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The homecoming of Sandolphan's MM Numpad binds!


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From the 'By Name' section in my original guide:

Change MinionA, MinionB, MinionC, LieutenantA, LieutenantB to your names.
Keep pet names under six characters long in the /bind (you can use any unique portion of the name)
These binds use the divide, multiply, subtract, add, and numpadEnter keys to select individual pets by name.
After selecting the pet, the 4-5-6 and 7-8-9 keys for command and stance work for them, until you select a new pet/group.

Once you have the /bind with your names substituted (and keys changed if you like), copy and paste it into the game chat.

/bind DIVIDE "bind numpad4 petcomname MinionA agg$$bind numpad5 petcomname MinionA def$$bind numpad6 petcomname MinionA pass$$bind numpad7 petcomname MinionA att$$bind numpad8 petcomname MinionA fol$$bind numpad9 petcomname MinionA goto"


/bind MULTIPLE "bind numpad4 petcomname MinionB agg$$bind numpad5 petcomname MinionB def$$bind numpad6 petcomname MinionB pass$$bind numpad7 petcomname MinionB att$$bind numpad8 petcomname MinionB fol$$bind numpad9 petcomname MinionB goto"


/bind SUBTRACT "bind numpad4 petcomname MinionC agg$$bind numpad5 petcomname MinionC def$$bind numpad6 petcomname MinionC pass$$bind numpad7 petcomname MinionC att$$bind numpad8 petcomname MinionC fol$$bind numpad9 petcomname MinionC goto"


/bind ADD "bind numpad4 petcomname LieutenantA agg$$bind numpad5 petcomname LieutenantA def$$bind numpad6 petcomname LieutenantA pass$$bind numpad7 petcomname LieutenantA att$$bind numpad8 petcomname LieutenantA fol$$bind numpad9 petcomname LieutenantA goto"


/bind NUMPADENTER "bind numpad4 petcomname LieutenantB agg$$bind numpad5 petcomname LieutenantB def$$bind numpad6 petcomname LieutenantB pass$$bind numpad7 petcomname LieutenantB att$$bind numpad8 petcomname LieutenantB fol$$bind numpad9 petcomname LieutenantB goto"


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When heroes fail, the Angels will save you.

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  • 1 month later
On 11/23/2020 at 3:53 AM, Deadlymantis said:

Concerning adding an emote to the commands, here is an example of my All.txt file:


numpad4 petcom_all Aggressive
numpad5 petcom_all Defensive
numpad6 petcom_all Passive
numpad7 "petcom_all Attack$$em attack"
numpad8 "petcom_all Follow$$em stop"
numpad9 "petcom_all Goto$$em point"
lctrl+decimal "petcom_all Dismiss$$em salute"


This adds personal emotes to the attack, follow, goto, and dismiss commands.  I originally did this after some complaints long ago that I didn't appear to be doing much of anything!  Now players can see whenever I am issuing commands.  Plus it adds some character to my character.




I'll have to tweak my MM macros for my Bots/Traps MM, only her 'emote' would likely be pulling out the AE tablet and doing stuff with it.  Too bad there's no "play with remote control toy" emote.... 

AE ARC's (So Far!)


15252 Child of the Tsoo - [SFMA] Ninjas, sorcerers, and human trafficking (Origin Story - Stick Figure/Storm Lotus)

50769 Hunt of the Eclipse - [SFMA] Finding something that was lost to Arachnos for nearly 20 years (Origin Story - Daisy Chain)

53149 Spells as a Service - [SFMA] When a young hacker makes a connection between magic and mathematics and encodes it into a computer program, chaos breaks loose!

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  • 3 weeks later
  • 7 months later

These are great but if you add "+$$petselect 0" to the start of the upgrade binds, then it'll target a pet when you press the key and cast the upgrade ability when you release it so you shouldn't ever have issues with having a non-pet selected.


Example (for Mercs):

add "+$$petselect 0$$powexec_name equip mercenary"
numpadenter "+$$petselect 0$$powexec_name tactical upgrade"


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  • 3 months later
1 hour ago, WindDemon21 said:

So having trouble binding a key to "goto self", I keep getting a reticle no matter what I do.


