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New Powerset for Archetypes

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33 minutes ago, Wingslord24 said:

By introducing fresh, innovative powers, we can enhance the game's diversity and visual appeal while pushing the boundaries of what sorcery and magic can represent.

So you've used a lot of vague statements and platitudes;  What, specifically, would this proposed set look like?  What kinds of FX and other such buffs/debuffs/other aspects would these powers utilize?

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1 hour ago, biostem said:

So you've used a lot of vague statements and platitudes;  What, specifically, would this proposed set look like?  What kinds of FX and other such buffs/debuffs/other aspects would these powers utilize?

They're using ChatGPT again to spit out these generic non-statements that don't mean anything other than they're desperate for something to be named/say "magic."

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Global: @Valnara1; Discord Handle: @Valnara#0620

I primarily play on Everlasting, but you may occasionally find me on Indom. 🙂

Notable Characters: Apocolyptica - Demons/Storm MM; Lurking Monster - Human-Form WS; Environmentabot - Bots/Nature MM; Miss Fade - Ill/Traps Controller; Sister Apocalypse - Beast/Dark MM; Dr. Elaina Wrath - Plant/Rad Controller (Join the House of Wrath, and spread the word of science!); Ruff Ruff Boom - AR/Devices Blaster

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1 hour ago, Wingslord24 said:

Based on the previously discussed power sets and concepts, the goal is to create a new, distinct power that has its own unique visual identity and includes special effects. While some of the proposed ideas are viable, it's clear that the current state of sorcery powers leaves much to be desired, raising questions about what they could have been. Let’s explore this further. @megaericzero, you have repeatedly suggested adding alternate animations to existing powers, and while that is certainly a valid option, it's equally important to consider creating entirely new powers. These new powers can also feature alternative animations for older abilities, though it’s likely that the generic themes of those older powers wouldn’t be visually cohesive with the new, more dynamic designs. Our primary objective is to create new, engaging, and visually captivating powers. The AI-generated ideas I share serve as a foundation—a building block of creative concepts that, we can develop further. By introducing fresh, innovative powers, we can enhance the game's diversity and visual appeal while pushing the boundaries of what sorcery and magic can represent.

Using ChatGPT or whatever to keep generating these statements is doing nothing to help your argument. You are again failing to understand what this game is at its core. Nothing that you're using from your AI generations is unique or different from what already exists in the game that you refuse to use your imagination for.

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Global: @Valnara1; Discord Handle: @Valnara#0620

I primarily play on Everlasting, but you may occasionally find me on Indom. 🙂

Notable Characters: Apocolyptica - Demons/Storm MM; Lurking Monster - Human-Form WS; Environmentabot - Bots/Nature MM; Miss Fade - Ill/Traps Controller; Sister Apocalypse - Beast/Dark MM; Dr. Elaina Wrath - Plant/Rad Controller (Join the House of Wrath, and spread the word of science!); Ruff Ruff Boom - AR/Devices Blaster

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1 hour ago, Bionic_Flea said:

I don't know what the big deal is, I have a Magic Flea (Elec/Dark Controller).  He does magic things, magically, by using magic.



Damnit.   Now I have to get some deity to bless the flea powder!?

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@TygerDarkstormIt's not the name "magic" that people are focused on; it's the look and function of the powers. If you read the older posts, I personally would name this set Primemacy. I saw that @Rudra suggested naming it Primal Forces, but to me, that sounds more like the name of an army. However, I do understand that "primal" refers to the origin of all superpowered beings in this world, so the name would need to reflect that primal essence. Many of the original posters who want this set seem to lean towards calling it magic, though I'm against this. "Magic" is more of a power source or origin rather than a specific power set. Therefore, naming the set Primemacy makes more sense to capture the unique identity and function of these powers.

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These Ideas are an excellent start to what others would want. @biostem I think this somewhat answers your question.





Primemacy Blast

Power Name






Primordial Bolt

Fires a single bolt of pure primal energy at a distant target. Deals moderate energy damage and weakens the target's defense.

A glowing purple bolt with golden sparkles that crackles on impact.


Foe -Defense


Eldritch Torrent

Unleashes a wave of arcane energy that damages multiple foes in a cone and reduces their resistance to further energy attacks.

A wide, blue energy wave that leaves a faint afterglow.

