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Instanced Hami trail (The Abyss)


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Do you know if it would be possible to have an instanced version of the Abyss Hami raid, like with the MSR? As quite often on the Excelsior daily run there tends to be people entering the zone just to hide buds from the League and it's leaving a sour taste it a lot of peoples mouths, but in instanced version would solve these issues (Alongside people getting mapservered  and the zone being full of people who just afk).


Thank you in advance!

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I don't see this happening, for a number of reasons. RWZ has other missions and tf's to run in that zone that compete with filling a 48 person league for an MSR, so it made sense to create an instanced version of that event, especially once they capped the zone at 50 players. I don't think anything else like that is going on in Abyss or Hive - you pretty much go there to join or grief a Hami.


But it does make me think both in The Abyss and The Hive it would be nice to have a counter in the Nav bar showing how many buds are present on the map, if any. At least then you'd know if some need to be chased down or not. I know when I run Hamis and he doesn't spawn quickly, we start wondering if maybe we missed a bud.


Also, I wonder about a mechanic that will try to clean up a zone automatically once it hits capacity by kicking anyone AFK for more than, say 15 minutes? 30 minutes? Maybe once RWZ, for instance, hits 50 players, the server will see who has been AFK for the longest in the zone, and if it's above that 15 or 30 minute threshold it will kick them, creating a space for someone else to zone in. Repeat the process each time the zone fills. I guess that could kick someone out of an MSR that's in the bowl already, but that's OK by me! 🙂

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Oklahoman, Okie, Vayne Glorious, Sooner Magic, Treehugging Wacko, Boy Band, etc

Farming Incarnate Salvage - 1 salvage roll every 15 minutes!  ||  Why NO TELLS to join your little MSR thing?

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Excelsior Bases: The Sooner State (OK-8602), Atlas Records (ROCK-29730), Generic Heroes (G-16581), Sooner Nation (SOONER-8490)

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1 hour ago, Oklahoman said:

you pretty much go there to join or grief a Hami.

The griefing is exactly why an instanced Hami is needed though. It's getting seriously out of hand on a regular basis with buds being spawned all over from people not in league who hit Hami then teleport out before the buds pop. 

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Definitely Agree with Laucianna here. Its becoming frustrating for the league, not just myself. how many times do I have to repeat the same thing every day to ask people to stick together for the buds to spawn

not only its a waste of time for the raiders.. also a waste of time for the trollers too since they stick around for all 3 runs... doesnt really make sense to troll like that.


I do get what saying Oklahomie... it definitely makes sense.. but its definitely much better to have it as instances... regardless of other missions or TFs in zone like RWZ. 

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In regards to Okla's comments, at the very least we should have a bud counter so we know there is one still out there somewhere. Overall, I agree that is needs to be instanced to prevent trolls from ruining peoples experience with running these types of content. Hami runs, and I am pretty sure this applies to MSR's as well, are having an increase in trolls and/or people who just sit there doing nothing when we could get someone in who hasn't done it before.

Edited by Idel
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An instanced Hamidon raid was first brought up by a developer back in late 2019, shortly after the instanced Rikti mothership raid was introduced.  However, it was back burnered.  IIRC, it was brought up again several months ago, but some people convinced the developers that it was no longer necessary due to the far lower Homecoming population today compared to late 2019.  Hopefully, this thread will help convince otherwise.

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The Abyss and Hive exist solely for the purpose of fighting Hamidon. Whether you are solo and smashing Giant Monsters, on a team doing same, or on a league, you will summon Hamidon. That is those zones' specific purpose. Adding the buds is what complicated it. So add a bud counter and maybe even flag the buds on the map. That way even if someone tries to troll the raid, absolutely everyone knows there are buds and possibly where. It kills the trolls' ability to troll the raid without requiring a duplicate instance of a zone or two zones whose only purpose is Hamidon.


(Edit: As opposed to the RWZ which has the MSR and multiple story arcs and TFs.)

Edited by Rudra
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What if the buds ONLY spawned near where Hami was, rather than based on any player position at all? That makes a lot more sense to me, anyway, as an in-game thing.


Coding for an instanced version may fix it, but that sounds like a heavy lift. I remember when that was done for MSRs and it took a bit to sort the bugs out. Maybe the instanced MSR gets run more than I see, but it sure seems on Excelsior, anyway, that the majority of the time it's the zoned version that gets run.


Just seems to me it would be easier to tweak some code and have the buds spawn differently, and maybe include the bud counter. But I can definitely understand the frustration. Some men just want to watch the world burn.

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Oklahoman, Okie, Vayne Glorious, Sooner Magic, Treehugging Wacko, Boy Band, etc

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Excelsior Bases: The Sooner State (OK-8602), Atlas Records (ROCK-29730), Generic Heroes (G-16581), Sooner Nation (SOONER-8490)

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That works too. Until a bud or two just runs off to Timbuktu. Why not a combination? Buds only spawn where Hamidon was. Buds are marked on the map so that runners (that don't seem to want to go back) can be tracked down and dealt with. This way trolls can't grief the raiders and there is no question about missing buds because a quick map check will say if there is one or not.

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These are all great suggestions and I agree would be a much easier fix than the instanced hami. A bud count and spawning at hami would really solve all the problems.
While I like the buds on the map idea, there's already 48 moving dots on the map, so it seems like it might be too much on the map, but I'd take it if it was offered.

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There are definitely easier options to help remedy the trolling that takes place for Hami's, at the very least I would love a bud counter since adding them to the map would be hectic since there are 47 other dots on the map. Much like Morgraine stated, I would take it though.

