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Posted (edited)
On 3/29/2024 at 9:46 PM, Ston said:

Ended up trying a lot of stalkers that I probably won't submit official runs for since I kept overwriting the same build and deleting recordings/screenshots. Here are some unofficial best times I had:
martial/bio/mace: 34s

db/bio/mace: 28s

ninja/bio/mace: 29s

fire/bio/mace: 32s

km/bio/mace: 36s

psi/bio/mace: 39s


Run Type: Pylon (Open Beta)
Archetype: Stalker
Primary Powerset: Energy Melee
Secondary Powerset: Bio Armor

Time in seconds: Best: 26 Seconds

Burst: Burst - due to Geas
Hybrid: Assault - Core (toggled on)
Number of Runs: 1
Version: Open Beta

Temps Used: Offensive Amp, Geas, Daggers


em_bio_mace.mbd 45.61 kB · 1 download




Amazing performance Ston and congratulations on taking the gold. Please check your DM's regarding claiming your prize.

Huge thanks to everyone who participated and lets keep the spice rolling.

Edited by Koopak
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7 hours ago, Koopak said:

Your build appears incomplete is it possible you uploaded an mid development version?

I did a buildsavefile and imported it into Mids.


Edit: And the exported build is the problem.

Edited by User23
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Just for any noobs like myself that may stumble across this tread - these builds are just for killing pylons right ... not for playing the game? They are purpose built busted builds that you cannot carry into the regular game and survive or use?

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8 hours ago, Vermithrix said:

Just for any noobs like myself that may stumble across this tread - these builds are just for killing pylons right ... not for playing the game? They are purpose built busted builds that you cannot carry into the regular game and survive or use?

Not all of them, I haven't looked at ALL the builds posted here so it's better to use some personal judgement on whether the build is viable for the regular game or not. I know for certain that Frosticus Ill/Cold controller could be ran in regular content plenty fine, though not including the ice shields could usher it a bit more toward solo play. I would say the majority of the builds pushing under 1 minute pylons are generally going to skew towards not being built towards the regular game under more "normal" play patterns (having a build with reasonable accuracy, endurance management, survivability, damage, utility for teams if available). Not made with temp powers or geas burst windows if you never plan on using these in regular game play, etc.

There's still some value to be had in translating pylon busting builds over to regular content, as they can reveal core powers and slotting desired to push dps that can sometimes not be always so obvious. YMMV

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On 4/3/2024 at 1:09 AM, Vermithrix said:

Just for any noobs like myself that may stumble across this tread - these builds are just for killing pylons right ... not for playing the game? They are purpose built busted builds that you cannot carry into the regular game and survive or use?

They will play the game just fine but won’t be *optimal* for anything but pylons.

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As of: 15 April 2024


Run Type: Pylon Time
Archetype: Corruptor
Primary Powerset: Ice Blast
Secondary Powerset: Cold Domination
Time in seconds: 98 seconds with Offensive Amplifier, 97 seconds without Offensive Amplifier.

Burst: Sustained
Hybrid: Yes
Number of Runs: 5
Version: 3
Video Link: N/A
Notes: Ice Elemental pet from Ice Mastery Epic Pool Powerset was used. Offensive Amplifier was used on 98 second run - accuracy is atrocious and pet still wandering to other Pylon mid-fight, could've been another 5-7 seconds better.
Build: Corruptor (Ice Blast - Cold Domination) - Glacier Peak.mbd












Edited by Glacier Peak
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5 hours ago, Koopak said:

You are the first Corruptor time posted yeah.

I saw my time added in to the full spreadsheet, (thank you!) but I don't see it (or any entry for Corruptor) on the:


Short List Leaderboard

Bellow are the current top times by AT


Can I get my time added to that or is that list for every AT except Corruptor? 😄 

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21 hours ago, Glacier Peak said:

I saw my time added in to the full spreadsheet, (thank you!) but I don't see it (or any entry for Corruptor) on the:


Short List Leaderboard

Bellow are the current top times by AT


Can I get my time added to that or is that list for every AT except Corruptor? 😄 

I've been really bad about updating the OP post, ill get it updated today

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22 hours ago, Glacier Peak said:

I saw my time added in to the full spreadsheet, (thank you!) but I don't see it (or any entry for Corruptor) on the:


Short List Leaderboard

Bellow are the current top times by AT


Can I get my time added to that or is that list for every AT except Corruptor? 😄 

fixed and updated

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  • 2 weeks later

Lowest I've had so far is 47 seconds but this is the one I have on video ❤️


Run Type: Pylon
Archetype: Peacebringer
Primary Powerset: Luminous Blast
Secondary Powerset: Luminous Aura
Time in seconds: 50

Burst: Burst
Hybrid: Used
Number of Runs: 1
Video Link: 

Notes: Using Amplifiers, Mot Buff, Increase Attack Speed Empowerment buff
Build: Build included in next post to save upload space 😄 

Edited by Laucianna
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Run Type: Pylon
Archetype: Peacebringer
Primary Powerset: Luminous Blast
Secondary Powerset: Luminous Aura
Time in seconds: 38

Burst: Burst (Used Geas)
Hybrid: Used
Number of Runs: 1
Video Link: 



Run Type: Office
Archetype: Peacebringer
Primary Powerset: Luminous Blast
Secondary Powerset: Luminous Aura
Load in: 0:14
Exit: 3:35
Total time in minutes: 3:21
Total time in Seconds: 201
Hybrid: Used
Number of Runs: 2
Video Link: 

Notes: Using Amplifiers, Mot Buff, Anger Monument (CoP), Increase Attack Speed Empowerment buff.
Build: - Goddess Laucianna - 22.mbd

Edited by Laucianna
Updated Pylon run
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Run Type: Pylon 
Archetype: Sentinel
Primary Powerset: Sonic Blast
Secondary Powerset: Bio Armor
Time in seconds: 28
Hybrid: Assault Core
Number of Runs: 1
Version: Issue 27 Page 7 Open Beta

Used: Ageless Core Epiphany, Geas, Offense Amplifier, Defense Amplifier, Survival Amplifier, Tank Signature Summon, Pyronic Core, Envenomed Daggers. Build is wholly unsustainable.


pylon sonic.mbd


She does it again!

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On 4/25/2024 at 7:12 PM, Laucianna said:

Run Type: Pylon
Archetype: Peacebringer
Primary Powerset: Luminous Blast
Secondary Powerset: Luminous Aura
Time in seconds: 38

Burst: Burst (Used Geas)
Hybrid: Used
Number of Runs: 1
Video Link: 



Run Type: Office
Archetype: Peacebringer
Primary Powerset: Luminous Blast
Secondary Powerset: Luminous Aura
Load in: 0:14
Exit: 3:35
Total time in minutes: 3:21
Total time in Seconds: 201
Hybrid: Used
Number of Runs: 2
Video Link: 

Notes: Using Amplifiers, Mot Buff, Anger Monument (CoP), Increase Attack Speed Empowerment buff.
Build: - Goddess Laucianna - 22.mbd

Updated my Pylon time by a whole second 😄


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2 hours ago, Koopak said:

Thanks Lauci, in the future though please submit new times as new posts and leave the old ones up. I know its unlikely to be needed but i like to keep things archived

I do only have a limited amount of upload space 😄 I can't keep uploading my build 😄


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