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Everything posted by pattycake

  1. I don’t know where I am at, I was searching up cute pictures of Pikachu and fell into a hole which lead me here, can somebody please redirect me back to where I came?
  2. I don’t think it’s necessarily a selfish thing people who want a slower game, from what I take, suggestioning the removal of features that make the game easier isn’t as negative as one might think; except, when it actually does, I extremely think these things damage the game; however, not really. I wouldn’t dare remove content that the majority of players use cause that is selfish. They do not have enough time to play, grind, like they used too. But what I do stress about, regarding to QoL changes, is the current game that was left back is completely unorganized. IMO, smaller communities are impacted the most when there isn’t a goto, especially since every server does the exact thing, I feel CoX was spread a little to thin, rather than providing ‘consumers’ a service where it’s easier for them to be matched with similar interests. this isn’t HCs fault, nor their responsibility. lets look back when they had more servers, if the PvPers were as small as 5%, you could tell me that’s enough spread across X amount of servers? Literally fractions off a portion of a community needing a little help. But on a consumer level, there are a lot of competitive players who’d want to spend money on a game where you can’t just change your difficulty, or some things are left at inconvenience, there’s got to be some way where all servers can thrive, accommodations, content, acceptance. Otherwise we can spend an eternity accusing others of telling others you’re playing the game wrong.
  3. I thought we’re done with phrasing 😮
  4. I suggested back on Live that, If there is anything I admire with AE, is the ability to have complete control over how you progress the game. But the others, having heroes confined to a building; rewards substantially greater; manipulating difficulty to a far extent. if I had enough influence to suggest exactly what you said, I believe AE should have to require players ‘placing’ contacts within the beautiful city instead of having to walk 20 yards in a claustrophobic and repetitive environment. IMO. for the villain side, i’d Say just copy and paste Atlas, tint it red, and put it off as a universe where Lord Recluse won, and heroes migrated to rogue islands. Allowing heroes to experience the seclusion villains have been experiencing since its release. Travel time is horrific on Red , I wish I could hang out under Lord Recluse’s tribute. im just talking off my ass don’t mind me
  5. Then you found out the Pvpers had been dead for 4 years. Who the hell did you hit?
  6. Iconic, good taste
  7. Considering how many costumes already clip each other, it can bother the next user, sometimes it can’t be helped, I wouldn’t mind having a bulky helmet like juggernaut, but not a direct copy of it, minus the helmet actually embracing the neck area. I can imagine developing a super hero game more difficult due to people infringing on IPs making suggestions like these controversial. I would like to see bulky helmets implemented and trust players to not engage with copying of protected IPs. its not like you can make a blatant copy of Ironman, wolverine, poison ivy, hulk and I’ve actually seen alien been made with beast run.
  8. If there was a scale option to make characters the size of the palm of a hand would make for great customization. if you stack flight speed it could create the illusion for faster travel in a seemingly more gaint world. As for HUGE characters I’d suggest it to be a power set “gigantism” though larger characters would have a difficult time navigating the blue caves and council/5thC story arcs.
  9. I’d add a foot stomp power to targets who’ve been knocked down
  10. 5% damage.. 95% meme
  11. Eye poking? That’s low dude not cool at all 😉
  12. The one thing I like to mention about KD/KB is there isn’t any secondary damage from the act of falling. I can see what the OP is trying to suggest, going from kd to kb based on how you invest into is a cool concept. Because if you can increase the magnitude by investing by IO; for example, the more KD you invest the more secondary “fall” damage the target takes. Off note, how come they never added knock back target into other targets. I’d like to see a bowling patch IMO.
  13. QoL if you ask me. Do you know how many stories could of been made if someone hadn’t founded the name first?
  14. Here’s an ambitious idea, make the outer regions an area. Haha, you could probably run around Atlas from the outside, and have super dangerous Rikti war machine encounters and make the area so the object is to hide while you explore. Sorta like the future of x-man with the sentinels enslaving the world. too big, too off topic, still I had a minute of fun
  15. I can just imagine now MMs striking from a distance with their pets; instead of them charging in to give a backhand. Especially in group play, if brawl was removed From ranged based pets they’d probably stick around the MM leaving with a distance. Except for other pets who also have shorter ranged abilities. I like it 🙂
  16. Thats very helpful thanks 🙂
  17. Correct me if I am wrong, but aren’t player characters just bits of memory? Like your hero is saved somewhere on the server with information regarding what pieces of costume/IOslots information like that; couldn’t it just be duplicated and transferred over, or is every shard uniquely coded so values cannot be changed and by transferring over memory leaves a big mess of misinformation because we have to change the whole program in order to transfer these (I don’t know the terms) saved progresses? Cause I thought hardcoded meant, if code gets changed there are other lines that rely on communicating with in order for the program to continually work. Does that count for the saved memory for user’s character is the broken record question.
