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How do you deal with your pets while rushing in missions?


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I team 99% of the time and rarely solo which means I usally just go ham on everything instead of trying to rush.

Seems the time my demons enjoy the pretty sights of warehouse/office or cavewalls while on passive&follow is far longer than just arresting everyone 😛 

But as I got to 50 and about to try build my Demons/Thermal to my kind of play even when i solo, i figured i wanted to put it out there in case any powers or methods i dont know about help 🙂


I thought about building in:

Grant Invisibility for the missions where i need several clickies and/or a boss, but at different places so i dont have to dismiss my pets.

Recall Friend for when my pets fail to rush and goes for sightseeing for minutes before arriving.


Is it worth it? as this leaves me without leadership powerpool which is a bit sad as I team alot in lower levels, but I wont sacrifice Combat jumping / Superspeed combo for traveling.


Assemble team has 30 or 60 mins cooldown which im not even sure works on pets and im using it for TF's doors anyways.


How do you cope with pets taking their time or being surrounded/walled by every foe in missions when rushing for objectives? 🙂 


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MMs have it rough in that scenario, rushing from point A to B. I accepted the fact that pets are expendable and a resummon is inevitable when keeping up in a speed mission. Couple things you can try are:


1. Take incarnate Incandescence Destiny ability. It's like Team TP and only has a 2 minute CD. But some players may object to this, though they can turn TP off.


2. Cast your buffs, set pets to Passive-Stay and just run for it, leaving them behind. Pets will reappear close to you when you're about 170 yards away. Not sure if that distance is different on an indoor map or if elevators/multi-floor missions affect this. If you're lucky, you won't be passing through a mob when your pets pop up. When pets appear, they will auto set to Follow. Command them to Stay again and keep running.


Try a combination of the two. Buff, Passive-Stay, run. If your pet's hp bar is decreasing, they appeared close to a mob. Run to a safe spot, Incandescence, click Stay, and run again. Hopefully make it 170 yards away before the aggro'd group catches up to your pets.

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I take Super Speed (slotted for Knock-back resistance) and put Celerity Stealth into Prestige Power Slide (so I can see when it's on). Those 2 are almost enough that you can run through most missions (minus pets) without getting seen. If you have /Dark you get Shadowfall (level 18) or /Storm you get Steamy Mist (level 10) - either of which add +Stealth, then you will be completely ignored when you run through most missions.


The reason I say MOST missions is that if there are spawns that target you (like bank missions), then they will see through any stealth, they know where you are at all times (so moving doesn't help), and attack you regardless of those around you - including a Tank. In those missions, you need to have your pets in Follow/Defensive so you can survive those attacks.


What I sometimes do (especially when doing door missions to get a bank mission), I will dismiss my pets and then run to the end of the mission. I'll then find somewhere unseen where I can summon and upgrade my pets in peace. Then attack. If you dismiss your pets when you exit one mission, the summoning/upgrading will have recharged before you reach the end of the next mission. This way, you don't have to worry about fighting your way through. This makes for very fast mission completion.

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Team Teleport or you just dont join any "speed" tf.  sad but true.  masterminds are not a speed archetype.  one might be able to attain this if the player has stealth+stealth io/invis AND grant invis for pets but between stealth/invis suppression you might not even get a chance to get re-invis from adds and such.  meanwhile brutes and other ATs can kill and barrel through a sea of enemies to the objective.


saying again, masterminds are not a "speed tf" archetype.  unless you kill your pets until the AV in which case you were not really needed in the first place or just not worth it from all the summoning/resummoning/etc.




Also from what I understand Masterminds are a horrifically hard archetype to code/program and I personally do not see a fix to any of this to MMs in the near future on any server.  Form your own groups, use words like 'kill thru/plow/kill as we go' when recruiting. and if someone goes rogue, boot/warn/remake.  I love my 13 or so masterminds but I know that speed task forces automatically lock me out of being optimal and i might as well doorsit on a firefarm.

Edited by kelika2
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Thank you so much for the replies 🙂



12 hours ago, StrikerFox said:

1. Take incarnate Incandescence Destiny ability. It's like Team TP and only has a 2 minute CD. But some players may object to this, though they can turn TP off.

I did not know about incarnate Incandescence Destiny 😮 thats awesome 🙂 i will deffo use this when i solo, even great for helping rush without my demons out in groups I think!



