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Everything posted by KauaiJim

  1. Both of mine are fire/fire/energy/pyronic (brutes) and they are fast but I've read that spines and rad were faster. By now I'm sure there's some entirely new thing going on that's even faster and I've just not paid attention lately. Sorry I'm not of more help on this one. (I do want to say that t4 pyronic is CRAZY FUN! when I'm surrounded by two or three clusters of mobs and I set it off - talk about feeling powerful, lol!)
  2. Holy snap! I'm very glad to hear you are okay! Please tell your wife I think she did just fine with the colors! lol
  3. I think it depends on the type of build you want to put together. I'm not huge on proc monster builds but they do work. However, you tend to have to sacrifice if you want to go proc heavy (set bonuses for example). This is perhaps not exactly what you are asking. I think you maybe were asking more for general advice on how many and where for certain procs (like +end). You don't need to go nuts, but it really depends on you and what you are trying to do and what you like. As an example, let's say you only slot up an attack with 5 slots instead of six (common when you are conserving slots in a build for other stuff and the sixth set bonus isn't a must). So, you slot it with Hecatomb or a Winter purple or some such... Sometimes I keep the proc part of the set, sometimes I drop it for the other stats from or I'll have used the proc piece of the set elsewhere on another ability. Sometimes I eke out a bit more end from +5'ing endurance i/o's and use those instead of the performance shifter proc. Sometimes I have multiple performance shifter procs. And as mentioned the recharge proc isn't really an ideal way to achieve recharge. For things like end and recharge you should be building that in more reliable ways. In fact, my view on procs in general is they are ways to get "More Cowbell!" more than something to depend upon when I make a build (for the most part). There are of course exceptions and it's all about personal likes and dislikes. I just got into Savage Melee on tankers of all things and I have Savage Leap full of procs. Personal choice. Honestly, it all seems to work. It's really about your specific goals (IMO). Now if you are talking about looking close at the numbers and fine tuning for maximum I think it really depends on the entire build. It's kind of hard to give an answer to a question like this in general or if you are really getting down into the nitty gritty of min/maxing. There are so many REALLY AWESOME folks here (on HC) at putting together builds (much better than me). If you really want to get the most bang for buck from procs it wouldn't hurt to post a build and ask advise on that specific build for what you are trying to achieve. If you are just going for general advice then lots of good stuff already in this thread. AND, I'm sure all of the above is my opinion, which could be wrong (but I have already been wrong once this year so it's not likely!) 😉
  4. The test message idea and replying is a really good way to do it until you are comfortable or have enough resources that you can laugh at yourself and shake it off if you send it so some mystery player (in other words lose it)... Another 'safe' method is if you have two accounts - trade the inf (or whatever) directly to the second account then relog into the recipient character on the main account and trade it directly back. And as already mentioned - if you email it - use the global name for the account.
  5. Let me be clear - my statement about burning through converters to see just how long just that sadistic little algorithm would gleefully torture me was more about being able to declare "I Win!!!" than about practicality. I have plenty of in game moolah so yes, I could have just as easily (and more cheaply) just bought that darned thing. But where's the fun in that? Our digital overlords are just chomping at the bit to take over the planet. I see card readers in grocery stores already "having fun" with humans. "But it told me to remove my card!". Why yes, yes it did. Now put your card back in... My computer even plays an occasional joke on me. The AI is watching. It is learning. And it seems to have a sense of humor. Albeit sometimes a cruel one. This is where I draw the line and say to the AI - "HaHa! Very funny. But watch how stubborn humans like me can be! I WIN!!!". (of couse I only win 'in principle'. The AI just shakes it's head and says to itself "Going to have to keep an eye on that guy!" LOL Joking aside - yes, burning through converters trying to 'force' the game to bend to my will / perception is kind of silly. But I'm kind of silly sometimes. So it's all good! ðŸĪŠ
  6. My office assistant is a small parrot. I still can't get him to bring me a coffee though... That chair and afghan look very cozy! ðŸ˜ī
  7. Well I'm not sure if I'd be bragging or exposing myself as a stubborn idiot if I tell y'all my worst. Let's just say it was a wee bit more...
