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AFAIK, the set is already mostly "done"; the issue is lack of animations and sfx (assuming they don't just want to reuse existing animations). And I'm not sure if the HC team taken on any animators or artists yet.


But hey, maybe I'm wrong!

  • Like 2
2 hours ago, blaythesteuer said:

man i really hope we get it! Wind/Storm please come in to my life!!


  • Like 1

Want more from Praetoria? Check out my level 40+ Praetoria missions in AE! I've got 3 complete arcs so far.
Praetorians can get to AE in Pocket D by going through Studio 55, or via a truck in Nova Praetoria.


Posted (edited)

The powers mostly exist in the I24 code base, meaning they'd been working on it for a while. Folks are correct about a lack of particle effects. Adding new particle effects is a doable but slow process.


I pasted a copy of the publicly available i24 encoding text if you want to see it. No idea if Homecoming will finish the set and keep these descriptions as is or not.



// ******************************************************************************** 
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
// Power Set : Wind Control 
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
// DisplayName :
"P2423427525" "Wind Control"
// DisplayHelp :
"P3122803118" "Through manipulation of pressure, you are able to channel the force of wind to bind, weaken and crush your opponents."
// SetAccountTooltip :
"P259518364" "Please purchase this powerset in the Paragon Market to gain access to this feature."

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
// Power : Updraft 
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
// Display Name :
"P1744663846" "Updraft"
// Power Mouse-Over Text :
"P578874942" "Ranged, Moderate DMG (Smashing), Knockup(Foe), -Fly(Foe), Pressure Builder (Self)"
// Power Help Text :
"P906391507" "You gather air at the feet of your target before forcefully pressurizing it into an upward flowing vortex. The force of the updraft pulls your target into the sky. When the updraft dissipates, your target falls to the ground and suffers moderate smashing damage. The affected target is also unable to fly for a short time. This power builds Pressure. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Fast"
// DisplayTargetShortHelp :
"P3885675710" "-Fly"
// DisplayTargetHelp :
"P2749873115" "You are unable to fly."
// Effect AttackerHit Message :
"P583703119" "{PlayerDest} falls to the ground and suffers {Damage} points of smashing damage after your {PowerName} subsides."
// Effect VictimHit Message :
"P255467797" "You fall to the ground and suffer {Damage} points of smashing damage after {PlayerSource}'s {PowerName} subsides."
// Effect AttackerHit Message :
"P1125909039" "You capture {PlayerDest} in a powerful {PowerName} and drag them into the sky, while also preventing flight."
// Effect VictimHit Message :
"P899180043" "{PlayerSource} captures you with a powerful {PowerName}, launching you into the sky and preventing flight."
// Effect VictimHit Message :
"P1968658659" "You alter the atmospheric Pressure in your vicinity."

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
// Power : Downdraft 
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
// Display Name :
"P4157806004" "Downdraft"
// Power Mouse-Over Text :
"P466441814" "Ranged, Hold(Foe), -Movement(Foe), -Rech(Foe), -Fly(Foe), Pressure Builder (Self)"
// Power Help Text :
"P1890196396" "You gather air above your target before forcefully pressurizing it into a downward flowing vortex. The force of the downdraft prevents your target from moving, effectively holding them in place and preventing flight. The force of the downdraft leaves the target winded, reducing their movement and attack speeds for a short time while they recover. This power builds Pressure. Recharge: Moderate"
// DisplayTargetShortHelp :
"P2861039437" "Hold, -Speed(All), -Rech, -Fly"
// DisplayTargetHelp :
"P3208563163" "You are caught in a strong downdraft of wind that prevents you from moving or flying. Should you break free of the downdraft, you will still suffer reduced movement and attack speeds for a short time."
// Effect AttackerHit Message :
"P3302171913" "The intense pressure caused by your {PowerName} holds {PlayerDest} in place."
// Effect VictimHit Message :
"P4098568062" "The force of {PlayerSource}'s {PowerName} checks your movement, holding you in place."
// Effect AttackerHit Message :
"P454311045" "{PlayerDest} suffers {Damage} points of smashing damage due to the force of your {PowerName}."
// Effect VictimHit Message :
"P4288653720" "You suffer {Damage} points of smashing damage due to {PlayerSource}'s {PowerName}, as well as an inability to fly and reduced movement and attack speeds."

