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Everything posted by jojogladco

  1. The only two ways I know are to either teleport in to where they spawn so that you show up as the cut scene ends before the actual npcs spawn, so that they agro onto you 1st instead of Rommie or use super speed to achieve the same effect but it's a lot harder than teleporting in. I'm hoping someone knows an easier way. I can only pull off the TP maybe 1 try in 5. The super speed I've got to work once. I have the most luck with the TP version on my mystic flight toons. You can fly to the top of the map to fly above the spawn point and use the built in TP to zap straight down.
  2. I've always wondered at is this was accurate or not. From what @Ghostpilot says here you can slot up Dark Servant with all available procs and get good results, but never tested it myself.
  3. I summon where I want them to be and use the Stay command as the summon finishes. That tends to keep the Cataphract up spamming it's -regen attack at a distance and never wandering in to get smacked by an AOE.
  4. Sleep and immobilize aren't part of the purple triangles. So mag 4 should keep one in place. EBs is mag 6 for whatever reason.
  5. Nothing feels super sturdy at level 10-12. You don't have the slots, powers or enhancements at that point to feel powerful. Any particular reason you want to solo 1-50? Tankers can do it, as can any other AT in the game, but you might have a smoother solo 1-50 experience on a different AT. Teaming would allow you to get buffs, tank for those buffers and watch more offensive focused AT's blow things up while you're holding agro. At your level getting into a Posi 1 and Posi 2 would be a great experience and net you a few levels of XP. Once you get to level 22 you can start slotting generic IO's and be at a power level that gives you a decent idea of what your sets are capable of. As for what is sturdy at end game? Any of the armor sets can be made tough enough, you should check out the Tank Gods thread for some ideas.
  6. I've had fun with this Electric Armor/SS/Soul build. 2:41 to 2:45 for Pylon times with Hybrid clicked, honestly never test without, because when I go to fight an AV it's going to be up to start the fight. Only have Tier 3's so far so there's some headroom to improve, but don't know that I'm going to get there as Rad/SS is seeming like I might enjoy it just a little more. Once the FF procs start rolling you spend a lot of time at 240% recharge, 280% the 1st minute when Adrenal Booster is going, which in turn makes it easier to keep the buff going. For a damage focused build I can still tank decently. The Tanker ATO in Lightning Field usually keeps 2 stacks up even against 1 target and 1 stack gets you capped to S/L/F/C/E/P. I had a choice of either chasing set's to almost cap N with 2 stacks of ATO but have Toxic down in the 20's or get Toxic up to mid 50's with 2 ATO stacks and N at about 62%. I went with bringing Toxic up. You can always use a 2nd build to go full tank setup and drop 5 powers worth of Procs for set bonuses+swap out Incarnates to defensive minded choices. If you like to have Taunt it's easy enough to swap out Kick and lose a little bit of the benefit you get from Cross Punch. The build does pretty much nothing below level 45. I'm one of those weirdos that has never liked playing at below max level, it's easy enough to use an alt build for exemping down should you want to do so. http://www.cohplanner.com/mids/download.php?uc=1571&c=747&a=1494&f=HEX&dc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
  7. 597+1147.9+785.3=2530.2 plus 75% chance for 13.39 damage gives 2540.235. I don't think it's counting the self damage in the total or we'd see 2882.34, unless I'm missing something which is always possible.
  8. My 1st Main was an EM/ELA Brute and after the ET change he just wasn't worth playing anymore. I would love to see some changes that would make me want to recreate him.
  9. I'm not sure what I did with the formatting to mess the spoiler up like that and it won't let me edit so here's the build. Sorry about that. Mystic Might.mxd
  10. I normally play Brutes, but the with this combo it's much easier to soft cap the Tanker version which left a lot more room for procs so I went this route. The build plays great solo. I was able to solo an ITF and can run the annoying end game groups like Malta, Carnies and Arachnos at +4x8 though I need to be on my toes for Sappers. I'm wanting to start teaming instead of just solo'ing all the time and wondering how badly I'm hurting myself by not having taunt? I could drop Hasten to pick up Taunt. The main reason to have Hasten is to cycle Rune of Protection as fast as possible. Everything else recharges fast enough from Global Recharge+FF procs. I could drop Spirit Ward+RoP and replace with Taunt+One With the Shield, but RoP feels vastly superior to OWtS because with FF procs I can have 50%+ up time, get PSI coverage and not have any crash. For context I only play level 45 plus content and am not worried about losing abilities at lower levels and I already have the Incarnates at Tier 4. Any feedback is greatly appreciated. Mystic Might.mxd
  11. I was pretty shocked Artic Aegis was available for my Ice/Shield scrapper.
  12. Been playing since the day after the ED patch (great 1st day in an MMO) and never been able to get into a Scrapper before. Mainly the mob scatter would drive me nuts and cause me to delete every prior attempt at the Class before. I see Shield Defense has a taunt component to it's AAO so I'm hopeful I found my unicorn at last. I went Ice Melee both because I've never played the set before and it had enough AOE to not make running +X/8 not drive me crazy taking all day to clear things. A couple notes. I know range isn't softcapped without Incarnates. I only play level 45+ Content so that shouldn't ever be an issue. If I wanted to get there I could drop 4 slots from Health/Stamina+the Proc from Moonbeam and slot up Boxing with Mako's Bite. Endurance is dependent on Ageless, but I run Ageless on all of my characters so that doesn't bother me. I like the +tohit and +recharge Cross Punch gives and would like to keep it. Power ordering will be different in game. This ordering let's me slot everything how I wanted in MIDS Have I missed something major here to have a functional Scrapper that can solo fairly quickly at +4/8 (+3/8 after the Incarnate Shift) for all of the 45+ Arcs? From time to time I also like to do things like solo the ITF but I normally only do that at +1 or +2 because taking 10 minutes to kill and AV drives me nuts. http://www.cohplanner.com/mids/download.php?uc=1516&c=690&a=1380&f=HEX&dc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
  13. You can see the numbers in Mids. When you hover over the damage for a power in the information window you'll see a breakout of the damage. There will be a fire damage proc there. If Fiery Embrace is off it will be listed as a 0% chance. If Fiery Embrace is on it will show as a 100% chance. This isn't a damage buff, it's a proc so it bypasses the damage cap and isn't something you really want to miss out on. If you would rather see the in game numbers under the power details you'll see a 2nd damage listed that says something like Only if Fiery Embrace.
  14. Any AT that doesn't keep mobs from scattering either via built in taunt, pets with taunt or built in immobilize is 0 fun for me.
  15. jojogladco


    I have been using this build for a few months and enjoy it quite a bit. It's far from optimized, but very serviceable. http://www.cohplanner.com/mids/download.php?uc=1444&c=677&a=1354&f=HEX&dc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
  16. Is there any particular reason this can't be handled with 2 mutually exclusive powers?. Similar to the Sentinel Master Brawler/Practiced Brawler. Rage stays as a stackable power with the crashes outlined in the patch notes and a new power that's non stackable Rage is added.
  17. I used to assist St0n3y with testing Mids updates back in the day when he had stewardship for a couple issues and know 1st hand how laborious it can be to add items into the DB. Thank you so much for the time and effort that you put into giving us and up to date hero planner!
  18. Thank for bringing this back! Greatly appreciated. Working fine for me so far.
  19. Donation sent. $15 and I'll do the same monthly
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