Moderate AoE

Foe -Resistance


Runic Explosion

Channels ancient runes to explode in a small area, dealing high damage. Enemies hit are weakened, reducing both defense and resistance.

A rune circle appears on the ground, exploding with bright light.

High AoE

Foe -Defense, Foe -Resistance


Reality Break

Tears a hole in space-time at a single location, dealing damage over time (DoT) to enemies and weakening their resistances.

A small portal crackles with dark energy, emitting violet tendrils.

DoT (Moderate)

Foe -Resistance, Minor -Defense


Arcanic Barrage

Fires multiple energy blasts in rapid succession at a single foe, dealing significant energy damage while further debuffing their defenses.

A rapid burst of blue energy bolts with a bright arcane glow.


Foe -Defense


Etheric Lance

Summons an ethereal spear of energy that pierces enemies in a line, dealing heavy damage to all targets hit. Weakens their resistance to further damage.

A translucent energy lance pierces through multiple enemies in a line.

Heavy (Pierce)

Foe -Resistance


Astral Conduit

A long-range, precision beam of primal energy that damages and drains enemy resources (mana/energy). Also reduces enemy resistance.

A thin beam of light-blue energy that causes a shimmering drain effect.


Foe -Resistance, Resource Drain


Arcane Nova

Calls forth a burst of energy that damages all foes around the caster, weakening their defenses.

A bright explosion of blue-violet energy radiating from the caster.

Moderate AoE

Foe -Defense


Cosmic Detonation

Summons cosmic energy to explode on the target area, dealing massive energy damage and significantly reducing all resistances.

A large, expanding burst of golden energy that lingers momentarily.

Extreme AoE

Foe -Resistance


Primemacy Control

Power Name






Rune of Binding

Engraves a rune on the ground, creating a magical zone that immobilizes enemies within a radius.

Glowing runes appear on the ground, forming a golden trap.

AoE Immobilize

Foe -Defense


Arcane Chains

Conjures chains of arcane energy that hold a single foe in place, immobilizing them while sapping their defense.

Spectral chains bind the target, glowing faintly with purple energy.

Single-Target Hold

Foe -Defense


Temporal Freeze

Manipulates time to hold all enemies in a small area, freezing them for a short time and reducing their resistance when they break free.

A shimmering blue field warps time, freezing enemies in place.

AoE Hold

Foe -Resistance


Prismatic Cage

Creates a glowing cage of energy around the target, holding them in place and weakening both their defense and resistance.

A multicolored energy field forms around the enemy, crackling with power.

Single-Target Hold

Foe -Defense, Foe -Resistance


Gravity Snare

Summons a gravity well that pulls enemies inward, immobilizing them and reducing their resistance to energy damage.

A swirling black-and-blue vortex forms, pulling enemies inward.

AoE Immobilize

Foe -Resistance


Astral Shackles

Chains of starlight wrap around multiple enemies, holding them in place and reducing their defense.

Glowing white chains envelop multiple enemies in starlight.

AoE Hold

Foe -Defense


Ethereal Grasp

Reaches into the enemy’s soul, immobilizing them while reducing their defenses and resources (mana/energy).

A ghostly hand made of light grabs the enemy, emitting faint sparks.

Single-Target Hold

Foe -Defense, Resource Drain


Dimensional Lock

Temporarily locks enemies in place by distorting space around them. Those held take additional energy damage if attacked.

Space distorts around the target, locking them in a shimmering cage.

Single-Target Hold

Foe -Resistance, Energy Damage Boost


Primal Seal

Imbues the ground with primal energy, immobilizing enemies within a large area and weakening their defenses for a long duration.

A large rune appears beneath enemies, glowing with ancient power.

Large AoE Immobilize

Foe -Defense, Long Duration


Primemacy Melee

Power Name







Primordial Strike

A quick, concentrated strike infused with primal energy. Deals moderate melee damage and reduces the target’s defense.

A glowing fist or weapon surrounded by violet energy.

Single-target Melee


Foe -Defense


Runic Cleave

A wide arc of energy is unleashed with a weapon swing, dealing damage to all enemies in front of the caster.

An energy-infused weapon swing with blue runes trailing behind.

Point-Blank AoE

Moderate AoE

Foe -Resistance


Astral Fist

The caster punches the ground, releasing a burst of primal energy in a small radius around them, damaging nearby foes and reducing their defenses.

A ground pound with golden and blue energy shockwaves.

