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Banner event, how on Earth does it work??


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Can anyone out clarify how the hell the Banner Event works??


I've been in them and got some of the badges but had no luck when I've tried to create a team to do it.

I know the general idea, defeat mobs until the banner is vulnerable, then defeat banner, do all four and kill the GM that appears.

Trouble is, there's conflicting info flying around.


1st. Do you need to kill the mobs in the circle or not? I've seen people say it matter and that it doesn't matter.

2nd. Do you need to do all 4 banners at the same time? Again, seen it stated both ways!

3rd. How many people do you need to do it? Bearing in mind this predates leagues, could it be done with just a team of eight?


Both times I've ran it, the first time we didn't even get close, the second time, we got the blue bar halfway on one banner.


I really want to get the last 3 banner badges before it disappears for a year! Can anyone advise on this??

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I've only managed to get the banners vulnerable once, last night in fact, and I can say that I was the only person at the Green Banner for most of that portion of the event, but people were Broadcasting that they were working on the other banners.  I was both in and out of the circle, so no help on a decided answer there from me, I'm afraid.

However, when it came time to take down the banners, everyone joined me at the Green Banner.  There was easily twenty of us, but the banner kept regenerating the piddly amount of damage we dealt to it.  This is; the regen seemed really, really inconsistent.  At times it would only get a few slivers of HP back, and other times it would fully heal for no explicable reason.
Count me amoung those who want the Devs to give 100% solid and reliable information on the process.  "Figuring stuff out" is not my idea of fun, especially when the tools to get a read on a situation are very poor.

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I am not a dev but have completed this on several toons following this method.


Kill the mobs at all spots at the same time.  If you only do one you never get the banners vulnerable.  Circles do not matter.


Once banners are vulnerable take them down.  One at a time works.  If you have tons of people you can do more than one at a time if you choose.


Once all banners are down follow compass distance marker thingy to GM and defeat him.  And probably his buddies too.



Edited by EmmySky
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This sounds like a job for Anecdotal Evidence!


Here are my impressions from the one and only time I was involved in a full banner event:


1) Someone whose name I've forgotten formed and led a league for the banners.

2) The leader had us "stake out" each banner - his only rule was to have "at least one" person at each site.

3) I have no idea if we needed to clear the mobs that spawned at the banner.  My stakeout partner and I did so because, well, they weren't being very nice.

4) When the banners became vulnerable, the leader directed us to each banner in turn.  This leads me to believe that they don't have to be attacked simultaneously, but I have no way of knowing if there were people at the other banners.  All I know is that we pig-piled on all four in series, and the banners' health seemed to be at or near full in each case.


I also accidentally kicked off a banner event by getting too close to one.  BTW, you don't need to be in the circle to get things started, or to have mobs spawn.   I soloed the mobs there, but the banner did not become vulnerable before the timer ran out.  I was the only one at that banner - I have no idea if anyone else was at the other sites.  Also, I was hovering over the circle.  No idea if that counts as being in it.


Edit:  Aaaand beaten to it by EmmySky.



Edited by TheOtherTed
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6 hours ago, Coin said:

So the all 4 banners at once thing is the key then? That's maybe where I've been going wrong


Nope, not that I've seen. 


The last banners fight I did was with an under-powered defender.  I was at one banner with one other player, barely staving off the spawn there.  Then some people in the quickly-growing league showed up and kept those at bay when the banners became vulnerable.  We slowly worked down the banner I was at (during which time some people had taken down one of them before us), then we moved on to another banner, took it down and then the other had already been dropped too.  So we managed to do it and then went and took down the GM too.


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7 hours ago, Coin said:

So the all 4 banners at once thing is the key then? That's maybe where I've been going wrong


The only 'at once' part about it is taking down mobs at each spot BEFORE, and in order to make, the banners become vulnerable.  Once the banners are vulnerable you can hit them one at a time and it will work (if your time doesn't run out).

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Hi emmysky has it right, you need at least one person at each banner to defeat the spawn mobs (which I feel spawn according to number of players at that spot) till they become vulnerable. If only one person is at one banner (one banner one person and three banners with no person) they do not become vulnerable)

I have spent an entire event soloing one banner with nobody else doing anything and no vulnerable phase. Then did a 4 man run with one on each banner and we had them vulnerable easily. No pimped out alts just average pick up guys.

We then joined up and 4 manned each banner, sadly because we started late we did run out of time at fourth banner but we knew it would happen so no sweat.

Because it appears that the mobs spawn at appropriate level to numbers of players involved it is a good and straight forward event to do.

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The event is 20 minutes long but the first 4 minutes are just to get everyone in place. Spawns don't start until 16 minutes.


Once spawns start you have to defeat them at all four banners simultaneously to increase the blue vulnerability bar. Defeating them inside the circle isn't necessary.


Once the banners are vulnerable you can defeat them in any order (or all at once if you've got enough people at each one).  The reason teams typically do one at a time is because their health pools are huge and you just can't solo or duo them.  A team  of 4 should be able to drop 2 or 3 banners.  A team of 8 could reasonably get all 4 if they were there for the whole 16 minutes and it's a small zone.


Once the banners drop, find the new marker on the map to fight the GM and get your badge.

Edited by Sable Phoenix
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Wiki says:




" The Goal is to destroy the four Banners and the Giant Monster. But the Banners are not targetable until a certain number of their Defenders are defeated. When the countdown of the event hits the sixteen minute mark, the Defenders start appearing. The Defenders at all four banners must be defeated simultaneously -- fighting at just one Banner in the zone has no effect.


"The red bar in the Nav Window shows the progress of the players in defeating the Defenders as it turns progressively blue if the players are defeating enough Defenders. When the bar is fully blue, it disappears and now the Banners are targetable and can be destroyed. "



So it looks like you do have to defeat all defenders for all banners at the same time.  It also feels like there's a rate at which you have to defeat the defenders.  If you aren't killing them fast enough you'll never clear a given banner.  Probably evenly distributing members will help.


Linkage here: https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Deadly_Apocalypse


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Ok, finally got a team together that pulled it off, JUST BARELY.
Thankfully, the timer reset once we took down the last Banner, or else we wouldn't have had enough time to even make it to the Giant Monster.


Can confirm:  Being inside the circle doesn't matter.  Trying to get the enemy spawns inside the circle didn't matter.

We had people at every banner during the spawn-takedown phase.  The blue bar filled at strange intervals, but it filled.
We then all gathered at each Banner and tore them down, one at a time.  We had about 12 to 15 people for this part.  It took a lot of time and effort, as the Banners kept regenerating really fast.

The Giant Monster was an absolute breeze.  It was defeated before I could even finish typing out a message to inform the LFG channel of its location.

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I'm having a lot of difficulty completing this event.  After the first few days of the Halloween event, I have not seen any banner teams advertised at all.  I'm trying to avoid Peregrine Island as much as possible this month due to all of the zone crashes.  I mostly play redside, but I know trying to get a team for anything redside is a struggle at best so for the past couple of days I've been trying to get banner teams going in Talos Island.  The most I've ever had was nine people.  Banners were unlocked with about ten minutes to go, but it took about six minutes just to destroy a banner.  I'm just going to write off the GM badge at this point and try to get the badges for the last two banners by the end of the month.

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Well, I can finally confirm that you do definitely need people at all banners at the same time until they are vulnerable and the circle makes no difference!


Just managed to run it again with a gradual team of 8, not enough to complete the trial but we did manage to get one of the banners down so it's a start.


Definitely need more people to complete it but it's getting harder to get teams for this fast enough to complete it.


Thanks for all the help, everyone 🙂



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