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Ding 50.  Keep earning XP.  Gradually you will unlock your incarnate slots.  There are no other true requirements.


That said, Mender Ramiel's Arc (ouroborus) still exists, and is a nice intro storyline to it.  It USED to be required to unlock your Alpha slot.  It's not required anymore, although it will unlock it right away whether or not you earned enough XP to get it otherwise. 


I would also encourage you to, at some point, sit down with a strong cup of coffee and try to digest as much of you can of this thread: 

A Comprehensive Guide to the Incarnate System


There's TONS of info in that. You will NOT absorb it all at once.  But it's a very good read, and worth coming back to a few times as you get your feet wet.

Edited by MTeague
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The Dark Astoria storyarcs help because you can get an Incarnate component at the end of each (with a chance for rare ones.)


I'd also recommend ignoring Incarnate Shards, they barely drop and just confuse things. Build everything with Threads and Empyrean Merits.

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2 hours ago, MTeague said:

Ding 50.  Keep earning XP.  Gradually you will unlock your incarnate slots.  There are no other true requirements.


That said, Mender Ramiel's Arc (ouroborus) still exists, and is a nice intro storyline to it.  It USED to be required to unlock your Alpha slot.  It's not required anymore, although it will unlock it right away whether or not you earned enough XP to get it otherwise. 


I would also encourage you to, at some point, sit down with a strong cup of coffee and try to digest as much of you can of this thread: 

A Comprehensive Guide to the Incarnate System


There's TONS of info in that. You will NOT absorb it all at once.  But it's a very good read, and worth coming back to a few times as you get your feet wet.

Slight nitpick, but just to avoid confusion you actually have to train up to 50 before you start earning incarnate xp, just hitting 50 isn't enough.

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7 hours ago, Skygod said:

I'd also recommend ignoring Incarnate Shards, they barely drop and just confuse things. Build everything with Threads and Empyrean Merits.

I wouldn't ignore the Incarnate Shards; rather it is better to say that you shouldn't plan on using them very much.


You can use Incarnate Shards (and oddball rewards that can be bought with Vanguard merits, and Notice of the Wells) as part of crafting your Alpha Incarnate slot. This is the direct use of them. You will be able to slot your Alpha quicker using threads and Empyrean Merits.


Counter advice about just converting the shards coming in three... two... one...

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12 minutes ago, tidge said:

Counter advice about just converting the shards coming in three... two... one...

It does seem more efficient to use the shards as designed. You have 5 incarnate slots using threads, and 1 incarnate slot that can use threads and shards. I've found that the progression lines up perfectly for my characters: by the time I hit T4 Hybrid + Destiny + Lore + Interface + Judgement with threads, I also hit T4 Alpha with shards.


YMMV if the activities you do are more likely to reward incarnate components and less likely to reward shards. i.e., someone who exclusively runs itrials, hami raids, and maybe a side of Apex/TinM, might have greater luck using threads even for Alpha. But if you have a "balanced diet" of content, you'll likely end up with more than enough shards - heck, I run a lot of Apex/TinM myself, so I probably earn more incarnate components (and proportionally, less shards) than someone who would play standard story arcs.

Edited by nihilii
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18 minutes ago, Garrickwest said:

I should have clarified, i know about the powers.my question is more about what missions or tf can i do that jas incarnate enemies

You can do anything. Incarnate content (trials, DA missions) will give other bonus Incarnate rewards, though.  (So will the SSAs.)

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Outside of the iTrials, only a few contacts and TFs were implemented with Incarnate powers in mind. They give extra rewards, but are also tuned to Incarnate levels with tougher powers and higher base to-hit chances.


Dark Astoria (sequence of six story arcs)

Belladonna Vertano

Number Six (Dr. Ortz)


Each of these gives an Incarnate reward table for completion.


Apex and Tin Mage TFs both require a filled Alpha slot (OK, you can do it without, you just won't be able to contribute).


As noted above, though, anything you do after training to 50 will earn basic Incarnate rewards (XP, shards, threads).

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9 hours ago, Skygod said:

I'd also recommend ignoring Incarnate Shards, they barely drop and just confuse things. Build everything with Threads and Empyrean Merits.

Actually what I'd suggest is follow this to get your alpha to tier 3 which IMO is the first goal you should have in incarnate stuff. That gives you a  level shift of +1 for all content played at 50, and this is very powerful. 


Then you work on the other incarnate slots as they open, hoarding up the threads for those. As you muddle along post 50 shards will accumulate however, and they can be used to craft up the second tier 3 alpha you will need to reach tier 4 (when you do a WST you get a notice of the well, which gets you that tier 3 with some shard input). Tier 4 though should be done with threads and empyreal merits making the very rare. 

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13 hours ago, MTeague said:

Ding 50.  Keep earning XP.  Gradually you will unlock your incarnate slots.  There are no other true requirements.


That said, Mender Ramiel's Arc (ouroborus) still exists, and is a nice intro storyline to it.  It USED to be required to unlock your Alpha slot.  It's not required anymore, although it will unlock it right away whether or not you earned enough XP to get it otherwise. 


I would also encourage you to, at some point, sit down with a strong cup of coffee and try to digest as much of you can of this thread: 

A Comprehensive Guide to the Incarnate System


There's TONS of info in that. You will NOT absorb it all at once.  But it's a very good read, and worth coming back to a few times as you get your feet wet.

About how many veteran levels does that route take? On my main I did Ramiel's arc but my alt I'll just slowly unlock with xp. The arc I couldn't solo and no one ever seems to do the arc in LFG.

If you see a Greek toon- it's probably me.

