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If I want to pull a sound out of CoH to enhance it (glowy sound, I'm looking at you), would I use a pigg viewer to do that? Do you recommend one in particular?


It seems like svartypops has provided at least one option of doing so in the post right above yours.

I have been using an online .pigg viewer to look for sound files, but viewing is very different from extracting and repackaging.


PK provided a increased volume glowie in another thread, there are also some other fun option listed there as well.

Dislike certain sounds? Silence/Modify specific sounds. Looking for modified whole powerset sfx?

Check out Michiyo's modder or Solerverse's thread.  Got a punny character? You should share it.


Sounds Location and file names | Pt. VI



System Not Ready (clicking a power not recharged) Frontend Recharge
System Out of range FrontEnd Range1


These are great and ones I can't live without.


The other on my list is the phone ringing sound that grates on me while in the costume design screen (someone pick it up already!). That file is called Office_Phone_01.ogg and located in Praetoria\Storefronts.


It seems like svartypops has provided at least one option of doing so in the post right above yours.

I have been using an online .pigg viewer to look for sound files, but viewing is very different from extracting and repackaging.



Just for the record, I'm not doing any repackaging, I just extract them, then alter the original and put the new file in the city of heroes/data/sounds/ogg/whatever folder.




ALSO: Teleport power sounds are as follows;

teletrans4 happens at the place you start from, so you miss the end of it because you have teleported by then.

teletrans3 happens at your location AFTER you have teleported. The whole sound triggers when you arrive.


teletrans2 ... don't know what that is, but it's not in the "Teleport" power... maybe it's a different power - could be TP team or LRT or Recall Friend.


Boycott American.



These are great and ones I can't live without.


The other on my list is the phone ringing sound that grates on me while in the costume design screen (someone pick it up already!). That file is called Office_Phone_01.ogg and located in Praetoria\Storefronts.


Just to clarify, do you hear this phone in any Icon location? I hopped into Steel Canyon Icon and this seemed to hold true, for this location at least.

Dislike certain sounds? Silence/Modify specific sounds. Looking for modified whole powerset sfx?

Check out Michiyo's modder or Solerverse's thread.  Got a punny character? You should share it.


Remember folks, when providing confirmed sound file names and locations please use the following format:


Description: Shadow Cloak loop

Folder name: enemies

File name: Blue_loop.ogg


This allows for ease of incorporating into the tables.



Dislike certain sounds? Silence/Modify specific sounds. Looking for modified whole powerset sfx?

Check out Michiyo's modder or Solerverse's thread.  Got a punny character? You should share it.


Just to clarify, do you hear this phone in any Icon location? I hopped into Steel Canyon Icon and this seemed to hold true, for this location at least.


I only tested from the Atlas location.


Remember folks, when providing confirmed sound file names and locations please use the following format:


Description: Shadow Cloak loop

Folder name: enemies

File name: Blue_loop.ogg


This allows for ease of incorporating into the tables.




How would I find the sound for Dull Pain from Invulnerability?





How would I find the sound for Dull Pain from Invulnerability?




Try these:




Neither one worked :(



How would I find the sound for Dull Pain from Invulnerability?




Try these:




Neither one worked :(


Then it's likely using the sfx for some other power's ability, or one that is used for multiple similar abilities.




Dislike certain sounds? Silence/Modify specific sounds. Looking for modified whole powerset sfx?

Check out Michiyo's modder or Solerverse's thread.  Got a punny character? You should share it.


Then it's likely using the sfx for some other power's ability, or one that is used for multiple similar abilities.


I believe it's the same sound as the healing power the Freakshow use.


Then it's likely using the sfx for some other power's ability, or one that is used for multiple similar abilities.


I believe it's the same sound as the healing power the Freakshow use.


I asked a couple of friends that play or have played tanks and was told it was the same as Reconstruction. I built a Invuln tank on Justin just to hear it and the two seem to sound the same to me.

Give this a try: \V_Powers\reconstruction.ogg

Dislike certain sounds? Silence/Modify specific sounds. Looking for modified whole powerset sfx?

Check out Michiyo's modder or Solerverse's thread.  Got a punny character? You should share it.


Then it's likely using the sfx for some other power's ability, or one that is used for multiple similar abilities.


I believe it's the same sound as the healing power the Freakshow use.