SHOULD be /bind numpad6 petcomall goto self, or location self, but neither work. Any help?


powexec_location me is a specific command that is different from powexec. I believe that goto would need a new command such as goto_location to be able to use that syntax, as far as I am aware there is no way to make your command work with the current pet commands in the game.


I believe the closest you can get right now is the Follow command (numpad 8 with these binds) or just using the reticle to click the location.

Numpad binds for Masterminds - A collection of Farming focused builds - MM /Time guide for all primaries

@Zen Warlawk on Indomitable, @Warlawk#1697 in discord.

Currently struggling with mostly recovered from health problems. Gaming time nonexistent inconsistent.

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2 hours ago, Warlawk said:


powexec_location me is a specific command that is different from powexec. I believe that goto would need a new command such as goto_location to be able to use that syntax, as far as I am aware there is no way to make your command work with the current pet commands in the game.


I believe the closest you can get right now is the Follow command (numpad 8 with these binds) or just using the reticle to click the location.

Thats what i figured ugh grrr. is there a command to "execute reticle on target/self" or something?

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On 10/20/2023 at 3:09 PM, WindDemon21 said:

Thats what i figured ugh grrr. is there a command to "execute reticle on target/self" or something?


The only one I know of is the powexec_location me command which is specific to powers and does not work with general reticle targeting.

Numpad binds for Masterminds - A collection of Farming focused builds - MM /Time guide for all primaries

@Zen Warlawk on Indomitable, @Warlawk#1697 in discord.

Currently struggling with mostly recovered from health problems. Gaming time nonexistent inconsistent.

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15 hours ago, Warlawk said:


The only one I know of is the powexec_location me command which is specific to powers and does not work with general reticle targeting.

Blah thanks, so lame lol. You'd think this would exist already since powexeclocation exists already, wonder how much work it would be to add a "goto location" command.

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  • 3 months later
On 6/26/2023 at 10:02 AM, Pilchenstein said:

These are great but if you add "+$$petselect 0" to the start of the upgrade binds, then it'll target a pet when you press the key and cast the upgrade ability when you release it so you shouldn't ever have issues with having a non-pet selected.


Example (for Mercs):

add "+$$petselect 0$$powexec_name equip mercenary"
numpadenter "+$$petselect 0$$powexec_name tactical upgrade"



thank you, i couldnt even use the equip hotkeys and this fixed it!

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  • 4 weeks later

My apologies to everyone, but I just noticed an error when I posted the simple paste-binds message on page 2.  The quote marks were 'fancy' and the binds were failing.  I hadn't seen this until I just made a new Mastermind and came here to copy them.  Below are corrected binds (with proper simple quotes) to use if you don't want to mess with the text files version.  You just copy and paste each /bind long line into chat and the system is activated.  Don't forget the ALLPETS as well as the three for your pet type.


/bind numpad0 "bind numpad4 petcomall agg$$bind numpad5 petcomall def$$bind numpad6 petcomall pass$$bind numpad7 petcomall att$$bind numpad8 petcomall fol$$bind numpad9 petcomall goto"


/bind numpad1 "bind numpad4 petcompow wolv agg$$bind numpad5 petcompow wolv def$$bind numpad6 petcompow wolv pass$$bind numpad7 petcompow wolv att$$bind numpad8 petcompow wolv fol$$bind numpad9 petcompow wolv goto"
/bind numpad2 "bind numpad4 petcompow lion agg$$bind numpad5 petcompow lion def$$bind numpad6 petcompow lion pass$$bind numpad7 petcompow lion att$$bind numpad8 petcompow lion fol$$bind numpad9 petcompow lion goto"
/bind numpad3 "bind numpad4 petcompow dire agg$$bind numpad5 petcompow dire def$$bind numpad6 petcompow dire pass$$bind numpad7 petcompow dire att$$bind numpad8 petcompow dire fol$$bind numpad9 petcompow dire goto"


