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Source(s) for rarer inspirations?


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1. What is/are the source(s) for rarer inspirations?  Ultimate, Team, Dual, Team Dual,   I've looked in the wiki (which details a lot, but not their origin nor range) and did key word searches in the forums, but though I've seen some of them mentioned, I've not seen their origins named.  Currently, I only know of them via the auction houses and the wiki.


2.  Regarding the team ones:  Is it an AoE ability with a certain range or is it based on the roster so that all on the team benefit regardless of where they are on the map? (I'm assuming the map is a limitation, and that someone away from it won't benefit) Also, does a team or team dual cover league members as well? (Which would be useful right before the bomb stage of the Mothership Raids)


3. Lastly, those who use them, how beneficial do you find them to be?  Is there a worthwhile tradeoff for the cost that they sell in the auction house?

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incarnate vendor (Luna) in ouro. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Luna


incarnates Trials

"while super inspirations can be obtained by selecting them from reward tables of Incarnate Trials or through the Incarnate Merit Vendor in Ouroboros.

Note that Super Inspirations cannot currently be combined into other types."


super packs?





Edited by Troo
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"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

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1.  Aside from the places mentioned, you can also get some of the special inspirations as random drops - including from the Inner Inspiration power.  *BUT* you have to go to the Pay2Win vendor to TURN ON those drops.


2.  The description says boosts your TEAMMATES within 20 feet, 16 targets max.  Why 16 when a team can only be 8?  Pets count.


3.  Tremendously.  On the Really Hard Way badge runs of the Magisterium trial each person is required to have some.  They are very powerful.  Is the cost trade-off worthwhile?  I can't answer that.  How much inf do you have?  Are you struggling to finish your build?  Don't buy them.  Billionaire marketeer?  Load up.  The cost comparison to regular inspirations isn't the right comparison.  It's more about how much you have and whether you want to burn inf to optimize team performance.

On a side note, I turn on the team and multi-inspiration drops on all of my tanks and accumulate the good ones in my tray.  It's one more way to keep teammates alive.

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Originally on Infinity.  I have Ironblade on every shard.  -  My only AE arc:  The Origin of Mark IV  (ID 48002)

Link to the story of Toggle Man, since I keep having to track down my original post.

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From a mostly solo standpoint:


- you cannot combine the duals or the teams, and having them activated you can easily end up with a full rack of comparatively useless items.  I’ll keep team ones activated on MMS.


- team inspirations are weaker than regular ones.  Makes sense, but if you are expecting one bonus and get a smaller one, it could be an unpleasant surprise.


-  if you open a lot of hero or winter packs, you’ll end up with lots of them in your Character Items window.  Lately, it’s been a real bear to claim items.

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Who run Bartertown?


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1 hour ago, Troo said:

incarnate vendor (Luna) in ouro. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Luna


super packs?






10 minutes ago, Ironblade said:

1.  Aside from the places mentioned, you can also get some of the special inspirations as random drops - including from the Inner Inspiration power.  *BUT* you have to go to the Pay2Win vendor to TURN ON those drops.


2.  The description says boosts your TEAMMATES within 20 feet, 16 targets max.  Why 16 when a team can only be 8?  Pets count.


Really useful info, thank you both!


I'm sure I clicked on Luna somewhere in the past, and then promptly forgot about her.  Looking it over now, I guess I saw that purchase requires Incarnate Threads, and since I was working on leveling up my Incarnate abilities, I found it a waste at the time to use the threads on something disposable.  Just a guess, though.


I've never worked with super packs, so that also would have been "out of sight/out of mind".  Guess I should look into both of those.


I realize now I never saw the team and dual unlocks on P2W vendor, as they're at the bottom of the list.  As I never disabled anything, glancing at the top of the enabled list made me think it only listed the standard stuff that I already had enabled. 


Pets count...do Illusion decoys and temporary pets like Dark Servant or Phantom Army affect the count, or are these just treated as extensions of the main character?

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6 hours ago, Ironblade said:

Billionaire marketeer?  Load up.

This; for ages. 


It's how the "whales" on Live could play.  It's significant, but not game breaking.


One specific case outside of the Magisterium where they are very useful is if you are a Fold Spacer or Shadow Slipper in the Rikti War Zone Mothership Raid. These powers grab up a bunch of mobs from around you and teleport them to your location. But ordinarily, even for a level 50+1 character, they can't teleport level 54 Bosses or EB's. If you use an Ultimate inspiration beforehand, however, they do. These inspirations last three minutes and do not stack with themselves; only one can be active at a time. Since they're worth 1-2 Million each on the market, that's pricey, but it can dramatically increase the vanguard merits earned by the entire league over the course of a 30-minute raid by increasing the rate that mobs move down into the bowl where players' powers are concentrated most. But it's costing the one doing so ~10,000 Inf/Second. :D

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21 hours ago, Techwright said:

Pets count...do Illusion decoys and temporary pets like Dark Servant or Phantom Army affect the count, or are these just treated as extensions of the main character?

Phantom Army will never get the benefits of any inspiration or buff (or debuff). They are unaffected by everything, except, for some stupid reason, Hamidon and the Crystal Titan can now kill them after a couple of shots. I'll never understand that, as they're supposed to be indestructible for a minute, but I guess that's too overpowered in the minds of some folks. But I digress. 

Dark Servant can benefit from team inspirations, as will MM pets, even your Summon Pets like Positron from p2w will benefit from team inspirations, provided they are within 20 feet of you and there are less than 16 allied characters in that 20 foot distance. 

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On 6/19/2022 at 10:36 AM, Techwright said:

Lastly, those who use them, how beneficial do you find them to be?


I only use the team ones.

Only a team of course.

And I only use the team one when fighting an EB/AV that is being a pain.


On 6/19/2022 at 10:36 AM, Techwright said:

Is there a worthwhile tradeoff for the cost that they sell in the auction house?


I haven't looked at the prices on the market, but I could probably use that slot to sell something that would make me more loot.



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Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.

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9 hours ago, Ukase said:

Phantom Army will never get the benefits of any inspiration or buff (or debuff). They are unaffected by everything, except, for some stupid reason, Hamidon and the Crystal Titan can now kill them after a couple of shots.

I've also noticed that the 'untouchable' pet from the tier 4 Radial Lore incarnate abilities gets whacked disturbingly easily by Hamidon during raids, even with an EoE active.

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