I asked a couple of friends that play or have played tanks and was told it was the same as Reconstruction. I built a Invuln tank on Justin just to hear it and the two seem to sound the same to me.

Give this a try: \V_Powers\reconstruction.ogg


No, that one doesn't work either.


Okay, finally got it. Even verified on Test.


Description: Dull Pain activation

Folder name: Powers

File name:  regen8c.ogg


Yep, that's the one :)


Is there any way you could explain to me in a PM how to do this myself?  I really appreciate your help, but I don't want to keep bothering you.


A few seconds after Beam Rifle's Cutting Beam fires, there's another sound that seems to correspond with a debuff dropping off, and that's what I'd like to silence.  I'd greatly appreciate if someone could locate that for me, or better yet, instruct me on how to do it on my own.  I tried following svartypops's instructions, but I don't know anything about Python and my best attempt at following the instructions didn't work.

Bonnes from the old forums.


's doesn't make things plural


Can anyone confirm that this is the correct address for finding the files in Homecoming:


<CoH server\i25 Release\data\sound\Ogg>


\sounds\ogg folder is where you would put your replacement sounds, in their respective folders.

Dislike certain sounds? Silence/Modify specific sounds. Looking for modified whole powerset sfx?

Check out Michiyo's modder or Solerverse's thread.  Got a punny character? You should share it.


A few seconds after Beam Rifle's Cutting Beam fires, there's another sound that seems to correspond with a debuff dropping off, and that's what I'd like to silence.  I'd greatly appreciate if someone could locate that for me, or better yet, instruct me on how to do it on my own.  I tried following svartypops's instructions, but I don't know anything about Python and my best attempt at following the instructions didn't work.


Is this a sound it makes when it hits, or makes regardless?

If you have an SG where you have base edit rights, there's a way you can verify the sound.

1. In chat type /sg_music <filename>2. In place of <filename> you can check one of these two files I found for Cutting beam. BR_CuttingBeam_Hit_01  or  BR_CuttingBeam_Attack_01When you enter your base you should hear the SFX play once. You may need to turn up the SFX volume in Options.

FYI: This method will change it for everyone entering the base. But it's much easier than repeatedly changing sound files in the game folders and logging in to verify.

I think you want to 'Hit' sound, it's a little extra sound on the end that's kind of low and growly compared to the shot itself. If you of them is it, you can create an alternate sound or just silence file, rename it to the appropriate file and drop it into ogg\Powers folder.



Dislike certain sounds? Silence/Modify specific sounds. Looking for modified whole powerset sfx?

Check out Michiyo's modder or Solerverse's thread.  Got a punny character? You should share it.


Can anyone confirm that this is the correct address for finding the files in Homecoming:


<CoH server\i25 Release\data\sound\Ogg>


\sounds\ogg folder is where you would put your replacement sounds, in their respective folders.


Not sure if I'm missing something or if it's differences caused by Tequila.  The above address seems to be where the game installs sounds, but the files and folders are different.  The folder "Frontend", for instance, does not contain a "Recharge" file.  Where should I be creating the new location for silenced sounds, given the above path?  Also, thanks for taking the time to do all this.  Great community.


Can anyone confirm that this is the correct address for finding the files in Homecoming:


<CoH server\i25 Release\data\sound\Ogg>


\sounds\ogg folder is where you would put your replacement sounds, in their respective folders.


Not sure if I'm missing something or if it's differences caused by Tequila.  The above address seems to be where the game installs sounds, but the files and folders are different.  The folder "Frontend", for instance, does not contain a "Recharge" file.  Where should I be creating the new location for silenced sounds, given the above path?  Also, thanks for taking the time to do all this.  Great community.


I have Tequila installed and had to make the sounds\ogg folders myself. The game's built-in sounds are located in the .pigg files within the pigg folder. When you have the same named files within the sounds\ogg\etc folders, the game will look at those instead.


So if you wish to replace the 'Recharge' sound or silence it, you need to create an .ogg sound file and name it 'Recharge.ogg' then create a folder named 'frontend' within the ogg folder and place your new Recharge.ogg file in there. So your directory should look like: data\sounds\ogg\frontend\recharge.ogg

Dislike certain sounds? Silence/Modify specific sounds. Looking for modified whole powerset sfx?

Check out Michiyo's modder or Solerverse's thread.  Got a punny character? You should share it.

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