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Everything posted by Naomi

  1. Your thread was split as it isn't considered a costume bug. Metallic proliferation will probably happen eventually, I just don't know when. If you want to assist in making it happen faster, you can link all previous metallic port threads in a response so they're all together and I don't forget something. Some of the similar ones mentioned a legacy metal texture that doesn't exist anymore as an option?
  2. Just putting this here for reference. The ones without an asterisk already exist, at least for males. Males: Gloves > Banded > Metallic Gloves > Banded > Tights Sleek Gloves > Banded > Full * Gloves > Banded > Bodysuit Muscled Gloss * Gloves > Large > Metallic Gloves > Large > Tights Sleek Gloves > Large > Full Gloves > Large > Bodysuit Muscled Gloss *
  3. This is what I meant, yes. @UltraAlt If it's just the color or transparency or sound you're having an issue with and not the animation FX, at the moment you can probably mod those textures to take less of a tint of whatever color someone is picking, or picking your own color for it. If this sounds like something that would help as a temporary solution, let me know.
  4. This is what issues like this boil down to. The development time and number of people affected are almost irrelevant to us provided the reports are honest so the voting and arguing in these types of threads is also a waste of time to participate in. There are better solutions out there that don't have to involve just changing a power's visuals, which despite being the most obvious and easiest thing to do, nobody wants to have to do, including the people it affects.
  5. I'll make a note of this to add them, since they should technically be available under Shirts and Unique Tops. The only reason they're not (and there could be others) is because the lists that maintain them are duplicated lists per category, so oversights tend to happen. For obvious reasons, they don't belong in Tights, Baggy and Armored which are the only other 3 categories they're not available under. If you find similar inconsistencies like this, feel free to mention it on the costume bug report thread.
  6. Cutting up and repurposing models like that is generally unacceptable if the intent is to actually make something it isn't. I say generally because it depends a lot on context. Otherwise we can and have done it (pistol belts are an example). In this case, and many others, it would be far superior to make what you're asking for from scratch, even if the visual design is roughly the same.
  7. It's not terribly difficult, but that process you describe is how most of the statues were made, and why they all look the "same". Modeling custom statues of people and animals is not dissimilar from character modeling in general, so it was a huge time saver. If you have specific suggestions, there's no harm in throwing them out there though.
  8. Those are just the models used to render the stencils, shown for completeness.
  9. Do you want actual stylized symbols akin to the horse head we have or would silhouettes of actual chess pieces be better for what you're asking? Silhouettes would be pretty simple at the moment since I have an unreleased chess set for bases I could use to render out the graphics. This is more or less what they'd look like that way, with maybe some cutouts:
  10. This is actually something I considered asking the team about at some point, since bugs can and do tend to fall to the wayside, depending on their severity and annoyance to fix in the face of current content being developed. For every small QoL issue or bug that gets overlooked, it's +1 issue in the issue tracker so it becomes a dripping bucket issue. Making sure we empty the bucket every now and then to keep the tracker manageable, while not "fun", would provide a nice peace of mind. For visual/fx bugs, it would also mean less possibility that because of issue x, we can't do y until three other things are fixed. It doesn't have to be a whole issue or anything, but rather just an all hands on deck, fix only issues on the tracker for the next patch type of thing. I think it makes sense to do after major page releases since that's when a lot of bugs, related to the page or not, tend to start being submitted in en masse. On the other hand, I can't remember a page where a number of bug fixes don't get included as part of the release, but all in all, I wouldn't mind doing this.
  11. Thanks @VULCAN! I've added it internally. Females already seem to have them with hats, so it was just male and huge.
  12. If you can get me the name of the contact that gives out the mission I could take a look. A lot of ruined versions of objects don't actually have an addressable name in the editor for bases to use, since they are often map wide texture swaps of the regular versions, so they can take a little extra work to set up.
  13. Close Tequila and try deleting tequila.xml, tequilalog.xml and TequilaActivityLog.txt from your game directory and trying again. That usually helps me when it gets stuck like that sometimes. If that doesn't work, it's very much recommended to upgrade to the new launcher.
  14. Since it might be a while before the next round of fixes, I just wanted people to know I'm aware of the emote issues, including the male/huge coffee needing adjustments. I could give you a really long reason for why sometimes obvious things make it to live, but at the end of the day sometimes it just happens.
