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[Stone Armor / Super Strength] Proc Star - Never Stop Rocking! Get you a tank that can do both.

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Rev 1.0: 6/3/2021

This is my first guide, so please be gentle...


TL;DR Summary -

Tank anything. Kill anything. Party like a rock star. Avoid exemping.



This Hero build was built using Mids Reborn

Click this DataLink to open the build!


| Copy & Paste this data into Mids Reborn : Hero Designer to view the build |



I initially started this project to take on @Linea's excellent 801 series Architect missions. What I got is a proc monster that can do any high level content. Team optional. I'm working my way up the 801s at +4/8 solo and it's been a blast. This may finally be my personal cure for altitis, so I wanted to share it with everyone. It's definitely not the first Granite / SS proc tank, but this one is mine and I think it brings the complete package to the table.


This is an Endgame Incarnate Guide, built for people already familiar with Stone Armor and Super Strength. It relies on the fact that damage procs do not care about your +/- damage, and zero recharge slotting to maximize their chances. Additionally, pool and APP attack powers that weren't designed with Rage in mind.


How to Play (General Content)

  1. Make powexeclocation binds for Teleport, and other power binds as you like. I like buttons for Taunt, Travel, and Earth's Embrace.
  2. Toggle On Granite, Mud Pots, and Weave. Add Leadership next to them if you want. Add Rooted in a convenient place but off, generally.
  3. Remove all other toggles from your bar, except maybe Ninja Run or other P2W travel power of your choice. I use a bind for travel form that untoggles Granite and activates Athletic Run /e shrug
  4. Set Hasten or Rage to Auto, put the other on your main bar.
  5. Single Target Powers - Knockout Blow, Char, Ring of Fire. All others are unused / mules.
  6. AoE Powers - Cross Punch, Foot Stomp, Fire Ball.
  7. ??
  8. Bring the Mountain down on everyone in your path. Keep attacking, pretend you're a Brute. Your attacks with Force Feedback bring everything back faster.


Power Sets and Pools

  1. Stone Armor - Proc Monster builds want tons of slots. Granite Armor does everything in a single power, letting us focus on overcoming its debuffs. Earth's Embrace gets us to the HP cap, synergizing with Rooted's regen and additional def debuff resistance.
  2. Super Strength - Rage double stacks for massive +dmg, and the set is balanced around that. But, what if we took powers that weren't balanced around Rage? Plus Knockout Blow is literally off the charts damage while stacking Holds, and Foot Stomp is amazing as ever.
  3. Fighting - We're taking Weave anyway to get us defense softcapped and synergized Cross Punch damage is tons of damage. Combined with the recent buffs to Tanker melee radius and target caps and *mwah*.
  4. Speed - Hasten. None of our attacks are slotted for recharge. We need recharge.
  5. Teleport - Granite Tanks need Teleport. It's just a fact of life. I tried both Combat Teleport and Teleport, and ended up prefering the longer range of the latter. But Combat TP is great too, it animates faster and gives a ToHit buff to help land the initial Foot Stomp upon bamfing into the middle of a group.
  6. Leadership - 801 missions hit you with every debuff in the book. More Defense, ToHit and Perception is never a bad thing. You can leave it off for normal content though.
  7. Pyre Mastery - A lot of choices for Epic pool here. I chose Pyre primarily because of Char. Holds take tons of procs and Char (and most fire powers in general) activates quickly and cheapy. Ring of Fire and Fireball provide good damage without being 6-slotted. But honestly several other pools would work here, it comes down to personal preference. Dark/Soul take -ToHit procs. Elec/Mu take EndMod set procs, which can be fun.



