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Hot Feed - Reduce endurance cost by 1/3


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Trying a fire control build, but Hot Feet is killing the endurance cost even slotted.


Suggest it be reduced from 1.04 to .75 a tick before slotting, even full slotted for endurance reduction its still over .5 a tick, comes relative early where enhancement percentage is low and will toggle off nearly every fight from the cost of other powers being cast, and it detoggles when mezzed.


Can the cost at least be shoved onto Dark armor. Not like it would make it any worse 🤣

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I would be OK with reducing the radius from 20 to 15 feet and cutting the endurance cost to 0.78/sec. That said, I do have a Fire/Nature controller that runs both Hot Feet and Entangling Aura and the endurance cost is manageable once the build is fully slotted. 

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I would cry bitter tears if the radius went from 20 to 15 feet all for the sake of cutting endurance. That's almost a 50% nerf in net area of effect.

Endurance can be managed and made sustainable, while radius can never be increased.

Never trade invaluable things for temporary convenience.

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On 1/13/2023 at 12:42 AM, nihilii said:

I would cry bitter tears if the radius went from 20 to 15 feet all for the sake of cutting endurance. That's almost a 50% nerf in net area of effect.

Endurance can be managed and made sustainable, while radius can never be increased.

Never trade invaluable things for temporary convenience.

Well, around 1,256 ft2 to around 706.5 ft2 isn't exactly half, but it is a 43.75% reduction, so I'll let your math slide... for now...

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