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Suggestion - Swap the T1 & T2 of Nature Affinity and Time Manipulation


Swap the T1 & T2 of Nature Affinity and Time Manipulation?  

4 members have voted

  1. 1. Swap the T1 & T2 of Nature Affinity and Time Manipulation?

    • Yes
    • No

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As an Altaholic and a perpetual LowB who Solos, the T1s of these sets frustrate me when I'm playing a Corrupter, Controller, and MM. Not because they are bad powers, but because they are of limited use until you get some recharge for them, recharge your not going to have as a LowB. This while the T2s, which are Heals, are always of use when you are a LowB.


I'm not sure how difficult this would be, but I know it can be done, because a Dev did this for the Tank change that is currently being tested.

Edited by Jeuraud
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1 hour ago, Vanden said:

I don't think it's a bad idea, but I'm not sure I'd even take the old T1s if I wasn't forced to.

Yeah, I'm not sure if I would take them or not either, but I was curious what the numbers were when you had the choice.

According to Cipher's Power Percentages @ 50 , 78.80% of Nature Affinity Defenders take Corrosive Enzymes and 74.21% of Time Manipulation Defenders take Time Crawl. They are both descent powers, just not powers I should be forced to take, especially as a LowB.


I would be curious to know how many Defenders take them as their first choice.

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8 hours ago, Steampunkette said:

You can get the t2 in your secondary at level 4... It seems like a needless change.


I can get it at level 2,

but that does not change that at level 1, 1 of 2 powers IMO is of limited use while if these 4 powers were swapped, at level 1, 2 of 2 powers would be useful.

While the usefulness of these powers are an opinion, a fact is that 95.11% of Defenders, 95.82% of Controllers, 94.90% of Corruptors, and 96.79% of MMs have Regrowth, at lvl 50, where a Heal is of lesser value, than at level 1. The numbers are even higher for Temporal Mending. Another fact is that 100% of Controllers, Corruptors, and MMs have Corrosive Enzymes while only 78.80% of Defenders have it. The % of Defenders that have Time Crawl is even lower. IMO these numbers would be even lower for Controllers, Corruptors, and MMs... probably dramatically lower.


There are no "needed" changes in CoHH, it's a fully functional game, and has been for a long time. The metrics are wanted and useful... is the change worth the Devs time, in your opinion.

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19 minutes ago, biostem said:

How about just letting players pick the 1st or second power of their secondary set, at character creation?

This would be the best option, but from what I gather from the Beta-Tank thread this would be very difficult to do, and not something the CoHH Devs are willing to do... at this time.

Of course CoHH being a hobby a CoHH Dev could decide to take up the challenge and have it done next week... not likely, but it could happen.

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1 hour ago, Jeuraud said:

I can get it at level 2,

but that does not change that at level 1, 1 of 2 powers IMO is of limited use while if these 4 powers were swapped, at level 1, 2 of 2 powers would be useful.

While the usefulness of these powers are an opinion, a fact is that 95.11% of Defenders, 95.82% of Controllers, 94.90% of Corruptors, and 96.79% of MMs have Regrowth, at lvl 50, where a Heal is of lesser value, than at level 1. The numbers are even higher for Temporal Mending. Another fact is that 100% of Controllers, Corruptors, and MMs have Corrosive Enzymes while only 78.80% of Defenders have it. The % of Defenders that have Time Crawl is even lower. IMO these numbers would be even lower for Controllers, Corruptors, and MMs... probably dramatically lower.


There are no "needed" changes in CoHH, it's a fully functional game, and has been for a long time. The metrics are wanted and useful... is the change worth the Devs time, in your opinion.

... I guess I just feel like it isn't, then..?


The Debuffs are useful. Alright they're not -as- useful as a level 1 AoE heal would be, granted. But particularly for a set like Time, which gains power based on your temporal selections, skipping the "Crappy single target slow" is a huge mistake.


Heals and Debuffs both work to stop the enemies from killing you. One's just more group-friendly than the other.

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On the one hand, I don't really care because I'd get both anyway. The only T1 support move I absolutely can't stand is Infrigidate from Cold Dom (At least PFF from Force Field can take a LotG).


On the other hand, every other set with an AoE heal has it as their T1. Dark, Empathy, Kinetics, Pain, Thermal, and Radiation; Time and Nature are the only ones that don't. I don't know if that's enough to site a precedent, but it's weird.

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I was looking through all the sets and Offensive T1, Defensive T2 is the most common pattern (Cold, Nature, Sonic, Storm, Time) followed by Offensive T1, Offensive T2 (Dark, Kin, Traps, Trick) which is tied with Defensive T1, Defensive T2 (Empathy, Force, Pain, Thermal). Defensive T1, Offensive T2 is last (Poison, Rad).


So, if you are looking at balancing choices, it may make sense, but at this point it fits into the preferred pattern for buff sets.

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