12 hours ago, StrikerFox said:

2. Cast your buffs, set pets to Passive-Stay and just run for it, leaving them behind. Pets will reappear close to you when you're about 170 yards away. Not sure if that distance is different on an indoor map or if elevators/multi-floor missions affect this. If you're lucky, you won't be passing through a mob when your pets pop up. When pets appear, they will auto set to Follow. Command them to Stay again and keep running.

I'll test the passive/stay thing today, cant belive i didnt think about that 😮



8 hours ago, Mageman said:

I take Super Speed (slotted for Knock-back resistance) and put Celerity Stealth into Prestige Power Slide (so I can see when it's on)

Good idea with knockback in SS and stealth in a sprint type of ability, ill change that today to gain some knockback protection 🙂 



12 minutes ago, kelika2 said:

Team Teleport or you just dont join any "speed" tf

Hmm, Team Teleport seems very slow if you're in a cave kind of map, cant barely click 50yards away before you TP into a wall then 😛 unless it works as Recall Friend? that would be... awesome 😮 



Being slow poke around maps isn't much of a big deal to me, just trying to optimize or adapt if possible, got some very useful tips so far 🙂 Im glad i can test stuff today, hopefully this means I can keep Combat jumping, Superspeed, Leadership and fighting powerpool for some survivability 🙂 The incarnate TP thingy is really interesting, hopefully I can get enough salvages to test it... when I get enough exp to unlock it 😛 

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2 minutes ago, kelika2 said:

i have this weird feeling you already formed an opinion and a solution to your own question before posting and this is just plain weird

Not at all 🙂 I got some very useful tips and methods I didn't know or think about, which seems like a little QoL for me. I didn't open the thread as a, find a solution to rushing like a stalker or I'll quit my mastermind. Atleast not what I intended but you know... english isn't my mothertongue 😛 

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@Paperwait Currently, your best pet for such speed activities is to just dismiss, go to the desired location, and resummon. Granting invis works too at times, but its an entire pool pick, costs a lot of endurance to apply to all pets, and doesn't even work if your pets have a damaging or debuff aura anyway. Not to mention some enemies have perception or AoE auras themselves.


One of the changes I would like to see most is the ability to activate pets auto-teleport on demand, and remove the automatic aspect so you could command pets to stay at the entrance of the mission, head to the objective, and then click "Come to Me" or something like that just above dismiss and have them all arrive right at your feet. There's more on that idea here.



Edited by Monos King
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On 8/11/2020 at 4:00 AM, kelika2 said:

i have this weird feeling you already formed an opinion and a solution to your own question before posting and this is just plain weird

Nah you're just salty that people are ignoring your "Don't take an MM on speed TFs" nonsense. He responded thankfully to everyone else, you were just the one reply that wasn't really helpful. ATT up once a half hour is not any kind of solution, "Don't go on Speed TFs" is not a useful answer, and you got the resultant dismissal of your response because you're kinda a turd telling other people how they SHOULD play the game rather than how they CAN play the game like everyone else, and even had to go so far to express your salt to bitch about it and quote him as "Blah blah blah"

You want someone to be grateful for your advice say something worth listening to dude. Learn to answer questions, not use questions as a jumping off point for your opinions. 


OP They already gave my answers. I use SS+celerity IO to make myself invisible and then use a jetpack or super jump if that character took it to handle elevations and then I just run my ass off. Pets die, I resummon when we get where we're going. Sure, it costs me a few seconds. If the boss goes down in the time it takes me to resummon, half the team was actually not necessary to run the TF and who cares, I still get my merits. If the boss doesn't, then I basically lose a few cast times to resummoning if my pets got unlucky and am back in business. Honestly, the biggest issue I have with pets is not them dying during speed TFs, its them getting stuck on other floors such that if I dismiss them, suddenly the pets don't come back and I have no idea why, often have to relog or exit a mission in order to get them to come back. 


Honestly? I would love homecoming to implement a "TP pets to my side" button in the pet command window that has like a 30 second cooldown. 

Edited by TheSpiritFox
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2 hours ago, TheSpiritFox said:


Remember this word when you yourself realize you are not needed and just kinda there when all the brute/scrap/corr/stalk/blast are just annihilating mission objectives meanwhile MMs are left in the dust and when its AV time you are spending 5-10 precious seconds summoning, hoping they dont die, buffing and whatnot.


