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Adjustments/New Power (Hasten)


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1. l think Hasten is amazing as it is, but since majority of playerbase take it for utility - why not to make this power available by default and placed in Fitness Power Pool. This way all characters will have it by default, and won't have to spend additional Power Point to get it. This will save extra PP up, so a player could spend it on something else. All power pools now have 5 powers, let inherent Fitness have it too, not just 4. With 4 passive powers and 1 active Hasten. This is my attempt to draw new icon for Hasten:



2. Now another thing - We moved a power from Super Speed pool and now it has 4 powers. My suggestion for fifth one is something that l think is missing in this game, but it could be really helpful sometimes and make things easier a lot - it's PBAoE KnockTo!



Pool::Speed::Pull In

Create an aerial rarefaction that sucks nearby enemies in, knocking them down and taunting them.

Effect area: PBAoE, 15-25 (??? something between) ft, 16 targets max

Tags: AoE, Smashing

Effect: 4.1 magnitude Teleport to target (because the distance is close, this would look like they were drawn in by physical force, just CoH engine seems to not have KnockTo mechanic). Or even higher magnitude, because Wormhole with 4.1 mag can't warp Boss-classed enemies with 3 effective levels higher unless you eat Ultimate Inspiration.

Resistance To Teleport for 15s after Teleport.

0.67 Knockback to Target

+400% Taunt to target for (6-12 ???) s

Cooldown: 30-45 (??? something between) seconds.

Takes Enhancements: Increase Accuracy, Increase Recharge Speed, Reduce Endurance Cost, Increase Taunt.

Takes Enhancement Sets: Taunt (but its Range is not enhanceable by these)


Animation - whirlwind-like character spinning, with VFX resembling Scirocco's dust devil appear on top of character's head. Unlike Teleport Foe and Wormhole where you pick a location for enemies to appear, Pull In always draws enemies next to the caster.


This Pull In power as l can imagine would ease up enemy herding a lot, allowing Tanks to pack enemies with ranged attacks/preferences very tightly, into the range of their Taunt Auras, and for everyone to AOE-SPLASH-FLUFF them then.

Edited by Purrfekshawn

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I don't think this is a good idea. The increase in player power would be massive in relation to NPCs in standard content. On it's face, it would be a moderate decrease in difficulty through cyclical recharge benefits for everyone, but you can't adjust the difficulty of an NPC relative to whether or not a player has slotted their inherent Hasten for Recharge, which can drastically increase the overall value of the power.


3 IOs of Recharge puts it at 110 second downtime, further reduced by itself to only a 49 second downtime. That's a rough average increase of +56% recharge rate buff.


Do we balance the game around every player having that +56% recharge rate buff or assume they won't slot it and go with an 18% recharge rate buff assumption? Or do we split the difference and assume they 1 slot it for a 33% recharge rate buff assumption or 2 slot it for a 45% recharge rate buff assumption?


It's too variable a balancing point.

Edited by Steampunkette
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Just now, Steampunkette said:

I don't think this is a good idea. The increase in player power would be massive in relation to NPCs in standard content. On it's face, it would be a moderate decrease in difficulty through cyclical recharge benefits for everyone, but you can't adjust the difficulty of an NPC relative to whether or not a player has slotted their inherent Hasten for Recharge, which can drastically increase the overall value of the power.

But all Our characters are lncarnates already, so standard content for them is already overeasied - and it's logical, and there's not much to do with lncarnate-provided nukes/shields/various other benefits so enemies wouldn't be like kittens for Us.


To counter this another step is needed to taken - is to make new content with INCARNATE-SHIFTED ENEMIES and respective rewards. l would be so glad to receive an option to make AE content for lncarnate-level players with Incarnate-level enemies (imagine 54+3 AV's) and lncarnate-level rewards.


And Pull In is not a straight DPS/power increase, it's an utility power that makes Herding for Tanks easier. And maybe pull+taunt for non-tank characters (Scrappers, Sentinels) gonna be useful too.

Edited by Purrfekshawn

To keep this game safe, We have to give it to the world.

Arc ID #13097 - Archvillain Beatdown, try it out!

Arc ID #21066 - Archvillain Beatdown - Past Edition!

Letz now talk about existing Incarnate Lore Pets:


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Just now, Purrfekshawn said:

But all Our characters are lncarnates already, so standard content for them is already overeasied - and it's logical, and there's not much to do with lncarnate-provided nukes/shields/various other benefits so enemies wouldn't be like kittens for Us.


