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Can y’all stop freaking out when people don’t respond to your tells?


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I have encountered two instances since yesterday. The first, someone calling someone names in LFG because they didn’t respond to a tell. I told them to calm down and game on. They sent me a tell letting me know that CoX is all about the community and you HAVE to respond to tells. I asked if they were exemplifying this idea of community by name calling in a server wide chat. I got cussed out and told I didn’t deserve this game lol.


Second, tonight, I was posting for Positron 1 TF. I had two spots left, 5 people messaged me at once. THREE of them asking if I would wait while they switch to an alt and 2 asking to join immediately. My chat moves too fast to get back to replying to them while also managing a team. Someone then messaged me and said “Global ignore for ignorant people too dumb to respond to tells”.


I thought we were mostly adults here.

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Ah, do what I want, because 'peer pressure'.

There is a seriously disturbed mind behind the keyboard thinks tells are an obligation.

Does this person think all texts are sacred as well I wonder?

Do they lose Likes and Twitter followers if they are not lighting fast to respond to over-eager condescending extroverts like themselves? :)


This community has just as many jerks as any other, they just somehow think they are 'right' because they play a Hero.

Busy Bodies and Hall Monitors.


Just remember, you WON in both of those encounters, IMO, those are not players you want to have as friends.



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Eh... Sadly the kind of people who are going to get upset and flame people over missed tells are not the ones that are going to listen to this kind of request. They think their tells/requests/demands/way of playing is the most important and they will let you know it no matter what anyone says. Even in a City of Heroes there are going to be some Guy Gardners.

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Eh... Sadly the kind of people who are going to get upset and flame people over missed tells are not the ones that are going to listen to this kind of request. They think their tells/requests/demands/way of playing is the most important and they will let you know it no matter what anyone says. Even in a City of Heroes there are going to be some Guy Gardners.


LOL - if only we could take them out with 1 punch (brawl) - [comic book reference]

"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." - Niels Bohr


Global Handle: @JusticeBeliever ... Home servers on Live: Guardian ... Playing on: Everlasting

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Eh... Sadly the kind of people who are going to get upset and flame people over missed tells are not the ones that are going to listen to this kind of request. They think their tells/requests/demands/way of playing is the most important and they will let you know it no matter what anyone says. Even in a City of Heroes there are going to be some Guy Gardners.


And yet they are too scared, or whatever to form their own group.

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I thought we were mostly adults here.


Well, I think this sums it up - we are mostly adults here.  It's not a silver lining, but it's better to see their true colors wih a tell, then see it in the middle of a mission or worse yet a TF

"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." - Niels Bohr


Global Handle: @JusticeBeliever ... Home servers on Live: Guardian ... Playing on: Everlasting

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If i send a tell to someone forming a grp/tf and get no reply I would always assume the grp is full and the leader too busy to respond.


That said, if I am forming up a TF/grp and have put out a request for members on LFG chat or TF channel and I get swamped then I will say that in those channels and try to always mention when it is full and thank them.


It's not always possible, and sometimes it gets messy with people alting, someone else mentioned though that the impatient and snarky ones are unlikely to read this, but we can hope that everyone tries to have a bit more patience.

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It would be nice if we could set a kind of "answering machine" for tells. "Sorry, I'm in the middle of something and can't respond right now."


/bind backspace “afk [sending a tell right now]$$autoreply” is my standard edit the backspace functionality.  It sends whatever is between the [] to person sending the tell


/bind ctrl+numpad1 “afk In Help Channel$$beginchat /hc [justicebeliever] “ is what I use to send a quick chat to Help.  Anyone who sends a tell would get the “in help channel” message

"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." - Niels Bohr


Global Handle: @JusticeBeliever ... Home servers on Live: Guardian ... Playing on: Everlasting

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If i send a tell to someone forming a grp/tf and get no reply I would always assume the grp is full and the leader too busy to respond.


That said, if I am forming up a TF/grp and have put out a request for members on LFG chat or TF channel and I get swamped then I will say that in those channels and try to always mention when it is full and thank them.


It's not always possible, and sometimes it gets messy with people alting, someone else mentioned though that the impatient and snarky ones are unlikely to read this, but we can hope that everyone tries to have a bit more patience.


You are Reasonable.


That's the issue here, is that the 'whisper Nazis' as I have been told to call them previously, seem to think one is directly insulting _them_ because of a missed tell or slow response.

It's in their heads and it is not reasonable...as in their brain chemistry does not allow them to be reasonable in these cases, like most humans.


The nice way I like to approach it with people is to say 'I am sorry, my heart does not beat that fast anymore' to try and get them to realize we are not on the same wavelength. Works occasionally.


Gamers think of make up from thin air entire volumes of un-written rules when allowed and then use those to beat others into submission with, simply because that is that their peers did with them...that's how this crap gets started.


Peer Pressure from Unreasonable and Controlling brain chemistries.


Over the years, it has been interesting to watch.

MMOs are like a huge social experiment from the right PoV.

Very educational, IME.

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These are the same sort of people who flip out if someone doesn't instantly reply to their RL texts.  Our current world of instant communication has made some people forget that not everyone can reply right back.

