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Everything posted by PaxArcana

  1. Pets' collision IS turned off for their own Mastermind. The issue is, that it's not turned off for anyone else.
  2. Yeah, sounds like you need to re-try it with enhancements. Even just common IOs in Stamina, and a common EndRedux IO in each of the toggles, might change things tremendously.
  3. Original post edited to add a statement to clarify what I was intending with this thread. 🙂
  4. And this is another facet of the issue: Sometimes, it's not that the other player is incorrectly playing their archetype. Instead, it might be that you, yourself are not correctly adapting to the presence of someone with those particular powers. My old Robo/FF mastermind, back on Live, had the big Repulsion Bubble - when people herded near a corner, it was great, I could push all the mobs back into that corner and KEEP them herded. (Due to the extreme END use of that power, I often had to shut off my other toggles, but still - everyone else could focus on "burn them down", instead of "keep them clumped". Did wonders with my robots' burn patches, too.)
  5. I will also add: Leadership is next to useless playing solo, because each toggle has a fairly small effect. (Edit to add: unless you're a Mastermind, then Leadership is pure gold.) When playing on a team, however, everyone on the team (that isn't too far away) benefits from that small effect, so it rapidly becomes "worth it". Especially if more than one person on the team is running them at once.
  6. First point, they're called "Power Pools". 🙂 Leadership is fine, and by itself it's really not much of an END-hog, though it can pay to drop a single IO-50 Endurance Reduction into each power. Flight costs significantly more than any of the three core Leadership toggles do. Indeed, absent EndRedux enhancements each Leadership toggle by itself costs 0.39E per second, for 1.17E/second total while running all three; Flight, meanwhile, costs 1.00E per second by itself. If your character had other toggles, they too were contributing to your loss of END. If, in fact, you ran out of Endurance while not in combat then the odds are very strongly in favor of you not having slotted any Endurance Reduction in any of your Toggles at all (and probably having a large number of them, too). ... What Archetype are you? And what are your Primary and Secondary powersets? What other toggle-able powers did you have active just then?
  7. My assertion is intended to be, "Criticism with less than the full range of relevant information is baseless." 🙂
  8. Yeah. I think she may also have had a bit of audio hyperaesthesia, so she would wince visibly at any loud(ish), deep-bass, short-duration sound .... like video game gunshots. It wasn't like "oh god call an ambulance" level of pain, AFAICT. More like "damnit I stepped on a LEGO brick ... again" pain.
  9. My ex-girlfriend has this, for any loud, sharp noise. And also for anything towards the bass end of the spectrum (I had to use headphones to play any shooters; the sound of gunshots from the game was literally painful for her ... even at a volume lower than normal human talking).
  10. ... a round dozen issues after the Archetypes were first on the scene. So that bit of interface is ex post facto. In Issue 6, there was no explicitly "support Archetype" among villains. There were villains who were capable of providing support, but not a single one of them had support as it's primary role (like, say, Defenders on blueside do). Brute: Melee (& more Melee) Stalker: Melee (& Stealth) Corruptor: Ranged (& Buff/Debuff) Dominator: Crowd Control (& Melee) Mastermind: Pets (& Buff/Debuff) Not a single one had "Buff/Debuff" as their primary role, because it did not fit the villain mindset as the devs understood it.
  11. The Heal remains single-target only. /FF bubbles, and all pet-improving powers (for Robotics, those're Equip and Upgrade) will affect all your pets, as long as they aren't scattered to hell and gone. 🙂
  12. Here's the context: I mentioned, offhand, that once I was done summoning and upgrading my pets, my main on Live, an MM, didn't care how much END s/he had left, as they wouldn't be using it during the mission. I was told, that if that was true ... I wasn't playing Mastermind right. (Plot twist: that MM was Robotics/Forcefield, with no personal attacks. Just lots of toggles and pets. "Not using END during the mission" is pretty much the default setting for /FF Masterminds.) That is what prompted me, after much thought, to post this thread: the fact that someone, with incomplete information, leapt to the assumption that because I played differently from them, that my way of playing must somehow be objectively wrong. Rather than, you know, asking something like "Wait, how the heck do you not use any powers during combat?" (To which the answer would have simply been, simply: "/ForceField" ... probably followed by "Oh, of course.") And that's what I want people to do. ASK, learn ALL the details, before deciding right-or-wrong. That's not what my post was directed at, at all. What you describe is not "playing a Corruptor wrong", it's "playing on a team wrong". S/he should have modified their tactics, to use all that KB to try and push enemies into tight knots, so as to maximize everyone else's AoE. 🙂 But, that's tactics not Archetype (and would be just as true of a Storm/?? Controller, or an Energy/Energy Blaster, etc).
  13. Yes ... but do you constantly and loudly SLURP that drink, or consume it reasonably quietly? 🙂
  14. Yes, I see it. And I've reported it as trolling. Speaking from past experience, you're just giving them what they want: an angry reaction. Don't feed the trolls, and they get bored. (Report their posts, and they get to play with someone who can actually penalize them for their behavior, instead of with you.)
  15. I used to do that with my Robo/FF mastermind sometimes. One mob at a time, but still ... 🙂
  16. ... I was on your side, up until this post. There was no need to get nasty; you could have stopped at saying, perhaps, "I spend a lot of time in Pocket D, and she's the trainer there. I shouldn't have to go through two or mroe completely extra loading screens just to train up a level or two, in order to avoid that obnoxious sound effect."
  17. No, other side of the keyboard. The "Windows" key is between the <-- left shift and control buttons. The Apps key is between the --> right shift and control buttons. :)
  18. Both usages are correct. Tanks used to herd mobs into a gigantic mob of mobs that kept trying (unsuccessfully, natch) to mob the tank. Words are fun! 😄
  19. Please, no. I don't want to go back to the days of standing by the door for half an hour, while the tank herds AN ENTIRE LARGE MAP worth of NPCs into a single mob, thanks.
  20. /JRanger And I say that, as a die-hard and devoted MM player. Having all six pets be identical to your own level, would be absolutely and ridiculously overpowered.
  21. Truly, "Rock/Paper/Scissors/Grenade" is my new favorite thing. 😄
  22. +1 They can still leave it at a generous 75, and improve performance over what it is now.
  23. In short: your wife is you are right. You only get set bonuses if the pieces are in the same power. What Veracor was explaining, is that you can have the same set more than once, and get the same bonuses more than once. Some individual Enhancements are labelled as "unique", meaning you can only slot one, once, in a single power. But the REST of the set? Get it twice, three times, TEN times, knock yourself out.
  24. So, are you the guy who six-slotted his Fangasm clicky for Squeeeee ...? 😄 😄
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