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Everything posted by Frostbiter

  1. I'll have you know that my Brickphone© I bought in 2002 still works and gets better reception than my Iphone XXVII.
  2. If someone in the raid is having issues with all the flashy powers going off then it should be up to them to turn down their particle counts in the options. Asking a player to modify their powersets is dickish.
  3. I'm wondering if that wasn't going to be the lead in to the promised space missions that never came. The Space Port was supposed to be in Steel Canyon IIRC.
  4. Actually I said I wasn't having End problems.
  5. Focus group testing of my new life-sized hand-puppet were not promising...
  6. I kind of did the opposite and 3 slotted it with Heal/Absorb. I wasn't really have end problems. If I add a slot for Endurance Mods it'll probably just get the Performance Shifter proc.
  7. Well, you need to have a metric arm converter before you start fooling with chains.
  8. He's for something that was being worked on before the game shutdown. This is all I could find: https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Colonel_Taggard Edit: Well , ok he was also a real person who led the 12th Pennsylvania Reserves in 1861.
  9. It's not health regen, its absorption. Think of absorption as temporary hitpoints that get subtracted from first.
  10. I preferred EQII as well, at least until they revamped crafting. Twice. It was unique and nearly a separate game until they dumbed it down.
  11. A Dooooooom! thread was inevitable I suppose.
  12. I tried WoW when it first came out and found it to be a very generic fantasy MMO. I've never picked it up again after the one week trial I used.
  13. There's already a sliding accuracy bonus from level 1-20 called Beginner's Luck. It starts large at +15% toHit and gradually decreases every level. I suspect what Jeuraud ran into was a named Boss scaled down to a Lt.
  14. *hands justicebeliever a solidly frozen Coca-Cola*
  15. You should be able to go to a trainer and modify your title and remove the "The" that way.
  16. They take heal sets and endurance modification sets, other enhancement sets are based on what the power does. For instance Frigid Protection also takes slow sets.
  17. We have Arcanaville. I've heard if you say her name 3 times she comes out and gives you a report card with an "F" on it. Or you can read about some of the stuff here: https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Attack_Mechanics
  18. It's been gone over with a fine-tooth comb. Even with the streak breaker it's streaky and at low levels it's a right PITA.
  19. Or hitting Aim/Buildup. This is actually hardcoded to happen AFAIK.
  20. I'll try to catch the show but my ex-wife got our Amazon Prime account in the divorce and she changed the password. It looks really good.
  21. Ok, lets start with the basic stuff. Have you clicked the link at the top of the forums that says "Game Account"? Your forum account is separate and you need to create your game account if you haven't already,
  22. They should stack but be aware there is a cap on -Recharge effects of -75%. It's not too hard to hit.
  23. Then I have a question for you. Why do you care enough about someone else's opinion about something to harrass them like this? Do you expect anyone to change their opinions just because you don't like it?
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