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Melee Dom


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I know nothing about Dom.


I'm considering a Dom with Frisbee Martial secondary. As such, I think it might be an idea to try to emphasise melee - I see quite a lot of PBAoE powers on Doms.


I am writing to request suggestions on a primary that would suit such a playstyle.

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thought this over recently, as doms have a good spread of slotting diversity, meaning expensive but good builds (like blaster has), or arguably h/veats.


i settled on illu/martial.


illusion: hands off phantom army immune, though lacking taunt. gleam as a softener. fear hands off lasting with to hit debuff and immune. 



get spring attack (leaping, youll get combat jumping anyway for a lotg, and the st attack can take mich procs too including force feedback, slot spring for procs, dont look back.  the gap close is extremely useful, and damage reasonable.

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it has some quite good stuff:


the cone is no target, meaning just run at a clump and press, its also 9 range, vs 7, putting it 1 shy of titan weapon, with a 90 degree arc. it clips a lot of mobs.


the pbaoe is snappy, and 15y  uts strength is quick cast.


however, earth assault is exceptional, for recharge boosting.  i have a retired (stripped) but wonderous elwc/earth. probably my most effective to date.


plant/earth would also be good.


the mix on martial is good, and dont listen to crap about envenomed blades being bad, its 1x activation for 40s of tohit and damage add.  that adds up, and lets you rely on set bonuses and it for accuracy without issues.


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Savage has played well for me on a Dom, and has six or seven melee attacks, one of which is the lovely and talented Savage Leap which I adore - nothing more melee-y as literally jumping into someone's face.


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savage also gets recharge with the blood stacks, a little heal thats worthy, AND nothing stops you also taking spring attack.


i play a lotta savage, and if im honest, its strong vs martial in ways.


however, in ways its not.


martial is quick too, it has envenomed blades (this is a good power, I insist! 40s is a long time)


the cone kick is good, explodong shuriken compliments epic pool fireball well as aoe spam with a st focus, it has a snipe.

Edited by honoroit
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Regarding primaries, Ice has come a long way since Live. Big fan of Arctic Air now that it is affected by domination. Ice Slick does wonders (and has more slotting opportunities now that it can take damage sets).  I prefer it paired with Thorns, but it is a solid primary now - still softish controls but with a much more solid core.

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Fire Control not only has great damage but great control as well.


Its single target hold (Char) has a 1 second cast animation. Most set's animation is twice that which lets you throw it out and get to hitting a lot faster.


Put the Knockback to Knockdown proc on Bonfire and it will knock enemies down constantly like Sleet and Earthquake do.


Lastly, Hot Feet is a massive damage aura around you. It REALLY sucks your endurance though so plan for that.

Edited by Tubalcain
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On 6/10/2023 at 3:56 AM, Tubalcain said:

Fire Control not only has great damage but great control as well.


Its single target hold (Char) has a 1 second cast animation. Most set's animation is twice that which lets you throw it out and get to hitting a lot faster.



If I am not mistaken, it is actually the fastest cast hold in the entire game. 

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So it is the fastest along with Dominate.  
My memory did not fail me.   

City of Data had cast time faster than Dominate , at 1.07 vs Dominate 1.1 

The issue is that the Cast Arcana time, they are both tied for the fastest
in the game 

Edited by Voltak
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23 minutes ago, Voltak said:

So it is the fastest along with Dominate.  
My memory did not fail me.   

City of Data had cast time faster than Dominate , at 1.07 vs Dominate 1.1 

The issue is that the Cast Arcana time, they are both tied for the fastest
in the game 



In the entire game that only includes dominators yes it is tied for fastest, although dominate actually affects the target faster by a small degree.

If stopping something in its tracks is the goal, char is middle of the pack. It is however the fastest at letting you move after use and tied with dominate as the fastest in letting you activate your next power.


In the entire game that includes other AT's it is not the fastest as my ice/elec blaster has 2 holds that are faster.


But I'm sure that's what you meant.

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to the guy on about blasters, your not beating mag 6 and a tazer.  toggle on tk, its done.  plus our base hold higher on dom than a blaster, and the atos boost that further.


so stacked mag over time. dont matter if you have 2 mag3s at 8s holdish.


id stick to mind  if you want the job done in that regard.




-- honoroit, the exodite

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On 6/7/2023 at 2:56 AM, Herotu said:

I know nothing about Dom.


I'm considering a Dom with Frisbee Martial secondary. As such, I think it might be an idea to try to emphasise melee - I see quite a lot of PBAoE powers on Doms.


I am writing to request suggestions on a primary that would suit such a playstyle.

I've found over time that I really prefer a fast aoe control on my doms. single target control takes a backseat  on my doms with decent aoe.