I understand people hate being told "no" and other variants of it these days, but sad fact, my favorite AT in this game that means a lot to me are trash for speed TFs

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7 minutes ago, kelika2 said:

Remember this word when you yourself realize you are not needed and just kinda there when all the brute/scrap/corr/stalk/blast are just annihilating mission objectives meanwhile MMs are left in the dust and when its AV time you are spending 5-10 precious seconds summoning, hoping they dont die, buffing and whatnot.


I understand people hate being told "no" and other variants of it these days, but sad fact, my favorite AT in this game that means a lot to me are trash for speed TFs

You say that like a ton of TFs aren't soloable.  This isn't WoW, you don't group because you imagine yourself necessary you group to play with people. If the AV dies during the time it takes to summon lol who cares? Obviously you didn't need half the people you brought with you and if anyone was actually concerned about it, they'd have run a 4 man team. You're creating an issue where one does not exist because you play this game to feel useful. Fine for you, don't project it onto others. 

I play this game to make dumb jokes that 30 year olds get and see fun particle effects and play an RPG with a chat function. 


Like, I have a PB that can solo Posi 1 and 2. Needs envenomed daggers for the AV, but beyond that it's easy as shit. If I can do that, is everyone else on my team useless? Should I ONLY solo Posi 1 and 2 when I feel like running it?


Sure, ITF has that one damn mission where rushing through just does not work for an MM at all. You're pretending that an MM is useless for a speed ITF and the truth is MMs are only really have trouble with the shadow shard mission because of how tight it is and what is required to burn down the shards while ignoring the enemies around you. At the same time, I can keep up with a speed MLTF just fine. 

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Your posts are just too long to read to debate on something I already know.  I am not even going to give you a notification by quoting you this time just because damn son.

Just dont join speed TFs as a MM and since leveling is easy have another alt gtg

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8 hours ago, kelika2 said:

Your posts are just too long to read to debate on something I already know.  I am not even going to give you a notification by quoting you this time just because damn son.

Just dont join speed TFs as a MM and since leveling is easy have another alt gtg

"I'm too lazy to think, bye"


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On 8/13/2020 at 8:46 AM, kelika2 said:

Your posts are just too long to read to debate on something I already know.  I am not even going to give you a notification by quoting you this time just because damn son.

Just dont join speed TFs as a MM and since leveling is easy have another alt gtg

I have masterminds join me for speed TFs all the time.  They do just fine.  Even if the pets die they have their secondary.  A good player on a mastermind will be more helpful than a bad player on a stronger build.

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5 hours ago, josh1622 said:

I have masterminds join me for speed TFs all the time.  They do just fine.  Even if the pets die they have their secondary.  A good player on a mastermind will be more helpful than a bad player on a stronger build.

By being a stronger build do you mean a softcapped def built any other AT?  just showing up with your secondary and pretending to be useful is shameful meanwhile the other ATs are coming out swinging with both their primary and secondary.

They are softcapped and good to go just wrecking shit

They do not need your secondary if they are speeding.

And if you know you are not needed because "eh the games easy anyways" why show up and take a spot when you can sit in a firefarm for better rewards?

Masterminds are weak on speed TFs, cold hard truth.  I hate it, but its true.

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2 hours ago, kelika2 said:

By being a stronger build do you mean a softcapped def built any other AT?  just showing up with your secondary and pretending to be useful is shameful meanwhile the other ATs are coming out swinging with both their primary and secondary.

They are softcapped and good to go just wrecking shit

They do not need your secondary if they are speeding.

And if you know you are not needed because "eh the games easy anyways" why show up and take a spot when you can sit in a firefarm for better rewards?

Masterminds are weak on speed TFs, cold hard truth.  I hate it, but its true.

Soft capping isn't the only goal in this game.  Sounds like your builds are safe and easy to play.  Maybe you should try getting good.

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1 minute ago, MTeague said:

I just treat everything like a Kill Most / Kill All  😉

Masterminds - a rolling wave of overwhelming destruction, for when you want to play like a plague of locusts.

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The Splintered Soul Project: (Nyght****) 21 and counting (18 max). 


DSorrow: “Give a man a build export and you feed him for a day, teach him to build and he's fed for a lifetime.

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1 hour ago, josh1622 said:

Soft capping isn't the only goal in this game.  Sounds like your builds are safe and easy to play.  Maybe you should try just agreeing with me and stop having differing opinions.

And speedrunning isnt the only way to run TFs, but if you are, softcapping is key


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