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Everything posted by Frostbiter

  1. I'll try to catch the show but my ex-wife got our Amazon Prime account in the divorce and she changed the password. It looks really good.
  2. Ok, lets start with the basic stuff. Have you clicked the link at the top of the forums that says "Game Account"? Your forum account is separate and you need to create your game account if you haven't already,
  3. They should stack but be aware there is a cap on -Recharge effects of -75%. It's not too hard to hit.
  4. Then I have a question for you. Why do you care enough about someone else's opinion about something to harrass them like this? Do you expect anyone to change their opinions just because you don't like it?
  5. Something else interesting to note: The choice of which alignment to join Loyalist/Resistance in the final chapter won't change your alignment but it will reward you the appropriate badge. So you can have both badges now.
  6. Awesome, thank you! Do you mean the level 1-20 story arcs for Praetorians that lead up to their alignment decision? I don't think those are available in Flashback, though I'm not in game to check. The Homecoming Devs added the story-arcs to the Flashback system for both Red and Blue. It's in the consolidated patch notes.
  7. The major story-arcs are there in the Flashback system on Blue-side so they can be run.
  8. The Uniques are.Their bonus doesn't change with level and the lower level versions can make exemplaring down easier. You can attune anything though (because someone will undoubtedly tell me about it if I don't mention it.)
  9. I wanted to add my own thanks to the list. I played off and on for 9 years (mostly on with some breaks of a few months here and there) and coming back to Paragon City was truly like coming home. Thanks to Laandro and the team for making the city be alive again.
  10. Ms. Liberty is Miss Liberty's daughter. Miss Liberty is the daughter of Marcus Cole AKA Statesman.
  11. I tried playing Redside several times when CoV out but I found the zones to be very bland and Longbow/Araknos to be even blander. Blueside is just more better.
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