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
// Power : Breathless 
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
// Display Name :
"P3646522798" "Breathless"
// Power Mouse-Over Text :
"P746724063" "Ranged (Targeted AoE), Minor DMG (Lethal), Immobilize (Foe), -DMG(Foe, All), +EndCost(Foe, PvP), Consumes Pressure"
// Power Help Text :
"P1126320331" "You release all available Pressure to create a localized high pressure sphere at a location of your choosing. This high pressure crushes foes continually while they remain within the sphere, causing lethal damage over time. Affected foes will be immobilized and suffer from a reduced attack speed. In normal combat, affected foes will also suffer reduced damage potential, while in PvP, affected foes will suffer from increased endurance cost of their powers. The damage done increases in proportion to the amount of Pressure released when using this power.  Also, Breathless can reduce the damage potential of all targets, in PvE or PvP, if used at the lowest levels of  Pressure accumulation. Damage: Variable, Recharge: Moderate"
// DisplayTargetShortHelp :
"P169884591" "Immobilize, -Rech, -EndCost(PvP)"
// DisplayTargetHelp :
"P3038756986" "You are caught in a very high pressure area that leaves you immobilized and weakened. You suffer lethal damage, your attack speed is reduced and all powers cost more endurance to use for as long as you remain in the field of effect."
// Effect AttackerHit Message :
"P2027562138" "{PlayerDest} suffers {Damage} points of lethal damage due to the pressure shifts caused by {PowerName}."
// Effect VictimHit Message :
"P2034325849" "You suffer {Damage} points of lethal damage due to the pressure shifts caused by {PowerName}."
// Effect AttackerHit Message :
"P3962357178" "{PlayerDest} has been immobilized by {PowerName}."
// Effect VictimHit Message :
"P4007523252" "The pressure shifts caused by {PowerName} immobilize you."
// DisplayFloat :
"P2883443510" "I Drain Pressure!"
// Effect VictimHit Message :
"P123669248" "You release all atmospheric Pressure changes you have accumulated."

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
// Power : Wind Shear 
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
// Display Name :
"P4167447611" "Wind Shear"
// Power Mouse-Over Text :
"P3059995404" "PBAoE (Toggle), -Speed (Foe, All), -Fly(Foe), -ToHit(Foe), -DMG(Foe, All)"
// Power Help Text :
"P4294720170" "You create a sphere of high speed winds around yourself. This significantly slows the movement of any enemies caught within the sphere and makes their attacks less likely to hit. Damage potential is also reduced. Flying foes are brought to the ground. This power neither builds nor releases Pressure, but does have a continuous Endurance cost. Recharge: Slow"
// DisplayTargetShortHelp :
"P1939163005" "-Speed(All), -ToHit, -Fly, -DMG(All)"
// DisplayTargetHelp :
"P151966397" "You are caught in powerful wind shear. This reduces your speed, dulls damage potential and prevents flight as the wind checks your momentum. The speed also makes your attacks less accurate."

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
// Power : Thundergust 
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
// Display Name :
"P501665916" "Thundergust"
// Power Mouse-Over Text :
"P3794619766" "Ranged (Cone), Minor DMG(Smashing), Knockdown(Foe), -ToHit(Foe), Pressure Builder (Self)"
// Power Help Text :
"P2090470506" "You unleash a powerful gust of wind in the direction of your foes. This gust has enough force to deal minor smashing damage to your foes and knock them to the ground. The debris blown at your opponent temporarily blinds them, reducing their chance to hit. This power builds Pressure. Damage: Minor, Recharge: Very Long"
// Effect AttackerHit Message :
"P1493426403" "{PlayerDest} is struck by the force of your {PowerName}, suffering {Damage} points of smashing damage and a reduced chance to hit."
// Effect VictimHit Message :
"P762076867" "You are struck by the force of {PlayerSource}'s {PowerName}, suffering {Damage} points of smashing damage. Your chance to hit is also reduced and you are unable to fly."