Point-Blank AoE


Foe -Defense


Ethereal Dash

The caster dashes forward, striking a single foe with energy-infused fists. The dash attack reduces both defense and resistance.

A blur of light with purple and gold energy trails.

Single-target Dash Melee


Foe -Defense, Foe -Resistance


Cosmic Burst

The caster channels energy into their body, releasing it in a point-blank explosion around them. This deals heavy damage to all nearby enemies.

A glowing build-up of energy that explodes in a radiant flash.

Point-Blank AoE

High AoE

Foe -Resistance


Arcane Rend

A precise, melee strike that channels arcane energy to tear through an enemy’s defenses, significantly reducing their resistance to future attacks.

A shimmering energy blade or hand glowing with arcane power.

Single-target Melee


Foe -Resistance


Spectral Thrust

The caster thrusts forward with ethereal energy, striking an enemy at range. This ranged attack reduces both defense and resistance.

A translucent spear of energy shoots from the caster’s hand.

Ranged Attack (Melee Range)


Foe -Defense, Foe -Resistance


Runic Confusion

The caster strikes an enemy with a rune-imbued attack, briefly confusing them and causing them to attack their own allies.

A rune-filled explosion surrounds the target, disorienting them.

Single-target Melee (Confusion)


Foe Confuse, Foe -Defense


Primal Fury

The caster unleashes a barrage of melee strikes at lightning speed, hitting multiple enemies in rapid succession. Reduces defense and resistance.

A blur of arcane-enhanced strikes with golden energy trails.

Multi-hit, Point-Blank AoE


Foe -Defense, Foe -Resistance


Primemacy Assault

Power Name







Arcane Strike

A swift, precise melee strike infused with energy that reduces the target's defense, setting them up for additional attacks.

A glowing fist or weapon imbued with blue arcane energy.

Single-target Melee


Foe -Defense


Eldritch Bolt

Fires a concentrated bolt of arcane energy at a single foe, dealing moderate ranged damage and reducing the target’s resistance to further attacks.

A purple and gold energy bolt that streaks toward the target.

Single-target Ranged


Foe -Resistance


Primal Swipe

A wide, sweeping melee attack that damages enemies in a small area around the caster, reducing their defenses and setting them up for follow-up attacks.

A glowing energy arc sweeps through enemies in melee range.

Point-Blank AoE (Melee)

Moderate AoE

Foe -Defense


Cosmic Lash

Summons a long-range energy whip that lashes out to strike a single foe, dealing energy damage and reducing their resistance.

A long, whip-like streak of white energy lashes out at the target.

Single-target Ranged


Foe -Resistance


Astral Burst

The caster releases a burst of arcane energy around them, damaging all nearby enemies and reducing their resistance.

A circular shockwave of bright energy radiates outward.

Point-Blank AoE

Moderate AoE

Foe -Resistance


Reality Rend

A powerful, focused melee attack that tears through the target’s defenses, significantly reducing their resistance to future energy-based attacks.

A crack in space-time briefly forms as the caster strikes.

Single-target Melee


Foe -Resistance


Etheric Shot

A rapid ranged attack that pierces through a single foe, reducing their defense and setting them up for additional ranged damage.

A thin, precise beam of blue light shoots from the caster’s hand.

Single-target Ranged


Foe -Defense


Prismatic Disorient

Fires a blast of prismatic energy that confuses the target, causing them to attack their allies while reducing their defense to incoming attacks.

A multicolored energy pulse hits the target, causing disorientation.

Single-target Confuse (Ranged)


Foe Confuse, Foe -Defense


Arcane Detonation

Charges the caster’s melee weapon or hands with energy, then releases it in a point-blank explosion, dealing high damage and reducing enemy defenses.

A glowing buildup of blue and gold energy that explodes outward.

Point-Blank AoE

High AoE

Foe -Defense


Primemacy Affinity

Power Name







Arcane Confinement

Summons arcane chains to immobilize a single enemy, trapping them in place and reducing their defense.

Ethereal chains wrap around the target, glowing with blue energy.

Single-target Immobilize


Foe -Defense


Mind Shatter

Overwhelms a foe’s mind with arcane energy, causing them to attack their allies for a short duration. Reduces the target’s defense as well.

A glowing, radiant burst around the target’s head.

Single-target Confuse


Foe Confuse, Foe -Defense


Primordial Fear

Instills primal fear into enemies, causing them to flee while reducing their resistance to incoming damage.