In order of effectiveness/preference:

Earth - stalagmites: 70ft range, huge aoe, ridiculously fast cast, paints everything with -def

Plant - seeds: 60 ft, wide cone, ridiculously fast cast and recharge


an honorable mention to Ice

Ice - ice slick (it's now decently fast for something you can cast around corners) and jump in with arctic air running


I sometimes go entire missions without using single target controls on my doms if I'm running normal content. 


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On 6/7/2023 at 6:56 AM, Herotu said:

I know nothing about Dom.


I'm considering a Dom with Frisbee Martial secondary. As such, I think it might be an idea to try to emphasise melee - I see quite a lot of PBAoE powers on Doms.


I am writing to request suggestions on a primary that would suit such a playstyle.

Dark control has a super nice PBAoE Stun that is also a nice place for procs, it can be used as a proc AoE bomb.  
Since it is PBAoE, you can feel at home at melee range. 
You also have some nice selection of pets to help you out dish some DMG and they also debuff the targets.  

If you decide to use the AoE hold as well, it works like a charm.  Cast it and whoever is in that area is held, not a matter of chance or anything like that.  
If they are in it, they are held, unless they are under some form of mez protection of high enough magnitude , but that's very rare below EB levels. 

Dark control is an S tier control set

It has the BEST LOOKING confuse power in the game, POSSESSION !

Another set to consider is Illusion

Illusion is a phenomenal control set 

A very nice AoE stun , some magnificent pets for extra dmg , and you can make phantom army perma with enough recharge 

The AoE fear, a confuse ... it's also an S tier control set 

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7 hours ago, MoonSheep said:

i have an elec/earth dom i play on test and it’s really good - decent damage and the PBAoE end drain toggle encourages you to be with the mobs. the end drain is quite effective too

Ah, yes, electric control, I think it is underrated.   This sleep is the best sleep in the game.  The endurance drain in it is marvelous.   
You can be mid mob, doing all melee, slept targets, drained targets, and SMASH AWAY with Earth assault , the true SMASH set for Dominators.   


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On 6/14/2023 at 8:42 PM, Frosticus said:



In the entire game that only includes dominators yes it is tied for fastest, although dominate actually affects the target faster by a small degree.

If stopping something in its tracks is the goal, char is middle of the pack. It is however the fastest at letting you move after use and tied with dominate as the fastest in letting you activate your next power.


In the entire game that includes other AT's it is not the fastest as my ice/elec blaster has 2 holds that are faster.


But I'm sure that's what you meant.

No, in the entire game for Control Primaries 

Controllers and Dominators have primary controls, not just dominators 

With Domination up, dominators can usually one shot control bosses, and no one else can do that as fast as a Dominator with any control power from primary control sets 

Blasters don't have any single one power which can one shot hold a boss as fast as a dominator.  
Heck, even controllers have a chance to critical hit with a control and one shot control bosses with a hold as well.   

Anyway, this was written only for clarification if anyone indeed had trouble understanding the intent.  


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I would vote Ice/something.  Mine is ice/psi.  It's fun.  Has two confuse auras which does most of the work and you just blast and melee.


Edit - if you don't have a savage toon that is probably cool.  My main is a savage scrap, but the dom version does look cool too.  


Edited by Thrax
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23 hours ago, Thrax said:

I would vote Ice/something.  Mine is ice/psi.  It's fun.  Has two confuse auras which does most of the work and you just blast and melee.


Edit - if you don't have a savage toon that is probably cool.  My main is a savage scrap, but the dom version does look cool too.  



I cannot say much about /savage but I can upvote on Ice/Psi, as Psi is built to be in melee with the best powers being melee and PBAOE, the Artic Air aura with the domination update is great for keeping control, then soft controls of KD and slows make it very nice and scrappy.

Psicy Chill - Ice/Psi/Psi | Sive Ni Brielan - Plant/Earth/Fire | Elemental Elder Lord - Earth/Fire/Fire | Selinia Baneheart - Dark/Therm/Fire | Mylia Stenetch - Necro/Dark/Soul | Radiated Shot - Rad/Arch/Mace | Nameless Witch - Storm/Water/Mu | Phantom Racer - Fire/Cold/Scorp | Neera Darkspar - Beam/Temp/Soul | Neera Etra - Dark/SR | Shieldbreaker - Elec/Shield/Mu | Frozen Tombstress Ice/Rad/Ice | Subliminal Darkness - Psi/Dark/Psi | Mirana Darkblade - Katana/Regen/Soul | Máistir Fiach - SoA Huntmaster | Night Reaver - SoA Widow | Sweet Senpai - SoA Bane

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