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
// Power : Microburst 
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
// Display Name :
"P522412001" "Microburst"
// Power Mouse-Over Text :
"P1402110756" "Ranged (Targeted AoE), Minor DMG(Smashing), Stun(Foe), -Speed(Foe, All), -Fly(Foe), -Rech(Foe), Chance for -DEF(Foe, All), Consumes Pressure"
// Power Help Text :
"P2087171064" "You release all available Pressure to create an extremely powerful blast of air that descends from the skies and spreads out over a large radius. Any foes caught within the burst are immediately stunned by the force of the wind and suffer smashing damage.Flying foes are knocked out of the sky, while all foes suffer reduced movement speed that lingers for some time. The damage done increases in proportion to the amount of Pressure released when using this power.  Also, Microburst can reduce your target's defenses at the when the highest levels of Pressure are released. Damage: Variable, Recharge: Long"
// DisplayTargetShortHelp :
"P641419673" "Stun, -Speed(All), -Rech, -Fly, Chance for -DEF(All)"
// DisplayTargetHelp :
"P1249260964" "You are caught in a powerful microburst and have been stunned. You also suffer reduced movement and attack speeds and are unable to fly. There is a chance that you are also suffering from reduced defenses, depending on the Pressure released when your attacker created this microburst."
// Effect AttackerHit Message :
"P3188610546" "{PlayerDest} is caught in your {PowerName} and suffers {Damage} points of smashing damage."
// Effect VictimHit Message :
"P2490109153" "You are caught in a {PowerName} and suffer {Damage} points of smashing damage, as well as reduced movement speed, attack speed and chance to hit."
// Effect AttackerHit Message :
"P161260952" "{PlayerDest} has been stunned by the force of your {PowerName}."
// Effect VictimHit Message :
"P115658517" "You are stunned by {PowerName}."
// Effect AttackerHit Message :
"P3931143024" "The Pressure released with your {PowerName} is enough to allow it to lower your opponent's defenses."
// Effect VictimHit Message :
"P3572259374" "Your defenses have been lowered by {PlayerSource}'s {PowerName}."

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
// Power : Keening Winds 
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
// Display Name :
"P834227293" "Keening Winds"
// Power Mouse-Over Text :
"P611811741" "Ranged (Targeted AoE), Confuse(Foe), EndDrain(Foe), +End(Self)"
// Power Help Text :
"P736132500" "You create a sphere of variable speed winds that generate strong friction within the turbulence of the air. This creates odd echoes and sounds that confuse foes caught within the burst. The loss of confidence your foes suffer due their confusion causes them to lose endurance over a few seconds, while you gain endurance due to a boost in confidence you enjoy from seeing your foes struggle. This power builds Pressure. Damage: None, Recharge: Long"
// Effect AttackerHit Message :
"P2763213418" "{PlayerDest} has been confused by the sounds emanating from the {PowerName} swirling around them."
// Effect VictimHit Message :
"P1498677955" "{PlayerSource} confuses you with the sounds emanating from the {PowerName} swirling around you."
// Effect AttackerHit Message :
"P281275113" "{PlayerDest}'s confusion due to the {PowerName} swirling around them causes them to lose {Damage} points of endurance."
// Effect VictimHit Message :
"P2024503765" "You have lost {Damage} points of endurance due to the confusion you are suffering because of {PlayerSource}'s {PowerName}."
// Effect VictimHit Message :
"P3422711768" "You gain {Damage} points of endurance due to the confidence boost gained from seeing your foes confused due to your {PowerName}."