/bind numpad1 "bind numpad4 petcompow ling agg$$bind numpad5 petcompow ling def$$bind numpad6 petcompow ling pass$$bind numpad7 petcompow ling att$$bind numpad8 petcompow ling fol$$bind numpad9 petcompow ling goto"
/bind numpad2 "bind numpad4 petcompow mons agg$$bind numpad5 petcompow mons def$$bind numpad6 petcompow mons pass$$bind numpad7 petcompow mons att$$bind numpad8 petcompow mons fol$$bind numpad9 petcompow mons goto"
/bind numpad3 "bind numpad4 petcompow prin agg$$bind numpad5 petcompow prin def$$bind numpad6 petcompow prin pass$$bind numpad7 petcompow prin att$$bind numpad8 petcompow prin fol$$bind numpad9 petcompow prin goto"


/bind numpad1 "bind numpad4 petcompow sold agg$$bind numpad5 petcompow sold def$$bind numpad6 petcompow sold pass$$bind numpad7 petcompow sold att$$bind numpad8 petcompow sold fol$$bind numpad9 petcompow sold goto"
/bind numpad2 "bind numpad4 petcompow spec agg$$bind numpad5 petcompow spec def$$bind numpad6 petcompow spec pass$$bind numpad7 petcompow spec att$$bind numpad8 petcompow spec fol$$bind numpad9 petcompow spec goto"
/bind numpad3 "bind numpad4 petcompow comm agg$$bind numpad5 petcompow comm def$$bind numpad6 petcompow comm pass$$bind numpad7 petcompow comm att$$bind numpad8 petcompow comm fol$$bind numpad9 petcompow comm goto"


/bind numpad1 "bind numpad4 petcompow zomb agg$$bind numpad5 petcompow zomb def$$bind numpad6 petcompow zomb pass$$bind numpad7 petcompow zomb att$$bind numpad8 petcompow zomb fol$$bind numpad9 petcompow zomb goto"
/bind numpad2 "bind numpad4 petcompow grav agg$$bind numpad5 petcompow grav def$$bind numpad6 petcompow grav pass$$bind numpad7 petcompow grav att$$bind numpad8 petcompow grav fol$$bind numpad9 petcompow grav goto"
/bind numpad3 "bind numpad4 petcompow lich agg$$bind numpad5 petcompow lich def$$bind numpad6 petcompow lich pass$$bind numpad7 petcompow lich att$$bind numpad8 petcompow lich fol$$bind numpad9 petcompow lich goto"


/bind numpad1 "bind numpad4 petcompow gen agg$$bind numpad5 petcompow gen def$$bind numpad6 petcompow gen pass$$bind numpad7 petcompow gen att$$bind numpad8 petcompow gen fol$$bind numpad9 petcompow gen goto"
/bind numpad2 "bind numpad4 petcompow jou agg$$bind numpad5 petcompow jou def$$bind numpad6 petcompow jou pass$$bind numpad7 petcompow jou att$$bind numpad8 petcompow jou fol$$bind numpad9 petcompow jou goto"
/bind numpad3 "bind numpad4 petcompow oni agg$$bind numpad5 petcompow oni def$$bind numpad6 petcompow oni pass$$bind numpad7 petcompow oni att$$bind numpad8 petcompow oni fol$$bind numpad9 petcompow oni goto"


/bind numpad1 "bind numpad4 petcompow batt agg$$bind numpad5 petcompow batt def$$bind numpad6 petcompow batt pass$$bind numpad7 petcompow batt att$$bind numpad8 petcompow batt fol$$bind numpad9 petcompow batt goto"
/bind numpad2 "bind numpad4 petcompow prot agg$$bind numpad5 petcompow prot def$$bind numpad6 petcompow prot pass$$bind numpad7 petcompow prot att$$bind numpad8 petcompow prot fol$$bind numpad9 petcompow prot goto"
/bind numpad3 "bind numpad4 petcompow assa agg$$bind numpad5 petcompow assa def$$bind numpad6 petcompow assa pass$$bind numpad7 petcompow assa att$$bind numpad8 petcompow assa fol$$bind numpad9 petcompow assa goto"