  1. Alpha - Musculature Core: We're using slots on Procs. We hit ED damage caps in every attack with purple damage IOs and Musculature Core. There's an argument to go Radial for the runspeed boost, but the only power it'd affect is Swift, and that's not good enough to lose the 12% enhancement on damage. If you choose an electric epic pool the endmod might be useful? Not sure. Core has never let me down. Non-Musculature choices just can't compare.
  2. Judgement - Ion Core: I like Ion for general content because I can zap the next mob while I'm finishing up what I'm working on. This is another one that's up to personal taste. For 801 and other tough encounters I switch over to Void Radial for the -damage in a PBAoE.
  3. Interface - Reactive Radial: Reducing enemy resists while applying a moderate fire dot with most attacks? Yes, more procs!
  4. Lore - BP / Longbow Core: These are generally the metagame picks for the best DPS from Lore pets. They are extremely useful in bringing down hard targets.
  5. Destiny - Ageless Core: T4 Core is required for the build to operate comfortably. We need the non enhancement +recharge and +recovery. I wish I could have gone radial while in 801 for the debuff resistances, but everywhere else you won't notice it, especially while you're Rooted. ITF Romans might cascade you, but everyone has to deal with that. Then you still have 90% resists so what are you worried about?
  6. Hybrid - Assault Core: After many spreadsheets and testing, Core beats DoubleHit Radial for this build. It all comes down to Foot Stomp being over the damage formula. Melee Radial can help in 801 type situations, especially when you're being chain Confused or Feared. My strategy for that so far has been to carry Breakfrees and squish the offending mob. None of the other choices really have anything to offer us that's better than more damage to delete enemies faster.


Overcoming Granite and Rage

  1. Every Granite guide has a section like this. Most say to get Speed Boost from a Kinetics friend. While I'll never turn down SB, we don't need it to function.
  2. Move Speed - The build has a total of +105% Run Speed. When you're in Granite you're double base move speed, when Rooted you're at it. Combined with Teleport binds and slow debuff resistance you're as mobile as anyone.
  3. Damage - Granite imposes a -30% damage mod. It's not as bad as people make it out to be. We're well into the green with nothing running. Then we get build up procs from Char and Gaussians, Rage is usually double stacked. Add Assault on top and the in-game damage bonus stat is usually riding in the +160% - +200% range when solo.
  4. Recharge - Granite's -65% recharge debuff is rough. Plus we can't slot our attacks for recharge due to how proc math works. Enter: Force Feedback: Chance for Recharge. If you're attacking, Hasten is as good as permanent, even against a single target. I've soloed a fair few AVs and the worst I've seen is about a 5 second gap where nothing was recharged. If you didn't like the RNG of procs then this isn't the build for you.
  5. Rage Damage Crash - Guess what? Damage procs do not care about your damage modifier. Just keep attacking. You'll do better than most Super Strength folks.
  6. Rage Defense Crash - You're Granite. Yes, it's an unresistable -20% def, just ignore it 99% of the time and fall back on your capped resistances. In 801s or when I know there will be incoming damage spikes I tend to carry purples or keep Earth's Embrace off cooldown to use as a heal.


Build Pros and Cons


  1. Invincible - Softcapped defenses, capped resistances. Decent psionic resist. HP is capped, as long as you get your accolades, and you're regenerating 60HP per second. Combined with your 90% resistances that's 600 dps of passive effective mitigation.
  2. Unstoppable - While rooted, we have more status protection than we'll ever need. Just stand next to Rommy while he rezzes without being stunned. Sappers tickle your blue bar (you drain that yourself plenty). Defense debuffs tend to fall off before they become an issue. We have enough resistance to slows to keep on trucking. Just teleport out of caltrops.
  3. Hits like a Truck (A Rock?) - See above damage chart. All attacks hit for at least 400 damage with 90% (capped) proc chance. Cross Punch, when aimed correctly, will delete +4 LTs and below. Combined with Knockout Blow to finish off bosses. Seriously, just aim at bosses. Your AoE will take care of the rest.
  4. Controls for the Team - Mud pots and Taunt make us the center of attention. Enemies are slowed, Gauntlet reduces their range so they crowd around. Then you Foot Stomp and they're all on their backs. Cross Punch! Another AOE knockdown. Target a boss, Knockout Blow -> Char. If not dead boss then it's still a held boss.
  5. Movement - Yes, this is a pro. Even while Rooted we're at or slightly above base move speed. While not Rooted we're at double base move speed. Teleport binds put us anywhere we want to be in an instant. Imagine the look on your enemy's faces as a mountain barrels toward them or suddenly appears in their midst. While teaming you can target a teammate who has run ahead, hit your TP bind and bamf to them even without line of sight! Great fun. So what if you can't jump?
  6. Movement Binds - /bind button4 "powexeclocation cursor Teleport" and /bind key "powexeclocation target Teleport"