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
// Power : Vacuum 
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
// Display Name :
"P3584390836" "Vacuum"
// Power Mouse-Over Text :
"P930857572" "Ranged (Targeted AoE), Hold (Foe), Moderate DoT (Lethal), -Movement(Foe), -Rech(Foe), -ToHit(Foe), Special(Pet), Pressure Consumer (Self)"
// Power Help Text :
"P1727546664" "You release all Pressure to create a vacuum space around a target. With a foe target, the foe is held. Nearby foes may also be held. Foes in the field suffer lethal damage and persistent movement, attack speed, and chance to hit debuffs that grow stronger the longer they are in the field. If centered on an ally, the main target is not held, but foes are affected as normal. For each Pressure released, the Vacuum field persists for 2 seconds more. At your highest Pressure level, the main target will take extra damage and the field will persist long enough to reapply its hold. If Vacuum is targeted on your Vortex, you will gain the Clear Skies boon, but at the expense of using the power to harm foes. The boon lasts 5 seconds more for each Pressure released. Both Vacuum and Vortex are required to unlock Clear Skies. Damage: Minor, Recharge: Very Long"
// DisplayTargetShortHelp :
"P2211841663" "Special"
// DisplayTargetHelp :
"P1253583898" "You have used Vacuum on your Vortex ally and will be under the effects of Clouded Skies when the Clear Skies boon expires."
// Effect AttackerHit Message :
"P2375591925" "You create a {PowerName} field at {PlayerDest}'s location."
// Effect VictimHit Message :
"P1660374886" "{PlayerSource} creates a {PowerName} field at your location."
// DisplayFloat :
"P492122490" "I Hit Not My Pet!"
// Effect AttackerHit Message :
"P1155425138" "{PlayerDest} has been held within your {PowerName} field."
// Effect VictimHit Message :
"P1307000342" "You are staggered by {PlayerSource}'s {PowerName} and held in place."
// Effect VictimHit Message :
"P4064826103" "{PlayerSource} creates a {PowerName} field at your location!"
// Effect AttackerHit Message :
"P3182230136" "You cause {Damage} points of lethal damage on {PlayerDest} by creating a maximized {PowerName} field."
// Effect VictimHit Message :
"P741335785" "You suffer {Damage} points of lethal damage due to {PlayerSource}'s maximized {PowerName} field."
// Effect VictimHit Message :
"P2127866998" "You create a {PowerName} field on your Vortex and gain the Clear Skies boon."
// DisplayFloat :
"P1913056471" "I Hit My Pet!"

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
// Power : Vortex 
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
// Display Name :
"P2767021218" "Vortex"
// Power Mouse-Over Text :
"P615366471" "Summon Vortex"
// Power Help Text :
"P3875947948" "You can create a true Vortex cloud to assist you in battle. This Vortex will build Pressure along with you as you use your powers. This will allow its attacks to have a chance, proportional to current pressure, for critical damage. However, at higher pressures, the Vortex will be unable to use some of its powers. The Manipulation of Pressure on this pet through the use of Vacuum upon it will grant you the Clear Skies buff. Both this power and Vacuum are required to automatically unlock Clear Skies. Recharge: Very Long"
// Effect AttackerHit Message :
"P3876726645" "Through masterful manipulation of wind, you create a {PowerName} to assist you in battle."

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
// Power : Clear Skies 
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
// Display Name :
"P2618032340" "Clear Skies"
// Power Mouse-Over Text :
"P2981941033" "Self (Auto), +ToHit, +Rech, +Rec, -EndCost"
// Power Help Text :
"P23676007" "When training yourself in the creation of a Vortex, you also learn how to create the Clear Skies effect. If you use Vacuum on your own Vortex, you will gain a boost to your chance to hit foes, your attack speed and your recovery. Additionally, the endurance cost of all your powers will be reduced. While the strength of the Clear Skies effect cannot be stacked and cannot be increased, the duration of the effect can be extended from the minimum duration of 30 seconds. The more Pressure you consume when you execute Vacuum, the greater the duration of the Clear Skies bonuses, up to a maximum of 60 seconds. When the bonuses of Clear Skies end, you will be under the Clouded Skies effect, which prevents another Clear Skies buff from applying, for several minutes. Clear Skies is granted automatically when both Vacuum and Vortex have been trained."
// DisplayTargetShortHelp :
"P707862458" "+ToHit, +Rech, +Rec, -EndCost"
// DisplayTargetHelp :
"P4201704727" "You are capable of receiving the boon of Clear Skies, which improves your chance to hit, recovery and attack speed, as well as a grants a reduction in the endurance cost of your powers. This boon can be earned by using Vacuum on your Vortex ally, and will last a variable duration depending on the Pressure consumed when Vacuum is executed. Earning the Clear Skies boon will also cause Clouded Skies when it expires, which prevents acquisition of another boon for several minutes."
// Effect VictimHit Message :
"P3554134698" "Cloudy Skies"


