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The 'Share your awesome bios' Thread!


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Not as long as Malfeasance but not too skimpy either...


Name : Alice Malice. You want a “real” name? How’s it feel to want?


Place of Birth : A hospital


Origin : Well, when a mommy and a daddy share a special hug.....


Supergroup : This big dude named Malfeasance has an organization. I do work for them from time to time. Nobody but nobody goes it alone in the Isles, unless they're complete morons.


Archetype : Whatta they call it? Dominator? What Evah.


Former Job : Staying alive count? I’m not the nine to five type of girl, never have been, never will be.


Base of Operations : You couldn’t just ask, “Where do you live?” could you. I got a place I crash at with a couple of friends over in Cap. Am I going to give you the address? Why? You gonna send me a Christmas Card? I’m Jewish, don’t bother.


Hero or Villain : There’s that judgmental attitude again. What people call you is immaterial. I do what I have to do because the alternative is dying, or being killed. There’s a difference. I make the best of what I am, and I do have fun. If you’re not having fun, if you’re all angsty and soulful about how awful your life is because you have these amazing powers and can fly and throw cars and stuff… come and see me when I’m hungry and I will take care of all your problems. Forever.


I suck the life force out of people because it makes me feel good. Oh, and it happens to keep me alive. What do you think I am?


Brief Physical Description : I’m five foot something, female, not particularly well endowed in this place filled with super bimbos in spandex and leather. But I’m not upset with what nature gave me. Due to the mutation, when I’m hungry I look kind’a pale and bruised. Oh, and my hair has been purple since I was born. Yes, all of it.


Brief Personality Description : If I sound depressed it’s only because I find this interview banal. I’m actually quite sarcastic. I’m the biggest “rhymes with witch” in the Islands. Ask anyone who pissed me off. Other than that, I laugh when I’m happy, I cry when I’m sad. I don’t go around kicking puppies or cackling like a lunatic while licking the blood of my foes from my fingers or anything. And when I’m hungry, I suck the bioelectric energy out of someone. They usually don’t feel like moving anywhere but six feet down afterwards.


Goals and Motives : My Goal is to survive. My motivators are the crazy blood mad whackos that live around the Isles. Maslow's hierarchy of needs. That’s my goal and motivation.


Opinions on Important Factions : If everyone would have just let me alone years ago, none of this crap would be happening. I don’t care about Freedom Corps or Wyvvern or any of them. I only care about Aracnos as far as it takes to avoid them.


Quote : People who ask me stupid and annoying questions are remembered by me when I’m hungry.


Claim to Fame : You mean do people around town or in the clubs know who I am? Not if I can help it.



If you’re into this sort of thing then you know a little about me already. When I was twelve I got real sick, like cancer victim sick. And then my dog jumped up in the bed and I killed him with a hug. My mutation isn't pretty. Doctors took me in to a lab, did lots of tests and studied me. I was the subject of numerous scientific articles and my name got published in all sorts of medical journals. Well, not my real name of course, they called me 'Alice M' in their lab reports. One idiot with more flair than intellect called my mutation “Psychic Vampirism” and that stupid title has stuck with me for longer than I like.


Eventually I got tired of the needles and the drugs and the doctors and the tests. When this one scientist thought a pat on my bottom was a good way to tell me “stop being so fussy little girl” I grabbed his hand and ate his life. He just was a schmuck who didn’t know how much that kind’a thing can piss off a seventeen year old girl stuck wearing a patient smock most of the day. I'm not apologizing for it and I'm not looking for an excuse. I got angry and I killed him. Did I want to? No. Did I have to? No. Five years as a lab rat taught me to be logical about this sort of thing. That's the scientific way to say 'stuff happens' after all.


