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Everything posted by Frostbiter

  1. I think the only one of these games I was following was Valiance. I got to play it for awhile during one of their stress tests some years ago. It was a nice little tech demo at that point but looked like it had promise. Haven't checked back with it in a long while though. I've never had any real interest in City of Titans, for some reason it just looked like vaporware from the start to me. *shrugs*
  2. My work computers desktop: A photo I took with a not so good phone one misty morning from a project on top of mountain in Monongalia County, WV. One of my favorites even if it's not the best resolution.
  3. I'm sure you're right. At least those blisters are a gross sign that it's getting better.
  4. My condolences to his friends and family. As someone who lost someone close to them to a drunk driver I know this kind of loss to be sudden and painful. God Bless you and be with you.
  5. I managed to think of a home remedy that may actually help with the itching though I've not tried it for poison ivy, just insect stings and bites. It does work for those by drawing out the stingers and toxins so theoretically it might work for the poison ivy oils. Just take pipe tobacco (non-flavored unless that's your thing), wet it and make a poultice out of it. Leave it on for 1 hour minimum and no more than 3 or 4 without changing it. Can't be any worse than carb cleaner.
  6. I've never found a lack of toolbox mezz protection to be that much of a hurdle personally. Breakfrees are cheap, plentiful, and can be used proactively or retroactively. Combined with a decent working knowledge of the antagonist groups in the game mez just shouldn't be an issue past the learning phase.
  7. Only this week and the last week of ToTing are going to be fully dark. The next two weeks are normal day/night cycle. Source:
  8. 🤣🤣🤣 The deer that come down into my backyard aren't afraid of me anymore either. They just kind of give me this look like "Oh, it's this asshole again." Then they go back to eating my peonies. Literally smacked one with the broom a few weeks ago that wouldn't leave the last few bushes alone. Haven't seen any foxes this year though, just a bunch of crazy squirrels and daredevil chipmunks.
  9. Have you considered learning how to avoid the dangerous flora and fauna? 😛
  10. My first thought for the battle cry when I read that was the ole Joey Tribbiani: "Hey how you doin?"
  11. Sounds like you have it really bad. Sadly, I don't know of any folk remedies that actually work. Hope you find some kind of relief.
  12. I'm immune through exposure. That stuff is everywhere in my neck of the woods. My ex got it really bad a few years ago and tried to inflict me with it. Poor woman only made it worse for herself.
  13. LOL! Maybe you can just take a brillo pad and scrub down to the bone? Did you try apple cider vinegar?
  14. Right? Obviously I watch as a I knock mobs all over the place. It's hilarious.
  15. Man, I'm glad I'm not allergic to that stuff. It can be really nasty. 😞 Have you tried all the folk remedies yet?
  16. That's the way everybody rolled back then. Don't look at me, I didn't write all those epics.
  17. C'mon, clearly this speaks of the forging of an ancient weapon of power in the heart of a volcano and the slightly homosexual band of men that made the journey.
  18. Rebirth is a completely different server run by a completely different group. HC has their own team working on their updates. Any updates Rebirth makes wouldn't work here anyway because HC is now running a 64bit client. I'd appreciate having different server communities offering different things, if I had any interest in other servers at all.
  19. I always wanted to have Magneto's powers. Minus the helmet of course. For awhile as a kid I wanted to be Wolverine but I don't find him as interesting as 12 year old me did. Adult my wants to be able to fly.
  20. Correct, the various Enhancement bonuses from Alpha Slotting only applies to powers that take that type of Enhancements.
  21. It's an enhancement bonus so it wouldn't show as a buff under Combat Stats anywhere. It's applied to each power individually and only a portion of the enhancement bonus isn't subject to the ED diminishing returns. If you hover over the powers in the Enhancement screen it should list the Endurance Reduction bonus total for each and be reflected there but only as a total value. You'll have to math it to see how much extra bonus is being applied.
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