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Death by end drain

Kai Moon

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How about a new enemy flag, where certain flagged targets are instantly defeated if their endurance goes to 0?


It'd be a fun alternative for getting rid of e.g. force field doors, destructible glowies, and other targetable objects.


It could even be a special thematic weakness on certain enemies. For instance, incorporeal enemies might dissipate, electronic enemies might shut down when out of energy. Wouldn't necessarily be overpowered, either, since the enemies would be unable to attack anyway.


(Hat tip to Final Fantasy VI, which probably gave me this idea subconsciously.)

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Well, we already have bonus *damage* versus some types of enemies (Ghost slaying axe vs ghosts, short circuit vs robots,) I'd think (hope?) this could be an extension of that.

Still not particularly fond of certain segments of this community.

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16 hours ago, MetalSiryn said:

That would make my Elec Aff/Elec blast Defender a god.  Cuz she's made AVs end go to zero.

I think the idea is to define a class of objects that will be destroyed if fully drained of End, not that this be a general mechanic. For example, the force field prison doors in Arachnos bases -- drain them of power and they shut down. Ghosts drained of End might lose their ability to manifest on this plane. But it shouldn't be a sweeping 'drain to zero End, and it's defeated' rule.


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If enemy mobs of all kinds actually needed end, then this would happen pretty quickly once they were at zero. Get the AV's end to zero, all its toggles drop, it can't attack, starts panting, and then dies. This is some sort of crazy dream we need to wake up from!


Seriously, it would be neat if it could be balanced to work the same way for enemy npcs as it does for players, but there's probably good reason why it doesn't.


Past that, having a new, different than powers-need-end means to accomplish this would work, but might feel very kludgy. Maybe once end is at zero have the drain start sucking away their hp, instead. 

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Part of the issue is not that end drain to zero is not bad news for mobs it's that it isn't any faster than simply straight up getting health to zero.  Combine that with how critters recover endurance and it tends to be relatively ineffective particulary as a solo tactic.


6 hours ago, Andreah said:

If enemy mobs of all kinds actually needed end, then this would happen pretty quickly once they were at zero. Get the AV's end to zero, all its toggles drop, it can't attack, starts panting, and then dies. This is some sort of crazy dream we need to wake up from!


Seriously, it would be neat if it could be balanced to work the same way for enemy npcs as it does for players, but there's probably good reason why it doesn't. ... <snip> ... 

     They do need and require endurance to use most their powers just like PCs (auto powers afaik all cost zero endurance to use, PC or NPC).  The problem stems from the size of their endurance bars and how recovery works for everyone critters and players alike.  Your character has 100 end an AV has 800 end.  The result is each server tic the PC gains 'n' endurance while the AV recovers '8n'.  So you gain 5 end.  The AV, with everything else the same, gains 40 end.  Now how many on your powers can you use with 5 end versus how many could you use with 40 endurance.  That's the root of the problem not that critters do not need or use endurance for their powers.  

    Take that same AV and drain them to zero and shut off or seriously debuff their recovery as well and they will stand around examining their navels until that server tic of end happens, they attack once, maybe twice flatlining their end bar again then resume examining their navels.  A team of sapper builds can and will turn AVs into mewling kittens.  It's just vastly harder to do solo especially since drain and recovery debuffs run smack into both AV resistances and the Purple Patch making it pretty rough vs a +4 AV.


     Go, go Shock Troopers and DWEF (Don't Whiz on the Electric Fence) SG's of the RO Network

Edited by Doomguide2005
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Three heroes are captured by Scirocco’s troops and are tied up as the head Mu Guardian gloats.  “I will grant you a choice!  Death, or Endurance Drain!”




(story unfolds)




The third hero, horrified by the endurance drain endured by his compatriots says, “To Hell with this, I choose death!”


”Great!” says the Mu Guardian.  “Death by Endurance Drain!”

  • Haha 3

Who run Bartertown?


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