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Obus Form

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Obus Form last won the day on March 26 2020

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  1. I left this game 1 year ago but recently began reading its forums. Over the last few months, I became Admin/Mod of another game's discord with several hundred, almost 1000 users. In that time, I've learnt to appreciate what the GMs here do. The majority of game-related forums is about sharing strategy (sometimes), random/life things (not really), and complaining of things not yet done/of decisions made by other players/reasons why the game is terrible (much yes). No matter what your decision is, there will be those who do not appreciate and likely voice their concern. Those that appreciate remain quiet (usually). To all GMs and people behind the scenes, 110% thank you from the bottom of my small Obus Heart for all the work you have done. They may not say it directly, but they do appreciate your patience, your life hours, and your balanced mindset. On behalf of the silent ones who appreciate, we love you guys. Thank you for your hours sitting behind your computer, and your unrelenting dedication to maintaining peace amongst the players. ❤️🫂
  2. What are you doing, Super Stunner Step-Bro?
  3. Regen/Regen so that we can rotate Instant Regen cooldowns to make it a "toggle" Kinetics/Cold Domination = Blue'd damage buff and to 1 shot AVs Dual Pistol/Dual Pistol + pistol shoes costume pieces = Bayonetta. Make it happen Devs
  4. I think the most standard reply for everyone would be 1. This is why you're wrong 2. This is why I'm right
  5. Dark Armor also has endurance drain resistance and recovery debuff resistance
  6. After 1/2 year hiatus, logged in and bought 1200 winter packs. Would appreciate it if everyone would kindly sell theirs off before prices return to 25kk.
  7. Obus Form

    AV Killer?

    Any of the incarnate trials or the new ASF?
  8. I only play brutes/tanks/scrappers so in this context, the value of have -recharge resistance depends on the armor set being played If your survivability is based on Resist only, then -recharge doesn't really do much to you If your survivability is based on Resist + regular active click heals (Dark Armor, Fire Armor, Radiation Armor) then -recharge might potentially kill you If your survivability is based on Resist + defense, then -recharge doesn't really do much to you If your survivability is based on Defense only, then -recharge doesn't really do much to do However, since -recharge also slows down your attack recharge (aka soft mitigation via knockback, knockdown, disorient, holds, etc) then -recharge might potentially kill you If you find yourself annoyed that you can't attack, then stacking some -recharge resistance might be good for you (Winter set bonuses, Winter's gift unique in travel power) If you find yourself not caring that your powers recharge slower cause you're still surviving, then -recharge resistance might not matter to you. Personally, I always use Dark Armor and slow 100% recharge resistance. Dark Armor has the fastest and most powerful self heal in the game, therefore -recharge resistance is a must for that armor IMO. Also, Dark Armor has the highest -End resistance (outside of Electric Armor) that also allows one to laugh at carnie's death mechanic. Essentially, slotting a Tank's Dark Armor for 100% -recharge resistance, coupled with extremely high -End resistance, and with the fastest recharging and most powerful self heal in the game makes my Dark Armor tank not care about anything except for 1-shot mechanics or unresistable resistance debuffs. Just my 2 cents/experience.
  9. Last week a player made a forum post that I read, but just couldn't take seriously given his past 30 posts and stopped mid way. Others told him about it and he said that he was erudite and added a bunch of random COH words to fix the knowledge holes. That may have sounded learned, but you don't "fix" the lack of knowledge with COH mechanics buzz words. Use actual experience to make good forum posts better. This adds true value to your post.
  10. Obus Form

    AV Killer?

    Sorry to necro an old thread and thank you @Cenozoic and @Voltak for testing. Is permanent holding an AV possible for raids or only 8 man TFs?
  11. You want to make Null portaGull?
  12. @the1egend1ives you're looking for these 2 threads of mechanics and implementation example https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/7116-proc-monsters-the-new-offender/
  13. The best trick is that SS exists in the same powerpool as Hasten
  14. You gotta go through each crash to see what hurts you the most depending on your enemies in your vicinity or endurance at the time. -20% base defense for 10 seconds. This hurts you if you're playing a defense-based armor set like Super Reflexes/Stone armor, or relying on defenses to mitigate your damage like using Dark Armor but stacking defense IO bonuses to reach 45% or 59% softcap. Typically, players of resist-based armor sets like Radiation Armor and Dark Armor would aim for 90% resists + heals and forgo any defences. Therefore, -20% defense doesn't really do much since defense wasn't really factored into their damage-mitigation plan. You could also pop Barrier, chew 2 purples, or pop other heals/T9 powers to mitigate the -20% defense if the crash occurs mid-fight. Assuming you don't need to tank the enemy for your team during your -20% defense, running away for 10 seconds is also a viable option. -25% Endurance. This can hurt if the -25% end also occurs with the -15% from Hasten's crash (both hasten and rage last for 120 seconds, thus, I often experience crashes at the same time) and/or occurs when enemies are about to hit you with -endurance attacks (carnie's death attack, sappers, freakshow electric-blast enemies). You would be -40% endurance suddenly, and depending on your endurance use by your attach chain or Armor Set, you could drop toggles. Also, if you're fighting enemies who drain your endurance, you'll need to watch your buff timers to ensure your -25% and/or -15% endurance crashes don't coincide with enemy endurance drain attacks, or else you drop all toggles. To combat the -25% endurance or -40% endurance from Rage + Hasten crash, you can simply run away from enemies, chew blues, or just don't attack until your endurance returns. If you're afraid you'll drop toggles, pop Barrier -9999% damage When your -9999% damage occurs, you can still use attacks with procs because procs themselves will still do full damage (even while your actual attack does 1 damage) if the procs occur. If you have no procs, just take a rest 🙂
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