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Everything posted by lemming

  1. Three star & Four Star disallow Temp powers. A lot of Master runs of TFs, etc...
  2. I find my mouse control sucks for delicate placement. I think most of my lettering in my base resembles a ransom note. (Maybe I should lean into that...)
  3. Just have the flying toaster/pigeon/duck drop people into the portal.
  4. With the smaller fonts now available, signage should be easier. (He says without checking yet...)
  5. That would have gotten me to note the character and then be sure to be on their TFs doing passive aggressive trolling. "Gee, how do you keep missing that buff!?"
  6. Right now, you can do these with going to the base every 90 minutes and the proposal wasn't even asking for more power, it's asking for less tedium.
  7. I stand corrected: Seven one piece, 15 two piece, three three piece. Must of skimmed right part those three, so total of 368.
  8. No, as stated; 18 are two pieces, seven are one. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Empowerment_Station
  9. You buy them 1 hour at a time up to 8 times, just like the XP buff can be 8 hours. One strategy with those buffs is buy eight hours of each as a level 1 since it's very inexpensive then. Much more expensive at level 50 of course, but better than the empowerment station buffs. And it's not a huge deal to hit the base every 90 minutes for the Empowerment station buffs, but if you are running a PUG, then you have the potential of waiting while people do that. With a larger margin of time, less waiting around. Remember, you're also waiting for them to dig around for salvage and such. It's basically making it so people don't have to wait around for other people, rather than wait for the person to hit their base. I honestly don't think it would be used to much since each buff is very limited, so I think most people would just buy more targetted buffs. There are 25 different buffs; Seven take one common piece of salvage, the other 18 two. So, if someone was wanting all 25 for eight hours, that would be 344 common salvage. The one I use the most is KB Protection just before doing Positron since I often don't have some sets slotted yet with that.
  10. I believe when the weekly shard restart happens, that will end the event. Normally that would have been this morning, but delayed until tomorrow.
  11. Well, since this popped up, the just added piecemeal story has two groups of voids to hunt.
  12. It costs salvage, which isn't expensive, but you still need it.
  13. Monitor your recovery & end consumption from combat attributes->base Other than that, SerahimKensai questions are something to look at.
  14. What they gave MOP was a pretty stripped down version. I'm guessing there's some whacky DB hijinks to pull the data and sanitize it. This is stuff that probably could be scripted and then just looked over to be double checked, but seems there's a road block somewhere. (Or just in the list of priorities it keeps being pushed down) I'd love to see the data, but I also understand they've got different ideas on what to work on.
  15. What we proposed was allowing it to stack up to eight times (so, eight hours) and dropping the base duration from 90 minutes to 60 minutes. So, the cost would be 150% of current cost. Possibly used more then. And yes, many TFs can be done in less than 90, but that's the time the TF takes, not putting together a team, etc... and then waiting while people get buffs. Most people I know don't bother with them because of this. All this suggestion is doing is making it less time intensive and not needing to coordinate as much or waiting for teammates. Should have zero effect on people who tend to play solo or with a set group of people. More useful to people who run PUGs IMO.
  16. If all you're wanting to do is promote speed runs. I suppose so.
  17. Yep. It's just saving travel time and other people's time while you top off your buffs in base.
  18. I noticed some math like that on beta where it didn't add up, but there I thought it had something to do with someone's resistance. It might be some odd rounding math in the code. "Let's make sure we round everything up in favor of the player by adding 1" That's actually something I found in a different code base once to get around a floor function. (Instead of actually fixing...)
  19. I think some stacking would be nice. Heck, I'd be fine if it got reduced to an hour, then stack up to 8. That would make some TFs a little less rushed so that you can have the buffs for the last fight.
  20. Announcing TT before exit is good for when you know it will be in a different area. Many Task forces for example, exiting the second mission in Penny's is a popular TT. On Dr. Q, usually people set up an order, since TT is very useful there. etc...
  21. Well, you could catch up on EVERYTHING in the 80s... There were still some just plain awful parts. Now, there's just more of everything, and it's easy to find the crap.
  22. I'm not sure on effectiveness, but my Seismic/Nature Blaster is a bit different. That and Meteor is built for knockback.
  23. James Frost used to be a respec contact, I don't know if Abott was used at any point.
  24. Stay Alert! Trust No One! Keep Your Laser Handy!
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