For the next few months I started practicing with my powers. The doctors had always been more interested in the physiological effects of my powers and I had never really stretched the psychic capabilities that came with the ability to kill someone by touching them. The only test subjects I had available was the staff around me; I began manipulating everyone, reading minds and spreading secrets; a little mental push here and there. Eventually it got boring, so one night I just left. Drained the orderly just enough to knock him out, I don’t kill really unless I have to. Or I’m out of control. That happens more often than is healthy for people around me, but what can you do? Crossing the street is dangerous too.


For a while I was just on my own. A couple of those “Super Guy” groups tried to help out, but when you can read minds, pick up thought impressions just from things people have been sitting in or holding… well, I can tell when I’m being treated like a kid and when I’m being treated like an adult. I can tell when someone is telling me lies, when someone is being condescending, and worst of all, when they are giving me pity. Hate me. Fear me. Call me names. Make me write bad checks. But don’t pity me. I live the way I live because of the choices I make. If that makes me a bad girl in your book, deal with it.


Robbing banks and mugging people on the tram was never my thing. Reading minds in a high stakes poker game or mentally pushing someone to max out their ATM card and hand over the cash is so much easier. Always remember to make them forget you, and pick drunks who will think they had a black out. Eventually I drifted down to the Isles. There's a network, you know. Word gets around, people talk. I started getting jobs involving my special talents. Getting information out of people is a lot easier when you can read minds. Hey, I even went to college. Computers. Reading minds and picking up impressions from the computer keyboard makes it a lot easier to hack too.


Joining Arachnos though, that wasn't going to happen; but only an idiot tries to go it alone in the Isles. I found one of the less politically active organizations and got myself a job. Pretty good one, the head guy is a scientist type with no interest in being a boss. He's the big name, I'm the power behind the throne. It works great for both of us, I get to organize things the way I want and he gets to look good for Arachnos without having to interrupt his side projects. Neither one of us gives a fig for the typical infighting and maneuvering that goes with trying to climb the political ladder in the Isles.



Before leaving the Science Lab, Alice had the staff delete all files pertaining to her real name and family.  She then 'brain hacked' one of their computer genius techs and used him to create a super virus with the sole purpose of deleting her real name from any database or file.  Since it doesn't effect any other program, it has gone unnoticed for years, replicating and constantly scouring the internet.  All data-files about her family or personal history have been destroyed.  Finding any name for her except "Alice M" will require time travel. 


Alice could have been adopted by a SG who tried to save her from her darker nature for a time after she escaped from the hospital. I actually hope to find someone who will stand in for this but don’t intend to make a huge deal unless someone really thinks it would make for good interaction with their Mutant based SG.


Alice’s primary function/criminal activity (beyond doing missions which we all have to do) is intelligence gathering. She is a powerful telepath and telecoercive. She doesn’t particularly enjoy getting into other people’s heads, but she’s good at it. And she can pick up psychic impressions from objects, provided they have a strong association. She’s also learned a bit about computer hacking and other means of intelligence gathering to compliment her ability to just pull information out of another person’s head. So characters looking to gather information or interrogate a prisoner could find her useful. Of course, other psychics are powerful too, and she tends to avoid testing her limits against defended mines unless the pay is really, really good.


Alice likes the anarchistic members of the Freakshow. She isn’t into the whole body modification thing, but she’s got their “EFF the World” attitude.


Alice is not in full control of her “vampirism” talent. She has it mostly contained, but she does slowly drain the energy from living things around her. People who are her friends tend to become more sickly and depressed over the months of association. Since their subconscious begins to realize that they feel better when they are not around her, Alice tends to lose her friends and lovers after three or four months. And there is always the danger that when Alice gets really mad, or has a nightmare, or attains a strong emotional state that causes her to lose control, she might just kill someone. It’s happened before, it could happen again.

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If you do not face plant at least once a day; Go reset your Notoriety.

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Sadly I was somewhat length limited here so I had to trim the bio.


This is one of the issues I faced sometimes when making Bio's. The other being that accented characters aren't always liked in-game. It's odd because you can input it into the Bio, but attempting to paste it into say an in-game email results in loss of formatting and character issues (again).

