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Everything posted by Arc-Mage

  1. @BjorJlen Thank you for the kind words. You may want to try what @Bionic_Flea suggest. For a flea he always has sound advice. Although, I’d suggest trying the Homecoming launcher anyway. It has some nice features and allows you to connect other versions of the game to that launcher.
  2. Yes, the only info I found when doing a search for CoH and Sweet Tea was for Rebirth which is what drew my conclusion. Homecoming has announced that they are doing away with the other launchers at some point in the future. So, like it or hate it, just pull that band aid off now and switch to the Homecoming launcher.
  3. Yep, You are correct it is bugged. The safe door is shut. I believe it was either open or a breakable one before. I can place pets behind the safe door but can not go through it myself.
  4. This is a conversation I can get into.
  5. Sweet Tea is for Rebirth. This is Homecoming. If you want to play on Homecoming DL the Launcher. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/installation-guide/ Im not sure if you can add the Rebirth server to the Homecoming Launcher but do some digging on the forums and I’m sure you can find out.
  6. I no longer feel guilty for joining teams with some of my unslotted toons. Thank You.
  7. There is already something similar in the game. It’s for the location Badges. When you enter a zone look under the “Tips” tab. A clue to the location of any Badges you are missing will pop up.
  8. Your example isn’t a good one because there is an entire TF in Ouro dedicated to it. But more like that would be fun. It would be a good reason to bring that TF back.
  9. It’s not just you. After having it explained to me in child like terms I finally understood. I had a few toons not logged in in as little as 21 days that did not receive the temp power either. Honestly however, I don’t feel that it’s a big deal because there are other powers in game that do the same thing. I totally get wanting everything you should be awarded but this Temp power just isn’t a major item….at least to me.
  10. Portals? We don’t need no stinking Portals. It may take me Three Months, but I can fly to the Moon.
  11. @Andramada Don’t compare Adamastor to anything else in game. It’s a unique thing. Regarding the Woodsman Trial, rarely does it last more than 10 minutes. It’s one of my favorite Trials in game for legacy reasons as well as time investment. I’d say about one in 20 runs ends with a team wipe. Sometimes the team build doesn’t even allow for completion. If you aren’t able to complete the Trial quickly try another toon or even another team.
  12. You do realize that Enhancement Converters drop on grey level NPCs? You don’t get an easier farm outside of AE then that.
  13. The writers strike won’t have any effect on continuing stories will it? /jk
  14. @Luminara Thank you for the picture. I was referencing the patch notes. As you probably know the patch notes do not mention the "Experienced" 5 charges. I feel like I may have not phrased my thoughts properly. The Patroller Day Job Patroller XP and the Anniversary Badge Experienced power do the same thing, they give Patrol XP. My guess is that they just took the code from the Patroller Day Job and tweaked it to the Anniversary Badge Experienced power. And yes, They both award Patrol XP. If a toon is lvl 50 or higher they stop interacting with Patrol XP unless they have debt when they log out. Assuming this rule for the Day Job Patroller works the same as the Experienced power this would explain why a toon would not receive it if they are over lvl 50. Further, if a toon lower than lvl 50 already has 10 charges of Patrol XP from the Patroller Badge, before the Anniversary Badge was awarded, they would not receive an additional 5 charges from the of the Experienced power. This is because the maximum number of charges of Patrol XP a toon can have is 10 charges. All of this assumes that the Experienced power operates under the same rules as the Day Job Patroller power. I'm just offering a possible reason why the OP is not receiving the 5 charges of Experienced.
  15. I would love a Villain that had a constant rain cloud over his head.
  16. @twozerofoxtrot It may have operated like that previously but it doesn’t say it is that way this year. No mention of it in the patch notes. I noticed you didn’t find a link either.
  17. @Luminara Can you point to where it says you get recharge of Patrol XP with the 19th Anniversary Badge? I don’t find it in a search. If you are supposed to get the recharge maybe the problem is that’s it operating under the Day Job criteria and the 19th Anniversary Badge rules. Uber’s link only says what I had previously posted. The 5 Charges as opposed to 10 is contrary to what the wiki says. https://archive.paragonwiki.com/wiki/Patrol_Experience The wiki also says it’s no longer awarded to toons after they hit lvl 50.
  18. I ignored the pop up anniversary Badge because it doesn’t matter if you ultimately get the badge. The pop up when initially logging on, while exciting is not as important as actually receiving the badge. FYI: That’s a bug that goes back to the secret server days. I attribute it to the Devs not having all the tools they needed to implement some things properly. The 5 (actually 10 when logged out long enough) Charges of Patrol XP are given for the Patroller Day Job Badge. You only get that Badge by logging out almost anywhere other than a location designated as a Day Job. If you log out at say, the Tram, you will not receive this Patrol XP. Instead you will receive +Speed Boost.
  19. Grats on your new level. Hope to see you in game.
  20. If you are logging out in a Day Job location you will not get the Patrol XP recharge. You will only get the reward for that Day Job location. You must log out in an area that is not designated as a Day Job.
  21. This has come up before. Look through some old posts. I’m sure you will find a fix.
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