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Let's just say only *one* figure on this page is wearing a tutu, instead of two. 


btw, I have the page partially colored. I'd have been farther by now, but my other project was taking longer than usual, and it's on a deadline, so I get to this comic when I can. But progress is being made!

  • Haha 2
Posted (edited)


What would one even do with such a slew of tutu's? I haven't a clue. Maybe ask the Tsoo?

In lieu of something new it would ruin the view and be just a few too many to do, even for you.


Also yay progress... coo-koo-ca-chew. zb7XgP0P_o.png



Edited by Christopher Robin
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Like the Costume Creator? Enjoy a challenge? Love to WIN?

You really should've clicked here before 6pm on Sunday the 18th!




Sad that I missed this until now Fox. I was helping to extricate a neighbor whose car got plowed in up to the windows

last night and apparently the trial of some formerly prominent person had most of the country glued to their screens today.


That said oooh where to begin? Guess I'll do a running thought commentary in panel order and try to keep it brief?


Favorite. Page. Thus. Far.



Glass looks great with the variety of markers at your disposal.

The IMP has a new color scheme and I approve. It's not the Orange

from page one but it reads better than the other ½ dozen colors since IMO.



A quick shot of Joe and off we go. Lash game is strong.



You do "half" emotions really well. I love her ½ smile when she first notices Brahn and DD.

This is now my second favorite of all the Nyx faces I've seen drawn so far. love2.gif

Also I now want POWER COFFEE to be a thing in my life.



I love this panel!!! Brahn looks great in your style and I'm quite sure DD has made that expression before on more than one occasion.

I like to think that because she is an Archer by nature she always keeps one eye on her target even if the projectiles

are a +1 facepalm and a derisive comment. Love the marble texture and fluting FTW!

Thought the City Rep was more Raven haired than Brunette?



Bwhahahahaha! Not at all what I expected but hilarious none the less.

Wait do we have Monkey Controllers now??? Simian annoyance is well drawn (and

the monkey looks good too rs4wmRnk_o.gif). Perspective win awarded for stairs (ruler or free-hand I wonder).



Claudia Hopeshot cameo! Speaking to a Natural contact makes sense.

Susan Davies really under dresses for a division called E.L.I.T.E. There's a lot of

green in this scene, Seen2BeGreen should be happy. Door hinges make a brief cameo! rs4wmRnk_o.gif


Panel#7: And they're gone! 07K1tHnz_o.png

Love the wood grain texture though.

It's a good thing the game uses Doric columns

rather than Ionic amirite??? I mean the volutes alone... rs4wmRnk_o.gif


Closing thoughts:

I appreciate the higher scan resolution in recent pages. Thanks!

Monkey in a tutu with a gun lol! Nowhere gets weirder faster than Paragon City...

truth although Austin Texas might take exception to that remark. 07K1tHnz_o.png I love the "hugs and kisses" frieze!

I'm not sure if it was intended as an Easter Egg or just a pattern simplification but I feel rewarded for having spotted it. zb7XgP0P_o.png

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Like the Costume Creator? Enjoy a challenge? Love to WIN?

You really should've clicked here before 6pm on Sunday the 18th!




I laughed so hard! Also because well.. this is so what Brahn would do, show off that he can be 😛. And Dee's reaction is spot on!
My word
... poor Ming Badda Bing having to deal with that stealing Rikti Monkey hahahha. That tutu though 🤣.
That coffee indeed looks good! 🤤

I love how recognizable the surroundings in your drawings are. So detailed!
Thank you for including us, it's a real treat! 🤩

Can't wait to see what trouble awaits next!

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Glad you like it, folks! This was a fun page to do. I enjoy putting in cameos, partly because it delights people, and partly because it means I don't have to make up convincing background characters. It's the same reason my backgrounds are so detailed, actually: I'm working from actual screenshots most of the time. 


A few things:


The full name of the coffee Nyx is drinking is 'Power-Up Coffee', which, much like Flying Pie, is a fictional brand I'm going to be putting in the comic. You'll see the full logo later if/when she spends any time at a coffee shop. I spent an unreasonable amount of page space in my sketchbook trying to come up with a logo, which in retrospect seems a little silly given how little of it you can see under Nyx's hand. (In my personal head canon, they offer discounts for heroes, which scale with their clearance level, like 10% for a 10th level hero, 25% for a 25th level hero, etc.) I have other businesses I may include someday, including a dry cleaner who has Seen. EVERYTHING. and just cannot be surprised or horrified anymore. 


A lot of people comment on the way I do marble. Well, here's my method:  First I do a flat layer of color. Then I take a shade that's 1-2 steps darker, dab it on a wadded-up scrap of tissue, and dab that stained tissue on the page where I want marble texture. This is.... dangerously imprecise, so I have to mask off/cover up any places I don't want marble texture, so that, for example, Brahn doesn't end up with marble texture on his face


Regarding 'half' emotions-- I like drawing them because I think they're almost more natural, especially for loner/introvert types like Nyx (and myself...), who can be notoriously hard to read, and rarely have just one thought or emotion going at one time. In panel three, what you're seeing on Nyx's face there isn't quite resignation, but isn't quite enthusiasm either, and it works for her mixed feelings about taking up the mantle of hero again (yay!) but having to start over from the bottom (boo hiss). Also it's fairly chill/low-energy because Nyx is not a morning person. 


  On 2/11/2021 at 7:15 AM, Christopher Robin said:

Nowhere gets weirder faster than Paragon City...

truth although Austin Texas might take exception to that remark. 07K1tHnz_o.png


I'd comment that I live in Portland, Oregon... but that's not 'gets weirder faster' so much as 'is just goddamn strange all the time'. 

