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2020 - New year, endless possilities


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7 hours ago, Extor Prime said:

Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.


Cynicism tears up the road map before you get anywhere.

Edited by Clave Dark 5
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Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney: Matt (Posi) used to say that players would find the shortest path to the rewards even if it was a completely terrible play experience that would push them away from the game...


Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes
Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise.
This game isn't hard work, it's easy!
Go have fun!
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Endless.  I want my game to be endless.  I don't want anybody to take it away from me again.  That's my dream for 2020 and beyond.  Legal, illegal, public or super secret, I dont care just let me play.  Many times I found myself wishing I could put in my cds of the game and just play it single player mode since the mmo part was gone.


So I am going to go with a giant checkmark on the endless thing.  😁

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On 12/12/2019 at 1:41 AM, Extor Prime said:

Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.


That's the spirit ☺️.


Beyond simply hoping to be able to continue playing I'd mainly like to see small tweaks and adjustments to what we already have. The game has so much content in terms of missions, character options and costume options that I don't really feel we desperately need more stuff added but some of what we have could be improved. Some old missions and tf's could be tweaked to give more variety and flavour, plenty of the old costume pieces could benefit from a resolution upgrade and more balance passes to various sets and AT's.


Oh, and more difficulty options for high level play. Something along the lines of player debuff and/or enemy buff settings with some kind of reward mechanism attached to it. High level team play needs some added spice.

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On 12/11/2019 at 8:41 PM, Extor Prime said:

Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.


Ebenezer, is that you?


I just want a moon base zone and an airport zone.   Where are the flying cars? I was promised flying cars!


Okay no seriously now (sorry I'm punchy from being up too late),  most everyone mentioned a successful NCSoft deal, and I concur.  In game, however,  I'd love to find out what improvements can be made without having to go to the time and expense of building a new zone.  I've no skills in game design, but I'm wondering if they couldn't overhaul the IP zone, for example.  There so much real estate already in game that's ripe for redevelopment.   Add a third tram station on the middle other side of the zone from the other two.  Shuffle the villain clusters around a bit, bring more storylines to that side of the puddle, that sort of thing.  Similar overhauls to the hazard zones.  give us reasons to go in there again.


Find the way to better equalize the xp and rewards system on story missions to encourage people to leave overused scenarios like Death From Below after a first run through and instead do the story missions again as they level.  Maybe review some of the story arcs to see if the spread between doors is too awkward, likely prompting a team to switch to radio/paper missions.   Done right, this might even encourage players to start in the "gold" side zones again.


See if there's a way (hopefully fairly easily) to reward the very best AE story arcs by canonizing them permanently in the game with their own contacts and doors.  Not just any stories, only the best.


Add a nurse vendor to the Oroboros hospital.


QoL stuff like that.

Edited by Techwright
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1. My proposed Tank changes and call it a day (wakes up from dream)

2. NPC costume pieces

3. Origin Pools

4 Complete Incarnate system.


Not demands, just hopes and and dreams. Which ever, what ever I look forward to chronic altis.

Edited by MrAxe
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Just in case anyone is unaware, the "hope ... step ... disappoint" line is just a quote from Warhammer 40K.  They even put it in Dawn of War as one of the (I think) Librarian clicky-command acknowledgement lines.  So, I'll give whats-'is-nurtz the benefit of a doubt and suggest it was just meant as an irreverent callback reference, rather than actively being a horrible misanthrope.


But I think this thread should look toward https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/9872-a-question-from-the-homecoming-team/ for the answers to the question.  A lot of great stuff was discussed in there, as well as some widely diverse ideas and hopes, and wildly divisive ones too.  Definitely worth a gander.

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Why yes, it was a callback to 40K (and it amuses me to no end that it took someone this long to get it); however, the following is also true: I am a pessimist and a misanthrope who lived long enough to firmly believe that the world is a terrible place filled with terrible people doing terrible things to each other. I make no apologies for it (Edgelord accusations in 3... 2... 1... LOL).


In context of "hopes for 2020", while I give all the props to the HC team for soldiering on this far, I also acknowledge that they are a handful of unpaid and undoubtedly overworked enthusiasts with lives, obligations and problems far beyond CoX. And god only knows what is happening with NCSoft, who could substantially escalate said problems if they wanted to... And even if the proverbial hammer never drops, none of them will make a dime off of this shindig. It's not beyond the reasonable doubt that sooner or later the toil will take its toll. Therefore hoping for major changes, game-changing development, etc., could very well be the first step on a road to MAJOR disappointment. Do not forget also that CoX isn't the neatest-coded game out there, and reworking it without accidentally unraveling the whole damn sweater is not trivial. That's something that usually gets done with substantial compensation, not unpaid enthusiasm...


Me, I'd be quite content if donations keep flowing, servers stay up, NCSoft stays in its lane, and nobody essential on the current core team says "screw it, I'm out" - at least not without properly handing the reins over to someone equally dedicated and talented. So yeah - you want hopes for 2020? There you have it. Anything beyond that is gravy and unnecessary pressure on the HC team.

Edited by Extor Prime
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