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Everything posted by Erratic1

  1. Energy Aura: Entropic Aura gives you +Recharge based on the number of foes within radius 8. While the resolution of the the following is low (had to compress the file considerably to get it to fit within the attachment size limitation) if you set the display to full screen you should be able to make +Recharge reaching 42.5%: KRBW.mp4 The character in the video is a scrapper but Brutes have access to both Savage Melee and Energy Aura, so the difference will be the same you face for choosing Brute as opposed to Scrapper. I also made no attempt to further boost +Recharge, so it may be something to consider.
  2. Having both a Fire/Dark and a Water/Dark, I will not disagree. 😁
  3. Certainly its cousin Sonic/Tactical Arrow is a lot of fun on a Blaster.
  4. A third thing I would add to a remade CoX Superspeed....going to just come out and say it but they should lift directly from DCUO and have it allow you to run up objects. Biggest problem with superspeed in this game is its utter lack of verticality. Still would suck in various portal zones but would make Superspeed a much more useful travel power in most of the rest of the game.
  5. Another thing I would add to a remade CoX.... Origin functionally means nothing in CoX. I would shift Origin from being tied to the character and instead tie it to powersets (with pools powers and epic masteries counting as powersets) giving each powerset different animations to represent the different origins. So a blaster with Ice Blast powerset could choose Mutation and have ice shooting from their finger tips or perhaps choose Technology and have a ice gun from which the powers emerged. Might also take time to clean up the Origin choices--a mutant's abilities are natural to them bu that's a quibble.
  6. To be fair, I've encountered plenty of people who feel CoH is a grind from 32-35 ownwards. Compared to what I've experienced in other games I think that is silly but its a subjective thing I suppose.
  7. Signature rivals with story arcs and random appearances both open world and in missions. Along with a lot of what else has been suggested.
  8. I couldn't help it. It just popped in there. -- Dr. Raymond Stantz, Ghostbusters And really, I couldn't help it. Do you think there would be a problem with me making a villain that looked like: With the name Anti-Life I suspect I would have to play him on the villain side.
  9. I think what I would like most at the moment would be a trident. Sadly Blasters can't have them. 😢
  10. So after a few months away from the game I have been playing again and a discussion elsewhere prompted me to try a Water/Dark blaster. Of course the name Darkwater was taken. But that may have been fortuitous as casting about for something to represent Water and Darkness landed me on The Depths: First two images show the initial go at it and the third a somewhat more satisfying look. I am still not completely satisfied so revision is likely.
  11. No, /Dark on Corruptor does not have Dark Pit. Doesn't have Touch From Beyond either. Its a significantly different powerset.
  12. My favorite Brute back on live was Dark/Electric. Yeah...it seems like you're double dipping in the realm of endurance recovery and healing/regen. You are. Its a good thing.
  13. I do not think I've ever tried Water on a Blaster before. Very happy with my Water/Kinetics Corruptor...might have to consider how I would go about things on a Blaster. But yeah, even on a Corruptor who gets healing from the other side, having a heal on the blasting side is nice. I have a long history of discarded Blasters and only ever got one to 50 on Homecoming when I finally went with Beam Rifle/Martial, but I am not suggesting that here. I am having a fair amount of fun with Fire/Dark, At the lower levels all Blasters get a wealth of attacks open to them and its mostly about burning things down quickly. Why Dark? I admit I had my eye on Dark Pit with visions of it making it easier to run up into groups of disoriented foes and setting off Inferno. But Touch of the Beyond was a surprise--it buffs Regen and Recovery for 2m! And not tiny buffs either. Its as much Recovery as full slotted Stamina and enough Regen that soloing a red con Chief Mentalist was somewhat humorous as he got his hold off but couldn't dent my health while I waited for the Hold to clear. And the Dark Pit routine does work. With them stumbling around you even get to Soul Drain up your damage. My proof of concept, first attempt on safe targets: Kaboom.mp4 Edit: I do have to wonder what you could do with Dark Pit, Whirlpool and Geyser though...
  14. A lot of people do a lot of questionable things. That does not mean the powerset combo is bad, that means it is often played poorly. Siphon Power is bread and butter for any of my Kinetics characters. And while I do have a Kin/Sonic Defender, I think I prefer my Water/Kinetics Corruptor.
  15. He formed an energy sword with one hand and a force shield with the other. Shield/Psi Armor would probably give the best approximation to the character (not that I am suggesting the combo).
  16. So... Justice, from Marvel's 1980s New Universe line.
  17. Rad/Psi Tanker was my first Homecoming character, taken to 50, and certain seemed functional though not anything special even if tossing foes in the air is a lot of fun.
  18. Elec Armor is one of my favorite defensive sets and I had an absolutely grand time back on live with a DM/Elec Brute. I have never tried Rad Melee/Elec Armor but nothing leaps to mind immediately to suggest any problems with it and as you note Elec Armor has powers to offset some of the downsides of Rad Melee. I had thought one about trying Rad Melee/Energy Aura but only so much time in a life.
  19. There are things you have not listed in your consideration which may influence your enjoyment of certain builds. Rad Melee hits like a truck dropped from orbit but it is also about as fast as an object dropped from orbit...you wait for powers to cycle. This is of course fixable to an extent but the effort to do so means not going down other build paths involving the powerset. Rad Melee was also a bit endurance hungry in my experience and Proton Sweep is a miserable power. Do I enjoy my Rad Melee/Shield Scrapper? Yes, absolutely. But the feel of melee combat on it is quite different than other melee builds I have. However if dealing with those issues are not off-putting, Rad Melee/Invulnerable will be tough and hit hard. I personally tend to lean a bit more towards combos featuring endurance recovery and/or a more frequent healing power but (a) I do not always confine myself that way and (b) with sufficient toughness and slotting Dull Pain can take you far.
  20. Seems to me you've made the argument for making more use of the other stances. 🙂 My recollection is that I spend most of my time in Efficient on my SS/Bio. My SS/Bio brute approves. 😁
  21. Back on live I ran a DM/Elec Brute and he was stupidly tough along with having nice damage. I would imagine Elec/DM on a Tank would be tougher still.
  22. Great, I need to remake my Dragon character. Wonder what archetype fits?
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