OG Server: Pinnacle  <||>  Current Primary Server: Torchbearer  ||  Also found on the others if desired  <||> Generally Inactive

Installing CoX:  Windows  ||  MacOS  ||  MacOS for M1  <||>  Migrating Data from an Older Installation

Clubs: Mid's Hero Designer  ||  PC Builders  ||  HC Wiki  ||  Jerk Hackers

Old Forums  <||>  Titan Network  <||>  Heroica! (by @Shenanigunner)


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Anyone Else annoyed by the "First appeared..." bit that's auto-inserted? I mean, if we could actually modify it, then it'd be cool. IE: First appeared in Issue 2 / i2.

OG Server: Pinnacle  <||>  Current Primary Server: Torchbearer  ||  Also found on the others if desired  <||> Generally Inactive

Installing CoX:  Windows  ||  MacOS  ||  MacOS for M1  <||>  Migrating Data from an Older Installation

Clubs: Mid's Hero Designer  ||  PC Builders  ||  HC Wiki  ||  Jerk Hackers

Old Forums  <||>  Titan Network  <||>  Heroica! (by @Shenanigunner)


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I don't often feel like a complete idiot, but today's the day...I can't figure out for the life of me how to make a screenshot happen...


I've enabled the screenshot UI, but I click the mapped key, nothing happens...



"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." - Niels Bohr


Global Handle: @JusticeBeliever ... Home servers on Live: Guardian ... Playing on: Everlasting

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I don't often feel like a complete idiot, but today's the day...I can't figure out for the life of me how to make a screenshot happen...

Is it possible they are going to an unexpected folder?  Check your default settings.


I use an app for taking screenshots.  Been my habit since the days when SWG saved them in a format I didn’t like.  Currently using Fraps.  I don’t recall CoH sending pics to a distinct file but it might your problem.

If you do not face plant at least once a day; Go reset your Notoriety.

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This is for my character, The Cosplay Avenger.



Hi! I am Mandy Alexander, cosplayer extraordinaire, Swiftie, devoted anime fan and Oh yeah, Superhero!

Yes I do have a super power, sort of. Its totally lame-o for fighting bad guys but useful for being a Superhero.

It keeps me from being identified. People will not know its me even if they saw my face.

I can use an outfit that shows my face, change into regular clothes and walk in front of a person who saw me in costume and they will not recognize me.

When I wanted to start being a Superhero, I couldn't decide on a costume. Then it occurred to me that why chose one costume when I can put my Cosplay skills to use.

I can also use my Swiftie detective skills to find clues to solve crimes. A friend outfits me with special ammo for my guns that are non-lethal, but boy do they hurt when they hit someone.

They can actually knock someone off their feet. I have different load-outs for special enemies. I don't want to actually kill someone, but this way I can arrest them with extreme prejudice!

Ciao ciao!

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I have a backstory that I developed long ago, outside of CoH, when I was toying with the idea of creating my own comic book. At the time, I wanted to challenge several comic book tropes and take them to a new level. The first being the “kid” who somehow becomes a powerful adult hero when the need arises, and the second being the anti-hero. My idea was to create an old man who transforms into a young, somewhat angst-ridden teen hero, but within the context of a story that walks a fine line between the self-righteous and the amoral.


I came up with a hero named “The Dreamed.”


Here’s the story (Sorry, too long for a screenie):


Roland Sykes




Mr. Roland Sykes is a 56-year-old, English teacher at Paragon High School. A stern disciplinarian and a life-long bachelor, even his colleagues see him as a bitter, lonely old man. As for the students, well… let’s just say he’s the teacher the seniors warn the freshmen about.


