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Tried the game, offering feedback on my way out. I am not trolling, however much this may seem confrontational.


  1. Telling people on the forums to go to the Discord to get real time help, then having a 10 minute silence when they join, is guaranteed to be frustrating.
  2. Character building should check the requested name as a first step, not after the character is functionally complete. A lot of Supers are thematic, and having your theme fail after you have invested all that energy into it is another source of frustration.
  3. I realize this is a carry over from the original game, but having the toon stand there, not doing anything because there is no base attack function, is another source of frustration.
  4. My wife states that she found the clothing choices for female characters less than satisfactory in that they were very limited.


I wanted to be part of this game, as I have heard good things about the community. Unfortunately, I didn't feel the game play matched the potential of the community.


Thank you for the chance to join, I wish you folks well.

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6 minutes ago, chrystoph said:

Character building should check the requested name as a first step, not after the character is functionally complete.

Names can be checked and reserved (if available) within the first couple of pages of the character creator. There's a box at the center bottom of the screen that persists through most of the character creation process in which names can be entered and checked.

9 minutes ago, chrystoph said:

having the toon stand there, not doing anything because there is no base attack function, is another source of frustration

I'm not sure if it meets your definition of base attack function, but any one power can be put on auto-attack.

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No offense, but you've got some serious misconceptions here.

12 minutes ago, chrystoph said:

Telling people on the forums to go to the Discord to get real time help, then having a 10 minute silence when they join, is guaranteed to be frustrating.

The world is not your personal servant available 24/7 to instantly attend to your whims.  Ten minutes for people to give assistance isn't at all unreasonable when you consider it's just random people taking time out of their day to help you.

14 minutes ago, chrystoph said:

Character building should check the requested name as a first step, not after the character is functionally complete. A lot of Supers are thematic, and having your theme fail after you have invested all that energy into it is another source of frustration.

The ability to check your name is available right from the start, it's the box down at the bottom center of the screen.

16 minutes ago, chrystoph said:

I realize this is a carry over from the original game, but having the toon stand there, not doing anything because there is no base attack function, is another source of frustration.

It's how most games work - events in the game happen in responses to your choices.

18 minutes ago, chrystoph said:

My wife states that she found the clothing choices for female characters less than satisfactory in that they were very limited.

Given the almost infinite number of costume combinations available...  I don't even know what to say here.  Maybe she didn't realize the top level selections expand out into menus with a number of lower level selections - each with dozens of options?

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Unofficial Homecoming Wiki - Paragon Wiki updated for Homecoming!  Your contributions are welcome!
(Not the owner/operator - just a fan who wants to spread the word.)

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10 hours ago, chrystoph said:

I realize this is a carry over from the original game, but having the toon stand there, not doing anything because there is no base attack function, is another source of frustration.


It's called Brawl. It will be on every character's action bar at level one. It costs no Endurance and you can use it once every two seconds; faster with more recharge.


Put it on autocast: ctrl+click, a green circle will appear around it. Now you have an auto attack. Weave your other powers in between until you have enough that it's not necessary.


Also, there are vendors called "P2W" that you can get free attacks from which are useful at the start but can be replaced with better powers you earn as you level up.


Also, bye.

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  • Retired Game Master
12 hours ago, chrystoph said:

Telling people on the forums to go to the Discord to get real time help, then having a 10 minute silence when they join, is guaranteed to be frustrating.

As stated below: 


"No deadlines.  [...] we can't promise to make any deadlines you've may have.  If you really want your laptop working for City of Heroes before a trip, 48 hours in advance is more reasonable to work with than, let's say, standing at the gate before you fly out of an airport..."




(To be fair, the OP was initially posted in Help & Support, but that part of the forum isn't a place to leave notes like these, so here we are.)


The rest of the points I hunbly leave for others to discuss.



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On 2/21/2021 at 11:43 AM, Doc_Scorpion said:

No offense, but you've got some serious misconceptions here.


The world is not your personal servant available 24/7 to instantly attend to your whims.  Ten minutes for people to give assistance isn't at all unreasonable when you consider it's just random people taking time out of their day to help you.

I am not sure whether you are being intentionally obtuse, or just obnoxious, but your response has nothing to do with what I said. You join the Discord server looking for help and CANNOT POST for 10 minutes.


I said nothing about how quickly people respond.


I understand that the purpose of 10 minute preclusion is to curtail spam-bots. As you point out, actions have consequences, and, telling someone to go to Discord when they are looking for help, then not allowing them to post for 10 minutes because you find preventing dealing with the spam-bots more important than their time AFTER explicitly telling them to come to the Discord is a message in its own right.


For future reference, if nothing else, think about what other people are likely to think of this community in reading your response. You say, "No offense", then, immediately, make not one, but two, Ad Hominem attacks before you (intentionally?) misconstrue the point you are responding to while accusing a sense of entitlement to defend a design choice that I personally have experience with as being frustrating. You then go on being condescending for your entire post with a known new player. Think about what someone with no frame of reference is likely to think of this community when a senior member reacts that way.


I won't be coming back to the forum, as this morning was idle curiousity, so any further posts won't be read.



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4 hours ago, chrystoph said:

your response has nothing to do with what I said. You join the Discord server looking for help and CANNOT POST for 10 minutes.


I said nothing about how quickly people respond.

You did not say "I could not post".  You said "had a 10 minute silence when they join" - which means something entirely different.  They're sufficiently different in meaning that they cannot possibly be confused.  What you said plainly implies that you could not receive an answer.

Etc...  Etc...

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Unofficial Homecoming Wiki - Paragon Wiki updated for Homecoming!  Your contributions are welcome!
(Not the owner/operator - just a fan who wants to spread the word.)

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