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Blaster DPS sheet nobody asked for


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If you've used my Sentinel sheet, you can use this without issue. If you are unfamiliar, make a copy on your google drive, edit pertinent cells and make a rotation with whatever abilities you have slotted. Seriously, I don't think this sheet works in any other spreadsheet programs. You can use your enhancement numbers from in game, or use enhancement numbers from your Mid's builds. You might be wondering why use this sheet instead of Mid's? Because my numbers are right. In my experience it's easier to pull set bonuses from your Character Attributes in game than it is to pull them from Mid's.


Thanks to everyone that's been finding errors I missed.


Gunna leave a link for the older version for people that don't care to include pool powers. After fiddling around with it, the only powers worth including are Cross Punch and Corrosive Vial. But that was half assed work on my end, I'm far from an expert rotation builder for Blasters. I didn't any real in-depth investigating, mostly just checked to see if numbers were pulling correctly. I had to change how Reactive Interface and Assault Core were done because the way they calculated before would make it so including Toggles would affect DPS.


v1.0.3: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1N1J_UjpZtpCYrg3NtrHVGlboQyp1kQoqZVtxsNNfpf8/edit?usp=sharing

v1.1.2: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tA7KrJ9TfkkioVjuLfTSVTXWVCtJfG9r967NC9smXpI/edit?usp=sharing




- Fixed dumb mistake with Patron Pet damage.

- Added Reactive Interface debuff to Patron Pets.

- Capped both Radial and Core at 10%.

- Minor correction to PPM calculations.



- Minor fix to Interface procs.



- Added Pool Powers. They're to the right of the Primary/Secondary/Epic powers. I'd recommend zooming out to 90% if you're on a 1080 monitor.

- Basically every pool power has an associated Toggle. Toggle it if you're using it. Applies to buffs, toggles and the Boxing/Kick/Cross Punch mechanic.

- Re-tooled how Reactive Interface is calculated.

- Re-tooled how Hybrid Assault Core is calculated.

- Fixed how Darkness Manipulation > Death Shroud is calculated.

- Fixed how Fire Manipulation > Hot Feet is calculated.

- Fixed how Hybrid Radial damage for those two auras and rain spells is calculated.

- Fixed Plant Manipulation > Toxins calculation for rain spells.

- Fixed how many times Interface procs will activate for 15 second rain spells.

- Fixed Patron Pets. Technically the 3 spiderlings can each apply the Achilles debuff, but I rarely saw the buff go over more than 1 stack, so I'm just going to elect to keep it capped at 20%.



- Fixed various abilities not having either -Def or -Res (or both) debuffs that should have.

- Updated Defense and Resist reduction cells to reflect.

- Changed Defiance to only grab slot 22 if Flame Mastery is chosen. Apparently Melt Armor gives Defiance.



- Added Sting of the Manticore proc to Snipes

- Fixed End calcs for Tactics and Assault.

- Added End Discount to Energy Manipulation > Energize. Also added check box to toggle whether you took the ability or not.

- Added check boxes to the various Build Up ability slots (4, 5, 6, 12, 13, 14, 15), they are toggled on by default. If you didn't take a Build Up for some reason, you can untoggle it.

- Extended Rotation bar to allow it to encompass a longer time. After my Sentinel tests I found that a longer rotation gave me accurate results, especially for Electric Blast.

- Removed doubled damage from Voltaic Sentinel.

- Added Reactive Interface debuff to Voltaic Sentinel.

- Added half-assed calc to include Incarnate recharge into Hasten/Unrelenting/Adrenal.



- Added damage proc to Ninja Training > Shinobi.



- Initial release. It's been a long road from the Sentinel spreadsheet.

Edited by underfyre
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  • 4 weeks later
On 5/8/2021 at 8:46 AM, underfyre said:

If you've used my Sentinel sheet, you can use this without issue. While this is technically an initial release, it's based off of a year and half of work. So yeah, initial release. Version 1.0.


If you are unfamiliar, make a copy on your google drive, edit pertinent cells and make a rotation with whatever abilities you have slotted. You can use your enhancement numbers from in game, or use enhancement numbers from your Mids builds. You might be wondering why use this sheet instead of mids? Because my numbers are right.



As always, great work, love the sheet.

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Made a lot of progress figuring this out today.  Here's some issues I can't explain:


M10 (damage) is 17.11% with all buff zeroed out
M10 and F29 are #DIV/0 with Assault Core
M30 (recharge) is 25.48% with everything zeroed out
how do I enter other procs?
Voltaic Sentinel Effective DPS is #DIV/0
Reactive Interface is probably based on it's in-game numbers rather than it's in-game effects, eg the damage resistance debuff doesn't work in game.


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So @Sunsette's issue is fixed. For Assault and Tactics I was multiplying by total damage instead of time for no reason because I was going by the same train of thought I had for the other abilities, but I already had end/s for them anyway. So that was dumb. I had that fixed on the Sentinel Sheet. Also added the End buff to Energize, and added a check box to toggle it.