The truth is, Mr. Sykes prefers it that way. He’s not a terribly pleasant man. As for being lonely, while it’s true that he has never known love, he has never really seen the benefit in it. Respect is all he ever wanted. Until now…


You see, Roland Sykes has a problem. He has fallen in love. The problem is, he has fallen in love with Kathrine “Kat” Saunders, a student in his 3rd period class. He keeps his feelings close to the vest, of course. After all, he is nothing if not proper. Still, she is all he can think about. At night, wracked with guilt and tormented by self-loathing, he lies in bed, tossing and turning, until finally, exhausted, he falls asleep… and dreams.


At first his dreams, although disturbing, may have been considered normal under the circumstances. He dreamed of being 18 again and meeting Kat on equal terms. In those dreams, he lived out forbidden fantasies of midnight rendezvous full of passion and longing. In the morning, he would awaken, covered in sweat and smelling the stench of his own perceived lechery.


During the day, he walked the halls of Paragon High, head down, unable to make eye contact with anyone. His colleagues began to worry. The most common theory was that of a devastating diagnosis… perhaps cancer… but Sykes was as closed off as ever.


Then, one night, the dreams changed. He dreamed that in the midst of another clandestine encounter in Perez Park, Kat and his alter-ego were attacked by a group of Hellions. Desperate to protect Kat, he suddenly found himself a costumed hero complete with extraordinary powers. He easily fought off the gang members and saved the day… garnering the admiration of the young woman in the process.


Now, when he dreams, he dreams of patrolling the city, fighting crime, and protecting the innocent. As for Kat, she is still in his dreams, but now she is a superhero as well, fighting by his side… his partner… and still the love of his life.


What Roland Sykes doesn’t know… what he doesn’t even suspect… is that the dreams… are real.


Yes, Roland Sykes is the dreamer… but what of The Dreamed!


Kathrine “Kat” Saunders AKA Bengali




Kathrine Saunders, known as “Kat” to everyone except teachers and clergymen, was the All-American High School girl. The daughter of the famed geneticist, Dr. Lincoln Saunders, she was an honor student, active in sports, and served as a Cheerleader for the football team. She was popular with both her fellow students and her teachers… all except her 3rd period English teacher… that mean, old Mr. Sykes.


But life sometimes takes an unexpected turn, as it did with Kat the night she met a mysterious young man. They first met at the Homecoming Dance. No one knew who he was… her friends all suspected he was a gang member crashing the dance to sell “dyne” or cause some other trouble. But Kat was strangely drawn to him. After the dance, they walked the streets and talked until dawn. Her father was pissed when she got home.


After that, Kat began to change. Her father was the first to notice. She was dressing differently and seemed almost rebellious. She quit the cheerleading squad saying only that it was stupid, her grades slipped, and she slept late whenever possible. Dr. Saunders began to worry.


What her father didn’t know, was that she was sneaking out at night to meet this strange young man… a boy who seemed to have no family, no home, and no past. She knew nothing about him, but she felt the need to be with him. Kat Saunders was in love.


Then came that fateful night in Perez Park. Accosted by Hellions, the mysterious stranger suddenly manifested incredible powers and saved her from the rampaging gang. She realized, suddenly, that she had fallen in love with a superhero.


She awoke, the next day, shaken and afraid. She was not afraid of the Hellions… or the Skulls… or even the Rikti, those odd-looking aliens who had invaded when she was a child. She was afraid of being normal. After all, he was a superhero… How could she compete with the likes of Miss Liberty?


That night, desperate to be his equal, Kat Saunders snuck into her father’s lab and infected herself with an experimental mutagenic virus. Her father found her the next morning, sprawled on the floor of his lab. She was in a coma for six weeks.


When she awoke, she found that the virus had done its work. She was able to take on the aspect of a Bengal tiger… but the mysterious young man was gone.


Saddened and alone, Kat Saunders, never-the-less, took up the mantle of the hero, Bengali… determined to use her ill-gotten powers to protect the city and its people.


