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Everything posted by KauaiJim

  1. You mean I have to start all over irritating people again? There's just too much competition nowadays! sigh 🤪
  2. How do I post a question?
  3. Red Raskull
  4. "The Duck of Death" (from "Unforgiven")
  5. I am aware of that. I was simply reflecting on my actual experiences, not making a blanket statement about drunken behavior. 👍
  6. Yes. I hardly drink anymore. Used to drink regularly in the evenings after work while playing mmo's. A few beers or a cocktail or three. Too expensive anymore - other things I would rather spend my money on. Plus as I get older it's just not much of a fair trade - messes with everything from sleep to digestion. Even back then though I tried not to get hammered (was on-call most of the time). Also, I can think of a few times when gaming drunk caused issues with raids or groups. People get stupid and obnoxious thinking they are being funny. With Teamspeak / Ventrilo it was sometimes a bit entertaining, but then often devolved into a mess of one type or another. NOTE: I'm talking about folks being actually DRUNK, not just feeling good. POSTING drunk - now that's a topic! I know a couple folks who used to post stuff drunk and then panic the next day trying to do "damage control", lol.
  7. I had heard rumors that there are other things out there to do besides CoX so I began investigating. I turns out that the rumors are wildly exaggerated and there is not much else to do. (unless you're into having a real 'life' or whatever...) 😁
  8. It's when I'm making Top Ramen and can't find the flavor packet.
  9. THIS is what I first thought too! lol Would be kind of fun! Plug in a bunch of 'Trivial Pursuit' style questions with multiple choice answers. Could tie into badges or even offer some silly reward like an inspiration / enhancement / recipe, or even a temp boost power. Or maybe just a 'fun' temp power. Regarding the NPC's chasing you down to thank you, I don't know how far because I totally ignore them. I'm usually already in the next battle when they show up and then I just think "Not too smart are ya? Go home! Get out of this neighborhood! Why are you still hanging around?" lol
  10. I too have been using Razer mice and keyboards for many years (since they first came out also). They are still okay, but nowhere near as good as they once were IMO. It used to take a lot of use and abuse before the mouse or keyboard would give out. Not so true any more. Now it seems to be hit or miss. Additionally, I would add that their decision to move toward an online software for creating and storing profiles is stupid (again IMO). It's buggy as bleep. It likes to also forget my logging credentials regularly and refuse to let me back in until I reset my password. Storing the profile locally works until it randomly decides to delete it and act like it doesn't know what happened. Also, they designed the silly keyboards with an internal chip that likes to go wonky and cause certain keyboard backlights to stop being backlit until unplugging and re-plugging in the usb cable. All of these are known issues and trust me they have a ton more. Plus the wrist pad rubber coating wears off easily and they offer no way to replace it short or buying an entire new keyboard. My current Razer mouse is the Lancehead and it has been pretty good. The Ornata keyboard... ehh, some things I really like about it, but the buggy lighting (coincidentally right over the WSAD and surrounding keys) is really dumb and since THEY KNOW ABOUT THEIR CRAPPY DEFECTIVE CHIPS, it just feels like a big "you bought it - it's your problem now" which is something that can make me decide to never use a brand again (looking at you Sony TV's). Once upon a time (years ago) I used to drool over the Razer Blade line of gaming laptops... until I saw the user reviews. VERY glad I went with Alienware instead. (17 R1 with all bells / whistles) - it has been a rock and still kicks butt with everything I run today (even Win 10). So, Razer has let their edge over the competition slip to where my next setup will most likely be Corsair or any of the other nice products out there not milking their long dead reputation. Sorry Razer, it's me, not you... (lol) I'm totally with you on this one @Solarverse. Of course I've watched a lot of the best come and go over the years (BFG Video cards anyone? lol) Edited to add: For a while my son and I used Death Adders (mouse) and they were great. Then when we each replaced our old ones the new ones stopped working within a month (left mouse click on both), then both replacements had the same problem (purchased through a different retailer to avoid a 'bad batch' if that makes sense), and still both failed within weeks. I think you can still get a good ~ decent Razer mouse / keyboard - it's just much more of a gamble. What's that saying? "Must have been made on a Monday or a Friday!". Kind of feels like this applies anymore. Even more still though I REALLY want to emphasize the PITA online profile settings and their stupid software as a main reason for me wanting to move away from them (besides their indifference to quality anymore).
