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Everything posted by Rudra

  1. No, they haven't. I often got tips without losing my current mission marker or contact marker.
  2. Personally, I would like a lot of the filler to just go away, but not without something worthwhile to replace it. So for contacts that are just filler missions, I would like to see them get a story arc. For contacts that have the exact same filler missions, I would at least like more variety between their missions so I'm not taking down the same named baddie on the same map from my 3rd contact in a row giving this non-random mission. For that Clockwork arc/TF, rip out the obvious filler. It just serves no purpose other than dragging out the arc to mind-numbing degrees. Aside from that? I haven't got a clue how to address this.
  3. Make the summoned beings worth exactly 0 xp/inf' like BP summoned zombies are. This and the lack of ability to keep your pets from just killing you for starting out as enemies (confused summons) are my main problems with the proposal.
  4. I missed that part. Apologies. What you are describing is a trope of summoners, where they summon creatures to do their bidding, but must force the summoned beings into submission to get them to serve. However, a "typical" summoner can call upon a wide variety of creatures to do their bidding. So I'm not sure how it would work. And if you retain the force into submission part, then you can fail at it, which means you just summoned more enemies to you. So there is that little problem as well.
  5. I personally have no idea why anyone would make a mastermind character with no control over their henchmen. I mean, that is what makes masterminds... masterminds. They have control over large groups of followers and resources. So calling in followers that immediately start attacking their boss and their boss' allies who are already embroiled in a fight makes no sense. What you are proposing is interesting as a concept, but most definitely is not a mastermind.
  6. The best example I can give is the Clockwork arc that is both a contact given story arc and a TF. Both the story arc and the TF are the exact same mission on the exact same maps against the exact same named enemies in the exact same zones for each mission. The difference? The story arc is longer, by 3 missions if I remember correctly. Do you really think those 3 missions are imperative to the story? How about the 3-5, I can't remember how many, missions where you run through the exact same map in both the story arc and the TF taking down bosses for no other reason given than they are there. Those missions as a group do not contribute to the overall story presented in either the story arc or the TF. They are just repeated missions padding out the time. Like you said, to keep you playing as long as possible. However, you know what you call something that adds nothing but time/volume to something? Filler.
  7. Per Requiem's message, no, there isn't. He is the only non-wolf anywhere in that world. According to what the mission(s) say, they destroyed their own world. Like the Mandalorians did to their worlds like in Star Wars Rebels said. Lots of different tribes/groups fighting each other and just obliterating everything to ensure the other side doesn't have anything useful to use against them. More content delving into the lightly covered lore of the game would be nice, yes. However, at least 2 of your questions are answered in their missions.
  8. This part was previously reported. Yeah, none of the Freaklok should be showing as enemies to you or Bile. That's the problem with the fences. Combat NPCs have a sufficiently large aggro range that they can target those mobs even though they can't reach them. (Edit: It's like when you are going through a building and suddenly the combat NPC you are escorting takes off, leaves the room you're in, goes down a hall, and enters the room on the other side of the walls from the room you're in because somehow the combat NPC detected the mobs in the other room to attack.) If the Freaklok bug doesn't rear its head, you can just lead Bile along the wall opposite the fence to keep him from aggroing over there. (As long as you can clear the ambushes without them wandering over towards the fence.)
  9. The only one I can easily find is from Dev Unitas, but that is specifically about how some attacks are affecting pets in general. So, no, I can't. Sorry.
  10. If that is the route the devs decide to go, I won't complain. (I always did find it odd that MM henchmen pets had lower scalars than regular pets.) One did post in the Suggestions and Feedback forum that they were aware of MMs' plight and were looking at it.
  11. I don't know about others, but I just want people to at least try my arc. I have a followup arc that I've been sitting on because so far only 2 people have even done the one arc I published. (They both rated it 5s, and I appreciate that, but I was hoping for feedback as well. And only 2 having tried the arc in the time it's been sitting in AE isn't exactly encouraging for putting together the followup arc.)
  12. That display is not one big window of text. It is two windows of the same text. Check your chat tab settings for the incorrect tab and see what you have selected there. (Edit: Your screenshot is too blurry for me to see if you have the same chat tab set in both windows.)
  13. That's because it is supposed to work off of the pets' resistance, not the MM's. (Edit: Which means Mercenaries needs to be fixed.)
  14. I'm curious as to what would constitute more visible cursors for the author that high contrast cursors fail at. Just to be clear, I am not opposing the OP. Lord knows I've lost track of the cursor in several big fights and then had to quickly scroll the mouse to try and find it again so I can place a location AoE attack like Lightning Rod. It's just that if high contrast cursors don't work for the author, I don't know what could and would like more information from the author if possible. Another possibility that may help is a mouse home function. You hit a button and the cursor immediately goes to the designated corner, probably top left, of the window to facilitate finding it.
  15. I can't speak for others, but I don't have room for the AoE, and the ST recharges twice as fast. so it makes it much more manageable to lock down priority targets.
  16. At -75%, that still puts it equal to the Scrapper's taunt ability of Confront.
  17. To mirror @megaericzero, I have a level 50 Energy/Energy Blaster that has Pacify and Intimidate. I use Intimidate to lock down specific targets so I can deal with others, like the Tsoo Sorcerers while I clear out their damage dealers. Sometimes, though only rarely, I can even frighten a boss into silence to buy myself more breathing room. (I also have Pacify, but I don't use it as often. Mostly to unlock Unrelenting.)
  18. Not really. Scrappers get provoke. Tankers/Brutes get Taunt. Controllers and Dominators have layered mezzes. I agree that the flee mechanic in the game needs to be fixed. (Edit: For crying out loud, BP Spirits of Death and Totems are not supposed to run away from their chosen PC target, but I've had to chase them down as they fled multiple times.) I don't agree with taking away Intimidate and Invoke Panic to give all characters Tanker auto-taunt aura capability.
  19. I have to agree with @CrusaderDroid. If defeated, just talk to the nurse at the hospital to buy inspirations, then go back to the missions and stomp what defeated you. Or ask an online friend for help. Or ask in a chat channel for help. If you are about to be defeated and don't want to be, then run away. Take the time to heal up, maybe go buy some inspirations or send a message asking for help as previously mentioned. The whole reason why there even is a logoff timer keeping your character in play for a little while after logging off is specifically to prevent characters from avoiding defeat by logging off. Add in the OMG levels of coding complexity the OP asks for, adding the ability to take a mission "snapshot" at the time of the Cliffhanger feature was used, fully preserving mobs defeated, then randomizing where surviving mobs are, sending out a server wide message that Player X is logging back into a (presumably) almost completed mission and needs help, then spawning random responders into Player X's mission before Player X even loads in to deal with the problem? Yeah, that's a very complicated ask. And if the responding player is a support character there to help Player X survive but now is facing off against Elite Boss of Doom alone because Player X isn't even there yet, well now that player's character probably suffered a defeat they wouldn't have if they had just kept playing and not responded to the message.
  20. Rudra

