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What's the most satisfying sound/feeling you've heard/felt in CoX?


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That time I first took off over Steel Canyon, sweeping high above the city with the Invulnerability sound and visual effects going.


Then I detoggled because I hadn't realized Fly ate all my endurance and got my face smashed in by Outcasts or Fifth or whoever.

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My most memorable moment was when I was finishing my first accolade power. I was in a swamp area (forget were) and was hunting those little baby clockworks down, the ones that spawn from the princes upon death. So there I was, just zooming around, pew-pew-pewing away, looking at the ground. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going or what was around me. Well, All of a sudden I "bump" into something, and look up. And what do I see?


Something big. Something purple. Something with the name "Hydra". I look at its target information, and what do I see?


"Giant Monster"


ACK! Holy jebus's knitting kitty nickers! I flung my hands up, sending my keyboard cartweeling off into the distance, leaned so far back in my chair it feel backward with my legs flying up to the heavens. 


Now, I know people out there who solo GM's on their lunch break. I am "not" one of those people. Heck I had never seen a Giant Monster before, except that giant floating thing whose name escapes me. So to me, it was like turning the corner and finding Nessie and Bigfoot playing Uno on a Davenport and a Mahogany coffee table. 


So I get up, run to retrieve my keyboard, dash back to my computer and start click click clicking. Now in hindsight, I didn't have a prayer. I was playing my Crabbermind. Click-click-click-clickclickclick!


"What? No! GET EM SPIDEYS! ACK! Spiders you have failed me! Its coming this way! Oh No!...... SPLAT!"


I slumped back in my chair, defeated, watching on while Hydra absently picked its teeth with the remains of my Spider Drones. And my first thought...


"That was pretty awesome."


And thus here ends my tale of the day I met my very first Giant Monster.

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My first main was an nrg/nrg so hearing those sounds for basically years means i'm queued up to them. But - the bubble cast and stone cages never fail to satisfy. While the main theme is great, the moodiness of the Pocket D theme and that maps atmosphere really sticks with me. 



Favourite moment though was the first time I ran a high level TF and watched as the team exited a mission, the door for the next one queued up, and  all 8 of us took off in the same direction - flying, jumping, running, teleporting - almost all keeping pace, while the rest of the map did its thing around us. It was such a fantastic moment of immersion, coordination and anticipation that i've never forgotten it.  

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@Neiskathanks for that 😃 Got me walking down memory lane recalling similar encounters.  

Seeing Hamidon the first time while exploring solo on my first 50.  Wow those little blobs can see and shoot me a loooooong way off!

Or the first time a Warwolf materialized from a defeated Council!

Or rounding a corner outside of Fort Darwin and running into a couple of attached tree trunks called Eochai.


And PS that would have been in Perez Park where you ran into the Hydra.

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16 hours ago, CloudMouse said:

...watched as the team exited a mission, the door for the next one queued up, and  all 8 of us took off in the same direction - flying, jumping, running, teleporting - almost all keeping pace, while the rest of the map did its thing around us. It was such a fantastic moment of immersion, coordination and anticipation that i've never forgotten it.  

I get that same feeling when I'm on an MSR and watch this just swarm of players moving from one pylon to the next.  I'm not even 100% sure why, but, it's a nice thing.

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Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney: Matt (Posi) used to say that players would find the shortest path to the rewards even if it was a completely terrible play experience that would push them away from the game...


Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes
Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise.
This game isn't hard work, it's easy!
Go have fun!
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I do also love the bit in the third mission of the ITF. Past the bridge and up the hill. 


The swarm of romans who come running at you might be my favourite bit of the entire game (with the exception of the sound of Howling Twilight*). 


*Of course if I'm playing Carni then I can Howling Twilight the oncoming horde and be ultra-happy. 

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15 minutes ago, KaizenSoze said:

It's happened several times. Total combat immersion.


You could call is scrapper-lock, but I don't play scrappers. 😛


Usually, requires multiple spawns attacking at the same time.

Mutiple spawns at the same time is why my Tanks take taunt. 


Controlling aggro? Okay I guess. 

Grabbing more for the mosh pit? Hell yes. 

Edited by Carnifax
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