  15. Thanks, pretty sure this was an oversight. @Sovera I understand now what you mean. Unfortunately this would require making everything that "human skin" has and porting it to a spectrum, metal, fur, bio-luminescence variant, such as fingerless gloves. So you would see "Fingerless, Fingerless Spectrum, Fingerless Fur, Fingerless Metal" etc in the list, for each and every non-human flesh type that could be classified as that. You could also argue the zombie texture set is one of those. The work involved is a mixed bag of labor and time, since creating those texture skin types requires doing so for the diffuse, normal, alpha and masks. It's around 5 new textures, per unique option like fingerless. Taking into account sometimes the gender textures are unique to M/F/H, possibly more. That's 20~ textures done by hand, best case scenario, just to port fingerless to other skin types. Multiply that labor per available option (shoes without socks, and whatever else there is) and that's what's involved, ignoring the time it takes to plug them into the costume editor. It sort of straddles the line of duplication so while I wouldn't necessarily object to the goal here, if there was a weird stroke of color across shoe laces that had to be fixed, it would need to be fixed for an exponentially higher number of textures than there was originally. The same is true if you wanted to add some more scales on bio-luminescence behind the knee.. you would then need to re-copy that portion to every alternative bio-luminescence boot variation. Ongoing or potential maintenance of parts is part of the consideration when something seems simple enough that people often forget about, as well as the supporting textures, so with current engine limitations, it's a hard sell sometimes. Personally I would rather do or see actual geometry for shoes and gloves that were independent of your chosen tights or sub-model part for gloves and boots, but that's currently got limitations of its own. That said, if you absolutely must have fingerless gloves to go with your werewolf who wears a leather jacket to complete your look, exceptions or alternatives are not entirely off the table.
  16. I'm having a little trouble understanding what you want, but it sounds familiar and if it wasn't you that already asked previously in the request boards, that's the best place for things to go that are not related to patch feedback. For bio-luminescence and the rest of those related animal textures, they can only accept two colors to tint the main texture. If patterns were to be available for bio-luminescence, the bright white stripes would be your selected skin color, and your pattern color would overlay on that. If you select orange, white, black or any shared colors, and set your primary to the same color as your skin, you can get a better idea of what you'd be working with or limited to. Alternatively, you could have bio-luminescence not accept your skin color and instead, function the same way, but with the regular pallet and patterns. As far as the naked thing I'm not sure what you mean, since those patterns should be available underneath shorts, shirts and the same categories as everything else. If this is specific to a bikini pattern or shorts pattern being unavailable, remember that then your bright colors would be locked to the same color as the rest of the bio-luminescence texture if that was enabled. Given that this is the sort of stylized texture that almost demands 3 colors, there's like you say, limits as far as what can actually be done right now. As for whether it looks bad at the leg it doesn't bother me personally, but it was done that way so that it blends well with regular flat feet and whatever other foot textures show skin. I know the gloves are cut right at the seam but it's more noticeable at the legs. If you just want more scales behind and around the knee that might be workable, but I generally don't like to change existing costume parts people have become accustomed to past a small threshold, which is usually correcting texture issues, nor do I like to duplicate entire textures if I can help it for minor variations. If you want to clarify more what you want in the request forum feel free to ping me there.
  17. Possibly at a future time. There's a couple of annoying issues with setting a precedent for holsters like that. Not an oversight, as fem and huge have poke-through clipping on the sleeves, and since the majority of the glove isn't visible, they were left out for the same reasons most other gloves being missing are. I only checked male crossing their arms in the costume creator so if males have constant poke through in-game with other actions, I'm unaware. Alternatively, and something I wish I thought of earlier, since the mesh itself is virtually identical to smooth on the parts you can see when worn with jackets (wrist down), simply putting the texture on smooth geo and calling it Gold Bricker for when it's displayed on jackets is an ideal and simple fix.
  18. Zone/Mission: Atlas Park Position: [-1499.1 -0.5 -179.9] Description: Floating dirt decal 3' above sidewalk (hard to see with a screenshot so I have omitted it)
  19. I couldn't personally, as I would only be speculating, and if my speculations mention any of the obvious reasons, I don't want the thread going off topic from the OPs question and turning into a debate about what Homecoming should or shouldn't do, as all of the arguments against or for such a possibility are well known.
  20. If you have Discord, the OuroDev Discord server would be one of the best place to ask or get support for that, especially compiling (they're usually pretty helpful in there to questions similar to yours!) Homecoming's code base has diverged enough by now that it may not always be apples to apples (if you plan on suggesting changes), and the code used here isn't publicly available.
  21. Some notes: Arena Headset will be moved to Detail 2. Aeon Tech glow might change in the future if time permits (agree it does look odd with some color choices) We were going to do a tintable Gold Bricker pack + legacy pack, but I held off them being included due to an existing discussion about customizable jet pack powers in general, and didn't want to risk complicating its potential implementation in the future by adding more jet packs or wings to the costume creator. This is not a promise of a planned feature so much as just letting you know the combinations of back / flight options and powers is a bit convoluted and we want to make it better. If it looks like whatever we decide is a ways off, we could probably do it sooner rather than later, but I dislike (in general) the idea that parts can be doubled up due to co-planar flickering when two identical meshes are in the same spot (Costume Jet pack + Temp power active at the same time). Innertube with animal legs: Animal legs and heads are the red-headed step-children of costume parts since they break conventional rules about their design and compatibility with the player skeleton. There are no tech based solutions in place for the legs in particular that would allow for alternative animations for them when in use, but we'll see if something can be done for it at some point. If your comment is removed by the GMs, it's because your feedback isn't relevant to what's directly in the patch notes. Requests and ideas should go in Suggestions and Feedback.
  22. If you switch to surface mode (F5) you can snap ceiling-defaulted objects wherever you'd like. If you don't have a fake ceiling made to snap to, you can also use other modes with rotation (such as Floor) to get it to do what you want.
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