  11. As others have stated, electric shock causes nerves to trigger muscles. Between the using up of ATP and buildup of things like lactate your muscles become tired. Additionally, nerves are very susceptible to electric shock and have their own side effects. From the internet: A shock can affect the nervous system Nerves are tissue that offers very little resistance to the passage of an electric current. When nerves are affected by an electric shock, the consequences include pain, tingling, numbness, weakness or difficulty moving a limb. These effects may clear up with time or be permanent. Electric injury can also affect the central nervous system. When a shock occurs, the victim may be dazed or may experience amnesia, seizure or respiratory arrest. So, it's a combination of the effects on both your nervous system and your muscles that results in you feeling (quite literally) 'zapped'. Just ask any triathlete or marathon runner if getting struck by lightening will help them or hurt them. Also - Because they needed to give electricity it's own unique gimmick and endurance was just begging for it's chance to be more important as a gameplay mechanism...
  12. Yeah, as I mentioned before I suspect that this has to do with multiple instances writing / reading / deleting from the same temp subdirectory. Wonder if it is possible to have them write into unique subdirectories that get deleted when done?
  13. I too occasionally get these errors. Is it possible when running multiple files at the same time that a file could be common to more than one and on e it gets deleted by the first instance, the next instance is confused when it isn’t there any longer (a timing thing resulting from running multiple extractions at the same time)? Also fyi that I shut down during the peak electric hours as my local utility has me mistaken for a rich man. Lol Will be booting back up again shortly. 😀
  14. Actually I was being nice. Not enabling. Not creating problems. I do agree with the overall point you made though about feeding attention seekers and reinforcing bad behaviors. I just did not get that from this person. They seemed genuinely confused imo.
  15. The OP is coming across like a "stage 5 clinger". No offense OP but THAT can annoy folks to the point of NOT wanting to group up with you. Maybe I'm wrong but unless you can provide a bit more of an example of what is happening exactly vs what you expect. I personally WILL NEVER group with a 'puppy' bouncing around me sending me tells "Let's team up!", "Invite please!", "Can I join?", etc. etc all while spamming me with team invite requests. Yeah, that would not be my lack of friendliness... that would be more an issue on your part. Homecoming is one of the friendliest and helpful mmo environments I've ever seen, and I have seen a LOT. I'm sorry you are feeling the way you do. That isn't good. But honestly, I think you need to consider your approach perhaps? Or, and this is an honest question, do you suffer from bi-polar or something that folks may not be aware of? Even if you do, find a good SG and explain and I think you will find a little more understanding and support. I guess I can't figure out (by reading not only this post but your others) exactly what is going on with YOU. I wish you the best my friend. We really are a good community here who does care. Maybe you have a specific expectation that is a bit much for some folks...
  16. You left out the most important one... What Is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow in CoH and how does this affect your playstyle? (African, lol) 😜
  17. I'll just keep grinding out files until you let me know there's a time out (to find another host, lol). 😁 Also, not worried about the path (and user name). But thanks for letting us know! 👍
  18. Hmmm…. Interesting tracking prior to 4/19.
  19. Anytime I am in game doing anything. Additionally, I loosely consider activities related to CoX to be part of playing the game, while not actually being playing the game. I.E. : - Working on builds in Mid's - Working on my spreadsheets - Ourodev stuff - PK's Project Spelunker - Ordering / standardizing my login screens on both computers - Perusing / posting on these forums - Perusing / posting in Discord - Watching videos related to CoH - Doing online research for a build concept - Checking out mods - Picking up my cape and tights at the dry cleaners (<- joke) - etc. In game can be anything from SG base building to farming to power levelling to badging to tweaking my look / build to crafting to playing the AH to actual content playing (and I even rerun the Twinshot arc sometimes because I'm weird and enjoy it and it can give me a feel for how the build / toon plays with just beginning / basic abilities), etc.. Plus literally anything else I determine to add to my to-do list like eventually making a redside stable, etc. Probably not exactly the kind of answer you were looking for.