One night, in Perez Park, she ambushed a group of Hellions up to no good. As she fought, she couldn’t help but remember that other night… when the strange young man she loved had saved her…


…and suddenly he was there, fighting by her side.


Her heart swelled in her chest and she knew that nothing could ever again stand against them… together.


The Dreamed




From a letter recovered from Ms. Kathrine Saunders:


“My Dearest Kathrine,


I wish that I could explain everything and answer every question you ask, but the truth is… I don’t have any answers for you. It feels as if I came into existence the night we met. I can’t tell you of my past, because I have none. I can’t tell you of my dreams, because I do not seem to sleep. I can’t even tell you my name… I have never known one. It seems as if I exist each night only to be with you… and the rest is darkness.


I do not know who I am. I don’t even know if all of this is real. I only know that I love you.


Am I real? Am I?


…or am I someone else’s dream.”

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Jabberassik is such a loony awesome mashup I might even forgive the Spines/Fire powers choice, which I have an almost primal loathing for now due to the bad behavior of all the spines/fire toons I meet in the MA or AH with their AoE toggles blasting away doing nothing to any mobs but driving me crazy.


And his suit is fantastic. That tie! thumbs up x million! :D I hope you've taken him to the Vanguard diplomatic mission where everyone's stood around being polite etc? Some awesome screenshot opportunities there :D



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Followed by a Plant Dominator


Name : Abagail Diamatto

Place of Birth : New York City

Origin : I was born with these, yanno, telepathic powers. And then I experimented with some drugs, Dyne and stuff, and added in some really good stuff I found made with Devouring Earth spores and it expanded my mind. I can control plants and stuff now. Better living through chemistry!


Supergroup : I’ve hooked up with a lotta different types around the Isles. I don’t get along well with the Spiders, but I’ve gota lotta connections all around Port Oakes and Sharkshead and some family ties over in Independence Port. These days I do odd jobs for this outfit called Malfeasance that’s run out of Cap a Diable.


Archetype : They say I’m wachyamacallit.. Domineering.  My Pop says I’m a pushy broad.  I  control things with my mind. Men. Boys. Certain women. Plants.


Occupation: I like to keep my hand in the recreational pharmaceuticals game. For that, I usually work out of Pocket D or King’s Row.


Base of Operations : I got a place in Port Oakes, a suite of rooms in Uncle Emil’s villa.


Hero or Villain : I’m a bad, bad girl. Wanna spank me?


Brief Physical Description : Well now, here’s where it gets a little weird. The drugs that changed me turned my skin green and my blood green and turned my hair orange. They also gave me some pretty big boobs, like a full two cup sizes upgrade. But I’m still short and sweet.


Brief Personality Description : I'm a real wild one, an' I like a wild fun. In a world gone crazy everything seems hazy, I'm a wild one. Ooh yeah I'm a wild one. Gotta keep it loose, gonna keep it running wild, I’m a real wild child!


Goals and Motives : Have fun. Get high. Make Money.


Opinions on Important Factions : Most of them are real downers. I’m loyal to my family, ‘cause blood is the only thing that counts. After that, eff ‘em all.


Quote : Give us a kiss!


Claim to Fame : If you know me from anywhere, it’s from the society pages. Hanging out with celebs, selling drugs in Pocket D or kicking your ass back in the alley.



My mom is second cousin, once removed, of Emil Marcone. I grew up in the Family, and learned really quickly how to get what I wanted from boys. When my boobs developed, so did my telepathy and it got even easier to get anything I wanted. High School was a breeze; most of the time I just snitched the answers to test questions from the mind of the nearest brainac around me.


In college I was dating this biology major and we started making up this wild trippy drug from Devouring Earth spores. Like LSD on steroids. We started shopping it around the University and ran up against some Trolls who thought they could take over our business. A little mental push, along with a generously low cut blouse, got their leader to see things my way. When my bio-major boyfriend went all jealous, I had to cut him loose. I think they buried him in the Hollows.


