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What's the actual damage of procs?


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I'm trying to write some tools to understand the exact quantitative effects of proccing a power.  I found a (very old) guide here https://guidescroll.com/2011/07/city-of-heroes-damage-procs-faq/ that suggests that at level 50, a normal damage proc does 71.75 damage and a purple proc does 107.09 damage, is that still correct?

Edited by aethereal
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7 hours ago, aethereal said:

I'm trying to write some tools to understand the exact quantitative effects of proccing a power.

What exactly are you looking for? The formulas have all been determined and are available here:



Mid's has the accurate base values of the damage-based procs if there are any you have a specific question on. The program is mostly accurate on its calculation in its most current iteration with the unofficial patch (there are still a few circumstances were it is incorrect, but they are abnormal causes that won't trouble most).

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