@DarknessEternal issue with the damage %, that cell pulls damage buffs from all over the sheet; Defiance, Decimation, Gaussian, Aim, Build Up, Hybrid. Just all over the sheet, so there's almost always going to be a number there until I put in check boxes for stuff like Aim. Same goes for the Hit, Accuracy, End and Recharge blocks. It's just easier to do calculations pulling those numbers from a single cell than from 8 different cells.


#DIV/0 errors will pop up when the rotation blocks are empty because a lot of things are based off of ability duration divided by how long the rotation lasts. Fixed it to say 0 in the spots I've seen. A DIV/0 in one cell will carry over to every cell that references that cell.


Reactive numbers are pulled from the info in City of Data. When I was doing validation runs for the Sentinel sheet I had a Target Analyzer running and can confirm that those numbers are also right in game.


To add procs scroll down the sheet, there's 23 abilities worth of stuff you can fill in. If I missed a (damage/buff) proc for a particular ability let me know and I'll fill it in.


Edited by underfyre
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18 minutes ago, DarknessEternal said:

When it shows CD for a pick, is it padding some time before using that pick or brute forcing it to use the power now?


Yeah, if it says CD the attack is on cool down but it will still calculate the ability. Drop a 0 in there to insert a pause and put the ability after the 0 to have it calculate the pause time.

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Yes, that's the rogue 17.11% you had. It is always calculating for both Build Ups. Theoretically I could have tied the damage bonus to the presence of the ability being in rotation, but that just adds complexity to the sheet at the expense of a 2-3% change in out put.


But I did make things slightly more complicated by adding check boxes to all of the build up slots. They're toggled on by default, but the option is there to not take Build Up or Aim in your build if you're some kind of mad man.


As a reminder, for all these changes I've made today you'll have to make a new copy of the sheet.

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I opened the sheet to see what's going on with the Buildup and Aim. First, you should include the buff numbers when they are in the rotation. Not everyone takes Aim so seeing it automatically contributing is not good.


Also, I tried using Aim and Buildup in the rotation. When I type 12 (buildup) I see my damage buff go up. When I type 5 (Aim) there is no change to the damage buff. Can you explain why Aim is not increasing my buff value?

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12 minutes ago, Bopper said:

Also, I tried using Aim and Buildup in the rotation. When I type 12 (buildup) I see my damage buff go up. When I type 5 (Aim) there is no change to the damage buff. Can you explain why Aim is not increasing my buff value?


I can....but you're not going to like it. I missed something and 12 is being included in Defiance calcs. I'm fixing it.

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The reason I don't want to force including aim in rotation is the same reason that making the Voltaic Sentinel Reactive incarnate debuff overly complicated would potentially muddy things even more than not including it. As it is, it assumes Boost% * Duration / Recharge. Seems like including it in rotation would force me to include how many times it's used and divide that by rotation time. Technically.

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11 minutes ago, underfyre said:


I can....but you're not going to like it. I missed something and 12 is being included in Defiance calcs. I'm fixing it.

That honestly is the answer I like.


While you're fixing things, are there no options for using pool powers? One reason I ask, I see there is a damage buff calculation for unrelenting, but not one for adrenal booster, but it doesn't seem to have a way to be used in the rotation. Also, setting any of the +Recharge options from False to True causes a #Ref.

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5 minutes ago, DarknessEternal said:

Not to heap on the misery of your update, but if you could put in the recharge bonus of Chronos, that'd be swell.


This thing'll be perfect yet.


I'm showing Chronos with a recharge bonus? Time Lord gives the additional 10% recharge bonus based off of Chronos recharge time. And the recharge box at the top is definitely grabbing data from those cells.

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2 minutes ago, Bopper said:

While you're fixing things, are there no options for using pool powers? One reason I ask, I see there is a damage buff calculation for unrelenting, but not one for adrenal booster, but it doesn't seem to have a way to be used in the rotation. Also, setting any of the +Recharge options from False to True causes a #Ref.


So before my latest thievery from one of Kezeal's more recent sheets, the way I was calculating whether things were on cooldown or not was just a mess of code that got more and more complicated with each new cell in the rotation. Adding a new ability to that list was beyond a headache. Especially with the changes I had to make to accommodate combo abilities like Water Jet under Tidal Power. So adding pool powers was only a faint consideration at best. Now I can just click and drag the entire rotation bar to extend it for the most part. So that option is back in the table. Especially since I want to see how Cross Punch changes things for some sets.


So with how I treated Aim/Build Up in mind, that's how I treated Unrelenting and Adrenal Booster. Either you have them, or you don't have them. If you have them they're active. Unrelenting has its own damage calc because it's damage number doesn't match its recharge number (20%/25%) whereas Adrenal Boosters numbers are the same. So I just cheated and pushed the number from the recharge calcs up to the damage %.


Which one gives the #Ref? Like which sets are you using, someone isn't playing nice somewhere.

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5 minutes ago, underfyre said:

Which one gives the #Ref? Like which sets are you using, someone isn't playing nice somewhere.

Elec/Energy/Flame (was the default setting from the version I downloaded)

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5 minutes ago, Bopper said:

Elec/Energy/Flame (was the default setting from the version I downloaded)



This box? Mine isn't replicating.


I'm guessing you had to have changed something, but I can't imagine what it could have been that would set that off.

Edited by underfyre
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