A wave of shadowy, violet energy washes over enemies.

AoE Fear


Foe Fear, Foe -Resistance


Energy Net

Hurls a glowing net of arcane energy that immobilizes a group of enemies, reducing their defense and resistance.

A luminous net with swirling runes wraps around the enemies.

AoE Immobilize


Foe Immobilize, Foe -Defense, Foe -Res


Arcane Rejuvenation

Channels healing energy to restore health to a single ally and briefly increase their defense.

A bright golden glow surrounds the caster’s hands and the ally.

Single-target Heal


Ally +Defense


Mystic Reverberation

A wave of arcane energy pulses outward from the caster, healing nearby allies and weakening enemies by reducing their resistance.

A pulsating energy wave of blue and gold light radiates outward.

Point-Blank AoE Heal

Moderate AoE

Foe -Resistance, Ally Heal


Spectral Drain

Drains energy from a single foe, dealing minor damage and transferring the energy to heal nearby allies. Reduces the foe’s resistance.

A spectral beam connects the caster and the foe, glowing purple.

Single-target Heal


Foe -Resistance, Ally Heal (AoE)


Phantom Surge

Boosts the regeneration rate of a targeted ally while reducing nearby enemies' defense and resistance.

A swirling cloud of purple mist envelops both ally and enemies.

Single-target Heal Over Time (HoT)


Foe -Defense, Foe -Resistance (AoE)


Ritual of Terror

Unleashes a powerful ritual that instills terror into a group of enemies, causing them to flee in fear while reducing their defenses and resistance.

Dark energy glyphs form in the air, followed by a violet shockwave.

AoE Fear


Foe Fear, Foe -Defense, Foe -Resistance



Edited by Wingslord24
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10 hours ago, Rudra said:

So, in other words, no, alternate animations and/or auras are not acceptable because the power sets themselves are still not called "magic". What a surprise.

We can have that too, why limit what we can have?

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1 minute ago, arcane said:

Primemacy is not a word, King


He's a Lord, not a King.  Totally different.


But yeah, it's spelled Primacy, and not sure that's the best name for it.  But I'm not inventing something completely new that has a very, very low chance* of ever being incorporated into this game.




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2 hours ago, Bionic_Flea said:


He's a Lord, not a King.  Totally different.


But yeah, it's spelled Primacy, and not sure that's the best name for it.  But I'm not inventing something completely new that has a very, very low chance* of ever being incorporated into this game.




Not him, please respect that. The name is my creation, so I spell it how I wish. These are my ideas, so if you want it spelled differently, by all means, create your own

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2 hours ago, Triumphant said:

I  must vote no to any suggestion that doubles down on such an egregious spelling error.  Sorry.  🤷‍♂️

What makes the intended word a spelling error? It's unique. @Bionic_Flea your spelling means too well not sure, my spelling means (of first importance; main) I don't think we want a power to be called that.

Edited by Wingslord24
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3 minutes ago, Wingslord24 said:

What makes the intended word a spelling error? It's unique. @Bionic_Flea your spelling means too well not sure, my spelling means (of first importance; main) I don't think we want a power to be called that.


Because PRIMACY is a word. Primemacy is not. No powerset, so far as I know, includes in the name a word invented by the developers. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

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1 minute ago, Wavicle said:


Because PRIMACY is a word. Primemacy is not. No powerset, so far as I know, includes in the name a word invented by the developers. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong.


Look, you're mistaken. The word doesn't have to meet your standards of spelling to be valid. Any power set can be called anything, and it can still make sense. Creating a word and making it work is the intention. End of discussion.

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9 minutes ago, Wingslord24 said:

Look, you're mistaken. The word doesn't have to meet your standards of spelling to be valid. Any power set can be called anything, and it can still make sense. Creating a word and making it work is the intention. End of discussion.


Very well, then.  I vote that we name the powerset Nimquiggle.

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11 minutes ago, Wingslord24 said:

The word doesn't have to meet your standards of spelling to be valid


*Sigh*  Words have meanings and accepted spellings.  Sometimes they have alternate spellings but most words have one spelling per language.  If you want to make up gibberish words, then sure you can spell them however you want and make them mean whatever you want.  However, the rest of the world will have no idea what you are going on about.


Edit: And Wavicle proves my point while I was typing.  Frushink!


Edited by Bionic_Flea
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