  1. Granite Form - You have to stay in Granite whenever you're in combat. I have a bind that turns it on and off for RP reasons. This is a dealbreaker for a lot of people in a game with so much costume customization, and that's okay! It's not for everyone. I make up for it with emotes and power color customization. If you're still reading this far then you're probably ok with the look of Granite. All of its other downsides are mitigated by the build... except jumping. Small stairs and ledges, my secret weakness!
  2. Endurance Hungry - Starving, more like. You absolutely need to mainbar Ageless, or you will Out of Power and lose Granite then splat.
  3. Can't Exemplar - Due to reliance on Incarnates, this build is for level 45+ content. You can limp along when exemped with lots of blue candy, P2W and base recovery booster temps, but it will never feel like enough.
  4. Psy Damage - We're at ~14% Psionic Defense ~45% resist, which isn't that bad. But it's definitely the hole. You probably shouldn't pull 3 groups of +4/8 Carnies without making sure you have backup. Soloing single +4/8 groups that send Psy your way is doable. Swapping to Minerals is a trap. By the time you retoggle up other armors you'd have been better off Foot Stomping and just reducing incoming damage via your powerful offense.
  5. Too Tanky - A common complaint about Granite in general. Nothing poses a threat, the defensive capabilities are overkill. There are other Tank armor sets that will survive plenty. Heck, you can IO just about anything to survive these days. I just wanted to see all those Totals bars in mids be maxed out.
  6. Expensive-ish - It has a few purples, but it's not the most expensive build I've seen. You've got a total of 6 Winter IOs that'll drain your bank, plus the boosters. Sorry, I'm a min-maxer. There are some cheaper substitutions you can make. Mostly the expensive IOs are there to add Damage enhancements at the purple rate, which is higher than all other IOs. You could do Obliteration: Damage instead of Avalanche in Cross Punch, for example. Or just common level 50 Damage IOs in places while you save up.


Final Words

  1. Rock on!
  2. There's definitely some choices here that are subjective. I would love feedback or improvements that I missed. I've tried some things but you can never try everything, that's what's so great about this game!
  3. Thanks for reading!


  • Thumbs Up 3
  On 6/3/2021 at 8:55 PM, redshirt said:

Rev 1.0: 6/3/2021

This is my first guide, so please be gentle...


TL;DR Summary -

Tank anything. Kill anything. Party like a rock star. Avoid exemping.



This Hero build was built using Mids Reborn

Click this DataLink to open the build!



| Copy & Paste this data into Mids Reborn : Hero Designer to view the build |




I initially started this project to take on @Linea's excellent 801 series Architect missions. What I got is a proc monster that can do any high level content. Team optional. I'm working my way up the 801s at +4/8 solo and it's been a blast. This may finally be my personal cure for altitis, so I wanted to share it with everyone. It's definitely not the first Granite / SS proc tank, but this one is mine and I think it brings the complete package to the table.


This is an Endgame Incarnate Guide, built for people already familiar with Stone Armor and Super Strength. It relies on the fact that damage procs do not care about your +/- damage, and zero recharge slotting to maximize their chances. Additionally, pool and APP attack powers that weren't designed with Rage in mind.


How to Play (General Content)

  1. Make powexeclocation binds for Teleport, and other power binds as you like. I like buttons for Taunt, Travel, and Earth's Embrace.
  2. Toggle On Granite, Mud Pots, and Weave. Add Leadership next to them if you want. Add Rooted in a convenient place but off, generally.
  3. Remove all other toggles from your bar, except maybe Ninja Run or other P2W travel power of your choice. I use a bind for travel form that untoggles Granite and activates Athletic Run /e shrug
  4. Set Hasten or Rage to Auto, put the other on your main bar.
  5. Single Target Powers - Knockout Blow, Char, Ring of Fire. All others are unused / mules.
  6. AoE Powers - Cross Punch, Foot Stomp, Fire Ball.
  7. ??
  8. Bring the Mountain down on everyone in your path. Keep attacking, pretend you're a Brute. Your attacks with Force Feedback bring everything back faster.