    An odd thing

    I'm thinking that is because while in the phased part of the map, they are considered to be on different maps. I'm not certain that is the case, it is just what I previously heard.
  21. MM henchmen are still pets. They are pets of a henchman tier rather than a Controller's pet tier pets, the MM gets more of them with all of them being lieutenants, the MM can summon replacements way faster than any Controller or Dominator could ever dream, they can be commanded whereas other pets (excluding Lore) cannot be, and in Bodyguard Mode they shield the MM's HP bar, but they are still pets. Because MMs are the pet master AT. And that would be my guess as to why the ATOs for MMs were designed the way they were. If you think MMs should be able to slot MM ATOs in more powers than the pet powers, that is your opinion. As I said, I disagree with that opinion. Because my opinion is otherwise. And you have not changed my mind on the matter. I was (and still am) content to leave it as we agree to disagree, but this argument you posted required a response. So are we good at leaving it as we agree to disagree? Edit: If you want to understand where I am coming from, it's this: Brutes, Scrappers, Stalkers, and Tankers are melee damage ATs, so they get melee damage sets exclusive to them that have procs based on the respective ATs. Because melee damage can be either single target or AoE, they can slot in either type power. Blasters, Corruptors, and Defenders are ranged damage ATs, so they get ranged damage sets exclusive to them with procs based on the respective ATs. Since range damage can be single target or AoE, they can slot into either type power. Controllers and Dominators are control ATs, so they get control sets exclusive to them based on their respective ATs. Masterminds are the lone pet AT, and so have pet damage sets. Is it fair? I'm not saying it is. However, just like all the other ATs, they have ATOs that are based on what the AT revolves around.
  22. Rudra

    An odd thing

    Are you sure? In Mercy, what I see on my higher level characters very much depends on what I did as a starting character. Whether the phased part of the zone is there or not changes upon whether or not I did Operative Kuzmin's arc. Just like Laura Lockhart in Steel Canyon and the doctor in Imperial City. What the character did changes what they interact with while on a team with someone that did that part differently.
  23. Depending on whether the mission was set as active when you changed your difficulty settings, it will retain your previous difficulty settings. Also, some missions are set to a minimum level. If that minimum level is higher than your settings, or if the mission is set to always have some spawns at a set difficulty, it will still appear tougher. Case in point, when doing Crosscut's anti-venom mission, the Cobras are going to be red to you, always. (At least in my experience, regardless of my mission settings or leveling up higher than the mission level.) Yeah, that's a bug that crops up now and again. Sorry it happened to you.
  24. Rudra

    An odd thing

    Like @Greycat said, one of you did the Matthew Habashy arc, including the Aaron Thiery part, and the other did not. The area you have highlighted is where Arachnos forces would be during Aaron Thiery's arc, but becomes the normal Hellion, Vahzilok, and Clockwork filled area otherwise. So was one of you seeing Arachnos and the other Hellions, Vahzilok, and Clockwork; or were you both seeing Hellions, Vahzilok, and Clockwork? That's part of the problem with the zone phasing mechanic. If everyone on the team didn't do the same things, they encounter different versions of the affected area.
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