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I'm all for instanced versions of the Hami raid. My SG used to do private raids all the times back on live, and members of the public would occasionally come in and grief us.


Would also help facilitate unique challenges like the 8 stalker Hami kill from Indomitable a couple years ago.

Edited by SeraphimKensai
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It may be helpful for someone to know that there is a maximum 16 buds spawning after killing hami - 1 bud per player up to 16.  I have a chat tab that shows only xp gains and i count out how many times i get xp while we are clearing buds.  It should work with the chat channel for so-and-so has defeated hamidon bud but i dont have that on its own tab.  And once i count 16 xp gains,  i let the leader know that all the buds are dead.


A bud counter would be alot easier but its nice, at least, to know that a slow spawning hamidon isnt because of a missed bud.


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On 8/11/2022 at 5:26 PM, SeraphimKensai said:

I'm all for instanced versions of the Hami raid. My SG used to do private raids all the times back on live, and members of the public would occasionally come in and grief us.


Would also help facilitate unique challenges like the 8 stalker Hami kill from Indomitable a couple years ago.

I never even thought about challenges tbf but yeah it would help a lot with that!



On 8/11/2022 at 3:58 PM, Morgraine said:

These are all great suggestions and I agree would be a much easier fix than the instanced hami. A bud count and spawning at hami would really solve all the problems.
While I like the buds on the map idea, there's already 48 moving dots on the map, so it seems like it might be too much on the map, but I'd take it if it was offered.


On 8/11/2022 at 6:05 PM, TheZag said:

It may be helpful for someone to know that there is a maximum 16 buds spawning after killing hami - 1 bud per player up to 16.  I have a chat tab that shows only xp gains and i count out how many times i get xp while we are clearing buds.  It should work with the chat channel for so-and-so has defeated hamidon bud but i dont have that on its own tab.  And once i count 16 xp gains,  i let the leader know that all the buds are dead.


A bud counter would be alot easier but its nice, at least, to know that a slow spawning hamidon isnt because of a missed bud.


If we had a set amount spawn on the Hami after it goes down it should solve the issue, as I'm pretty sure you can't tp a bud and it surely should be a small change of code from "SpawnAt_RandomPlayer" to "Spawn_Hami" since Hami always spawns in the same area

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On 8/10/2022 at 2:30 PM, Goddess Laucianna said:

Do you know if it would be possible to have an instanced version of the Abyss Hami raid, like with the MSR?

Do you mean having the game spawn an "Abyss 2" or something, or do you mean some sort of queueable closed instanced, where players would form a league, then the leader could begin the instance/raid, (sort of like how some iTrial content works)?

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19 hours ago, Goddess Laucianna said:

as I'm pretty sure you can't tp a bud

Buds can be teleported. Something that helps to keep the ones that spawn in the middle closer to the middle is to use fold space.




14 hours ago, biostem said:

Do you mean having the game spawn an "Abyss 2" or something, or do you mean some sort of queueable closed instanced, where players would form a league, then the leader could begin the instance/raid, (sort of like how some iTrial content works)?

It would be queueable and closed if it were instanced.



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On 8/11/2022 at 1:05 PM, TheZag said:

It may be helpful for someone to know that there is a maximum 16 buds spawning after killing hami - 1 bud per player up to 16.  I have a chat tab that shows only xp gains and i count out how many times i get xp while we are clearing buds.  It should work with the chat channel for so-and-so has defeated hamidon bud but i dont have that on its own tab.  And once i count 16 xp gains,  i let the leader know that all the buds are dead.

I've been trying this out and honestly I'm not finding it reliable at all. Most runs I only count 14 or 15 at most. 

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18 hours ago, Morgraine said:

I've been trying this out and honestly I'm not finding it reliable at all. Most runs I only count 14 or 15 at most. 


Its dependent on your team doing enough damage to every bud to get xp in the first place.  The same thing happens to me.  So i cant say that we missed a bud with this method but i can say when we got them all. 


I think its the system channel that reports 'so and so has defeated hamidon bud'.  Using that may be more reliable but i havent checked since i have those messages mixed in another tab.


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18 hours ago, Morgraine said:

I've been trying this out and honestly I'm not finding it reliable at all. Most runs I only count 14 or 15 at most. 


Even with MSRs when I am right with the Drop Ship, sometimes my log doesn't show who got the kill shot. I agree, the method isn't reliable.


I haven't tried this at all, but maybe using demorecord you could tell. It would be a new application of the thread linked in my signature - just need to know whatever the command is for "bud squished."


But overall, would be better for the game to report to you how many buds are left, I think.

Edited by Oklahoman

Oklahoman, Okie, Vayne Glorious, Sooner Magic, Treehugging Wacko, Boy Band, etc

Farming Incarnate Salvage - 1 salvage roll every 15 minutes!  ||  Why NO TELLS to join your little MSR thing?

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Excelsior Bases: The Sooner State (OK-8602), Atlas Records (ROCK-29730), Generic Heroes (G-16581), Sooner Nation (SOONER-8490)

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16 hours ago, Ukase said:

Bud counter - yes. 
Instanced - I'm okay with it. 

But, with regards to the instanced version, consider the idea that whomever is griefing can do so whether they are on your league or not, can't they? 


In a instanced version,  they have to be invited to the league to get in the instance.  They could still grief at that point but kicking them from the league will also remove them from the instance.


Not inviting a known griefer would prevent them from doing anything to an instanced run while anyone could come to a hami raid if the zone isnt full.


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