda miss starting from nothing and having to claw your way to that first million.
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