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Posted (edited)


I'd heard a few other cities adopted the slogan after

Austin. Portland... would make sense. rs4wmRnk_o.gif


Forgot to say thank you above, so thank you!

As DD said it was a treat to be included in your comic. zb7XgP0P_o.png




Edited by Christopher Robin
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Like the Costume Creator? Enjoy a challenge? Love to WIN?

You really should've clicked here before 6pm on Sunday the 18th!




I'm in a comic!

thankyou for including me Fox! came out funny and great! now i just gotta catch me a gun thief, here monkey monkey!


CR I did not see hugs and kisses or anything frozen or flutes anywhere are you seeing things Im missing or just seeing things?:classic_rolleyes:

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  On 2/12/2021 at 6:50 AM, DJ1 said:

now i just gotta catch me a gun thief, here monkey monkey!


I will not make Ming trying to catch a monkey a running gag.... I WILL not make Ming trying to catch a monkey a running gag.... I WILL NOT make Ming trying to catch a monkey a running gag....

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Posted (edited)

Ummm the monkey is a secret automaton and it's all a Nemesis plot?

The monkey needs weapons to free his (Rikti) brethren from the monkey fighting pit?

The monkey likes stealing from Gray Ming, even absurd things like stealing the spots off of his face?


I think your idea above would be funny too. In the background of any image you could have his ponytail

silhouette chasing a monkey silhouette. It doesn't need explaining if it's a running visual gag.

These are of course just suggestions, swipe them or ignore them at your leisure.


  On 2/12/2021 at 6:50 AM, DJ1 said:

........................................ CR I did not see hugs and kisses or anything frozen or flutes anywhere are you seeing things Im missing or just seeing things?:classic_rolleyes:


@DJ1 I had several building detail related musings. Flutes are the long vertical grooves in a column.

I didn't say freeze (or frozen) I said Frieze, notice the spelling. In architecture a Frieze is the wide central part

of the horizontal beam that runs along the tops of columns. It is often decorated with carvings of words, symbols or figures.


The last panel has a frieze that ingame is a repeating pattern of two symbols but if you look closely @ToxinFox has replaced them

with a simple alternating XoXoXo pattern. For any not up on their semiotics this is very similar to the X's and O's

at the end of hand written letters used to convey "hugs and kisses." Only Fox knows if it was

intended as such or just easier to draw than the symbols the game uses.



Edited by Christopher Robin
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Like the Costume Creator? Enjoy a challenge? Love to WIN?

You really should've clicked here before 6pm on Sunday the 18th!



Posted (edited)
  On 2/14/2021 at 1:26 AM, Christopher Robin said:

Only Fox knows if it was

intended as such or just easier to draw than the symbols the game uses.


Oh it was definitely just easier to draw. The space those symbols take up is less than 1/4 inch wide on my page, and I was working from this screenshot:



It was one of the last things I added to that panel, too. So I took one look at that pattern, rolled my eyes, and fudged it a bit. 

Edited by ToxinFox
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  • 3 weeks later

I kind of think we also need someone to step up and do a retexture of the Rikti Monkey to look like a normal monkey, then give it a tutu and a pistol, and set it loose in the game as a random ally NPC which shows up in times of need in-game.


Silly, perhaps . . . but as said in the comic itself:  Nowhere gets weirder faster than Paragon City.

 . . . except maybe the Etoile Islands.  But THERE it's just (regular) Rikti Monkeys with handguns and switchblades.

  • Haha 1

I would adore this. A temporary, summonable monkey in a tutu, with a gun. 


Also, next page is inked, I just need to find the time to color it. My other project has been taking up all of my art time, but I hope to get back to this soon. 

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Posted (edited)

A fox returns! zb7XgP0P_o.png


  On 3/8/2021 at 6:36 PM, ToxinFox said:

I would adore this. A temporary, summonable monkey in a tutu, with a gun. 


Also, next page is inked, I just need to find the time to color it. My other project has been taking up all of my art time, but I hope to get back to this soon. 



TL;DR - New page... soon! ™  07K1tHnz_o.png



Edited by Christopher Robin
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Like the Costume Creator? Enjoy a challenge? Love to WIN?

You really should've clicked here before 6pm on Sunday the 18th!




See I actually laughed for a second because there's no way two lines of TF's text is long enough to need CR's use of TL;DR, so silly. LoL!

I'm looking forward to the new page! ☺️

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The page exists! There's a lot I could say about it, but I'm just going to leave this here for now. Sorry for the delay-- I'd have had it up a few days ago, but my birthday was on Monday, and I spent all goddamn day making an epic cake. 



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Thoughts: Monkey Mayhem! kYftkbzZ_o.gif

Simian Shoe Saga!  (do I have that right?)

Yay level 5! - There are no Con's with Cake only Pro's.


The Bugle must have on staff seers and psychics to have news that

literally just happened a few moments ago already in print in today's paper.

Of course anything's possible with super powers and this would explain a lot actually.


No reference to any "outbreak" of rampant Pumpkin Flu seen in said newsprint.

Two notably former Hellion passers by had mixed feelings on this point.

One reportedly still suffers from lower back-side discomfort. 07K1tHnz_o.png


Happy yet another successful revolution of Terra

about Sol as it relates to your annual day of

uterine expulsion remembrance Fox! rs4wmRnk_o.gif

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Like the Costume Creator? Enjoy a challenge? Love to WIN?

You really should've clicked here before 6pm on Sunday the 18th!



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