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It would be nice if we could set a kind of "answering machine" for tells. "Sorry, I'm in the middle of something and can't respond right now."


/bind backspace “afk [sending a tell right now]$$autoreply” is my standard edit the backspace functionality.  It sends whatever is between the [] to person sending the tell


/bind ctrl+numpad1 “afk In Help Channel$$beginchat /hc [justicebeliever] “ is what I use to send a quick chat to Help.  Anyone who sends a tell would get the “in help channel” message



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I have encountered two instances since yesterday. The first, someone calling someone names in LFG because they didn’t respond to a tell. I told them to calm down and game on. They sent me a tell letting me know that CoX is all about the community and you HAVE to respond to tells. I asked if they were exemplifying this idea of community by name calling in a server wide chat. I got cussed out and told I didn’t deserve this game lol.


Second, tonight, I was posting for Positron 1 TF. I had two spots left, 5 people messaged me at once. THREE of them asking if I would wait while they switch to an alt and 2 asking to join immediately. My chat moves too fast to get back to replying to them while also managing a team. Someone then messaged me and said “Global ignore for ignorant people too dumb to respond to tells”.


I thought we were mostly adults here.


Two instances. Wow, what a pervasive problem...

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I have encountered two instances since yesterday. The first, someone calling someone names in LFG because they didn’t respond to a tell. I told them to calm down and game on. They sent me a tell letting me know that CoX is all about the community and you HAVE to respond to tells. I asked if they were exemplifying this idea of community by name calling in a server wide chat. I got cussed out and told I didn’t deserve this game lol.


Second, tonight, I was posting for Positron 1 TF. I had two spots left, 5 people messaged me at once. THREE of them asking if I would wait while they switch to an alt and 2 asking to join immediately. My chat moves too fast to get back to replying to them while also managing a team. Someone then messaged me and said “Global ignore for ignorant people too dumb to respond to tells”.


I thought we were mostly adults here.


Two instances. Wow, what a pervasive problem...


Your sarcastic quip is very much appreciated. I encountered both of these issues in a total of 6 hours of gameplay. I figured I would share my experience to hear what the community thought of the issue and maybe hear any other related anecdotes. Which I have. Didn’t even realize people called them whisper nazis. So far this is something I’ve ONLY encountered on this game, and I’ve played a lot of MMOs.

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Didn’t even realize people called them whisper nazis. So far this is something I’ve ONLY encountered on this game, and I’ve played a lot of MMOs.


Seen it personally in WoW, Secret World, STO, SWTOR, and CoH back in the day.


The dark tetrad takes many forms.

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I tend not to mind when people don't respond to my macro'd buff tells... It makes the ones who do respond more special, and they tend to RP in their response.

The other times I'll send a tell to a rando is usually when they have a cool costume or bio. Which usually gets a response.


Maybe the people you're seeing get angry about no response to their tells are sending tells like what they're saying in general... And who answers an asshat with anything other than an /ignore $target.

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These are the same sort of people who flip out if someone doesn't instantly reply to their RL texts.  Our current world of instant communication has made some people forget that not everyone can reply right back.

It's also worth noting that tells are not text messages. Specifically, a text message doesn't get lost in a constantly-scrolling box that is being continually updated by multiple people.


For me, personally, I've missed a few tells simply because I have my chat window collapsed. I collapse it quite often because I want to focus on the task at hand and the constantly-scrolling text becomes a distraction because my brain wants to process the words. I also play on a 32-inch screen (repurposed TV) and I think my eyes constantly flicking down to the chat window was contributing to the eyestrain I mentioned in another thread.


Another reason for not responding to tells could be that the recipient might be in the middle of a costume designing session. I know I'm not going to back completely out of the costume designer in the middle of the process just to read a tell.

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Your sarcastic quip is very much appreciated. I encountered both of these issues in a total of 6 hours of gameplay. I figured I would share my experience to hear what the community thought of the issue and maybe hear any other related anecdotes. Which I have. Didn’t even realize people called them whisper nazis. So far this is something I’ve ONLY encountered on this game, and I’ve played a lot of MMOs.


Your subject line made it sound like this was something you saw happening all the time. What it comes down to is there are idiots everywhere, and encountering such stupidity only twice in six hours is actually an excellent sign of how good this community is.

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Now, when you're forming a TF it is polite to inform those who ask after a spot that you've filled. I try to do it myself, and appreciate it when others offer the same courtesy to me.


That said, I'm not going to attack or berate someone for not doing it.

Always happy to answer questions in game, typically hanging around Help.
Global is @Zolgar, and tends to be tagged in Help.

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wow, and it takes what, 10 seconds to scroll, right click and say "we filled/whatever", you poor thing....... /eyeroll


Then miss the total irony of going to the forums to complain about non events whilst inferring you are a mature adult in action....



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I keep Global, Paragon Chat, Broadcast  and Excelsior in the upper window of chattage. (I also added a tab that is labeled 'Silence' that is totally empty for times I want NO distractions.)

The lower window contains Private messages, Team/League and Supergroup. This has helped me a lot.

y0Y5yFQ.png Forever grateful to be back in my city!
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