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Switch team teleport for summon team


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20 minutes ago, Krimson said:

I'd just like to know how Team Teleport was intended to be used.

A lot of the initial game decisions seem to have been based off of the assumption that players would have the same kind of tight-knit/fully trusting relationship, completely devoid of bad actors, as would a tabletop gaming group, not the kind of PUG/random stranger culture we have online nowadays...

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That or the comic characters that create teleportation fields that allow them to teleport themselves and everyone within a set radius.


Edit: I get the feeling that is was assumed that fliers and teleporters would use the team/group versions of their powers to help their non-flying and non-teleporting teammates get around. Characters with super speed and super jump though, never bother to get taken along for the ride. So... a good idea... with no real use.... but that is strictly my opinion.

Edited by Rudra
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Well, it basically works like that. However, I have seen teams being teleported by the team teleporter, and even been on one. As @biostem said though, that only really happens in close groups. Usually a SG of all in person friends that also happen to play together.


Edit: So it's not that the devs gave us something useless, it's that the players often prefer to use their own travel powers. Which renders it less than as useful as envisioned.

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9 minutes ago, Rudra said:

I get the feeling that is was assumed that fliers and teleporters would use the team/group versions of their powers to help their non-flying and non-teleporting teammates get around. Characters with super speed and super jump though, never bother to get taken along for the ride. So... a good idea... with no real use.... but that is strictly my opinion.

I wonder if it was envisioned that many players/characters simply wouldn't take a travel power at all, and would instead wholly rely on teammates...

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That is a possibility. One of the best uses for team teleport I saw was a character taking a group of starting characters on a whirlwind tour for all the explore badges.


Edit: And probably the saddest example was a team teleporter assuring a bunch of super speedsters not to worry because he could get them anywhere the team needed to go in the Shadow Shard. Just for all the speedsters to pop jet pack temp powers and fly off. I really felt sorry for the player.

Edited by Rudra
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On 5/20/2022 at 4:05 PM, Glacier Peak said:

I'm not a fan of this. You can already pick up a P2W power that does exactly that. And there are temporary powers too that can also do that. And Incarnate powers as well. 


All of which are disabled in "Master of" runs. 


A team level incan would be much more useful in several instances than the current team teleport.

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12 hours ago, ironjoe said:


All of which are disabled in "Master of" runs. 


A team level incan would be much more useful in several instances than the current team teleport.

That's why it's an incarnate power and it's use prohibited during Master of runs. 

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Having incan as a teleport pool power would certainly water incan down as an incarnate power since i only know of 1 person that uses it for its secondary effects.  Which means as a pool power the recharge should be longer than 2 minutes (incan) and shorter than 30 minutes(prestige assemble the team).  However,  even if recharge were enhanced,  it should still take longer than incan's 2 minute recharge.  That pretty much puts us in the 10 to 15 minute recharge range so that incan stays better than a pool power.


But there are already plenty of ways to move a team around.  And while team teleport is generally redundant with the mass of teleport options,  at least it isnt a 5th way of teleporting someone to you (incan, recall friend, assemble the team, and the radio/paper temp ATT but that does expire eventually).


The teleport pool has 4 solid powers and 1 meh power which is better than many of the other pool sets that have 2 or even 3 meh powers.  And while i wouldnt mind seeing team teleport changing into something else thats more usable,  another recall friend variant isnt my choice.

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2 hours ago, TheZag said:

Having incan as a teleport pool power would certainly water incan down as an incarnate power since i only know of 1 person that uses it for its secondary effects. 

Well, I for one would slot Incandescence about 100x more often if I could just get the 80% +healing without the piss-off-most-teammates TP…… Sure there are tactical times to TP to objectives or AV’s or herd points that won’t piss off many people, but those opportunities don’t necessarily come around every 120 seconds so you can’t reasonably perma it without the permission of your friends.

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8 minutes ago, arcane said:

Well, I for one would slot Incandescence about 100x more often if I could just get the 80% +healing without the piss-off-most-teammates TP…… 


hehe,  that one person is me and i try to limit myself to times that the team is already together

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On 5/20/2022 at 9:13 PM, biostem said:

I wonder if it was envisioned that many players/characters simply wouldn't take a travel power at all, and would instead wholly rely on teammates...


It has a 25' range.  Maximally enhanced with Range enhancements (which are Schedule B), it tops out a bit under 40'.  With an animation time of 1.848s (and that's now, not at launch, when all of the TP powers took seventeen thousand lifetimes of the universe to animate), your final movement speed is approximately 21.44'/second.


Base Run Speed for all characters is 19.33 mph, or ~28.35'/second.  That's no enhancements in Swift, Sprint not toggled on, no +Movement buffs or set bonuses, no travel powers, no P2W stuff, nothing.


If anyone at Cryptic ever imagined the norm being players crossing a zone like IP with Team Teleport, they were either incredibly high or horrific at math.

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Get busy living... or get busy dying.  That's goddamn right.

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25 ... feet?


     I've seen and heard about its use a long time ago by certain "super teams" and it makes me wonder if the range got nerfed or the game has just gotten that much faster and aggressively paced. Probably both especially since IOs entered the picture.


     It's (part of) how a team of SO using squishies (i.e the FRads) could utterly own 4 lvl54 AVs and destroy them in a hair over 3 minutes by ensuring the entire team and as many crazed fire monkeys (hopefully ~21) as possible instantly clumped up on a single AV and did so in pretty much total safety.  Early Green Machine stories (rumors?) have floated about of similar stuff in some early zone PvP fun.


     Outside of such activity I got no idea why anyone would use it much less in today's game environment.  Niche use at best.

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