To counter this another step is needed to taken - is to make new content with INCARNATE-SHIFTED ENEMIES and respective rewards. l would be so glad to receive an option to make AE content for lncarnate-level AE missions with Incarnate-level enemies (imagine 54+3 AV's) and lncarnate-level rewards.


And Pull In is not a straight DPS/power increase, it's an utility power that makes Herding for Tanks easier. And maybe pull+taunt for non-tank characters (Scrappers, Sentinels) gonna be useful too.

My level 13 Praetorian Brute is not an incarnate. Neither are all my level 20-40 characters.


Granting all of them hasten would alter their power level through normal SO balanced content. Especially if they could slot the new inherent power for recharge.



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Just now, Steampunkette said:

My level 13 Praetorian Brute is not an incarnate. Neither are all my level 20-40 characters.


Granting all of them hasten would alter their power level through normal SO balanced content. Especially if they could slot the new inherent power for recharge.



Yah, slotting is OK, no nerfs suggested. Could 1, 2 slot it, or even 3-slot, although lMO 3-slotting is a waste (50+5 IO is +53% to a stat, above 100% starts to give only 15% of normal percent).


My Main has Perma Hasten with just one slot on it (spent no slot points on Hasten), Spiritual Core Paragon for Rech buff, with just +53% on top of that (98% rech on Hasten itself total). And l wanna keep it this way because it's so of Mah theme n.n.

Edited by Purrfekshawn

To keep this game safe, We have to give it to the world.

Arc ID #13097 - Archvillain Beatdown, try it out!

Arc ID #21066 - Archvillain Beatdown - Past Edition!

Letz now talk about existing Incarnate Lore Pets:


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I would prefer to simply add 10% to 20% +recharge to the Swift inherent power, and leave Hasten alone, where it is now, as it is now, in the Speed pool.  Yes, doing so would give everyone a nice recharge buff across the board, which is power creep.  But it's not a big power creep, and not one that makes re-balancing everything else absolutely necessary.  And it's enough of a buff for some builds to be able to drop Hasten altogether, allowing for a little more flexibility in those builds.



Energy/Energy Blaster (50+3) on Everlasting

Energy/Temporal Blaster (50+3) on Excelsior

Energy/Willpower Sentinel (50+3) on Indomitable

Energy/Energy Sentinel (50+1) on Torchbearer

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4 hours ago, Purrfekshawn said:

But all Our characters are lncarnates already, so standard content for them is already overeasied - and it's logical, and there's not much to do with lncarnate-provided nukes/shields/various other benefits so enemies wouldn't be like kittens for Us

Agree with what Steampunkette said. Claiming all content is  simple because of incarnates just isn't true. However, giving everyone free Hasten, from level 1, WOULD  be a big boost and oversimplify lower content. It just isn't needed at all.

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Just gonna repeat myself in this latest thread, 'cause why not?


Keep Hasten as-is.
Provide an alternative which is mutually exclusive with Hasten that offers a real incentive for players to choose this not-Hasten thing.

I proposed an Auto Power which provides either a fixed or scaling-with-level Recharge Buff.  Number crunchers say that +20% to +35% by level 50 is "appropriate" to compete with Hasten.  Obviously, start with the lower value, and scale up if players aren't enticed enough.

Therefore:  Everyone who thinks Hasten is fine and/or doesn't want to give up their current build will not have to. AND players who feel that we are /forced/ to choose Hasten to meet the "Meta requirements" get an alternative.  Meaningful choices are best choices.

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9 hours ago, MetaVileTerror said:

Just gonna repeat myself in this latest thread, 'cause why not?


Keep Hasten as-is.
Provide an alternative which is mutually exclusive with Hasten that offers a real incentive for players to choose this not-Hasten thing.

I proposed an Auto Power which provides either a fixed or scaling-with-level Recharge Buff.  Number crunchers say that +20% to +35% by level 50 is "appropriate" to compete with Hasten.  Obviously, start with the lower value, and scale up if players aren't enticed enough.

Therefore:  Everyone who thinks Hasten is fine and/or doesn't want to give up their current build will not have to. AND players who feel that we are /forced/ to choose Hasten to meet the "Meta requirements" get an alternative.  Meaningful choices are best choices.

Take Hasten or Take Hasten-Lite isn't a meaningful choice.





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