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Everything posted by Erratic1

  1. Exact opposite here. Arachnos blind, and that is, "stand there and be a victim" unless you have a supply of yellows up your sleeve. Carnies just mean standing around until they phase back in and then beating them down for making you wait.
  2. I enjoy the Freakshow. I really enjoy killing them right before they try their last second self-heal. Yeah, they self-rez and I enjoy standing over their bodies until they fade, daring them to stand back up. Super Stunner are kind of annoying if you do not have a knockback/ranged attack combo or aren't largely immune to their drain.
  3. I have retracted my previous posts for being a needless jerk in them. My sincerest apologies to @drbuzzard
  4. It is single target. It cannot toss things (plural) around. It can only toss a thing (singular) around. And mostly it just shoves the target back then knocks them down...they don't go particularly far. If you're trying to AoE, you're not using a single target attack.
  5. Why would you want to end the repel?
  6. Psignis, Psionic Melee/Fire Brute On the left is the costume I created him with. Creation costumes are usually placeholders. I try to make something I like but accept I will have to tweak and play until I get to something I really like. The next two costumes are the steps along the way to the rightmost costume I think will be his everyday costume.
  7. Decided to give an Illusion Dominator a go. I present Glamours:
  8. Erratic1

    Why tanker?

    No substantive disagreement here. Yes, minimizing hits with high defense helps but sometimes there are a lot of things trying and even when not sometimes a hit still lands. In any event you have to get there and not everyone has a billion influence just lying around to fully kit out build while the character is low level. Some people are going to play a substantial portion of time with non-capped defense. My StJ/Inv Brute's target build has resting endurance consumption of 1.01 end/sec with 4.05 end/rec recovery. Toggling on Focused Accuracy only brings consumption to 1.51 end/sec. With one opponent he is at capped defense. As for how people play, I try to not presume what people are doing and assume they are doing what is fun for them, though I am pretty sure the OP was not talking about engaging in the most difficult content.
  9. Scrappers have higher base damage than Brutes. At 75 Fury a Brute is still behind a Scrapper for delivered damage. Brutes have a higher resistance cap but the exact same defense cap as a Scrapper. So a scrapper built to hit max defense is as protected as a brute doing the same. The two ways the brute can pull ahead are (a) higher high points and (b) getting beyond the scrapper 75% resistance cap. Exceeding the 75% resistance cap on a Brute is difficult to do without relying on IO set bonuses. So unless you load up on IOs at a fairly low level, the higher resistance cap of the Brute is not going to enter play until you lean into them. As example, my most recent Brute to hit 50 (last weekend) is only now hitting 75% resistance with the help of IOs. Yeah, in the end he'll have capped defenses and hit 90% on Smash/Lethal resistance (and won't exceed the scrapper cap on any other type of damage) but that gap in survivability is the tradeoff Scrappers pay for higher damage.
  10. Meteor doesn't need solutions. Things either die or, in the case they don't die, you're probably better off with them sent elsewhere.
  11. Erratic1

    Why tanker?

    @Ultimo, Invulnerability is not great against drains and that will not change regardless of AT using it. Add to Endurance Recovery is lacking on Invulnerability and SS brings not help that way either. So you have somewhat described a worst case scenario as goes Inv/SS. As comparison, I have an StJ/Inv Brute I am currently working on. Drains are anywhere from annoying to potentially deadly and even without sappers running around if I get too happy with non-stop attacking, especially if he is running Focused Awareness, he can end up detoggling. So playing Brute does not mean skipping past the issues you faced. I try to keep in mind when picking a defensive set what it is weak in that will need shoring up. Invulnerability is a fantastic set. What it does not cover is endurance recovery. That is one reason Dark Melee is a great offensive set to pair with it as Dark Melee covers one of Invulnerability's few weaknesses. However, IO sets give you an out for playing offensive sets which do not help in that regard. In particular, Unbreakable Guard's 2-piece bonus is a 2.5% endurance discount and Preventive Medicine offers 3.75% as a 5-piece bonus. Slather in inherent endurance discount for individual powers via individual set enhancements and endurance problems can often be gotten around without resorting to Energy Mastery or dedicating your Alpha to solving endurance problems.
  12. Like PA is identical across ATs which have buffs as secondaries?
  13. Fair compensation? Power Siphon allows one to build bonus damage for a 20s duration with every successful hit getting more bonus along the way until hitting the cap. In any scenario where you are not whiffing it is a damage boost. But that is somewhat immaterial to the point which was a significantly altered mechanic not shared across powers with the same name--which I believe was your point.
  14. Scrapper Concentrated Strike recharing Power Siphon while nothing like that happens for Brutes, Stalkers, or Tankers comes to mind.
  15. I think names only get changed when there are significant differences in behavior. If doing less damage were the criteria then every power in Blast sets between Blasters, Corruptors, Defenders, and Sentinels or in Melee Damage set between Brutes, Scrappers, Stalkers, and Tankers would have different names. Controllers deal damage via their controls. Dominators have Assault sets for that. Doing a bit less damage with Illusion as a control power while otherwise dealing damage with Assault powers does not strike me as the set not serving its fundamental control aspect.
  16. "Some" meaning* Tankers using the following powersets: Bio Armor, Rad Armor, Fiery Aura, Shield, Savage Melee, Super Strength, Battle Axe, and Radiation Melee @TheOtherTed, Looks like you're using Shield. Go Tanker. * Per Ston here.
  17. Meteor immediately followed by Upthrust means the Upthrust will arrive at the same time as the Meteor. The delay is a glorious thing.
  18. Amazingly, I am aware of what set categories the various ATs get.
  19. The conversation has moved a bit over the last 11 pages. Most of my objection has been to the damage Tankers put out. No, I wanted to talk about where the conversation most recently was, not where it got started. 😛
  20. I would say it is. You've built a Tanker with a damage auras on top of having greater area to work with on the damage aura and the SM attacks and compared it to a Brute who is getting a much smaller gain through Shield than from Fury, has no damage aura, and smaller area attacks. Offensive Stance is a fixed damage buff for the Tankers, Against All Odds is variable. It is in no way an apple-to-apple comparison but more apple-to-koala comparison, especially as goes talking about Savage Melee. Edit: And since Pets are notoriously a poor damage vector for Brutes, so Shield Charge is no grand thing. I had a dinner date and am just now getting home.
  21. What is your brute's secondary?
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