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Everything posted by Erratic1

  1. I would say the issue is more Tanker aficionados declaring amongst themselves they are gods and showing up in this forum to declare how much better everything is on a Tanker and only back-pedaling when someone declares Brutes have been supplanted. Again, it is now far from unusual to flatly declare powerset X is "better on a Tanker" be it primary or secondary (if not Scrapper or Stalker). That is what leads me to asking in a thread where the OP specifically asked for help in building an Stj/Shield BRUTE what Brutes are supposed to be playing. Because in this thread alone have been repeated declaration that the OP should not be playing what he asked about. The -=ONLY=- person who has offered a build is me.
  2. Except every AoE is routinely declared to be, "Better on a Tanker".
  3. I have seen so many powersets claimed to be better on other ATS, I am actually beginning to wonder what others see as an actual combo which is acceptable to play as a Brute.
  4. IIRC, the changes are tied to the AT powers rather than all the AoE powers being changed.
  5. Not saying what follows is some sort of ultimate build or even a good idea. I was largely focusing on getting basics in place to end up with a workable character. Perma-Hasten might be possible with some refinement.
  6. I did say, "almost" 😁 In a comic book superhero game one should expect a certain amount of nerdery.
  7. One almost wonders why you play this game.
  8. Minimal effect limits things to glows/dust around the character.
  9. So as I mentioned upthread, for me sometimes the colors in the editor and what appears in game world vary. Anyone else notice this? In the image below I set the blue on belt and legs identically. And yet in Talos at night they do not appear the same as they do in the supergroup base. Or are my eyes failing me?
  10. The blue on chest, belt, and pants are each different. The brightness of a particular color can vary depending on the particular piece it is on. Sometimes I vary things to get a particular brightness. I think though I could probably have belt and pants both be a chess knight's move from the bottom rightmost blue and have them give the desired brightness while being closer to the chest's bishop's move from the same point. The other thing that comes into play is zone lighting. For example, in the costume editor I can match the cyan of the Bronze Magus' gloves on his chest and shoulders but in certain zones in regular daylight the match is off. In such cases I will try to go with what looks proper in play as opposed to the editor. Edit: Could be my graphics card acting up too. Really do not want to have to get a new one before getting a new computer and not in the market for one of those yet either (though with the requirements I am seeing on upcoming games, I may have to give in on that).
  11. Definitely not a god of building but I managed the following (could probably squeeze a bit more out but really need to focus on work):
  12. She is a great character not because she's unapologetic but because she is a cautionary tale on what happens to one's morals when you pursue an absolute. Many fans love that she is hard woman making hard choices. For me it about the times she realizes she has unintentionally crossed a line or enabled someone else to do so in pursuit of her goals. Well, that and when she gets one over on Batman and the heroes.
  13. Batman's friend Superman has this nifty device which sends people into another dimension. Admittedly the Phantom Zone has increasingly been shown to be a really horrible place. And given what they did to Jor-El it is not implausible he knew how horrible of a place it was to begin with.
  14. Isn't that line of thinking what prompted Injustice: Gods Among Us?
  15. Whatever the rebels used in TNG: The High Ground. I believe it was called dimensional shifting.
  16. Nobody wanted an evil super-genius in real space. The solution they gave him made everybody happy.
  17. Quibble: They often distinguish subtly between what is going on with replicators and what goes on with the transporter, such as being able to taste a difference between replicated and real food (whereas if it was from an accurately reproduced pattern there would be no taste difference) and transporter patterns degrading over time to the point you do not get back a living person (whereas if food patterns degraded...well, I am not eating anything past its degradation date...your egg souffle could end up being poisonous goo).
  18. Free slots in a build?!?!? There is such a thing???
  19. I adjust the leg length and waist on all my characters (male and female) to minimum. Have to then fiddle with the height but the result feels less leggy than the default. In the gender separate tweaks department, yeah women's chests get reduced to something less jarring and men's waists get pushed upward a button's width. I am just now really coming to the point of using Huge and it takes dropping chest and physique to near minimum and cutting shoulder to half to end up with a stout, muscular build I find plausible (used it for Restless Dead upthread).
  20. Gave two characters new costumes for pushing into their 40s (old to new from left to right): I really like how the belt and chest piece merge on the new costume. Guessing he had to trim his hair some to be able to wear the hood. Seen before but made posters for them:
  21. Yeah, was wondering if it was the difference between what my machine is showing me and what the server is getting. Largely solved by leaving enough health buffer (as a melee) to get away before a ranged character makes the kill.
  22. I have been more than 25ft away, around corners, and down hallways and none of that has made any difference. And no, I am not talking about getting the killing blow but seeing their health low, knowing what is coming, and clearing out BEFORE they are dead.
  23. I have been far away from them when they died and hit by their rez drain. Seems if you have touched them recently there is no place on Earth where they cannot reach out and touch you.
  24. There is a line in the Batman/Planetary crossover graphic novel describing Gotham City which I think applies, "...originally designed by English masons on opium...exacerbated by absinthe-fiend architects in the twenties, basically not fit for human habitation."
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