Power Sets and Pools

  1. Stone Armor - Proc Monster builds want tons of slots. Granite Armor does everything in a single power, letting us focus on overcoming its debuffs. Earth's Embrace gets us to the HP cap, synergizing with Rooted's regen and additional def debuff resistance.
  2. Super Strength - Rage double stacks for massive +dmg, and the set is balanced around that. But, what if we took powers that weren't balanced around Rage? Plus Knockout Blow is literally off the charts damage while stacking Holds, and Foot Stomp is amazing as ever.
  3. Fighting - We're taking Weave anyway to get us defense softcapped and synergized Cross Punch damage is tons of damage. Combined with the recent buffs to Tanker melee radius and target caps and *mwah*.
  4. Speed - Hasten. None of our attacks are slotted for recharge. We need recharge.
  5. Teleport - Granite Tanks need Teleport. It's just a fact of life. I tried both Combat Teleport and Teleport, and ended up prefering the longer range of the latter. But Combat TP is great too, it animates faster and gives a ToHit buff to help land the initial Foot Stomp upon bamfing into the middle of a group.
  6. Leadership - 801 missions hit you with every debuff in the book. More Defense, ToHit and Perception is never a bad thing. You can leave it off for normal content though.
  7. Pyre Mastery - A lot of choices for Epic pool here. I chose Pyre primarily because of Char. Holds take tons of procs and Char (and most fire powers in general) activates quickly and cheapy. Ring of Fire and Fireball provide good damage without being 6-slotted. But honestly several other pools would work here, it comes down to personal preference. Dark/Soul take -ToHit procs. Elec/Mu take EndMod set procs, which can be fun.



  1. Alpha - Musculature Core: We're using slots on Procs. We hit ED damage caps in every attack with purple damage IOs and Musculature Core. There's an argument to go Radial for the runspeed boost, but the only power it'd affect is Swift, and that's not good enough to lose the 12% enhancement on damage. If you choose an electric epic pool the endmod might be useful? Not sure. Core has never let me down. Non-Musculature choices just can't compare.
  2. Judgement - Ion Core: I like Ion for general content because I can zap the next mob while I'm finishing up what I'm working on. This is another one that's up to personal taste. For 801 and other tough encounters I switch over to Void Radial for the -damage in a PBAoE.
  3. Interface - Reactive Radial: Reducing enemy resists while applying a moderate fire dot with most attacks? Yes, more procs!
  4. Lore - BP / Longbow Core: These are generally the metagame picks for the best DPS from Lore pets. They are extremely useful in bringing down hard targets.
  5. Destiny - Ageless Core: T4 Core is required for the build to operate comfortably. We need the non enhancement +recharge and +recovery. I wish I could have gone radial while in 801 for the debuff resistances, but everywhere else you won't notice it, especially while you're Rooted. ITF Romans might cascade you, but everyone has to deal with that. Then you still have 90% resists so what are you worried about?
  6. Hybrid - Assault Core: After many spreadsheets and testing, Core beats DoubleHit Radial for this build. It all comes down to Foot Stomp being over the damage formula. Melee Radial can help in 801 type situations, especially when you're being chain Confused or Feared. My strategy for that so far has been to carry Breakfrees and squish the offending mob. None of the other choices really have anything to offer us that's better than more damage to delete enemies faster.


Overcoming Granite and Rage

  1. Every Granite guide has a section like this. Most say to get Speed Boost from a Kinetics friend. While I'll never turn down SB, we don't need it to function.
  2. Move Speed - The build has a total of +105% Run Speed. When you're in Granite you're double base move speed, when Rooted you're at it. Combined with Teleport binds and slow debuff resistance you're as mobile as anyone.
  3. Damage - Granite imposes a -30% damage mod. It's not as bad as people make it out to be. We're well into the green with nothing running. Then we get build up procs from Char and Gaussians, Rage is usually double stacked. Add Assault on top and the in-game damage bonus stat is usually riding in the +160% - +200% range when solo.
  4. Recharge - Granite's -65% recharge debuff is rough. Plus we can't slot our attacks for recharge due to how proc math works. Enter: Force Feedback: Chance for Recharge. If you're attacking, Hasten is as good as permanent, even against a single target. I've soloed a fair few AVs and the worst I've seen is about a 5 second gap where nothing was recharged. If you didn't like the RNG of procs then this isn't the build for you.
  5. Rage Damage Crash - Guess what? Damage procs do not care about your damage modifier. Just keep attacking. You'll do better than most Super Strength folks.
  6. Rage Defense Crash - You're Granite. Yes, it's an unresistable -20% def, just ignore it 99% of the time and fall back on your capped resistances. In 801s or when I know there will be incoming damage spikes I tend to carry purples or keep Earth's Embrace off cooldown to use as a heal.


