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Everything posted by Hyperstrike

  1. You're welcome! I love making it easier for GMs to work on the platform without wasting their efforts.
  2. So you're wanting something that's VISIBLY similar to Force Field? That's a cosmetic change.
  3. But the boots of a butt-kicker is like tree rings. Count them to measure longevity and endurance...
  4. There are no "newbie tankers". There is only a numerical value for "Butts Kicked"
  5. Sounds like you'd need a mohel for this...
  6. Of COURSE not! I am, in general, a TANK! My job is to get people to shoot ME in the face! It generally causes them to lose bowel and bladder control when the smoke clears and I'm crunching down on the bullet and spitting it back at them! Even MORE fun when I do it with 30mm ammunition at point blank range!
  7. Yes. I know it's not the same character. But Double-W, loomed bg in my childhood.
  8. Hey BaBs. I heard you have a Samoan cousin. He's moonlighting as security at a nearby Krasnovian Embassy!
  9. Here's a brute force stab at it. The Electric Snowman - Tanker (Electric Armor - Ice Melee).mbd
  10. Pretty much this. Sure, some of them aren't the unkillable "machines" that some sets aren't. But, with a bit of attention to detail and planning, just about anything is perfectly acceptable.
  11. There is no "better" Defense is basically "All or nothing". If they can overcome your numbers, it's "All" If they cannot, it's "nothing" Resist just says "Take a specific amount of the overall damage" So if you have 40% resist, and take 100 poiints of damage, you make 40% go away and only take 60 damage. In both cases, you can still take damage, it just makes dropping dead take LONGER. IDEALLY, you want lots of BOTH. If you're NORMALLY a "squishy", Defense tends to return more value in the long run. However, you can still be subjected to "drop dead" and cascading defense failures. With Resistance, you'll still have problems with accepting damage inflicted, especially if you have heavy Resist debuffs stacking on you as well. There's no such thing as a free lunch.
  12. C'mon man! That should be EASY to find! You've only got 20 YEARS of historical posts to sift through on multiple different (possibly DEFUNCT sites! NOW HOP TO IT! 😷
  13. Yeah, it's the blown out proportions in the game. You see someone that tall (and wide, and deep) in real life, and you're looking at someone who'd probably 500 lbs, soaking wet, in their boxers. The scale maxes out around 8'2" Basically at full shoulder spread, that make a max character around 4+ feet wide and about 3 feet deep. For comparison, Robert Wadlow was 8'11" So slightly taller. But less than half the mass, since he was a (relative) string bean. Here he is next to his own father, who was 5'11"
  14. If people want to squeeze an micro-fraction of a single percent out of their build for such a massive capital investment, that's their choice. It's a little thing we like to call "learning the hard way". Also, even if I KNOW I'm getting nothing for my investment, but my OCD is so terminal that I HAVE TO make sure all the plusses match? I better NEVER see people claiming "concept" on a build EVER AGAIN!
  15. Yeah, much as it appears that way, it's not like there's all these people tell you to "Follow The Yellow Brick Road!"
  16. Invuln is a hybrid armor type. Not all Def. Not all Res. Both, with a decent Heal for damage spikes. To be dangerous, you need large groups doing serious spike damage or insane amounts of normalized output.
  17. Bay-splosions and excessive lense-flare are no substitute for an actual movie...
  18. To this and Spaghetti Betty's post, need to ask you a favor. Do two fingered pushups...balanced on knife-point.
  19. On this we're gonna need to disagree. Because once you hit soft-cap or Incarnate soft-cap (depending on situation), going "OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAAND?????" delivers essentially BUPKISS in value. Delivering 60+% Defense or 90+% Resisitance is essentially wasted. Now, a caveat, simply winding up with this as part of the build process is still wasteful. But it's kinda par for the course with other build constraints. Not really talking about incidental "slop" in a build. HOWEVER... Deliberately trying to design for 120% Resist or 90% defense is like bringing a Lamborghini, nitrous charging it and jacking it up on Monster Truck tires and throwing rock rails on. In short, you waste a lot of money on "performance gear". When it ultimately leaves all that performance, filling in the hole in your wallet. This is why I'm leery about declaring anything "far superior". Because, these days, we have VERY rarefied specialists who've been tweaking on this stuff for the better part of TWO DECADES now.
  20. On this we are in full accordance... *FIST BUMP*
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