Evdoxia (Defender: Time/DP), Mykonos (Defender: Kinetics/Water Blast), Miss Greece (Defender: Rad/pb)

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15 minutes ago, Evdoxia said:

About how many veteran levels does that route take? On my main I did Ramiel's arc but my alt I'll just slowly unlock with xp. The arc I couldn't solo and no one ever seems to do the arc in LFG.

My experience has been that there is usually a LOT of lvl 45-50 content still to be done before venturing into Incarnate content. Obviously unlocking Alpha and slotting it with a T3 makes it all that much easier, but I've had some 50+ toons unlock the final Incarnate slot before I bothered to go back and craft incarnate powers. YMMV.


Mender Ramiel's arc can be a PITA for the uninitiated. I've never had a problem with Trapdoor, but the 'weakened' Honoree  and Captain Holtz can be a source of grief to my toons (oh my poor Controller). I have found that if I do a level 50 respec and slot out with my final (or near-final) IO sets the arc is *much* easier to solo.

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It’s been ages since I did Ramiel’s arc on an SO build, so I won’t judge on how soloable it is in general. That being said, here’s some other tips. 

Advertise in LFG yourself. People are generally happy to help out on missions if you announce them. Anything from defeating Veles in Kings Row to Diabolique in Dark Astoria. If you wait for someone else to start the group you need, you could be waiting a long time. 

Load up on inspirations and other buffs. Buy the big ones off the auction house. Email ‘em to yourself so you have spares to grab as you use the ones in your tray. And use them!

Grab Nectanebo’s Curse Breaker temp power from the Vanguard base in RWZ. Captain Holtz and the Vanguard guys you meet in the final mission will occasionally throw a nasty debuff that reduces Max End by 50 and lasts for minutes. I’ve had Holtz throw it on me twice during a single fight. You’ll have to show autopower buffs to see the debuff. Curse Breaker is the only way (besides dying) to remove it other than sitting out for the N minutes til it wears off. 

Trapdoor regenerates a lot while his Bifurcations are up. I make a macro to target them, and then when the screen announces he’s bifurcated, I zoom around the room, spamming the target macro til I get him, then burn it down as quick as possible. And then go back to Trapdoor. He’s usually pretty thoughtful about standing in the lava and firing at you from range, if you give him the chance. 

Last, the final elite boss minotaur in the last mission is Titan Weapons, so be prepared for massive damage spikes. Inspirations are your friend!


Hope that helps!


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The Homecoming team should simplify it and drop the shards and make it threads and emps only. Shards just add unnecessary complication.


When I run the Ramiel's arc and get to the part that Lady Grey sends you to get the incarnate container, I port back to Ramiel and auto complete that mission, then go back to Lady Gray to get to the next step. That cuts out a lot of time.

Dazl - Excelsior Grav/Kinetic Controller (SG - Cosmic Council) | Dazl - Everlasting & Torchbearer Grav/Energy Dominator

Shadowspawn - Excelsior Dark/Dark Stalker | Pyro Kinetic -Everlasting Fire/Kinetic Corrupter | Nova Pyre - Everlasting Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster (OMG)

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I have never done Ramiels arc.  I did farm the DA arcs a bit but was bored.  Now I just join any team doing anything and by vet level 51 have all slots at T4.  


Like someone above said, if you advertise DA arcs people will likely join you.  I, and many others, have an aversion to leading teams but will join most anything.  Good luck!

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3 hours ago, ZekeStenzland said:

It’s been ages since I did Ramiel’s arc on an SO build, so I won’t judge on how soloable it is in general. That being said, here’s some other tips.

Ramiel's arc is completely soloable on SOs. Just don't jump into it on +4x8.


And generally you can ignore the bifurcations. Just rush up to trapdoor and start beating him down. I don't think I've ever had more than 2 show up at most since... geez... not long after it was introduced.


Other things - if you ignore that pile of glowy "debris" in the Honoree mission, you can clear the room before the holtz/honoree room. If you're a traps or devices, you can lay down all sorts of trip mines where the front portals spawn, too, then run back and click it. The portals (which can be ignored,) Holz and Honoree won't spawn until then, so you have a big, clear room to pull them to (one at a time of course) and fight them.


Pay attention to NPC chat. The Rikti will start throwing 5 ambush waves about the time you start fighting Crey. (I forget the wording, I think the NPC chat starts with "invaders:crey?" and the last one spawns with "Mercy: show none." You can ambush them at the end of the tunnel which goes into the crey hallway - or just fight them where they spawn at the end of that first bridge near where you come in.


Yeah, have the curse breaker handy for Holz. 50% END being taken for 5 minutes is annoying. Honoree is... mostly "chew purples." Maybe some reds depending on how much damage you do.

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5 hours ago, Evdoxia said:

About how many veteran levels does that route take? On my main I did Ramiel's arc but my alt I'll just slowly unlock with xp. The arc I couldn't solo and no one ever seems to do the arc in LFG.

I tend to find that about Vet level 12 I finish up T4 for all incarnate powers.

I finds it takes about to about Vet Level 7 to unlock all the slots and then iTrials and speed running Dark Astoria Ch1 for Components and generally save Empyran Merits to get the last Rare or Very Rare that won't drop.

But it varies, the last two characters I had doing their Incarnate progression one took to Vet level 18 to get all T4's the other got quite lucky with Component drops and hit 6 x T4 at Vet level 8.

The Ramiel arc can be tough, although the Lady Grey bit is the toughest bit.  Turn down your difficulty or recruit some new friends.

Recruiting a few without waiting for a full team is also good for runs of the Dark Astoria Ch1 arc.

regards, Screwloose.

"I am not young enough to know everything."

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