Build Pros and Cons


  1. Invincible - Softcapped defenses, capped resistances. Decent psionic resist. HP is capped, as long as you get your accolades, and you're regenerating 60HP per second. Combined with your 90% resistances that's 600 dps of passive effective mitigation.
  2. Unstoppable - While rooted, we have more status protection than we'll ever need. Just stand next to Rommy while he rezzes without being stunned. Sappers tickle your blue bar (you drain that yourself plenty). Defense debuffs tend to fall off before they become an issue. We have enough resistance to slows to keep on trucking. Just teleport out of caltrops.
  3. Hits like a Truck (A Rock?) - See above damage chart. All attacks hit for at least 400 damage with 90% (capped) proc chance. Cross Punch, when aimed correctly, will delete +4 LTs and below. Combined with Knockout Blow to finish off bosses. Seriously, just aim at bosses. Your AoE will take care of the rest.
  4. Controls for the Team - Mud pots and Taunt make us the center of attention. Enemies are slowed, Gauntlet reduces their range so they crowd around. Then you Foot Stomp and they're all on their backs. Cross Punch! Another AOE knockdown. Target a boss, Knockout Blow -> Char. If not dead boss then it's still a held boss.
  5. Movement - Yes, this is a pro. Even while Rooted we're at or slightly above base move speed. While not Rooted we're at double base move speed. Teleport binds put us anywhere we want to be in an instant. Imagine the look on your enemy's faces as a mountain barrels toward them or suddenly appears in their midst. While teaming you can target a teammate who has run ahead, hit your TP bind and bamf to them even without line of sight! Great fun. So what if you can't jump?
  6. Movement Binds - /bind button4 "powexeclocation cursor Teleport" and /bind key "powexeclocation target Teleport"



  1. Granite Form - You have to stay in Granite whenever you're in combat. I have a bind that turns it on and off for RP reasons. This is a dealbreaker for a lot of people in a game with so much costume customization, and that's okay! It's not for everyone. I make up for it with emotes and power color customization. If you're still reading this far then you're probably ok with the look of Granite. All of its other downsides are mitigated by the build... except jumping. Small stairs and ledges, my secret weakness!
  2. Endurance Hungry - Starving, more like. You absolutely need to mainbar Ageless, or you will Out of Power and lose Granite then splat.
  3. Can't Exemplar - Due to reliance on Incarnates, this build is for level 45+ content. You can limp along when exemped with lots of blue candy, P2W and base recovery booster temps, but it will never feel like enough.
  4. Psy Damage - We're at ~14% Psionic Defense ~45% resist, which isn't that bad. But it's definitely the hole. You probably shouldn't pull 3 groups of +4/8 Carnies without making sure you have backup. Soloing single +4/8 groups that send Psy your way is doable. Swapping to Minerals is a trap. By the time you retoggle up other armors you'd have been better off Foot Stomping and just reducing incoming damage via your powerful offense.
  5. Too Tanky - A common complaint about Granite in general. Nothing poses a threat, the defensive capabilities are overkill. There are other Tank armor sets that will survive plenty. Heck, you can IO just about anything to survive these days. I just wanted to see all those Totals bars in mids be maxed out.
  6. Expensive-ish - It has a few purples, but it's not the most expensive build I've seen. You've got a total of 6 Winter IOs that'll drain your bank, plus the boosters. Sorry, I'm a min-maxer. There are some cheaper substitutions you can make. Mostly the expensive IOs are there to add Damage enhancements at the purple rate, which is higher than all other IOs. You could do Obliteration: Damage instead of Avalanche in Cross Punch, for example. Or just common level 50 Damage IOs in places while you save up.