That’s when I started doing Dyne as well as the Petals. And it turned out to be a really good thing for me, because when all those chemicals combined with my DNA it had a radical change and made me what I am today.




Drug Trade

While not particularly smart girl, Abby is smart enough. Using her telepathic talent she picked up tips on how to make her own drugs and after enjoying some on her own she has gone into business. She can often be found in Pocket D making deals or handing out free samples. Her main specialty is in various psychotropic compounds but she dabbles in mood altering and 'combat drugs' because the market for them in the Rogue Isles is so good.


'Rosepetals' A hallucinogenic compound that also causes violent outbursts. Users perceptions are distorted and their adrenaline output increases by a factor of ten.  Street users also call it “Pink Rage” because of the angry outbursts it causes, which burst blood vessels in the eyes and turn them pink in habitual abusers.


'Ultradyne' A variation on superdyne. Increases strength and speed of the user and significantly reduces mental facilities, like superdyne, but a much shorter period of effect. Useful as a 'combat drug' and popular with members of the Council. Does not have the green skin side effect of superdyne, but can cause immediate heart attacks and seizures in as high as ten percent of the users.


One of the major side effects of repeated use is the user becomes extremely susceptible to any sort of mental conditioning. Combined with simple 'brain washing' techniques and other drugs it makes an almost perfect, low cost, super soldier. Almost perfect if you don't mind having ten percent of them have their heart explode when they get angry.


'Statue' Euphoric dreaming ensues with a side effect of completely shutting down the voluntary muscle response. Not quite a catatonic state, user is aware of their surroundings but is unable to respond.


There are others, but those are her main staples.



Abby is one of the few villains I have that really is unrepentantly evil. She’s a psychopath, or at least severely disturbed. She’s not completely ‘Joker Level” insane but she is wildly unpredictable and crazy as hell by most people’s standards.


Abby is telepathically active, if somewhat undisciplined. She projects a nearly constant telepathic buzz. Other telepaths can easily tell her current mood, not that she does much to hide her feelings most of the time. She is capable of reigning it in with concentration but will not do so unless somehow forced. When she’s ‘on her meds’ (and she is rarely off them) her telepathic talent is greatly augmented.



If you do not face plant at least once a day; Go reset your Notoriety.

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Back in the day I had a shovel wielding tank named Manito on Freedom. His bio was "By day I own and operate a pooper scooper service. At night I fight crime with a dirty shovel".


If you do not face plant at least once a day; Go reset your Notoriety.

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The last group...for now. These are from unaligned alts that were on the Beta during OG.





Sorry, I have to point out a few errors. Maybe you don't plan to remake this character, but I feel you should know.


Character's name should be "Main de la Mort" as "mort" is a noun and "morte" is a feminine adjective.


As for the battlecry, I'm sorry to inform you that it makes little sense in French. Maybe "Les ténèbres t'attendent" would fit better. Darkness in French is always plural, so the verb should also reflect the plurality. There's also the matter of the person/people it's destined to. If the battlecry is destined to more than one person, or if you want to use the formal form of "tu", it should be "vous" instead. "Les ténèbres vous attendent".


Anyway, enough with the French lessons :P

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The last group...for now. These are from unaligned alts that were on the Beta during OG.





Sorry, I have to point out a few errors. Maybe you don't plan to remake this character, but I feel you should know.


Character's name should be "Main de la Mort" as "mort" is a noun and "morte" is a feminine adjective.


As for the battlecry, I'm sorry to inform you that it makes little sense in French. Maybe "Les ténèbres t'attendent" would fit better. Darkness in French is always plural, so the verb should also reflect the plurality. There's also the matter of the person/people it's destined to. If the battlecry is destined to more than one person, or if you want to use the formal form of "tu", it should be "vous" instead. "Les ténèbres vous attendent".


Anyway, enough with the French lessons :P


Too marks for the polite positive feedback on this. :)



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