Edited by oedipus_tex
  • 7 months later

I just want to circle around to this since it's been a while. I really don't want this power set to lose visibility. I would love to have this power set added to the game and was wondering if there was any official information on the progress. Looks like it still exists in the source files, just hasn't been published to the game.

  • Like 1

I think the most obvious pairing is with Kin since you are stacking -dmg. Animations from a volunteer group is always going to take a bit of time to do. 

  • Like 1

Top 10 Most Fun 50s.

1. Without Mercy: Claws/ea Scrapper. 2. Outsmart: Fort 3. Sneakers: Stj/ea Stalker. 4. Emma Strange: Ill/dark Controller. 5. Project Next: Ice/stone Brute. 6. Waterpark: Water/temp Blaster. 6. Mighty Matt: Rad/bio Brute. 7. Without Hesitation: Claws/sr Scrapper. 8. Within Reach: Axe/stone Brute. 9. Without Pause: Claws/wp Brute.  10. Chasing Fireworks: Fire/time Controller. 


"Downtime is for mortals. Debt is temporary. Fame is forever."

  • 2 years later
24 minutes ago, DreamingShad said:

Any word on if this is going to be added to Homecoming?

It was mentioned at some point by someone on the HC team a while ago that HC are deliberately avoiding doing things that have been released on other servers and preferring to make their own content and powers.


It would attract claims of copying, even if it did originate in some form pre-shutdown (Wind Control, Primalist archetype), but also it helps differentiate the servers so they each have their own unique content.

Doctor Fortune  Soulwright Mother Blight Brightwarden Storm Lantern King Solar Corona Borealis
Blood Fortunado Dark/Dark Corruptor Rad/Rad Brute Gravity/Time Controller Storm/Water Defender Peacebringer Dark/Dark Tanker
The Good Missions Guide: A Heroic Levelling Journey through Story Arcs Blueside Guide Easy IO Cheat Sheet 
The Mean Missions Guide: A Villainous Levelling Journey through Story Arcs Redside Guide Fortunatas are the Bestunatas
On 5/20/2024 at 7:56 AM, Gulbasaur said:

It was mentioned at some point by someone on the HC team a while ago that HC are deliberately avoiding doing things that have been released on other servers and preferring to make their own content and powers.


It would attract claims of copying, even if it did originate in some form pre-shutdown (Wind Control, Primalist archetype), but also it helps differentiate the servers so they each have their own unique content.



This is an extremely poor reason not to implement something that was ALREADY in the works, like Radiation Armor and Sentinels, which were already in the files. Wind Control is already there.k There is ZERO reason not to do it.

  • Microphone 1

It’s just a guess, but I don’t think that’s the reason.   The HC development team seems to lean toward homogenization and that sets within an AT should all perform similarly.


Wind and water control break the mold for control sets.  Wind control has power mechanics which are usually reserved for melee  and can do ridiculous things in the hands of a skilled player.  Water control is kind of OP with its forced movement and knockdowns.


My hypothesis is that they know these powers would start a whole new cycle of calls for buffs and nerfs and just don’t see the ROI to introducing the sets.  