  8. So what tends to happen is that folks have all kinds of 'versions' of Mid's and when the Mid's Reborn team updated for i27 they made some cosmetic changes (improvements). What has happened a few times (including to me) is when you install the i27 version it doesn't always go perfect the first time. You may need to rename or remove the older version and make sure when you install the new one that it goes into it's own new directory. Also, .NET can be a factor. Here's a thread that talks about it - check to see if this is what you are experiencing: I would start by doing a clean install from; Mids Reborn: Hero Designer Then if that doesn't fix it move on to repairing .NET (or upgrading if needed). Lastly, I advise folks to be careful not to accidentally delete saved builds while doing this. Usually people save them elsewhere but just in case your save folder is in the old Mid's directory be careful not to delete it (if you decide to delete the old Mid's folder instead of renaming it). Hope this helps!
  9. Yep. Two of my favorite toons are Dynacron (INV/SS Tanker) and Justice James (SS/INV Brute) - both based on Hyperstrike's SS/INV build. Then there's Infinitum's builds - also awesome. Oh yeah, I have more than a few invulnerability tankers and brutes (not to mention shield too). My love for inv (or shield) isn't going anywhere. I just needed to add a couple of WP tankers to my stable. I'm happy now. At least until I spot the next thing I overlooked, lol. 😁
  10. We had those for certain folks when I was in software. They could be easily changed from standing use to sitting use. Hunching over definitely takes it's toll on the back. Thanks for replying. If by some unbelievable coincidence it turned out you actually were Leeroy, I was going to ask to 'borrow' some money (as a joke, lol)...
  11. Now you have me thinking of working shred into my build. I like the ability but I was trying to be economic with enhancement slotting and since there is already another consumer for blood thirst I thought I could skip it. But I do like it. Hmmm...
  12. Hyper - who is that in the pic? If that is you, you look amazing similar to an old friend I had back when I was in the software business. His first name is Leeroy (not Jenkins lol) and his folks won a few million on the CA lotto a few years back. Haven't seen him since he 'retired', lol. Orist217, very nice! I think I recognize the case (and it's one I like) but I'm curious about the desk of all things. Mind if I ask where you got it?
  13. Lots of good advice here. I have to speak up though and say, Hyperstrike's Inv/SS builds are just plain crazy good and are very tough to defeat. So that would get my vote (or would be what I would steer my 13+ child toward as an option that would help them feel more powerful without actually having to count on attack chains and inspirations - at least until they start to get the mechanics of the game down).
  14. I don't think you can go wrong with shield on a tanker (or a brute or a scrapper). Crazy good set IMO. I haven't paired it with stone yet but I have pairings with battle axe, elec melee, en melee, sav, ss and war mace (and StJ and BS on non tankers).
  15. I usually keep my grunting noise low so as not to scare off any of the 'peoples'. I'll look around scratching and grunting quietly until something moves... THERE! There's a plaything - GO GET IT!. I leap excitedly into a crowd of newly found playfriends. I thrash about happily until my playthings stop moving. I stand there looking at my broken playthings waiting to see if they move again. Then I beat my chest and roar with satisfaction then scamper off to find more 'peoples' to play with. I know this isn't the kind of 'tips' you were asking for, but dang it's fun!
  16. What Snarky said. When I play the converter game it's usually either strike gold or strike out. Edited to add: And oh yeah, I have had it bounce back and forth between a couple that I didn't need until my converter supply was depleted.
  17. Thanks guys! Yeah, I'm a bit surprised that I 'overlooked' that. I love WP normally (I was a regen nut on live before... well, you know). I have a bunch of WP Brutes, some Sents, Scrappers and Stalker... but no Tankers. I have been remiss in that area. Love the advice. Will be coming up with one or two WP tankers soon and those all sound great to me. Thanks again! Edited to add: LOL, I just checked my spreadsheet again and I have ZERO dual blades. So one of these will probably be WP/DB. I am almost equally torn between StJ, WM, SS and EnM. And as you mentioned, there's many more that work well. Edited again to add: I now have "Double Play" (WP/DB) and "Detrimental" (WP/Psi). I already have a build for the wp/psi and it looks awesome (insane with 3 incarnates). And I have this 'imaginary' cap that I keep adjusting on my total characters. Was capping at 100, recently bumped to 110, now looking like my cap is going to be bumped to 120. This reminds me of 'scope creep' in software development, lol. This wasn't a problem for me until HC went and made Tankers awesome(er)... but this is the kind of problem I like to have (too much to do instead of too little). 👍
  18. I was on Pinnacle (as was my son, brother, niece, nephews & coworker +wife). Main: Maximus Power Elec/Elec Blaster Alt: Crimson Avenger Claws/Regen Scrapper Redside: Cybro Robots/FF Mastermind Super Group: Absolute Power Plus several other alts Nice to see so many back!
