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Can we PLEASE get a no tolerance policy against unsolicited sexual comments in tells?


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9 hours ago, MunkiLord said:

We can't do it here on the forums, but there is nothing to stop people from creating and sharing a list of the names of people doing the harassing. 

How dare they harass us! You know what we should do? Harass them by public defamation.  That's probably a good way to get yourself into hot water.

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47 minutes ago, Sejanus said:

How dare they harass us! You know what we should do? Harass them by public defamation.  That's probably a good way to get yourself into hot water.

Yeah the creation of a CoH blacklist based on he-said-she-said... really classy idea.

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You two act like that isn't done now.


Someone ignores someone else because they were acting up or whatever. They tell their friends, sg mates, etc - it may not be server or game wide, but yes, little unofficial lists like that exist all over the place.


Sometimes it's warranted. I've had groups kick people out who were there to do nothing but be disruptive and make people uncomfortable - instant SG-sized blacklist against one person. And yes, word gets around *there,* too - I've had people tell me "Oh, you have so and so in your group? Look out, they did such and such." Sometimes, like I said, it's warranted. Sometimes it's very obviously one side of the story or a personal grudge. How you react to it is up to you.

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57 minutes ago, arcane said:

Yeah the creation of a CoH blacklist based on he-said-she-said... really classy idea.

Agreed, and this is the crux of why there is such a divide;  If you agree to create an account and play someone else's game, then you implicitly agree to defer the enforcement of rules and/or punishment for infractions to a 3rd party.  You can, of course, do whatever you want outside of the game, but it seems to me that, unless you have direct experience of a person misbehaving in-game, then to do anything like adopt someone else's blacklist puts YOU squarely in the wrong...

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3 hours ago, Greycat said:

You two act like that isn't done now.


Someone ignores someone else because they were acting up or whatever. They tell their friends, sg mates, etc - it may not be server or game wide, but yes, little unofficial lists like that exist all over the place.


Sometimes it's warranted. I've had groups kick people out who were there to do nothing but be disruptive and make people uncomfortable - instant SG-sized blacklist against one person. And yes, word gets around *there,* too - I've had people tell me "Oh, you have so and so in your group? Look out, they did such and such." Sometimes, like I said, it's warranted. Sometimes it's very obviously one side of the story or a personal grudge. How you react to it is up to you.


You'd think since most of this player base is 30s-50s, the highschool-era drama queens and gossip would stop. Maybe the other servers are different but I haven't seen anything crazy on Excelsior in some time, but my block list is fairly extensive.

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1 hour ago, Sejanus said:

my block list is fairly extensive


"The global ignore list has a maximum capacity of 100 names. When full, addition of any new entries will remove the oldest entry in the list to make room for the new addition. The following notifications are displayed:

Your ignore list is full. '@OldGlobalName' was removed from your ignore list to make room for the new entry.

You are ignoring @NewGlobalName" - https://archive.paragonwiki.com/wiki/Friends_Window


I will neither confirm or deny that I have /gignored so many players that they have started rolling off the end of my ignore list.


If someone is making the game "not fun" then put them on ignore.

Most of the players here are here to "have fun" and not be disruptive, abusive, crude, or an actual stalker (DACaS).


High population servers  - seem to me - to be more likely to have DACaS. I think that is because there are simply more players and because players that tend to behave as DACaS are more likely to look for the biggest audience/targets they can get.

Of course, "role-playing" can draw this out too. Some people use "role-playing" as an excuse to behave badly. "It wasn't me. That's just how my character would act."


I'm rambling on again, but my point is that 100 names is pretty good buffer to keep those that are annoying to you away from you in chat at least.

Nvidia has a great screen/video capture feature so you can get whatever evidence you need if a character is /emote'ing around your character and you are actively trying to avoid them.

If someone posts a reply quoting me and I don't reply, they may be on ignore.

(It seems I'm involved with so much at this point that I may not be able to easily retrieve access to all the notifications)

Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.

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18 hours ago, MunkiLord said:

We can't do it here on the forums, but there is nothing to stop people from creating and sharing a list of the names of people doing the harassing. 

Not even defamation laws!


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If you want to be godlike, pick anything.

If you want to be GOD, pick a TANK!

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4 hours ago, Sejanus said:


You'd think since most of this player base is 30s-50s, the highschool-era drama queens and gossip would stop. Maybe the other servers are different but I haven't seen anything crazy on Excelsior in some time, but my block list is fairly extensive.

Warning: Borderline post:
IF a GM Adjudicates it over the line, please kill it.

Well, if the past few years have taught us anytghing, some people NEVER outgrow high school drama.  No matter how old they get...

If you want to be godlike, pick anything.

If you want to be GOD, pick a TANK!

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  • Lead Game Master
4 hours ago, Hyperstrike said:

Warning: Borderline post:
IF a GM Adjudicates it over the line, please kill it.

Well, if the past few years have taught us anytghing, some people NEVER outgrow high school drama.  No matter how old they get...


Like, OMG, did you totally see what Becky was wearing yesterday?!


*cough* I MEAN


Let's keep it kind, folks. Had to delete some arguing.



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GM Impervium
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52 minutes ago, GM Impervium said:


Like, OMG, did you totally see what Becky was wearing yesterday?!


*cough* I MEAN


Let's keep it kind, folks. Had to delete some arguing.



Like, did you see Gladys' new hip?
Like SO "old lady hip".
And that walker?  Can't she get herself a golf cart?

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If you want to be godlike, pick anything.

If you want to be GOD, pick a TANK!

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On 12/1/2021 at 8:55 AM, Hyperstrike said:

Like, did you see Gladys' new hip?
Like SO "old lady hip".
And that walker?  Can't she get herself a golf cart?

I like big buttons on my phone
You older #%$@*rs can't deny
I find it really sexy when you pull your socks to your waist
And hold the phone right in your face
You get off my lawn
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  • 3 weeks later
On 11/20/2021 at 4:58 PM, arcane said:

Maybe move off Everlasting while waiting for resolution from the devs, because I can’t seem to replicate this sort of sexual attention on Excelsior or Indomitable in spite of all my Fiery farmers being hawt female thirst traps. Everlasting sure does sound like the unofficial perv server when I read the forums though.

There's pervo comments on Excelsior, that have made about genitalia in group/team chats before and I warn them and if they continue I kick them from the team,  in my opinion the majority of people don't want to hear what they're saying.  The person then sent me a tell - saying it's a teen rated game and I said it's really not go read the EULA agreement on the forums.  I then blocked them.   


As I read further on in the thread*** not from this one I am quoting I have this comment to anyone posting or visiting this thread - As a reminder (and an education if you haven't heard this before) it's not about the clothes/costume someone even your online big busted female character or muscle bound male character is wearing,  we don't blame any perverts activity and targeting other people, on the people who are the recipient of their behavior we blame it on their (the pervs) active decision making skills to visit their perversion on others.   Thanks

Edited by Zappalina
For clarity
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10 hours ago, Zappalina said:

There's pervo comments on Excelsior, that have made about genitalia in group/team chats before and I warn them and if they continue I kick them from the team,  in my opinion the majority of people don't want to hear what they're saying.  The person then sent me a tell - saying it's a teen rated game and I said it's really not go read the EULA agreement on the forums.  I then blocked them. 


For that matter, it doesn't matter *what* the rating is. It could be an M rating game. If the team lead (and others) say it's not welcome on the team, *it's not welcome on the team.* (Or in that chat or whatnot.) Follow those rules or get out.

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