Final Words

  1. Rock on!
  2. There's definitely some choices here that are subjective. I would love feedback or improvements that I missed. I've tried some things but you can never try everything, that's what's so great about this game!
  3. Thanks for reading!




I've also been playing with trying to make the perfect Granite tank and this looks amazing. The only thing I'm not sold on is if using 10 slots or so for what amounts to a fast walk is worth it. You are still going to be spamming teleport to move everywhere in a group anyway, why not just use those slots for more regen and getting over your crippling ageless dependency.  I know its completely personal preference, but other than that this is fantastic and I'm definitely stealing a large portion of slotting. 


Looks awesome.  

  On 6/4/2021 at 2:11 AM, RageRaptor said:


I've also been playing with trying to make the perfect Granite tank and this looks amazing. The only thing I'm not sold on is if using 10 slots or so for what amounts to a fast walk is worth it. You are still going to be spamming teleport to move everywhere in a group anyway, why not just use those slots for more regen and getting over your crippling ageless dependency.  I know its completely personal preference, but other than that this is fantastic and I'm definitely stealing a large portion of slotting. 


Looks awesome.  




Thanks for looking! I also agree that using 5 slots on GoTA Runspeed probably isn't optimal, especially if you have Combat TP instead of regular. I may have gone too far in chasing run speed. Hmm.


I played around for a bit and came up with this:




| Copy & Paste this data into Mids Reborn : Hero Designer to view the build |


Tradeoffs, always. Got rid of the Gifts of the Ancients and the Winter sets in favor of 5x 4% Recovery Bonus, a few +Max End and various end reductions. This resulted in a passive net end gain of 2.67 end/s compared to the 1.96 we had before. I'll have to test if the 0.71 end per second is worth it.  We've still got ~22mph in Granite which isn't that much slower in practical terms. I suppose if we get slowed we'll just teleport anyway. The reduction in -recharge resistance is going to sting though. Could drop the slots off Taunt and Tactics and add 1 each to Boxing and Kick, slotting with Superior Blistering Cold for +30% slow resist, without losing too much. Needs more testing.


What do you think?


  On 6/4/2021 at 6:07 AM, redshirt said:

end gain of 2.67 end/s compared to the 1.96 we had before. I'll have to test if the 0.71 end per second is worth it


It's bigger than the numbers would appear by themselves. While only a 36% gain in total gross end recovery, compared to your base end drain (1.23/s), you were at 0.73/s net endurance gain, and are now at 1,44/s, which is a 97% gain in net endurance recovery. You effectively doubled your recovery!


I really like the look of this build. Adding it to my list to try out eventually! 

The Alphabet Bunnies
Currently Building: Dark/Fire Tanker, Merc/Time MM

50 Bunnies: Alpha Bunny (Il/Rad Controller) Beta-Bunny (FF/BR Defender) Gamma-Bunny (Seismic/Stone Sent) Epsilon Bunny (Spines/Invul Scrapper) Theta Bunny (Willpower/Axe Tanker) Zeta Bunny (DB/EnA Stalker) Lambda Bunny (Bio/SvgM Tanker) Xi Bunny (Stone/Stone Stalker) Sigma Bunny (SR/KM Tanker) Upsilon Bunny (Shield/DM Tanker) Chi Bunny (Fire Farmer Brute) Omega Bunny (Claws/Ninja Scrapper) F - araday Bunny (Elec/Elec Defender)
50 Non-Bunnies: Darboux (Crab Spider) Invisible Icicle (Ice/Bio Stalker) Cooling-Tower (Rad/Ice Tanker) Ferrouscious Feline (Invul/WM Tanker) Bill the Yeti (SavM/Ice Stalker) Sally Salamander (Fire/MA Tanker) Blade Azure (Kat/EnA Scrapper) 


  On 6/4/2021 at 4:03 PM, Marshal_General said:

If you really need the extra recovery, you can always switch to muscular radial. You will trade some damage for it, but it might be worth if you need it.