/bind numpad1 "bind numpad4 petcompow thug agg$$bind numpad5 petcompow thug def$$bind numpad6 petcompow thug pass$$bind numpad7 petcompow thug att$$bind numpad8 petcompow thug fol$$bind numpad9 petcompow thug goto"
/bind numpad2 "bind numpad4 petcompow enf agg$$bind numpad5 petcompow enf def$$bind numpad6 petcompow enf pass$$bind numpad7 petcompow enf att$$bind numpad8 petcompow enf fol$$bind numpad9 petcompow enf goto"
/bind numpad3 "bind numpad4 petcompow bru agg$$bind numpad5 petcompow bru def$$bind numpad6 petcompow bru pass$$bind numpad7 petcompow bru att$$bind numpad8 petcompow bru fol$$bind numpad9 petcompow bru goto"




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  • 4 weeks later
19 minutes ago, EasyEight said:

D I'm just new to trying to be a master mind I went with thugs/time  my question is is it possible to make the numpads a macro instead or won't that work?

You can make macros that will control your pets, but you can't make Sandolphin's entire numpad system as a macro. You could do it with a bunch of macros though.

Being constantly offended doesn't mean you're right, it means you're too narcissistic to tolerate opinions different than your own.

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  • 4 weeks later

For anyone using the Ninjas.txt, if you're wondering why you can't cast the second henchman upgrade with numpad enter, it's because there's a small typo for the skill in the text file. Make sure it's typed "kuji-in zen" without the quotations, save, and reload the bind in-game. 🙂

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  • 1 month later

Im not too experienced with Mastermind, but just letting anyone know who is bots (i'm not sure if other MM subsets get a "healy" sorta guy) but the bind I added to the .txt files was


decimal powexec_location me maintenance drone


This will make the decimal on the numpad summon your maintenance drone. I'm not sure what the others might be.

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  • 1 month later
On 7/16/2019 at 6:24 PM, Warlawk said:
numpad1 bindloadfilesilent "C:\binds\Zombies.txt"

For Necromancy, this bind doesn't work; I just downloaded the whole bind set because I couldn't find where I'd saved it, and the summons for the tier-1 pets failed. The power is named "Zombie Horde", so 'zombie' or 'zombie horde' would work, but not 'zombies'.

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  • 1 month later
On 7/29/2024 at 3:01 AM, srmalloy said:
numpad1 bindloadfilesilent "C:\binds\Zombies.txt"

For Necromancy, this bind doesn't work; I just downloaded the whole bind set because I couldn't find where I'd saved it, and the summons for the tier-1 pets failed. The power is named "Zombie Horde", so 'zombie' or 'zombie horde' would work, but not 'zombies'.

"Zombies.txt" is just the name of the text file that's being used to store the bind commands.

It has no bearing on the power name.
It could be called "LoadPower1.txt" or "JRanger.txt" and still do exactly the same thing.
The only place it's actually relevant is:

numpad1 bindloadfilesilent "C:\binds\Zombies.txt"

The actual commands are: 

divide powexec_location me zombie horde


numpad4 petcom_pow zombie aggressive
numpad5 petcom_pow zombie defensive
numpad6 petcom_pow zombie passive
numpad7 petcom_pow zombie attack
numpad8 petcom_pow zombie follow
numpad9 petcom_pow zombie goto
lctrl+decimal petcom_pow zombie dismiss
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On 9/1/2024 at 9:51 AM, Maelwys said:

"Zombies.txt" is just the name of the text file that's being used to store the bind commands.

My mistake copying and pasting the wrong line in the file; I didn't keep the original file, so working from memory and what the necromancy.txt file looks like now, the issue was


divide powexec_location 300:5 "zombies"


This would fail to match against the power name, so I updated it to be


divide powexec_location 300:5 "zombie Horde"

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  • 2 weeks later

I am not sure if I am the only one having issues, but my numpad0 is not commanding all. I am having to individually select my different levels of bots to make them do anything. I have tried deleting the files and redownloading, I have tried the simplified text version, and the copy/paste bind version someone kindly shared. My numpad0 button works, just not having an effect on controlling bots.