Posted (edited)

I'm not sure why HC didn't add Wind Control. It doesn't matter if other servers released it, it was made back on Live. They could make Wind Control's mechanic different from other servers. Ain't nothing wrong with it, they even changed a lot of different things from other servers.


Considering they just added Arse Control, it seems they don't have animators/artists yet. From what I seen, Arse Control's animation is nothing new.

Edited by Greentea
  • Like 1
  • Microphone 1
23 hours ago, Death2Tyrants said:

Sounds like there are other challenges as well according to Rebirth.

Maybe.  That was a discussion about asking the servers to share things they had developed with each other, especially all the costume work that Silver Age Fan has developed.  Wind control (and water control) already existed along with the origin pools and like the origin pools I believe the devs just finished the work that was already in place.   

They are making another update to the set.   Wind control has a "pressure" mechanic with builder powers and consumer powers and on Rebirth there currently isn't the red ring indicator power letting you know that you have fully built pressure and which powers can consume it.  Muon confirmed that they've made that update to the powerset for Issue 7 (Heard the rumor that the final origin power, utility belt, will also be released at that time, but I don't recall reading that being confirmed)


I honestly have no idea what you're saying.  I never implied it was a set here.   I play on both Homecoming and Rebirth and I'm well aware that the devs update existing sets differently.   I've played the updated Trick Arrow on both servers.    Neither server completely changed how the sets work, they mainly stuck to cottage rule.

This thread was started by the OP calling out that other servers already implemented the sets and I gave a hypothosis on why the HC devs looked at the code and decided to pass due to ROI.   "No copy" wouldn't apply as the other servers didn't  create these sets, they already existed in the code.  That's quite different than asking Silver Age Fan to share the new dance emotes, for the Rebirth devs to share the new Synapse task force, or for Homecoming to share Seismic blast.    


I see a very few pleading for this power. It's a mish mash of stuff we already have. I am fine with or without it.


I also wonder if the coding is all there for it then why not drop it in. HC has been lean on content adds so why not.


Also, it's very interesting reading that Reddit comment about revamping the costume system. It's too bad HC didn't have that guy working here. Ah well! 

  • 4 months later

I would love wind control.  But then again I would have to hear a bunch of people bitch and moan about knockback which would cause it to be removed thus making a power that  involves high winds blowing things around to not be windy, thus making the power simply blow.  I mean the shit storm of crying about KB when Storm Blast was being developed, another power revolving around weather tearing shit up just sucked.

  • Haha 1
  • Microphone 1

Girls of Nukem High - Excelsior - Tempus Fabulous, Flattery, Jennifer Chilly, Betty Beatdown, Totally Cali, Two Gun Trixie

Babes of War - Excelsior - High Beam (Yay), Di Di Guns, Runeslinger, Munitions Mistress, Tideway, Hard Melody, Blue Aria


Many alts and lots of fun.  Thank you Name Release For letting me get my OG main back!

  • 3 months later
  • 1 month later

I've played around with Wind Control recently and I kinda understand why it hasn't been brought over here yet. Since it's solid as it is on other servers it might need a rework with how our character building overall works. Plus the set needs a bit more visual feedback on some of the skills so you can understand who got hit with what. Also in buildings it's gonna be hell so they're gonna need to make a min fx version for sure


Wind Control is one of those sets I often look at and hope it gets added. Not too concerned about how good it is, the concept is just neat and it would be cool to combo it with Controllers' secondaries.

  • Thumbs Up 1

Of course the moment there is a micron of Knockback people will bitch and moan about it until it is removed and thus no longer windy.

  • Sad 1
  • Pizza (Pineapple) 1

Girls of Nukem High - Excelsior - Tempus Fabulous, Flattery, Jennifer Chilly, Betty Beatdown, Totally Cali, Two Gun Trixie

Babes of War - Excelsior - High Beam (Yay), Di Di Guns, Runeslinger, Munitions Mistress, Tideway, Hard Melody, Blue Aria


Many alts and lots of fun.  Thank you Name Release For letting me get my OG main back!

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