  18. I don’t think it’s so much of a gold thread that only successful arts have to abide by. And with all due with respect, your talking about large corporations; big leagues, managing a single passionate IP is way different than juggling separate entities. Marvel has been given more control than star wars and blizzard still has some what more control than let’s say call of duty. if there was anything you should of took from what I was hoping to achieve, is please try see see through other people’s points of view. I think people who express to nerf have every right to, even if poorly expressed still we are all not working on the project, we’re enjoying a game that is dear to us, and we all think we know what’s best. But at the end of the day, we can all sit down and pitch our ideas without hostility. I’m done with this post. I don’t agree with it, if anything and being a better compromise, it should have its own thread so anyone who isn’t interested can simply not go to. by the way you actually had solid points
  19. Garenteed she was honest; I’ve read that post, we all have ideas on how CoX can be better. It’s not really in our hands to have things developed, it’s definitely not entitlement but some form without the connotations being negative or positive. There’s a saying in the entertainment industry. “Don’t try to please everyone because no matter what decision you make your going to upset some or another. Create something YOU want and hope to gain the confidence of your fans” it’s actually paraphrase I’m on the bus from work. the homecoming is in charge of what is added and what is not. My take is throw as much ideas out as possible, hoping you inspire one of the devs to take action. my ideas offend people, but it’s all apart of the plan. please don’t stop herding on nerfs, and maybe express your disagreements that dismantle future ideas/inspirations respectfully and try not to be offended for people who put down your ideas too.
  20. @QuiJon I have no idea who the person you are referring to being a troll. But I've read enough posts to get a glimpse of people throwing out ideas, and some are great some not. By me stating that hasten is overused wasn't a quote otherwise I would of quoted. IMO, hasten is over used compared to other utilities in PP. All I was suggesting was multiple PP like hasten that do various things for different builds. Seeing how every idea anyone ever posts is "you cant its hardcoded in the game, too much work" I find humorous cause it limits the potential evolution of a game. Id kill to have a PP slot that does something cool like on the top of my head; "final stand", character deals XX% amount of increased damage while under XX% life" having options like that inspired by hasten because its one of the very few PPp's that has huge benefits for any kind of build.
  21. Hasten is overused, I don't think it being over used is a problem. I think its the lack of implementation of other mechanics giving players opportunities to choose builds around. They could implement a PPslot that increases activation speeds at the cost of recharge and have the player choose whether or not they want haste or latter. There could be PPslots that absurdly increase the accuracy no defense can evade at the cost of a damage reduction. These kinds of things interest me, in the principle I think we are all talking about; the meta. Haste being so powerful and popular isn't a bad thing, its a good thing, and more powers like hasten should implemented to give players choice. I'm just throwing that out there for you guys to digest.
  22. I really like War Mace with anything. Its not the best set, its one of the highest single-target damage PS in the game, with strong and low activation speeds, allowing you to endlessly proc sets. But these days you want to try AoE based builds. INE though, its fun to play and its a very underrated PS.
  23. While I do agree with some of those points, permadeath can lead players to leave out risk and go for safety, but you couldn't be more wrong at the same time. Let me explain, in the eyes of a die-hard ironman enthusiast. There's a saying in engineering. Any idiot can build a sturdy bridge, but it takes an engineer to build a bridge that barely stands. The introduction of a deathless mechanic creates special conditions which promote different ways of playing. Its not just about not taking risks, its a bunch of others. example You could go level from 1-50 safely and without risk, but how fast can you do it? What will you do to make it happen to cut a few more hours, would you risk executing a high-risk to shed off 6 hours in a particular zone? The hardcore community, speed-runners, or even casual power leveling alts; we all want to complete things efficiently, but most importantly we want to be proud what we do. We like sharing memories, we love to hate to fall, but we also like other people to know what we do. (its not an ego-personality conflict- its more like.. Appreciation, like the feeling I had when I painted something really cool and my parents compliment on it even though its not really that great, its just nice to hear from people.) But yes, I am that risk averse, I always buff my defenses before damage cause I am clumsy and doNUT have the required skills to create glass-cannons that require the need to be pitch perfect in execution.
  24. Haha, yeah. One time I died at level 89 due to loss of frames (PoE) was a great upset however that’s how the cookie crumbles
  25. Loot boxing was originally successful by steam Valves CSGO, and players had freedom to sell anything they had unboxed, granting value, rarity, excitement.. gambling, regulations.. EU lootboxing can eventually turn into predatory practices, for the greedy companies which ring the cloth under a tap. lootboxing, IMO, works best with value
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