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Got a friend who is playing City of Heroes for the first time in 2024, loves pet classes so made a Mastermind, but is colourblind. Made this little cheat sheet image for him and figured it'd be useful to others so am sharing here too.



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On 9/14/2024 at 2:24 PM, Reissem said:

I am not sure if I am the only one having issues, but my numpad0 is not commanding all. I am having to individually select my different levels of bots to make them do anything. I have tried deleting the files and redownloading, I have tried the simplified text version, and the copy/paste bind version someone kindly shared. My numpad0 button works, just not having an effect on controlling bots.

Only thing I can think of is that somehow you missed a line of the bind files or something somewhere. I have around 20ish MM's & use these binds religiously, and just logged into one of my bots MM's to mess with this, but my 0 on the numpad does command them all as it's supposed to.


I used everything as it's written on the first page of this thread.


I follow the below steps:


Step 1: Create a folder in your C drive called Binds. All my bind files are written with that path in mind. If you need to use a different path you will need to edit the text files to refer to the path you have chosen.

Step 2: Unzip/Unpack the MMBinds.Rar file into that folder.

Step 3: Log into your mastermind and type /bindloadfile "C:\Binds\POWERSETNAME.Txt" , obviously replace POWERSETNAME with your power set of choice such as Mercs, Demons, Bots etc. The quotes are important as it will not load anything with a space (Summon Demons) if you do not use them

Step 4: Go. Hunt. Kill Skuls


And grab the bot info from here. (You can see the "all" command is the first line under Robotics, which is why the only thing I can think of is that somehow you're missing this line in your bind file, or maybe it's not loading correctly or something.):


On 7/16/2019 at 7:25 PM, Warlawk said:


numpad0 bindloadfilesilent "C:\binds\all.txt"
numpad1 bindloadfilesilent "C:\binds\BattleDrones.txt"
numpad2 bindloadfilesilent "C:\binds\ProtectorBots.txt"
numpad3 bindloadfilesilent "C:\binds\AssaultBot.txt"
divide powexec_location me battle drones
multiply powexec_location me protector bots
subtract powexec_location me assault bot
add powexec_name equip robot
numpadenter powexec_name upgrade robot


numpad4 petcom_pow battle drones aggressive
numpad5 petcom_pow battle drones defensive
numpad6 petcom_pow battle drones passive
numpad7 petcom_pow battle drones attack
numpad8 petcom_pow battle drones follow
numpad9 petcom_pow battle drones goto
lctrl+decimal petcom_pow battle drones dismiss


numpad4 petcom_pow protector bots aggressive
numpad5 petcom_pow protector bots defensive
numpad6 petcom_pow protector bots passive
numpad7 petcom_pow protector bots attack
numpad8 petcom_pow protector bots follow
numpad9 petcom_pow protector bots goto
lctrl+decimal petcom_pow protector bots dismiss


numpad4 petcom_pow assault bot aggressive
numpad5 petcom_pow assault bot defensive
numpad6 petcom_pow assault bot passive
numpad7 petcom_pow assault bot attack
numpad8 petcom_pow assault bot follow
numpad9 petcom_pow assault bot goto
lctrl+decimal petcom_pow assault bot dismiss





BattleDrones.txt 298 B · 429 downloads Bots.txt 411 B · 429 downloads ProtectorBots.txt 305 B · 395 downloads AssaultBot.txt 284 B · 415 downloads

I apologize that I cannot be of more help.

Global: @Valnara1; Discord Handle: @Valnara#0620

I primarily play on Everlasting, but you may occasionally find me on Indom. 🙂

Notable Characters: Apocolyptica - Demons/Storm MM; Lurking Monster - Human-Form WS; Environmentabot - Bots/Nature MM; Miss Fade - Ill/Traps Controller; Sister Apocalypse - Beast/Dark MM; Dr. Elaina Wrath - Plant/Rad Controller (Join the House of Wrath, and spread the word of science!); Ruff Ruff Boom - AR/Devices Blaster

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