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Captain Powerhouse

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Everything posted by Captain Powerhouse

  1. It is my theory that the change that introduced the bug in question was precisely meant to sync multiple effects.
  2. End reduction is a percentage divisor, and is global. There is no way to use enddiscount to make it exactly a zero sum exclusively for the toggles. Every power used would be affected. -End and EndCost are not equivalent, this would not work. There is no way to ever make this an accurate zero sum. A player might be running the toggles, someone else might actually turn them off, or maybe not even have some in their builds. Or slot for discount so their cost is different. Just like mez suppression: any offensive auras (anything that currently drops when held, sleeped or stunned) would not be considered if toggle suppression is implemented. Overall: I mentioned that the end cost does not go away because it is simply the compromise that would need to be accepted for toggle suppression to be pursued.
  3. That sounds like pre-PPM behavior. PPM greatly reduces proc-rate on low recharge powers and auras. This was done by the live team perhaps one or two issues before shutdown.
  4. I'm not going to comment on most of the thread at this time, but wanted to clarify one thing: Toggle Suppression means that the effects stop applying under specific conditions (in the context of this thread, while shape-shifted.) This, however, does not remove the endurance cost. How many would accept that turning on Dwarf or Nova form no longer stops the endurance drain of powers that are doing nothing?
  5. OK then that is WAI. I know not everyone is a fan (there is never ever anything where everyone is a fan,) but one of the frustrating things of the old gauntlet is that there was no way to know whom were the 4 targets getting taunted by the AoE.
  6. AoE gauntlet has a more translucent version of the Taunt VFX, it should have no audio. It should only be triggering only around the primary target of a targeted attack (not on PBAoEs or auras.)
  7. When a company releases a “hot fix“, it still goes through internal QA processes, it just tends to be expedited and the patch pushed out of regular patching schedule. Nothing should ever be pushed live without at least some testing. Rushing any fix almost always tends to result in issues. Sometimes bigger ones. Biggest issue we have compared to any live game is we don’t have a full QA team to test changes. It is not too rare for QA departments to be larger than development ones. For a long time I had people ask what can they do to contribute to the game. I know testing is not the most glamorous answer, and can be both, monotonous and a waste of time that could otherwise be used to do actual in game progress, but it is honestly the answer.
  8. Half true. It is the goal of purple triangles that an AV should not be held for more than 50% of the time. Due to implementation, it is not always the case. The devs kept increasing the mez prot of new critters over time, here and there, whenever they gave it some thought, so purple triangles for some AVs might be stronger than others. Overall, its an implementation that may warrant revision at some point.
  9. It was not pre-announced. I tend to quietly follow this sub-forum. Threads like this help.
  10. The fix for this is currently in the beta server.
  11. The power that does that has a flat 75% chance of spawning critters. 25% of none spawning. That might be a bit different from before, it is likely that this used to be a 75% roll for each individual spawn, but that still means 3 out of 4 should spawn those.
  12. Did a bit more digging, none of this is new but: The summoning power in question requires them to be alive. They need at least 7 endurance to summon the sprokets. Its AI use is restricted to mid-battle. This means their HP must be above 25% but under 50%. Kill them too fast, they will never get to summon Srpokets. And of course, if they are held or mezzed during the valid window, they wont be doing it either.
  13. Not all Clockwork Bosses spawn Sprokets. The following do: Assembler Duke (lvl 1-10) (Boss) Assembler Prince (lvl 11-20) (Boss) Clockwork Lord (lvl 10-20) (Elite Boss) Cannon Duke, Tesla Duke, Cannon Prince and Tesla Prince don't spawn Sprockets.
  14. No. There is no change in pulse rate. An Auto Hit aura will auto-hit taunt, an aura that has a tohit check will still need the ToHit check. Minor note on that, though: Taunting AVs (and any "RaidTarget") has never been AutoHit, even on AutoHit powers. All these Inherent Taunt attributes have always had an extra ToHit roll check against AVs that have a -20% penalty.
  15. There is no straightforward way to do this at the moment without a new engine feature to support such a thing. Even if it was added, it would open demands from a lot of people asking more and more that this or that miss should just use up no time at all. I know already it would be the kind of thing that I would regret doing for any given power. *Bit less, when you count the streakbreaker forcing hits
  16. If I recall, the animation was shorter than Total Focus, it was just busy so it gives a perception of length. On that note: if left to pure perception, some might say Energy Transfer is slower than Total Focus, when its significantly faster.
  17. That is not a good representation on impact, as there are more things affecting PvP damage than the damage formula. All players have different damage modifiers for PvP, and it tends to be higher than their PvE damage. A lot of powers would take a bigger nerf than what you see there if the PvP formula was applied on PvE. Edit: It would be a huge re-balancing project to change the PvE game to use the PvP formula, and few would be happy with the result (even if it was a buff) due to it forcing big gameplay changes.
  18. I remember that Chun Li kick. I used to have a Martial Arts scrapper, damned cool name, the kind you only get if you start very early: Shadowing (a batman kinda character with a raven/crow mottif.) That kick was in my mind the center of that character's soul. When they took the animation away, I was so angry I deleted the character. If i find that animation in the files, and I think it actually is still there, hiding somewhere, I'll nerf MA only to return the animation!!!! (Just kidding, but I seriously would figure a way to get the animation back into the game.)
  19. Armor-set specific changes never made it live. Instead, the proc (that should be working but isn’t right now) will instead provide full duration taunt auras for everyone, so long you are a tank or brute.
  20. This was never the case. The powers were originally designed as Pools, and they were also originally designed to be exclusive from each other. Edit to clarify: at some point there been rumors of the sets being locked to your origin, but there is nothing in the implementation to hint at this ever making it past the on-paper design.
  21. No pet get either change regardless what set the pet comes from. Only powers in melee sets, and not all powers, get the target cap increase. Burn’s up-front AoE is not a pet and benefits from that radius buff.
  22. That is working as designed. The new gauntlet will apply the AoE around the the primary target of any attack, even Fire Ball.
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