  20. @The Philotic Knight I have been getting a lot of these stack trace errors just after download on both my PC and laptop. Files still process fine IF they can get past this. There was an error in the application. Please copy and paste the following text in a message to the program author: System.Exception: Error while processing file 'boards.cityofheroes.com-threads-range-13818-20120905-094804.warc' ---> System.Exception: Failed to move file to process from '/input/boards.cityofheroes.com-threads-range-13818-20120905-094804.warc' to '/processing/boards.cityofheroes.com-threads-range-13818-20120905-094804.warc'. at COH_WARC_Processor.MainForm.BtnProcess_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) in C:\Projects\COH WARC Handler\WHB WARC Processor\MainForm.cs:line 84 --- End of inner exception stack trace --- I'm wondering if maybe your program isn't allowing for enough time or retries before kicking back this error? If things are getting loaded down on your side, which makes sense with everyone else pinging you AND you moving files into the input directory, then maybe the application on my side is getting ahead of it? Any ideas? I can just keep restarting each one as it errors (approx every third or forth download), but it would be nice to be able to leave these unattended for a few minutes at a time. Thanks!
  21. Thank you! That's what I was hoping. Especially since I did not make note of the file numbers. So far so good. Working on that monster now - looks to probably have over 15,000 files! (still extracting). Yeah, those darn folks with their animated gifs! [looks quietly at his pretty twisting cube profile pic, lol]
  22. Does HP customer service offer any explanation? Like "Yes, we are aware of a 'glitch' in our system that is purely cosmetic on the web page, however we can assure you that your order is processing and will be completed without complication.". Or was it more like "I'm sure your order is fine, go have a latte..."? (a.k.a. runaround) It sounds like they perhaps have some internal snag they aren't informing you about. But, it's HP, so who knows. I hope it's just a cosmetic glitch as I'm sure you do but if I'm honest it doesn't sound exactly like they are being straight with you. Sorry.
  23. Question(s) for you @The Philotic Knight - I've had a few errors resulting in files 'stranded' in the temp/COH_Forums_Output directory. I have two 'batches' of files saved into folders from this occurring. Do you need them? Or will things on your side notice those files did not complete and put that file back in line to be reprocessed automatically? One of these is from be accidentally killing my own internet connection during processing (don't ask, had not had my coffee yet). So that one I caused. The other one was from your program after running fine for a bit deciding to stop running and delete itself (leaving everything in the program directory but the .exe. That happened twice. Both times with the new version 1.1 (which by the way is lightning fast compared to the previous version - thanks!). At first I thought maybe some anti-virus program had shut it down and quarantined it however that is not the case. My second guess is that perhaps since I was running v 1,0, then switched to using v 1.1 without a restart to clear everything, maybe something there caused a hiccup (something stranded or lurking in memory or elsewhere). That all occurred on my PC earlier. I have since switched to my laptop and no problems yet (except one strange error about file size which I was able to remedy just by closing the program and starting it up again. So far it seems to be running better on my laptop (it's an Alienware beast) so no worries. But I didn't want to just leave those files stranded without asking you if you still need them. I have them in two folders approximately 45 and 68 MB. Lastly, holy granola some of these files are HUGE! I'm currently processing one that is 1.25 GB that has what appears to be well over 10,000 files in it. Yikes! How big are those forum posts! lol
  24. Thank you! Yeah I noticed it was taking longer the longer it runs. Will grab the new one and get it going as soon as this latest file finishes.
  25. Well I must admit I have no idea what this is. Looks like fun though. Love the song pick too. Fun song to drum to (yes, I'm a drummer). Did someone make that in a SG base? Or is that actually part of the game I completely missed?
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