  19. I skipped shred, taunt and hemorrhage. Not sure if that helps you for what you might be aiming for. Shred seems like a good ability but it's a consumer and some day I plan on paying attention to blood frenzy. lol
  20. This is odd - I just checked my spreadsheet because I couldn't think of any WP tankers and sure enough - I don't have any... yet. Thank you for bringing this to my attention! 😄
  21. The RNG in CoH is very much like this. It really could just be the RNG. Here's one post where we were talking about it: Speaking of purples... - General Discussion - Homecoming (homecomingservers.com)
  22. Ah yes, reddit. I do browse for info there sometimes, but posting there is not advisable unless you're into s & m or like arguing with kids. Even then I can only browse reddit for so long before my nostrils fill with the rancid stench of a dumpster fire. I had not given any thought to WHY this community is so great, but I think some of you have brought up a very valid point. The very nature of City of Heroes itself seems to attract a lot of good people. I never thought about it much myself but I think that does have something to do with it. I am just glad for this place and all of you. An expression I've been hearing people say a lot lately applies here; "I appreciate you!". So even if we can attribute some of the credit to CoH itself, it really is all of you.
  23. Yeah, I picked up on that too but I don't really notice the DoT's making me feel weak. Perhaps I just enjoy the way the build comes together and plays (fierce, visceral, wild) so that makes me pay less attention to it taking slightly longer (or just feeling like it). I'm already working up a build. One thing I am running into is having to play a bit of shuffle with enhancement slots to try to utilize invuln fully and get the most bang from savage. It's looking good though - will just probably need to sacrifice a couple of the sav powers to keep inv well built. I have no illusions that these animal toons can be built as crazy as my INV/SS which is basically an unstoppable machine (borrowed the build concept from Hyperstrike's SS/INV brute build - thanks!). But I still think I can pull off something decent with inv and still keep the best parts of sav. I'm just a bit surprised there are so few example of sav builds out there. I get it - there are better choices, but this is actually really a fun set, and so far it doesn't feel weak or slow at all to me. That feeling is one I'm familiar with because I love energy sets and before the recent changes I rerolled at least two toons out of energy because it was so underwhelming at the time. Not really getting that same caution flag feeling with savage (at least yet). I guess I never really looked closely at the savage set before so I was a bit perplexed as to the lack of build examples (comparatively speaking). There's probably a boatload of them out there somewhere, I just haven't found them. And if not, well, as I said before, I am not deterred! 😁 EDITED TO ADD: I finished a build and I can say this toon is going to be as nuts as any other tank I have. Inv/Sav work just fine. I am beginning to think the reason for the little info on Savage builds is because SOME OF YOU KNOW how awesome they are and are trying to keep it a secret! 😘
  24. Okay. So that's a 'no' lol. I kind of figured. What I'm finding strange is that when I read up on Savage Melee most folks seem as puzzled as I am - they are enjoying their toon immensely. So what gives? It seems like for whatever reason Savage is not popular EVEN THOUGH most folks think it's a blast to play. Weird. I'm fairly new to it so whatever the *bad* thing is about Savage I have yet to notice it. I really like my new robo monkey so I am not going to be deterred. Will link my build once I actually come up with one. Thanks again! 🙂
  25. So I have two 'new' toons that I am loving based on animals. The 'Cyborg Gorilla' thread in General inspired me to make a Inv/Sav Tanker and I'm having so much fun with it I'm just now starting to even look into builds. (the other is a sav/inv brute werewolf) I've looked around a bit and have come to the realization that savage doesn't seem to be popular, so I didn't find much to look at. I know how to make builds from scratch but I like to look at a few others sometimes to get the general idea of what works well (when I'm trying something relatively new). I'm pairing savage with invulnerability because of thematic reasons (a radioactive cyborg gorilla seems a bit much lol) and because I know it's a great set. Plus between Hyperstrike and Infinitum I know what I can pull off with inv. I don't need to make an 'ultimate' wipe the map by myself type here. Just something decent or if anyone knows of any specific 'should takes' or 'should not takes' and why. So, has anyone done this? Just thought I'd ask. If not, never fear, I'll figure it out from scratch. Thanks in advance! (I even looked through Infinitum's builds but didn't find one.)
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