The benefit of having it inherit to the build is you can Exemplar, as opposed to relying on incarnates. Next to movement speed it was definitely the biggest con to the build. 


Anyway it looks really good now. I'm looking forward to giving it a shot. 


I'd also recommend Musculature Radial as it offers endurance modification (useful for proc builds) and run speed (slightly useful in granite, but more important outside granite if you don't want to TP all the time).


GotA is nice because it's not just the run speed buff, it also enhances defense. So it's not a complete waste of a slot.

PPM Information Guide               Survivability Tool                  Interface DoT Procs Guide

Time Manipulation Guide             Bopper Builds                      +HP/+Regen Proc Cheat Sheet

Super Pack Drop Percentages       Recharge Guide                   Base Empowerment: Temp Powers

Bopper's Tools & Formulas                         Mids' Reborn                       

Posted (edited)



| Copy & Paste this data into Mids Reborn : Hero Designer to view the build |


I was playing around with it this morning and I think I came up with a best of both worlds solution. Here's a build that maintains all the damage procs, decent runspeed of ~22mph in Granite, 45% slow resist, AND has 4.02 end per second base recovery. Main toggle drains come from Rooted and Tactics, which you shouldn't need all the time anyway. I switched to Soul PPP since I was going to test a whole new build anyway, will compare to Pyre.


I'm still not sold on Musculature Radial. The enhancement it provides only applies to Swift and Stamina. Also I already crafted Core Embodiment and it'll be a while before I can get another T4 alpha, haha.



Edited by redshirt

I decided to take up the latest build and here are my results



I am not 4/4 in all incarnates yet

3/4 ageless

decided to take out musculature for the right side in agility 2/4

rest are the same

Fully slotted enhancements


I can attack and attack and attack then my endurance goes to shit

I do good damage but cross punch isn't dropping +4 Lt's even with double stacked rage

I don't know if it is just me messing something up but I put about 700-800 mil into this build and it is 93% complete but endurance and damage are not what it was claimed to be.


If you have any advice for what I should be doing to help end management so my damage doesn't suffer I would greatly appreciate it.

  • Confused 1
  On 6/9/2021 at 8:13 PM, Reningrendir said:

I decided to take up the latest build and here are my results



I am not 4/4 in all incarnates yet

3/4 ageless

decided to take out musculature for the right side in agility 2/4

rest are the same

Fully slotted enhancements


I can attack and attack and attack then my endurance goes to shit

I do good damage but cross punch isn't dropping +4 Lt's even with double stacked rage

I don't know if it is just me messing something up but I put about 700-800 mil into this build and it is 93% complete but endurance and damage are not what it was claimed to be.


If you have any advice for what I should be doing to help end management so my damage doesn't suffer I would greatly appreciate it.



Hey @Reningrendir, really sorry to hear that you're having issues with the build. Also sorry I couldn't get back to you until now, I've been away from my PC.


Tonight I was testing the latest build I posted on some solo +4/8 radios in PI. Since Homecoming changed their TOS on streaming, I decided to record it. Check this out. Apart from me being awkward at the end trying to find the glowie without game sound I felt like it went pretty fast, especially for a tank.


Is what you see in the video close to your experience? Feel free to message me in-game @Redshirt and we can chat.

Posted (edited)
  On 6/11/2021 at 3:21 PM, Perfect Weapon said:


When does the Force Feedback +recharge stop giving the bonus?  Is it 5 like other procs?  If so could/should I put one in kick too or is that dumb because the attack sucks?


It's not a bonus, it's a trigger that occurs from activation, and the probability of occurrence on that proc is typically--at best--going to cap out at three stacks at any given time. It is useful to have the proc in multiple highly used powers, but it isn't an "always on" thing, it does have to fire off to get the bonus.


*And when I say stacks, the proc provides 100% global recharge bonus for 5/s, and it can stack on itself like a queue where each trigger will add an additional 5/s of bonus time. Given that even in a best-case scenario even three stacked triggers is hard to get, I typically point to that being most folks cap limit, but an average build will typically see 1 to 2 triggers throughout common use here-and-there.

Edited by Sir Myshkin
  • 3 weeks later

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